Gordon B. Hinckley -Listen by the Power of the Spirit
- Thank you for the inspiring instruction and uplifting talks that were given, and without hesitation we will tell you that the tears flowed freely as we truly sat at the feet of the Lord's servants.
- You have gathered to be helped with your temporal concerns, your failures, and your victories. you have come to hear the word of the Lord taught by those who, not of their own choosing, have been called as teachers in this great work.
- Today we are looked upon with respect by people across the world. We must always be worthy of that respect. We must earn it, or we will not have it.
Boyd K. Packer -The Twelve Apostles
- Where the First Presidency cannot go, the Twelve are sent "to unlock the door of the kingdom in all places." They are commissioned to go to all the world, for the word Apostle means "one [who is] sent forth."
- The gift of discernment was an awesome burden to carry. to see clearly what is ahead and yet find members slow to respond or resistant to counsel or even rejecting the witness of the apostles and prophets brings deep sorrow.
- There are limits to what the Spirit permits us to say.
L. Aldin Porter -The Spirit of Prophecy
- The testimony of the Holy Spirit bears witness that it is true. That testimony is the means, in most instances, by which God reveals truth to mankind. It is not a new or strange phenomenon but is as old as the human race.
- When a man speaketh by the power of the Holy Ghost the power of the holy Ghost carrieth it unto the hearts of men.
- The Holy Spirit does not teach the proud, the unteachable, the indolent, or the doubter. A deep desire for truth and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ will prepare one's heart to be taught spiritual things.
- Speaking of the missionaries: "They are a miracle. ... They speak out of their hearts, with personal conviction. Each is ... an ambassador of the Lord Jesus Christ. Their power comes not of their learning in the things of the world. Their power comes of faith, and prayer, and humility."
- But ours is a day of dwindling faith and increasing skepticism about sacred things. Our time reminds me of the period just prior to the coming of the resurrected Savior to this continent. They were very dark days.
- The sound of the voice of the Lord is a continuous melody and a thunderous appeal.
- The spiritual witness of these sacred things and the demands of sacrifice inevitably walk the road together. In time, one comes to understand the necessity of this and is filled with gratitude that it is so.
Virginia H. Pearce -The Ordinary Classroom--a Powerful Place for Steady and Continued Growth
- The reality of life is that each of us is daily at risk for drifting or even marching into inactivity.
- The fundamental curriculum for all classes in the Church is the scriptures --they contain the unchanging doctrines of the kingdom of God. These truths are what brought us into the Church. If we fail to continue learning them, we may not stay.
- A teacher's goal is greater than just delivering a lecture about truth. It is to invite the Spirit and use techniques which will enhance the possibility that the learner will discover the truth for herself and then be motivated to apply it. Although some seem to be born teachers, teaching skills can successfully be learned.
- We don't have to struggle alone in this Church. There is help everywhere.
- "The learning has to be done by the pupil. Therefore it is the pupil who has to be put into action. When a teacher takes the spotlight, becomes the star of the show, does all the talking, and otherwise takes over all of the activity, it is almost certain that he is interfering with the learning of the class members."
- The skilled teacher does not want students to leave the class talking about how magnificent and unusual the teacher is. This teacher wants students who leave talking about how magnificent the gospel is!
- Learning occurs best in an atmosphere of trust and safety. This means that each person's questions and contributions are respected. When we feel safe and included, we can ask questions that will help us to understand the gospel. We can share insights and faith that might help someone else. We can stumble without embarrassment as we try to apply the lessons taught. Conversely, when we feel that we must protect and defend ourselves or seem more righteous than we are, our energy is used counterproductively and our learning and the learning of others is severely limited. Maintaining a climate of trust and safety is a responsibility the teacher and the learners share.
- Motherhood is a divine role.
- Every teacher can be a better teacher than he or she is today.
- Every learner can be a better learner than he or she is today.
David B. Haight -Prophets Are Inspired
- We have some limitations. I understand mine, and sometimes we can learn to sort of plow around them.
- More people have become interested in the Church because they have seen a living prophet in the flesh stand before that immense audience and declare to the world, "Of course I do. Isn't it great?"
Thomas S. Monson -Christ at Bethesda's Pool
- From time to time the question has been posted, "If Jesus appeared to you today, what questions would you ask of Him?"
- My answer has always been, "I would not utter a word. I would listen to Him."
- Down through the generations of time, the message from Jesus has been the same.
- And to you and to me, if we but listen, shall come that same beckoning invitation, "Follow me."
- "If they would see the star that should at once direct their feet and influence their destiny, they must look for it--not in the changing skies of outward circumstance, but each in the depth of his own heart and after the pattern provided by the Master."
- "'And what is as important as knowledge?' asked the mind
- "'Caring and seeing with the heart,' answered the soul."
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
I've been rather sweeted out. And it's not even Halloween yet!
Well, my brother had his Farewell last Sunday,
and we had a party at my parent's place, where everyone was invited to bring desserts.
SOOO MANY COOKIES! and brownies, and cakes...etc.
So many in fact, that we had more then more then enough after everyone had gone. lol
I think we were expecting the city to come down upon us for how many different treats we had.
There must have been at least thirty different plates of thirty different treats at least.
That is a TON of cookies.
lol I'm pretty sure my sister was in heaven. She loves the sweets.
Me...not so much. I love sweets, but I can't eat too many of them at once.
Kikay on the other hand can probably eat a mountain of chocolate in a day and suffer no side effects (beyond getting super hyper or something.)
But yah.
We had a ton leftover.
Even after giving some to our guests.
So Kikay and I took some home to our apartments.
Yah.... a week later and I'm still slowly making my way through my mini mountain of treats.
Seriously. I can't eat it all.
Neither can my roommates either.
Sooo it's a good thing that cookies have a longer shelf life.
Because I'm probably still going to be working on these in a year from now. ;) haha.
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
You know what is both beneficial and annoying at the same time?
I love the advances we're making in it.
But I hate that it's advancing so quickly.
And 'old foggies' like me who don't want to 'upgrade'
...Are left in the dust.
For example.
I moved into a new apartment a while ago.
And it came with this nice big shiny tv.
It took a bit of getting used to.
But I like it.
What I don't like.
Is that it's not playing nice with my VCR/DVD player.
I mean, it likes the DVD portion of the player.
But not the VCR portion.
In that, the back of the HD TV has no Yellow circle for me to plug into.
-You may remember mentioning this same TV having problems with the DVD player as well. In that I had to go buy a Red Blue Green cord to make it play nice.
Well apparently (it took me a bit to realize it.) VCR doesn't work with Red. Blue. or Green.
No, it prefers yellow.
And TV...doesn't have yellow.
I know. Because if it had, I wouldn't have had to buy the Blue, Red, Green cord.
And because it doesn't have yellow,
If I put in a VHS tape.
Nothing shows up on the screen.
Video doesn't convert to HD apparently. >.>
And what's even more annoying?
I can't just go out and buy the right component at the DI
No, it's a special cord.
One....that none of the local electronic stores carry.
Yah. NONE.
Apparently I have to order it online.
...and since I have no idea what sort of cord it is (and I can't remember the RD..whatsit number that the guy rattled off to me because I was dead tired when I went to look for it.)
I don't want to buy something online....and have it arrive. And STILL not work.
One store suggested I just go buy a new VCR/DVD player that has HD capabilities.
O.o Somehow...I doubt this exists.
I know it took my parents a bit of searching to find the current player I own. And that was a couple years ago.
Okay. Just looked it up. Such a player does exist. But it's waaaaay out of my price range.
In any case.
I'm rather missing my VHS tapes...as that was most of my movie collection.
And there is only so many times I can watch the same movie over and over without annoying my roommates. lol.
So maybe, I'll just need to search out the DVD versions of my VHS movie and go that way. It would probably save on space.
Only....DVD has 'upgraded' as well.
To Blu-ray
And my current player doesn't do Blu-ray.
And while DVDs still exist....
They're not as fun as Blu-rays.
Because for some odd reason, the movies being released recently, barely have any Bonus Features on the regular DVD.
On some. There are NONE.
I'm guessing its so that a 'better quality' can be shown on the DVD?
Yet, they're only found on the Blu-ray.
That's sooo not fair. >.>
Can't us DVD fans get a special Bonus Feature or six? At least include the Deleted Scenes for Pete's sake!
Grrr. Yah.
I don't want to spend more money.
However, I'm thinking I'll have to break soon.
Or....come up with a creative solution....
We'll have to see....
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
You know what's scary?
When you think you accidentally kill something. On accident.
There we were, Reth and I, giving one of the snakes a nice hot soak.
You know, to help relax him and convince him that eating afterwards would be very beneficial.
So, the snake was placed in a bowl, but he kept slithering out.
He really needed to soak, so Reth placed him in a container with a lid.
Put in warm water.
The snake totally freaked out!
It was thrashing, jerking wildly, opening and closings its mouth.
Man, I was sure that a finger would be lost if we tried to pull him out.
Then suddenly.
He froze.
Mouth open, body slightly curled. Water going into his mouth.
We stared at him in surprise. I mean, if your bottom jaw is open under water, and the top is above water...and he's not moving.
That means he died right?
What a weird way to go! I mean, it was just water. Did he freak himself to death?
After a few tense moments of waiting.
Talking about it, deciding that his muscles were still engaged and he hadn't gone limp.
He finally began to move.
Slowly ever so slowly closing his mouth, he laid there.
He's alive!
Reth and I had never seen a snake do that. It was rather freaky.
Having him laying half submerged in water with his mouth open in a silent scream?
Not an image you get out of your head easily.
But luckily, he's okay! :)
Hopefully, he won't freak out like that again the next time we give him a soak.
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
The Dream
From what I remember, our house was going to burn down because we were under attack and I was trying to gather everything important -like stuffed animals- in the house to save what we could. But as I was coming up the hill, this guy came at me with this machine looking war gun, and he started firing at me with no concern at all that I was basically an innocent by stander!
I confronted this guy with a full head of grey hair and 'glamor' like quality to it.
And realized. It was Satan. Satan was attacking me. He was making my dream horrible. So I looked him in the eye and said three times something along the lines of "By the power of Jesus Christ, leave me alone."
And he did. He smiled at me in approval like he was glad I'd remembered how to make him go away, and he faded away....
Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)
Elder F. Burton Howard of the Seventy acquaints us with a strong testimony of the converting power of the Book of Mormon: Sister Celia Cruz Ayala of the Puerto Rico San Juan Mission decided to give the Book of Mormon to a friend.
She wrapped it in attractive paper and set out to deliver her present.
On the way she was attacked by a bandit who stole her purse and with it the wrapped copy of the Book of Mormon.
A few days later she received this letter:
Mrs. Cruz:
Forgive me, forgive me.
You will never know how sorry I am for attacking you.
But because of it, my life has changed and will continue to change.
That book [the Book of Mormon] has helped me in my life.
The dream of that man of God has shaken me.
... I am returning your five pesos for I can't spend them.
I want you to know that you seemed to have a radiance about you.
That light seemed to stop me [from harming you, so] I ran away instead.
I want you to know that you will see me again, but when you do, you won't recognize me, for I will be your brother.
... Here, where I live, I have to find the Lord and go to the church you belong to.
The message you wrote in that book brought tears to my eyes.
Since Wednesday night I have not been able to stop reading it.
I have prayed and asked God to forgive me, [and] I ask you to forgive me.
... I thought your wrapped gift was something I could sell.
[Instead,] it has made me want to make my life over.
Forgive me, forgive me, I beg you.
Your absent friend.
James E. Faust -What I Want My Son to Know before He Leaves on His Mission -April 1996 General Conference
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
The Dream
There were a bunch of people at Starsmet, shopping, but these three girls seemed to be getting into everything. They went into the backroom where they weren't supposed to go but they argued that they could go back there because the sign we had on the door hadn't said 'not to enter' it had other words on it that basically meant the same thing, but the girls didn't believe it did. So my manager and I had to write "Do Not Enter" on the current sign to finally get them to stop. Then I was driving home from work, down a mountain trail, and a rain/snow storm caught me as kept sending muddy rockslides down the dirt trail that me and other cars had to avoid. A lot of cars had gotten stuck, and I ended up exiting through a bus onto the street below my parents house. There two kids, a young boy and girl were playing. I turned behind me and saw a rattlesnake come out of the sand and try to strike me. I ran but like lightning it came after me, however I somehow managed to veer it off towards the children. It struck them and killed them and I got a bizarre sense of pleasure from it, however, I decided that this wasn't the sort of ending for the children that I would want, so I pulled out a remote and hit a button and in a blink of an eye the children were alive again.
Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. ;)
There I was.
A bit disgruntled about being at work.
Because I had an evening shift.
One that happened to happen at exactly the wrong time of day.
For there events happening,
That I hadn't wanted to miss,
But they weren't important enough to ask for time off.
I mean, who would ask for time off to go watch a T.V. show?
Not me.
Soo even though I was bummed out.
I didn't mind too much missing the premier of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D
I mean...I'd only been looking forward to it since it was announced to be on T.V......
But the nice thing about internet...is that I can watch shows I miss.
Albeit it's the next day....
and the quality isn't as good, for the buffer system totally lies. It may have 'buffered' but the jumpiness tells me otherwise.
*sighs* Unfortunately, I see this happening a lot in the future. Boo.
No, like I said, I can deal with that...mostly.
But the main disappointment?
I was missing an Author Signing.
Brandon Sanderson was signing near me....exactly during my work shift.
I mean, my shift ended just as the signing was supposed to end.
Which would mean, No go for the signing.
And that, was a total disappointment for me.
I mean, author's don't just drop out of the sky and sign near you every day.
Only, I had a slim hope.
Having gone to his signings before. (Yes, I've been to more then one, he's written a lot of books after all. :P)
I know that they tend to go....long.
Like I stood in line for hours, long.
And being pretty confident that this signing would be like all the others and go long...
I knew he would still probably be there. I mean, I got off just as he was supposed to be done, and my drive was like a minute away. Therefore, he would probably still be there.
So I was sure I could at least see him,
What I wasn't sure about.
Would be if the workers at the store would let me get into line to get my book signed.
I mean, I've been to places before where after a certain point, they stop letting people get into line so that the event can finish on time.
And that time, had officially ended like 10 minutes ago. (you can never get out of work on time when you want to be somewhere else.)
So I entered the book store.
Went over close enough to the front of the line to confirm that indeed, Brandon was still there.
Before I went searching for the end of the line.
And even better...the book that had come out yesterday. Steelheart.
Towards the back of the store I discovered a table that had been set up. That had some of Sanderson's books on it. Including Steelheart.
It obviously looked like a staging ground. Where people would have come (had I been earlier) to grab a number for the line and a book to sign.
So I politely asked. "Can I get a copy of Steelheart?" while pointing to one of the two books on the table.
Totally missing like...the whole two carts behind them stacked with the same book. lol.
And they were like "sure! Do you want a numbered copy?"
A numbered copy? Oh right, Sanderson likes to number some of his books.
"Yah, why not?" I responded. Then I asked "Am I still able to get in line to meet him?"
"Of course!"
"Is that the back of the line there?" I asked, gratefully, pointing to where I saw some people sitting on some chairs.
I grabbed the book #436 and headed back there.
Can you imagine my excitement?
I could get a book signed! Yes!
...of course the numbered copy was already signed...but now I could get it personalized.
So I got in line, intending to start reading the book then and there.
I mean, who knew how long I would be standing there.
-Great thing about him, he likes to talk to fans and answer their questions. lol The down side, you end up standing in line a whole lot longer. Never, ever, plan to do anything right after the signing. You won't make it.
Back to subject. I intended to read the book, but instead got talking to the guys who had been at the end of the line before I joined in.
-I was the 'end of the line' for most of an hour it seemed like, but then some more people jumped in, so I didn't feel so bad being in line. lol.
In any case, I only got to read like the first two sentences of the inside flap while standing in line.
"Ten years ago, Calamity came. It was a burst in the sky that gave ordinary people extraordinary powers."
I hadn't known anything about this book beyond the title before it hit the shelves.
But I could tell, I would already be hooked.
I mean, people getting superpowers? AWESOME!
I think I also caught a glimpse further down the flap. ...Which basically said that the people with powers...weren't the good guys.
Even more Awesome! I hadn't read more then that and I already knew I was going to like this story. :D
I'm kinda glad that I didn't hit any of the links that were posted about the book before buying it. It would have made waiting for it to come out four times as hard.
Knowing nothing about the book, I could look forward to it coming out without having to anxiously wait for it to come out.
Besides, I haven't been disappointed in Sanderson's books yet. Why would I be disappointed with this one?
So two hours later, I finally got my book signed! Yay!
I won't go into the conversation with Sanderson, there wasn't much of one. lol. I didn't know what to say to him, (I usually don't) and besides...he'd been siting at that table for like 6 hours. And with the end of the line in sight...I'm pretty sure he'd be happy to finally head home. lol.
In any case.
The book.
Have you ever gotten so into a book, movie, show...that you're surprised to find that it's not actually in the real world?
Yah. Happened to me with this book.
I got online and went to the MSN news page, and expected there to be some sort of news story on something crazy evil that an epic had decided to do during the night.
It was rather disappointing to not have anything like that on the news. As I did want to hear more about the Epics and what they could do.
It was amazingly good. A fun action thriller, but also a cool superhero story.
Seriously, if you like reading books about people with powers. (especially if they're the bad guys. and you want to see the 'normal' people work together to try and defeat them.) I would read this book. :)
Though...if you hate waiting for sequels to come out....like I do. Hold off on reading this one. As it is the first book in a possible trilogy, maybe longer series. It does end in such a place where you don't have to throw the book against the wall and scream "BUT WHAT HAPPENS NEXT!" But it will leave you with unanswered questions, that hopefully will be answered next year. :)
Awesome book.
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
The Dream
It involved me traveling between two different worlds, though I wasn't sure if the second world was a real place, or a mind place. Getting there involved a bathtub full of water, and if you were in the water too long, you would 'get lost' during the 'journey' between the worlds. I had wanted to stay in the other world later, as a crisis was happening and I was trying to help stop it. Only there was a crisis happening in my world as well, and I got forcefully drawn back into that world, almost dying in the process. It was horrible because I had had to leave two men, kinda like my dad and grandpa behind. I thought them both dead, but in my desperation to get back to the other world, I emptied the tub, and moved it out of the way and discovered both of them buried in the dirt below. My grandfather was missing his right leg at the hip, and I'd found the father figure with a leaf over his eye. Apparently he'd been 'killed' by somebody, a woman who wanted him dead...
Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)
Well, that was...okay it wasn't fun, but it was interesting.
You see, a bit ago, my parents decided to unload my closet.
lol, apparently I managed to fit a whole bedroom into that little space.
And among all the various odds and ends.
Were a couple of backpacks and containers filled with...
school papers.
And when I went home for the weekend,
I had the 'fun' task of going through all those school papers and deciding which ones I wanted to keep...and which ones should finally return to the paper system of recycling.
It was a bit of a memory lane for me.
"Oh! I remember this! This was soo tedious!"
"Aww, I was so cute in that."
"Hey! I was looking for that."
"Wow, this assignment was six hours of torture."
"Hey! I got extra credit on this assignment. And this one, and this one."
"Ouch. Yep, I was right in remembering this was a hard class for me."
Of course, it was a bit annoying.
Why did I keep all of this?!
lol. Well, for one, I wasn't sure if I would need to use it again in a future class.
Two, the teachers told me to keep it because I would want to refer to it again in the future.
Ha. Yah right.
I don't know how many 'book outlines," "power point notes" "written papers," and the like that I tossed away. Not to mention all those math assignments. O.o
Most of them I was like "Well this was obviously busy work."
And into the recycling bin it went.
Though, looking through my past homework assignments. I have come to realize that I really do like math. Looking at all the equations made me want to try and do them again. lol.
Though since it's been half a decade since I've done math....I can't really remember how to do any of it. It's like it's on the tip of my tongue, a recognition of what should be done, but not the path of how to do it.
Yes. I did like Math when I had to take it. I just hated the tests and the 'have to explain my work' things. The equations themselves and being able to come to a solution, I actually liked.
Back to throwing things away.
I remember teachers saying "Keep these chapter outlines you made, it saves you having to go through the book."
Personally...with how much detail I put into those things, it would have been easier just to reread the book.
Into recycling.
Powerpoint notes. Into recycling.
Notes. Notes Notes. Into recycling.
In the end, out of the two backpacks I went through filled to bursting with school papers.
I kept an overstuffed folder full of papers.
Which is totally better then I was expecting. I'd half feared I'd just want to keep every single paper I came across. :S
Some of those papers had sentimental value.
Others....I kept them because I'd done little doodle drawings on them.
Yep. If a paper no matter what the assignment, had a picture on it. I kept it.
I figured that that would be a fun way to 'pick and choose' some assignments to keep.
And I'd like to think, that keeping some of the assignments gives me a random collection of my handwriting. So I can see how much better -or totally worse- my hand writing has become. lol.
In any case. It was tedious. It was tiring -both physically and emotionally.
And...I'm not done yet.
*shakes head* Really past Sarnic. Really. Why did you not just toss these all when you had the chance years ago?
Because Sarnic, I thought I would actually use them in the future.
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
The Dream
I was with a couple of cousins, in some sort of national park. They were from out of state...maybe even out of country, and were trying to pack in as much fun as they could in the few days we were there. It seemed like we were in a cross of Yellowstone and Arches, as we played in the water, dressed up in period clothes, swam in the pond, and flittered through the gift shops. Finally, we decided to head up to the volcano, only that part was actually in the park. So we'd have to pay to get in. They only accepted cash unfortunately, though I wasn't concerned on my part. I had $6 in my pocket to pay the fee, though I was reluctant to have to pay it in the first place when we'd been having so much fun outside of the park. Why go in, when there was still a ton to do outside of it? My uncle Odey was having trouble finding cash, but my cousin Justin had the cash, so we went by the shack to pay on the otherside in a computerized system when....
The unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)
Neal A. Maxwell -"Becometh As a Child"
- "Something has gone radically wrong with secularism. The problem has its share of irony, for secularism, in the end, has converted itself into a kind of religion."
- The more what is politically correct seeks to replace what God has declared correct, the more ineffective approaches to human problems there will be.
- Ironically, as some people become harder, they use softer words to describe dark deeds.
- Quiet goodness must persevere.
- Inspired children often show the way through the wilderness.
- Children often have the "thoughts and [the] intents of [their] hearts" focused on the Master. Though not full of years, such children are full of faith!
- "Little children do have words given unto them many times."
Dallin H. Oaks -Joseph, the Man and the Prophet
- The Prophet Joseph had no role models from whom he could learn how to be a prophet and leader of the Lord's people. He learned from heavenly messengers and from the harvest of his unique spiritual gifts. He had to rely on associates who had no role models either. They struggled and learned together, and the Prophet's growth was extremely rapid.
- When Joseph warned the Saints against mortal imperfections, he did not raise himself above them, and they loved him for it.
- "The Saints need not think because I am familiar with them and am playful and cheerful, that I am ignorant of what is going on. Iniquity of any kind cannot be sustained in the Church, and it will not fare well where I am; for I am determined while I do lead the Church, to lead it right."
- "I am a lover of the cause of Christ and of virtue chastity and an upright steady course of conduct & a holy walk, I despise a hypocrite or a covenant breaker."
- Like most other leader son the frontier, Joseph Smith did not shrink from physical confrontation, and he had the courage of a lion. Once he was kidnapped by two men who held cocked pistols to his head and repeatedly threatened to shoot him if he moved a muscle. The Prophet endured these threats for a time and then snapped back, "Shoot away; I have endured so much persecution and oppression that I am sick of life; why then don't you shoot, and have done with it, instead of talking so much about it?"
- "I never told you I was perfect--but there is no error in the revelations which I have taught."
W. Mack Lawrence -Conversion and Commitment
- It is insufficient to just hear the word of God in gatherings such as this conference. In order to have God's word impact our lives--to receive the promised blessings--we must follow it.
- Would any of us truly do any less than our very best in keeping a covenant or commandment, fulfilling an assignment, or in following Christ if we are truly converted in our hearts?
- "There is much more to be achieved than statistical improvement," President Hinckley said. "More importantly, we should be concerned with the spiritual dimension of our people and the enlargement of this dimension. There is a tendency in all of us to ask for better statistical performance. There is a tendency to impose quotas behind which usually lies imposition of pressure to achieve improved statistics. In the work of the Lord there is a more appropriate motivation than pressure. There is the motivation that comes of true conversion. When there throbs in the heart of an individual Latter-day Saint a great and vital testimony of the truth of this work, he [meaning, of course, men and women] will be found doing his duty in the Church. He will be found in his sacrament meetings. He will be found in his priesthood meetings. He will be found paying his honest tithes and offerings. He will be doing his home teaching. He will be found I attendance at the temple as frequently as his circumstances will permit. He will have within him a great desire to share the Gospel with others. He will be found strengthening and lifting his brethren and sisters. [In other words, he will be committed.] It is conversion that makes the difference."
- Be "doers of the word, and not hearers only."
Rulon G. Craven -Temptation
- "It must needs be that the devil should tempt the children of men, or they could not be agents unto themselves; for if they never should have bitter they could not know the sweet."
- To blind the eyes is not to see or acknowledge the consequences of our actions. To harden the heart is to ignore or not be willing to accept counsel. To be led into the broad roads is to give in to worldly enticements and lose the influence of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
- "Many think that the Devil has rule and power over both body and spirit. Now, I want to tell you that he does not hold any power over man, only so far as the body overcomes the spirit that is in a man, through yielding to the spirit of evil. ... The spirit is influenced by the body, and the body of the spirit."
- Temptation is like a magnetic force which holds a metal object in its power. It loses its magnetic force and power when you turn away from it. So we must turn away from temptation; then it will lose its power.
- When evil thoughts arise--Stop! Think! Control your mind! Visualize a large EXIT sign in your mind's eye. Immediately change your thoughts. Get off of that avenue of thinking.
- When unrighteous feelings and desires well up inside of you, the Holy Ghost will prompt NO. Listen to the Holy Spirit. Stop! Think! Visualize a WRONG WAY sign in your mind. Immediately change or erase those thoughts leading to wrong unrighteous feelings and evil fantasies that can become addictive to mind and body.
- When tempted to choose an unrighteous act, or entertained unrighteous thoughts, look down the road ahead and contemplate the inevitable consequences of that act. Stop! Think! Visualize a STOP sign in your mind. Put on your mental brakes. Immediately change your thinking to something different and something uplifting.
- To overcome temptation you and I must control our thoughts. Exit from your mind bad thoughts. Stop thoughts that lead to behavior unbecoming to a Latter-day Saint. You do not have to yield to temptation! Discipline what you allow your eyes to see, your ears to hear, your mouth to speak, and your hands to touch.
- Temptation implies an inner struggle to do that which is right.
- "Unless they [individuals] were exposed to temptation they never could know themselves, their own powers, their own weaknesses nor the power of God.
- With each right choice we make, we spiritually empower ourselves. The accumulation of right choices builds inner spiritual strength and divine character. We should expect temptation, for without temptations there would be little education and little character improvement.
Susan L. Warner -Remember How Thou Hast Received and Heard
- Recalling spiritual feelings reminds us of who we really are.
- Satan wants us to be slow to remember what we have received and heard. He wants us to minimize and even forget the quiet witnesses of the Spirit that have told us who we really are. Part of Satan's evil design is to give our children mistaken ideas of who they are--lies for them to remember.
- Like all of us, our children are subtly and constantly encouraged to believe that life has no sacred purpose and that living selfishly is natural and commendable. Under such influences, children may grow up without understanding that they have a Father in Heaven who loves them, that their bodies are sacred temples, and that obedience brings good and happy feelings.
- One widely recognized expert in helping troubled youth said that the young people who most readily and completely come back after losing their way are those who have a foundation of standards and spirituality to which they can return. They are strengthened by their spiritual memories, and for them, repentance feels like coming home.
- Children come into this world pure and open and eager to learn.
- Parents and teachers, our efforts to help our children establish a heritage of rich spiritual memories are never wasted.
M. Russell Ballard -Feasting at the Lord's Table
- Far too many people in the world are starving spiritually. Sadly, most of them have no idea where to find real spiritual nourishment. They wander to and fro.
- Life eternal is predicated upon our own individual, personal knowledge of our Father in Heaven and His Holy Son. Simply knowing about them is not enough. We must have personal, spiritual experiences to anchor us. These come through seeking them in the same intense, single-minded way that a hungry person seeks food.
- Feeding the Lord's sheep requires each of us to awaken our interest in others. The duty to invite others to partake of the gospel feast does not rest only on the shoulders of the missionaries. That sober and significant duty belongs to each member of the Church, for "it becometh every man who hath been warned to warn his neighbor."
- Just as the best meals are home cooked, the most nourishing gospel instruction takes place at home.
- The family is where the foundation of personal, spiritual growth is built and nurtured; the Church, then, is the scaffolding that helps support and strengthen the family. While the Church is secondary to the family in teaching gospel principles, much spiritual learning and growth come through the Church.
- Bishops, if your sacrament meetings are less than a banquet of spiritual nourishment, I urge you to invite suggestions from your ward council, especially the sisters, on ways to make every sacrament meeting a more reverent, spiritual experience. Let the council also help teach our members that the chapel is a special place in our buildings where we come in a spirit of respect for God and reverence for His holy Son. Let the quiet, peaceful promptings of the Holy Spirit abide in our worship services, causing spiritual enlightenment and nourishment to flow into our lives.
- "During these past few years He has become my best friend. I trust Him, and I trust you as His representative. Whatever He wants for me, I am prepared."
Gordon B. Hinckley -"Remember ... Thy Church, O Lord"
- We are so greatly blessed with dedicated musicians in the Church. They add so substantially to the spirit of the conference.
- This choir is one of the great treasures of the Church. I think it is one of the great treasures of America. I regard it as the outstanding choir in all the world. May it continue its great mission of providing lofty and inspiring music at home and abroad. I thank, in behalf of the entire Church, the officers, directors, organists, and members of this dedicated body of talented and gifted musicians who give so generously of their time.
- It (is) better to lean into the stiff wind of opportunity than to simply hunker down and do nothing.
General YW Meeting
Janette Hales Beckham -Sustaining the Living Prophets
- "The procedure of sustaining is much more than a ritualistic raising of the hand. It is a commitment to uphold, to support, to assist those who have been selected."
Virginia H. Pearce -Listening with New Ears
- Wouldn't it be nice if there were someone whom I trusted that much--an expert who could take a look at my life and say: "Basically, you're doing great. But if you would just do this one little thing, it would make a big difference?"
- Sometimes my friends want me to be someone else and I don't want to be someone else. I want to be myself, and what I am afraid of is that I might lose them, and I don't want to lose them.
- Don't be discouraged--keep trying until you succeed.
Anne Marie Rose -Facing Trials with Optimism
- By having an "overpowering spirit of optimism" and enthusiasm, I could decide to let go of my volleyball experience. I could decide to be positive and optimistic about the many good things in my life: my friendships, my studies, my family. I could play volleyball for fun rather than competition. Suddenly the dilemma that had seemed so overwhelming began to fade. It started to feel better about myself.
Kirstin Boyer -My Prayers Were Answered
- I felt that a prophet was someone I could trust and love, especially if my mother felt that way.
- I want to keep those same feelings for the rest of my life. I want to keep on getting those many blessings.
Anne Prescott -He Has Give Me a Prophet
- "Do you feel gloomy? Life your eyes. Stand on your feet. Sing songs of Christmas. Be positive."
Bonnie D. Parkin -An Anchor for Eternity- and Today
- 'Where there is no vision, the people perish.'
- "The Lord knew I needed to know," she said, "and he knew I would share that witness in the conversion of others."
- Every person has a right to have a personal witness.
- I know that asking for this witness can be a little scary. We worry we just might not get an answer. Or, we know that if we get an answer, we will have to live accordingly!
Gordon B. Hinckley -Stand True and Faithful
- We believe in being true. How very important it is to be true to ourselves.
- To be true to ourselves means being an example of righteous living in all situations and circumstances.
- Being true to ourselves means being honest.
- It is imperative that we take advantage of the opportunity to learn.
- I urge each of you young women to get all of the schooling you can get. You will need it for the world into which you will move. Life is becoming so exceedingly competitive.
- The world is changing, and it is so very important that we equip ourselves to move with that change.
- Honesty is the best policy.
- "To thine own self be true, / And it must follow, as the night the day, / Thou canst not then be false to any man."
- Be true to yourselves, and your respect for yourself will increase.
- Look for the good in those about you, and emphasize that good. Never go around gossiping about your associates or speaking unkind words concerning them. Such words will only backfire to hurt you.
- If they occasionally place restrictions on you, it is because they see danger down the road. Listen to them. What they ask you to do may not be to your liking. but you will be much happier if you do it. Your mother is your best friend. Never forget that.
- I wish that each of you would remember that tonight you heard me say that this Church is true. Other churches also do much good, but this is the "true and living church" of the Lord Jesus Christ, whose name it bears. Be true to it. Cling to it. If you will do so it will become as an anchor in the midst of a stormy sea. It will be a light to your lives and foundation upon which to build them. I give you my solemn testimony that this Church will never be led astray. It is in the hands of God, and should any of its leaders ever attempt to lead it astray, His is the power to remove them.
- We have only one desire, and that is that you be happy, that your lives be challenging and satisfying, that you be saved from pitfalls of evil which could destroy you, that you will be the kind of people who will carry high the torch of eternal truth and hand it on to the generation which will succeed you.
- The truths of this gospel are everlasting and eternal. Philosophies change. Customs change. Culture changes. But with all of these changes, there are gospel fundamentals that have never changed and never will change.
- And while I am speaking of language, may I plead with you young women never to indulge in dirty, sleazy talk of any kind. There is so much of it and it is so common. There is no need to use such language. It only advertises to others that your vocabulary is so deficient that you cannot express yourself without picking words up out of the gutter. Do not do it. Please do not do it. Do not use such filthy language, and do not profane the name of the Lord.
- You are so very important. This work is so much the stronger because of you. Whenever you step over the line in an immoral act or in doing any other evil thing, the Church is that much weaker because of what you have done. When you stand true and faithful, it is that much stronger. Each one of you counts.
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
My brother is one of those middle children.
Even though he's the youngest.
He's a middle child.
In that, Kikay and I are usually opposite of each other in our opinions.
and he tends to side with one of us.
I usually notice this with food.
When my family goes to a restaurant, Meralto will end up either getting what I get, or what Kikay is getting.
But earlier today, Meralto gave a talk in Church. As it was his farewell talk.
And I noticed that we like to give talks in a similar way.
In that we use...metaphors? Analogies? To give our topic.
He use stories, object lessons, relating them to the topic at hand.
Meralto's talk was on Missionary Work.
And he related a missionary to a quilt.
Using the front, stuffing, back, edging, and stitches.
He related it to, the missionary look, knowledge of the gospel, the support of friends and family, the Holy Ghost as a companion, etc.
It was awesome. :)
And totally helped me pay attention.
lol I don't think I'm going to look at a quilt the same way again.
Though I have to remember, ;) A missionary may be a quilt, but that doesn't mean you can go wrap them around you for warmth while they're on their mission. lol.
Great line, bro. Great line.
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
Ah. The Drive-In.
It always connotes fun memories.
Laying out in the back of the car.
Wearing PJs
Eating tons of popcorn.
Watching TWO movies in a row.
What could be better?
Not much really.
So for fun, Kikay and Meralto + his friend, and I went to the Drive-In!
It was a ton of fun.
Even if the movies weren't the most fun.
It was fun just watching the brightly colored shows on a huge screen.
Feeling the Autumnish wind in your hair.
Stuffing your face with tons of treats.
Totally great.
And relaxing.
I highly recommend going to one at least once.
I mean come on.
You get to see two movies (if you can stay awake that late)
For the price of one regular theatre admission!
Totally worth it. :D
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
(Editor's Note: Post written on Sunday, for I had no time to post last night. Why? You guessed it! I was at the drive in!)
Do you know what's tiring?
Having to catch a ton of fish.
And I mean, literally, a ton of fish.
Our fish set up was switched up today.
Where fish needed to be moved from one tank to a different tank.
This happens occasionally.
You know how stores do it. They move products around to new locations so that different customers will see them, or whatever.
It's kinda like how my cheese bread moves locations at the store every two or three months.
Totally annoying because then I have to go find it, but kinda fun as then I find food that I hadn't seen before.
But back to fish.
It's not a simple endeavor.
I mean, you have to catch them.
And those things, are fast.
Multiply that by more tanks then there are fingers and toes on your hands and feet.....
Plus, we only found out about having to switch the fish around, today.
When the store was open.
So we had to wait on customers, while trying to catch so many fish.
Plus, we got in new fish.
And they had to wait to be put out until we could get all the current fish moved to their new spots.
Needless to say.
I spent all but two hours of my shift catching and releasing fish.
Totally stressful. And tiring.
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
The Dream
It was an Avatar the Last Airbender sort of set up, though the characters of Aang, Katara, and Sokka had the looks of Ned, Jennifer, and Simon from Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide. (I have no idea where this came from, I haven't thought/seen that show in years it seems like.) They were on a journey, but Zuko was after them. They'd known each other all from school, and Zuko had bullied Aang a lot. Well, now years later. Aang had finally had enough. The two of them fought, and Aang, using his Avatar powers, took away Zuko's ability to bend fire. They left Zuko in an old city that had been abandoned to continue on to a different city. Time passed, and Katara returned to find Zuko had crafted a new filtration system to make the water for the city cleaner and purer, filtering out all the bad junk that flowed in it. Somehow he'd managed to get some ability with water bending, and had gotten the inspiration for the system from an older water bender inventor dude who'd tried something in earlier decades and failed. Zuko was understandably nervous to have Katara there. He was worried that the system wouldn't work right, but it did flowing beautifully up through pipes and through the strainers made from like a hive sort of material up to the cities fountains making the water even more clean and bright looking. But most of all, Zuko was nervous about meeting Aang again. As he was going to be an official guest at this 'reopening' of the city. I don't think Aang realized that Zuko was still alive, or that Zuko now had ability with water. Also, due to the taking away of his fire powers. Zuko's scar also faded to a faint mark like a small crescent on the outside of his eye. Barely seen unless the lighting was right.
Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)
I was herding our flock of sheep in the mountains of northern Utah to the east of East Garland.
My grandfather had entrusted me with the sheep as we were moving them up the mountain to the summer range.
I had just watered them in a small mountain stream and bedded them down for a short rest before going on.
While they were settled, I went about to explore the terrain and check the route ahead.
I was a couple of hundred yards up the canyon when I heard a sound that chilled me to the bone.
Once you have heard a rattlesnake, a very poisonous reptile, you'll never forget the sound.
Cautiously, I moved toward the sound.
To my surprise I observed not one but three rattlers just a few yards away.
They were on a rocky knoll that had been warmed by the spring sun.
While the sight of three rattlers in a bunch intrigued me, because you seldom see more than one at a time, it also concerned me since the sheep would need to pass this way.
Before long the sheep roused and started moving up the canyon.
As they came closer, the snakes seemed to sense the intruders and slithered down the incline toward the creek.
Fearing the danger I immediately turned my sheep up the hill away from the direction the snakes were moving.
I was successful for a time, but then a couple of sheep broke away from the flock.
As they did so, the entire flock seemed determined to follow those two errant old ewes, and there was no stopping them.
You may have heard the characterization, "They all followed like a bunch of sheep."
Well, that's what happened here.
To make matters worse, they were moving directly toward the location of the rattlers.
I had hoped that the natural instinct of the sheep would keep them at a safe distance. But some of the flock were pushed directly into the path of the snakes.
And there was no escape for the unfortunate ones that sustained the strikes of those disturbed reptiles.
It was a sad young shepherd who had to report to his grandfather a short time later the loss of two of his prized ewes.
The experience of that day provided a very forceful illustration to me of what can happen when the sheep ignore their shepherd.
I was there as the shepherd.
I perceived the danger and was trying my best to protect my sheep.
But as a few started to go in the wrong direction, others were determined to follow.
Though only two of the flock were lost, it was a loss that need not have been.
Unfortunately, in life we all too often see the results of those who ignore the attempts of spiritual shepherds to guide their paths past hazards and dangers that may be unperceived at the time.
W. Eugene Hansen -Spiritual Shepherds -April 1996 General Conference
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
I happened to wander over to campus today.
And saw something...odd.
Statues all wrapped up in clear wrap.
Do you think this is a new method to keep the statues from coming to life?
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
The Dream
There were a bunch of superheroes -basically the justice league- that had come into possession of some rings, having taken them from an evil bad guy. But the rings, had a power of their own. At odd moments, they would effect the supers. Like making Flash look and act more like The Hulk. Eventually three guys -The Jonas Brothers- got the rings away from the supers, and they were working on meeting up with this girl to get rid of them. Only this evil bad guy, like the horseman from the new show Sleepy Hollow, was looking for the rings. The middle brother had the rings hidden within another ring that could change size. He went in search of the girl, leaving the two other brothers behind with the youngest (married one) in charge of the rings. But, the horseman found them. And at the last moment the middle brother came to their rescue.
Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)
My roommate was sleeping on the couch today.
I walked out of my room -just coming from a nap myself.
And saw that she was sleeping, with the tv on.
I was like. Oh she's sleeping.
I shouldn't wake her.
But I wanted to watch a different show on tv.
So I quietly grabbed the remote.
Sat down on the other chair.
My roommate stirred.
She sat up.
And totally did that loud gasp of surprise that you do when you're surprised.
"How long have you been sitting there?! Did I fall asleep?!"
lol. Well... "Like 5 seconds. and Yes, yes you did."
Apparently...I was too quiet.
Oops. I can't help it apparently. :)
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
Thomas S. Monson -The Way of the Master
- Around the corner I have a friend, In this great city that has no end; Yet days go by, and weeks rush on, And before I know it, a year is gone, And I never see my old friend's face, For Life is a swift and terrible race. He knows I like him just as well As in the days when I rang his bell And he rang mine. We were younger then, And now we are busy, tired men: Tired with playing a foolish game, Tired with trying to make a name. "To-morrow," I say, "I will call on Jim, Just to show that I'm thinking of him." But to-morrow comes--and to-morrow goes, And the distance between us grows and grows. Around the corner!--yet miles away... "Here's a telegram, sir," "Jim died to-day." And that's what we get, and deserve in the end: Around the corner, a vanished friend.
L. Tom Perry -Sacrament of the Lord's Supper
- With the partaking of the sacrament, we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior and obligate ourselves to keep his commandments by covenant. This makes the partaking of the sacrament a reneweal of the covenants we made at the time of baptism into the Church. Thus, by the sacrament, we declare repeatedly, ordinarily weekly, our allegiance to the plan of salvation and its obligations and blessings.
- As members of the Church, we should delight in the privilege of partaking of the sacrament, and thereby affirming our faith in our Lord and Savior and our allegiance to the Church of Jesus Christ.
Carlos E. Asay -Stay on the True Course
- If we, like Peter, keep our eyes fixed on Jesus and our eternal destination, we, too, may "walk triumphantly over the swelling waves of disbelief, and unterrified amid the rising winds of doubt."
- The storms of life beat consistently against our "hulls." Therefore, from time to time we, too, must take our latitude and ascertain how far the elements have driven us off the true course.
- "The world is drifting. ... Many things are tolerate today that would not have been tolerated for a moment twenty years ago. new problems have arisen with which we must now contend that we never dreamed of even in the days of my youth."
- We need not and must not flounder on the sea of popular opinions or drift with the waves of immorality. god is among us, and He has provided us with precious sextants to assess our spiritual latitude.
- "They who will not hear the voice of the Lord, neither the voice of his servants, neither give heed to the words of the prophets and apostles, shall be cut off from among the people."
- "I thought on my ways, and turned my feet."
- Mortality is not a pleasure cruise on some luxury liner. It is a voyage fraught with challenges and constant buffetings of winds and waves.
- Whoever you are, wherever you live, and whatever you are doing, there will be challenges, for this is a time of testing. However, you must stay on the true course if you want to obtain happiness here and reach the safe harbor hereafter. there is no slight or insignificant deviation from the right way. One degree off latitude in the beginning becomes many degrees off course in the end.
Henry B. Eyring -A Legacy of Testimony
- We must find other ways to convey our legacy of testimony, but the process of teaching, testifying, and living the truth will be the same.
- Some of the greatest opportunities to create and transmit a legacy of testimony cannot be planned. Tragedy, loss, and hurt often arrive unanticipated. How we react when we are surprised will tell our families whether what we have taught and testified lies deep in our hearts.
- God will reach out to offer the legacy again and again. more than we can imagine, our faithful effort to offer to our family the testimony we have of the truth will be multiplied in power and extended in time.
Gordon B. Hinckley -This Glorious Easter Morn
- The Church is the stronger or the weaker as each member is strong or weak in his or her faith and performance.
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
You know how family can bond over watching football?
Well...mine doesn't quite do that.
Sure, we will gather to watch the super bowl.
But most of the time, it's not the sports that draws us into the same room, crowded around the TV.
It's the Pageants.
Miss America.
Miss USA.
Sometimes the Miss Universe.
We all gather together to watch it. :)
It's rather fun.
And I think most of the family enjoys it as well.
Though now that we're older, I'm not able to be home during the pageant.
But still. I love watching it.
Insomuch that I'm loosing sleep to watch it. (dumb early morning shifts)
So why do I like it so much?
When Kikay and I were younger, we would divide up the contestants.
By hair color.
Blonde, Red. Would go to Kikay,
Black, Brown, would go to me.
The exception being the contestant from our state,
and if one of the contestants happened to have our name.
It would become a competition between us. Which one of us would win? :)
Being older now, I mostly just root for someone that has my name. :) lol.
Which, for how popular my name is, isn't all that common in pageants. O.o
And the other reason?
The dresses.
I love to see what the contestants decide to wear. And we do our own rating system based on personal taste.
Yep. Names and Dresses.
That's why I watch them. lol.
Though I'm kinda getting into the 'Talent' portion the Miss America pageant does.
Except I wish they would do other talents besides singing or dancing. It would be so much more interesting then.
Yep. Now to see who's crowned Miss America!
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
The Dream
Captain Kirk was recovering from war, soaking out his sore muscles in the tube, when a sick patient next to him, tried to reach over to hand him something electronic. Only the patient dropped the device, into the tub. Shocking Kirk, in so much that a major crack showed up on the right side of his face. Just past his eye, causing the right side of his face to fall off. Showing that Kirk was made of metal. He had a metal jaw and such, And I couldn't decide if he was dead or not....
When the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)