Thursday, October 31, 2013

To The Rescue

A few years ago I read a Reuters news service account of an Alaska Airlines nonstop flight from Anchorage to Seattle, carrying 150 passengers, which was diverted to a remote town on a mercy mission to rescue a badly injured boy.
Two-year-old Elton Williams III had severed an artery in his arm when he fell on a piece of glass while playing near his home in Yakutat, 450 miles south of Anchorage.
Medics at the scene asked the airline to evacuate the boy.
As a result, the Anchorage-to-Seattle flight was diverted to Yakutat.

The medics said the boy was bleeding badly and probably would not live through the flight to Seattle, so the plane flew 200 miles to Juneau, the nearest city with a hospital.
The flight then went onto Seattle, with the passengers arriving two hours late, most missing their connections.
But none complained.
In fact, they dug into their pocketbooks and took up a collection for the boy and his family.

Later, as the flight was about to land in Seattle, the passengers broke into a cheer when the pilot said he had received word by radio that Elton was going to be all right.
Surely love of neighbor was in evidence.

Thomas S. Monson -The Way of the Master -April 1996 General Conference

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Twitter Do or Twitter Don't

Twitter has been in my head.
I'm not a 'tweeter' 'member' whatever you would call them.

But I'm considering it...

It seems like a popular place to be, with a lot of things happening, events to find out about, people to keep up with, among other things.
Plus hashtags. Hashtags seems like fun, and addicting.
Which is why I shouldn't do it. I'd be hashtag crazy.

Yet, I have no idea how active I would be on Twitter.
At least with me posting.
I would probably be active with keeping up with twitterfeeds of those I've followed.
But my presence would be rather minimal I think....

I'm not sure, I'm going to keep considering it until someone really convinces me to join. :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Loven the Pen and Paper

I may be coming obsessed...
with collecting notebooks to write in.

Why might I say that?
Because I bought another one today.
You know...because I felt like I needed a pick-me-up,
and there was this nice notebook on sale at B&N.

It's not like I have five other notebooks already crammed into my purse or anything. ^^;;
No I can totally fit one more in.
Surely my bag won't break doing that.

Now, any Sane person might be like "Why do you have FIVE notebooks in your purse?! Isn't one just enough?"

Oh no. No dear questioner. It isn't.

You see.
With how many ideas I have at a time,
I often have like two or three that I switch in between writing.
And do you know how annoying it is to only have like a page an a half of something written before a new inspiration strikes?
Do I just ignore said inspiration?
So do I write the new inspiration exactly after the old one?

But that's where the multiple notebooks come in.
That way, if I have more then one idea going at a time, and I still want to explore all three of those ideas without having to skip every third page to get back to it,
I can focus work on three ideas at once! Yay. :)
That doesn't mean some of my ideas make it past that three page mark.
But hey! I'm giving myself options right?

I have a set of notebooks for different things..

Notebook 1. Focuses entirely on one idea I had. It was the first idea that I kinda wrote out fully for the first time by myself (still working on the ending.) And I've saved it's remaining pages for expanding and exploring said story past the first draft.

Notebook 2. Again focuses entire on one idea that I want to expand out from a RP a friend and I did.

Notebook 3. Is for a variety of ideas.

Same with Notebook 4.

And Notebook mostly empty still, but it's going to be a 'variety of ideas' notebook.

So see, No problem here.

Notebooks 3-5 are for the new ideas that can pop up constantly.

While 1 and 2 are for the more focused stories of mine.

And why can't I just leave one or three home and out of my purse?
Because you never know when inspiration will strike!!
There have been days where I've switched between three or so notebooks just to get ideas written down or to rehash some old ones.
And who knows which notebook I'll pick up next!

But don't worry,
Notebook 6 isn't going to go into my purse (yet.)
I plan to keep it as a companion book to Notebook 2.
As I'm planning on going through some old drafts and such, and just make notes to help focus that complicated writing process as well as remind me on some scenes I may have forgotten that I need to include and such.

At least that's the plan for now. :)
....If it makes it into my bag. >.> <.<
Shh...don't tell anyone. lol.

On a kinda related note,
I also got to buy another journal today...because I've nearly filled another one.
And I've noticed recently that I manage to fill an entire personal journal (you know the one that records what I did that day.) like every 5 or 6 months.
Wow, I write a lot if I need to buy a new journal twice a year. O.o

So much so, that I have to become more picky on how thick the journals I buy are, because if I buy one that's too thin, I'm done with it in like three months.
Unfortunately a variety of journal designs are rather....lacking. :( So there went that idea (a long time ago) of having all my journals look different.) lol.
In any case. I'll be able to write in a new journal soon! Yay!! :D

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.

Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, October 28, 2013

October 1996 General Conference Sunday Afternoon Session

Joseph B. Writhlin -Christians in Belief and Action
  • Our beliefs and actions may differ from those of others, but we, as good Christians, do not criticize other religions or their adherents. "We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may."
  • The fragmentary nature of the biblical record and the errors in it, resulting from multiple transcriptions, translations, and interpretations, do not diminish our belief in it as the word of God "as far as it is translated correctly." We read and study the Bible, we teach and preach from it, and we strive to live according to the eternal truths it contains. We love this collection of holy writ.
  • "We also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God." It is another testament of Jesus Christ, written "by way of commandment, and also by the spirit of prophecy and of revelation ... to the convincing of [all people] that JESUS is the CHRIST, the ETERNAL GOD, manifesting himself unto all nations." God brought forth the Book of Mormon as a second witness that corroborates and strengthens the Bible's testimony of the Savior. The Book of Mormon does not supplant the Bible. It expands, extends, clarifies, and amplifies our knowledge of the Savior. Surely, this second witness should be cause for great rejoicing by all Christians.
Richard G. Scott -The Joy of Living the Great Plan of Happiness
  • In the Lord's plan, it takes two--a man and a woman--to form a whole. Indeed, a husband and wife are not two identical halves, but a wondrous, divinely determined combination of complimentary capacities and characteristics.
  • Marriage allows these different characteristics to come together in oneness--in unity--to bless a husband and wife, their children and grandchildren. For the greatest happiness and productivity in life, both husband and wife are needed. Their efforts interlock and are complementary. Each has individual traits that best fir the role the Lord has defined for happiness as a man or woman. When used as the Lord intends, those capacities allow a married couple to think, act, and rejoice as one--to face challenges together and overcome them as one, to grow in love and understanding, and through temple ordinances to be bound together as one whole, eternally. That is the plan.
  • Beware of the subtle ways Stan employs to take you from the plan of God and true happiness. One of Satan's most effective approaches is to demean the role of wife and mother in the home. This is an attack at the very heart of God's plan to foster love between husband and wife and to nurture children in an atmosphere of understanding, peace, appreciation, and support.
  • Your desire to be a wife and mother may not have its total fulfillment here, but it will in His time as you live in faith and obedience to merit it. Don't be lured away from the plan of our God to the ways of the world, where motherhood is belittled, femininity is decried, and the divinely established role of wife and mother is mocked. Let the world go its way. You follow the plan of the Lord for the greatest measure of true, eternal achievement and the fullest happiness.
  • As a woman, please don't judge how worthwhile, needed, and loved you are by our inept ability to express our true feelings. Your divinely conferred trait of giving of self without counting the cost leads you to underestimate your own worth.
  • I humbly thank our Father in Heaven for His daughters, you who were willing to come to earth to live under such uncertain circumstances. Most men could not handle the uncertainties you are asked to live with. Social customs require that you wait to be asked for marriage. You are expected to go with your husband wherever his employment or call takes him. Your environment and neighborhood are determined by his ability to provide, meager or not. You place your life in the Lord's hands each time you bear a child. He makes no such sacrifice. The blessing of nurturing children and caring for a husband often is intermingled with many routine tasks. But you do all of these things willingly because you are a woman. Generally you have no idea of how truly wonderful and capable you are, how very much appreciated and loved, or how desperately needed, for most men don't tell you as completely and as often as needed.
Elaine L. Jack -"Partakers of Glories"
  • Father, we want thee to know that under any conditions, we will be true, strong and faithful to the covenants we made to thee when we were baptized.
  • "Priesthood is given us for two purposes, first, that we may ourselves receive exaltation, and, second, that we may be the means of helping others to obtain like blessings."
Francisco J. Vinas -Listening to the Voice of the Lord
  • We learn that frequently the words of the prophets do not agree with our expectations or with our way of seeing things. Sometimes it seems that we need someone else, in addition to the prophets, to persuade us to listen to the voice of the Lord.
WM. Rolfe Kerr -"Behold Your Little Ones"
  • While the Savior taught us the importance of the one, He also taught us of the power of one. He showed us the power and influence He alone possessed as our Savior, Redeemer, and Judge. He was alone in Gethsemane when He offered Himself as the sacred offering in the great atoning sacrifice--a sacrifice which He sealed at Golgotha with His freely given life. Feeling alone there, His painful utterance "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" teaches us that, while the Father was never far from His Beloved Son, the infinite Atonement was, of necessity, wrought by the power of one--one person standing alone--even the Only Begotten Son of God.
Jeffrey R. Holland -"The Peaceable Things of the Kingdom"
  • The search for peace is one of the ultimate quests of the human soul. We all have highs and lows, but such times come and they usually always go.
  • "If God be for us, who can be against us?"
  • In seeking true peace some of us need to improve what has to be improved, confess what needs to be confessed, forgive what has to be forgiven, and forget what should be forgotten in order that serenity can come to us.
  • Life is too short to be spent nursing animosities or keeping a box score of offenses against us--you know, no runs, no hits, all errors. We don't want God to remember our sins, so there is something fundamentally wrong in our relentlessly trying to remember those of others.
  • Those who feel no need for mercy usually never seek it and almost never bestow it.
Gordon B. Hinckley "Reach with A Rescuing Hand"
  • All of us need to be reminded of the past. It is from history that we gain knowledge which can save us from repeating mistakes and on which we can build for the future.
General Relief Society Meeting

Aileen H. Clyde -Confirmed in Faith
  • As women in the Church, we have knowledge many others lack; consequently we remind ourselves our work is not dedicated to triviality or entertainment.
Chieko N. Okazaki -Raised in Hope
  • I think of hope as a modest but very tough everyday virtue, an ordinary but resilient virtue that is both gentle and beautiful. It is an unassuming but powerful force for good that will greatly increase our ability to do good and to be good.
  • Hope is a virtue for all seasons and all adversities, whether the problem is a storm or too much pleasant weather.
  • What is the opposite of hope? Despair, of course, but despair comes when we feel powerless to influence events and when the sources of meaning in our life disappear. Despair is a kind of disorientation so profound that we lose contact with the sources of life itself.
  • Hope doe snot calculate odds. It is a double sided virtue.
  • It is prepared for either sunny or stormy weather. To chose hope is to choose life. To choose hope is to choose love.
  • hope is one of the three great Christan virtues because Christ Himself is the master of life and therefore the master of hope. We are free to choose because we were made free from the beginning, and He honors our agency and our right and ability to choose. The choice He offers is life, and life offers hope. Any other choice is a choice of spiritual death that will bring us into the power of the devil.
  • Jesus Christ, our Savior, has always been the master of life, but through His atoning sacrifice, He also became the master over death. Physical death has no dominion over Him; and ultimately, it has no dominion over us because of Christ.
  • Think what this means! Because of our Savior's victory, we too can be victorious. in the face of this good news, this triumphant shout from the battlefield of ultimate victory, then we can see why our everyday sacrifices, our ordinary hope, is so tough, so versatile, so difficult to turn into meaninglessness and despair.
  • In fact, it cannot happen--we literally cannot despair--unless we choose to.
  • The forces of life are always stronger than the forces of death. If we choose, if we even desire to choose, if we even hope for the desire to choose, we set in motion powerful forces for life that are led by Jesus Christ himself.
  • Oh sisters, dearest sisters, choose life even though the forces of death seem strong! Choose hope  even though despair seems close! choose to grow even though circumstances oppress you! choose to learn even thou you must struggle against your own ignorance and that of others! Choose to love, even though ours are days of violence and vengeance. Choose to forgive, to pray, to bless another's life with simple kindness. Choose to build the sisterhood of the Relief Society by lifting and strengthening one another with love, testimony, faith, and service. I promise that you will feel the abundant love of the Savior.
Elaine L. Jack -Strengthened in Charity
  • The heart is the key to our influence, for it counts and measures each kindness, each effort, each time we lift, praise, teach, or cheer one another.
  • Charity is work of the heart.
  • Charity, though often quantified as the action, is actually the state of the heart that prompts us to love on another.
  • Kindness should be right at the top of everyone's list of things to do.
  • Be patient in a crowd.
  • It isn't what we do; it is the heart with which we do it.
  • I earnestly pray that we may share our gifts from God whether they be our minds, our music, our athletic ability, our leadership, our compassion, our sense of humor, our peaceful countenance, or our resilience and rejoicing. With charitable hearts may we do remarkable work in these last days.
James E. Faust -The Grand Key-Words for the Relief Society
  • According to your natures; it is natural for females to have feelings of charity and benevolence. "Let the weight of your innocence, kindness and affection be felt ... ; not war, not jangle not contradiction, or dispute, but meekness, love, purity--these are the things that should magnify you in the eyes of all good men."
  • To meet the challenges of the eternal every day, every sister will be strengthened by daily communion with our Heavenly Father through prayer. scriptural study will be beneficial in bringing spiritual reassurances. Attending sacrament meetings, partaking of the sacred emblems, and the renewal of our covenants will be a weekly source of strength.
  • "WE must cherish one another, watch over one another, comfort one another and gain instruction, that we may all sit down in heaven together."
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Take One Please

I caught a guy stealing from our store.

Not literally, unfortunately. That would be super cool to actually catch a thief,
but no.
I caught him as in I saw him.

What happened?

Well I was walking around the store, towards the close of my shift,
and I saw this older gentleman with this little dog.

I asked him if he was alright, and noticed that he had a role of bags in his hand.
-at first I thought it was some portable waste bags, you know the kind that people carry around in little baggies when they take their dogs on walks outside. 
He said he was fine and continued walking, putting said bags into his pocket and quickly exited the store.
It hit me then, waaaaiiiitttttt a second.

I went and checked one of our clean up stations, yep, not as full as it had been earlier.

This guy had just stolen a bunch of our own little baggies meant to clean up messes around the store!

It's not like he was trying to steal any of our actual products (I think)
But why the baggies?
Maybe he needed them for my first thought -to clean up messes his dog makes.

But I just found it odd...I mean, didn't he realize that even though we provide those bags for our customers to clean up messes...that it's stealing to take more then one or two? I mean, think of all the customers who may not get a baggie.
It's nearly as bad as taking a whole handful of candy when the sign says to only take one!
(okay not really, those don't compare at all on horrible scale)
*shakes head*
I'm guessing he probably didn't realize it. He saw the bags, saw he didn't need to pay for them, and took a bunch.
*sighs* Oh well.
Maybe he had a huge mess in his car from his dog throwing up or something that he needed to clean up.
But I'll probably never know.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was up on the side of a hill, participating in some event as a representative of Starsmet. It was like the store was there, but travelmade. In any case, these girls came up to me and they wanted all sorts of fish and three bearded dragons. And while I was catching the fish and such, the girls decided to do some 'magic' they had a bunch of fireworks, and one girl had a magician's wand. One would light the fireworks, and the other would say some spell "Accio!" and the like, while dramatically pointing her wand. Right on cue the firework would go off in a burst of flame. This happened for a bit, until the girls saw a flock of seagulls at the bottom of the hill. They went down there and in the yellow field tossed out a white fish feeder looking thing. Where they began to try and convince one of the birds to eat it. Concerned I followed them down, I had to watch them to see if they would actually explode a bird or not. However, I didn't want to see the bird actually explode, so I kept turning my head away. Finally, the girls convinced a poor white goose to eat the white chunk. I turned away just as they exploded the goose. That settled it, they weren't getting any animals from me. I headed back up the hill at the same time they did, but further away from them. I could hear them complaining "Aww! it didn't leave a frozen goose behind!" (why would it?) "Come on let's go get our stuff once that girl gets up here." I had no intention of giving them any of there animals as I now had reasonable doubt that these animals would be treated well. They had just killed a goose for fun after all. What would they do with the fish or the bearded dragons? So I was planning on just how to tell them that I could refuse them a sale because from what I'd just seen I had reasonable doubt the animals would be safe... I returned to my station to see a huge line of people and a couple of guys helping them who had jumped in to cover me. I thanked them and went to the fish tank that had held the fish and bearded dragons, they were all there, though an Otocinclus fish had jumped out. I quickly rescued the pointy thing, and one of the guys (reminded me of the big blonde Viking guy from How to Train your Dragon) said another one had jumped out but had landed in between the wall and the cushioned restaurant seat. I pulled the seat away from the wall (the fish would start to smell if I didn't) and found another Oto, thankfully still alive. I put him back into the tank and firmly secured the lid (nearly squishing the bearded dragons that insisted on being on the edge of the tank.)...

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


Saturday, October 26, 2013

A Burning Electric Pain

Ah the Funny Bone.
Hitting it is really not that funny at all.
At least for the person who hits their funny bone.

Most of the time it isn't that bad when you hit it.
A slight pain. Some tingling.
And walla, it's gone!

Not yesterday.

Somehow, while getting stuff out of our freezer,
I managed to hit my elbow at just the right angle.
To cause super super pain!

Seriously! It felt like getting hit by a lightning bolt.
Only it didn't stop there.
The tingling all the way from elbow to the tip of my pinky. (just the pinky, no other fingers were harmed.)
Changed in an instant to burning heat.
like my hand was on fire.

Plus, it didn't fade. The pain, the heat did after like thirty seconds or so. 
It hurt for like two hours afterwards.

And is still tender to the touch today. *shakes head*
It's so odd. I didn't even hit a corner of something!
It felt like I hit the flat edge of the top of the fridge....somehow, that made it twice as worse.

Who knows how that worked out.
Hopefully I don't do it again, ever.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was getting ready for a party, and I really wanted to wear a dress I had picked out for the occasion, but my grandmother wanted me to wear a dress by sponsors, a $40,000 dollar dress that I did not want to wear, but my grandmother was making me. I tried to lock myself in my brother's room, but the lock didn't work. So I went into my closet, got some different clothes, white pants and such. Then

the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
And I became myself again. :)


Friday, October 25, 2013

Seven Fish In Seven Bags

It started out as a normal enough situation.

A woman walked into my work today.
And asked to get some fish.
Not a big deal.
But then came the kicker.
She said "I need seven goldfish in seven different bags."

Uhh O.o
Immediately that set alarm bells off in my head.
Because I know there's a policy that forbids us from doing that.
And such requests usually involve parties or something.

Soo I asked her "Oh, what are the fish for?"
Because it's store policy to not sell fish to carnivals/parties/weddings.
Especially if the customer wants us to be bagging fish individually.

She totally blew up at me.
"You don't need to know that. I'm the customer, you need to make me happy and do what I want."

Uhh, not if that means that the fish are going to be dead in two hours.
Even if these particular fish were feeder fish (meant to be fed to other animals as food), if they're not going to be fed to something, we want to make sure that they're going to have a good quality of life.

-and not be apart of something like an activity where people have to move fish from one pool to the next using only their hands.

"Alright, but I just want to know, are you going to feed the fish to something?"

"Ew! Why would you think I would do that? Feed fish to something?"

"So, why do you need the fish?"

"That's none of your business and now you're making me wait. I need those fish."

"I'm sorry, but I'm not sure I can sell you the fish."

"Why not?"

"Because it's too time consuming to have to bag seven fish in seven separate bags, and I'm not sure I can do that in any case, but I can double check with my manager real quick." (Checking in with a different manager when she came in after this whole situation was over, it turns out that I can refuse to sell fish if a customer won't tell me why they want them.)

"Oh yes, do that. I want to talk to your manager now." (This is all said in a very aggressive way.)

"Okay, let me call her." I pull out the phone. On second thought...maybe I could go get her in person and leave this crazy woman behind. "If you'd just stay here a moment, I'll be right back." I walked away. Only to have her follow me. (I'm so glad you can follow directions as well. >.>)
So I called the manager on the phone, stopping by our reptile display, where the woman stopped as well. "Hey, I have a woman here who wants to talk to talk to a manager, I'm over by the fish." 
"Okay, I'll be right there."

Soon enough she appeared. "Here she is." I said quickly, breaking away from her to meet the manager a short distance away where I explained the situation really quick in a low tone as we walked towards her. "this woman wants seven gold fish in seven different bags and I told her I wasn't sure I could sell them to her and now she wants to talk to you."

So, when the manager reached her, she asked how she could help.
And the woman basically explained the same situation. And kinda hinted at that I was a lazy worker in the process. Because I wasn't willing to bag seven fish in seven different bags.

Hold up.
Wait, what did you just say?
O.o Well, obviously you got the wrong impression. I wasn't being LAZY when I said that.
I was following policy.
And frankly, I'd love to see YOU try and catch seven fish. One at a time.
and bag them.
One at a time.
Seriously, if the fish are behaving it still takes like five minutes per bag it seems like.
And seriously, I don't have time to spend THIRTY FIVE minutes bagging seven bags when I could spend fiveish minutes bagging up ONE bag of Seven Fish.

Honestly, if she'd been nicer, and had been up front with me on WHY she wanted the fish bagged like so. I probably would have bagged the fish.
For one, I didn't want to continue scrubbing my fish tanks I'd been assigned today.
For two, there was nobody else in my department waiting to be helped, so I could have taken the time to bag the fish all separately. I've actually done it before to a woman who had kids who all wanted to hold their fish. I had the time, so I put in the effort.
But then again, The woman with the kids had been nice.
This woman, not so nice.

And with her sort of attitude, I have the type of personality where I wanted to help as little as possible. Frankly, I wouldn't have cared if she left the store and never came back.

What I do care about is the fact she thought I was lazy.
Because I'm not. And my coworkers know this. I'm always doing something. Always at some task. I hate just standing there doing nothing. (which is why register duty can be rather trialsome) Because time passes so slowly when you're not doing anything. And this past week I've been doing both morning and evening tasks which have left me rather exhausted. I mean, one day this week I had to do bedding changes in like half an hour, scrub tanks right afterwards, and then prepare bedding for animals that would be arriving the next day. It's tiring work! And with the waters at work still being clouded after some changes, I've been working hard to try and keep the department up and running, so to be accused that I was being lazy? Ooooo. It hurts. Deep. Because I'm not lazy. I'm tired. And I like to find quick solutions. Why bag seven fish separately when I put seven in one bag and then go back to scrubbing my tanks? That's quicker, more efficient, and less strain on my already strained overworked arms.

No, I wasn't purposely being unhelpful to her.
I was looking out for the fish.
And as the manager said "We want to make sure that the fish aren't being inhumanely used."

 Of course, the woman wasn't listening in a good way.
It's the way where whatever we would have said, she would have taken it wrongly.
And she did.
My manager asked "so what do you need the fish for?"
"you already asked me that! TEN TIMES! I don't need to answer you."
"We want to make sure the animals aren't being inhumanely used."
"I'm not going to feed them to anything! Geez! I'm using them in an infomercial! happy now?"
(Feeding the gold fish to something isn't inhuman btw. The feeder gold fish's first purpose is to feed animals. We were looking for more of the 'moving fish from one pool to the next with bare hands' sort of inhumane) ((also found out after the fact, Infomercials are in the same category as parties and carnivals, so I can't sell fish to people wanting them for that sort of occasion.))

O.o Next question. Why do you need gold fish in an infomercial?
Whatever it is, she apparently has seven different containers that need a fish in them. (so buy a net and fish them out yourself) and after she was done with them they were going to go in her fish tank.

-yah, I didn't even bother to ask her what size of tank it was. (I didn't want to open another can of worms.)
To those of you looking to get goldfish the rule is: One inch of gold fish = 2 gallons of water. The minimum size a goldfish will get is 8inches. The feeder fish will get 10 inches.
So for one feeder gold fish you need a 20 gallon tank.
And she wanted seven.
somehow, I doubt she has a 140 gallon tank....
(It's not true that goldfish grow to the size of the tank btw.)

In any case. With voices getting raised as we tried to figure out the solution, the woman pulled out another low card.
"I want to speak to the manager."
"I am the manager."
"No, you're not the manager, you don't own this store, I want to talk to the manager in charge here."
"I would be that manager, and I'm trying to help you."
"No, I want to talk to the manager in charge!"
"Do you want your fish ma'am?" My manager interjected cooly.
She had to repeat herself a couple of times before that sunk in.
"Let's go get you your fish then."

I didn't follow them. I had no desire whatsoever to go anywhere near this woman after the way she treated the both of us for simply asking questions.
I mean, didn't it occur to her that I have to ask those questions? I do so to anyone getting fish.
"Oh you need twenty goldfish? You feeding them to something? Ah. A turtle, that's cool. Did you want small or large?"
"Oh you want a goldfish for a fish bowl? I'm sorry, we've had a recent policy change, the bowls are actually too small for the goldfish, but the betas will do excellent in that sort of tank. Here let me show you. Yes. They're way easier to take care of, because Goldfish in a bowl, well you have to change the water nearly every day, but a beta it's once a week."

The conversation may go differently, but all I'm doing is making sure that the fish are getting the best chance possible to live (if they're not meant to be fed to something.)

But, I had to leave my manager to deal with the woman,
because she literally brought me to tears, and I had to go elsewhere to compose myself.

And I was right in it taking forever to bag seven fish. I had to avoid half of my department for nearly half an hour.
In retrospect I should have gone with my manager to help catch the fish...I probably would have if the woman hadn't acted the way she had. Like I said, everything she did made me not want to help her. So I was perfectly content to have her wait while my manager bagged the seven fish by herself. I hope she took her time to, while I helped customers elsewhere in my department and the rest of the store. That helped a lot. Helping other customers. They were all pleasant. Like 99% of our customers usually are.

Yah, it took me a bit to calm down.
And my poor manager. Apparently after they got to the fish, the woman laid into her again.
Asking what anyone would feed fish to.
My manager replied "Animals."
"I want specific examples."
Cooly the manager replied "Turtles, Snakes, other fish."
"I can't believe you let people do that!"

And apparently my unwillingness to bag seven fish separately came up as well. As the manager asked what I had said to her. Because apparently I'd come across as being lazy for refusing to do what the woman wanted me to do right away.
And I told my manager "I told her that it was a bit much to ask of me to bag them individually, and I wasn't sure I was even allowed to do that, but I would go check with a manager to be sure."
(Yes, I remained pleasant to the woman even in the face of her rudeness.)
I'm always willing to go ask a manager to double check anything the customer doesn't like. (like not being able to sell goldfish to people who want to put them in a tiny bowl.)

"Did you want large or small?" My manager asked.
"I don't know."
"Do you want large or small." She repeated pointing to the fish.
"I want them like this." And she, of all things, showed my manager a hand drawn picture of a goldfish. Like a kid's drawing.
"So Large?"
And the woman, while my manager was asking the question, got on the phone to someone and started complaining about the service of Starsmet right in front of my manager.
(About this point I would have loved to point her towards the door, fishless.)
"LARGE or SMALL?" I manager asked, being a little more tart with her.
"Oh, Large."
So, my manager bagged the fish,
and took them to the register.
Where the woman proceeded to say that she was going to go grocery shopping at Walmart afterwards.


My manager was like "These fish won't last that long in the bag."
(especially if she left them in the car. It's still pretty warm in cars at this point.)
"I'm going to Walmart anyway." Came the snippety reply back.

And finally. Finally, her dark angry shadow left our store. (I hope she doesn't return demanded a refund. We don't refund Feeder goldfish. And I don't think she'll take that well either.)

Yah...I have no idea why she chose to drink vinegar today and take it out at us in Starsmet.
(I won't be surprised if she calls the corporate office and complains about our service.)
But she's lucky I chose not to continue helping her.
Because the mood she left me in may have influenced me to chose the sickly looking fish to give to her instead of healthy looking fish my manager probably gave her. Frankly, I'll be surprise if the fish survive the journey if she did go do other shopping afterwards. She will be very lucky if they do.

Still I have to wonder.
What made her so...confrontational?
Was she having a bad day? A bad week? Had her kid just told her that they have this project due at the last moment? Did she turn all her laundry pink? Had she just gotten fired? Who knows.

Or, was she feeling guilty? Because she knew she wasn't going to treat the fish well? Because she knew somehow that what she may be doing could be wrong. That she knew she was lying to us about what was going to happen to the fish afterwards? And feeling guilty made her defensive and confrontational?
(this is all speculative.)

I will probably never know.
I hope that if she does return to the store in the future it's not while I'm working. I don't want to be brought to tears again.

But seriously, if the woman hadn't been so self centered, she probably would have realized that I have to ask the questions I do. That I wasn't purposely targeting her for 'in depth questions I didn't need to know." I do the same thing for any customer I talk to just to get a feel for what will be a good fit for them. I mean, I could have directed her to buy seven betas instead (they're already individually packaged. {{and cost more}}) if I knew what she was doing in this 'infomercial'
Of course they 'aren't my fish! I'm just getting them." I think was what she said at some point.
So who knows. But if I had known, I could have been more helpful in directing her to the right sort of thing.
But seriously, I wasn't trying to be unhelpful.
Just take a chill pill and relax, lady.
And know that I will feel bad if I can't make the customer happy. (with this lady, I really didn't care if she left unhappy, she made me unhappy, so fairs fair turn about.)  Even if I'm supposed to 'make the customer happy and give them what they want.' What I care about first and foremost is the animal's safety. I have the power to refuse a sell if I decide that the animal is in danger. Therefore, customer will not be happy. But animal will be safe. And I will feel bad I couldn't give you what you wanted, but I do try to offer other solutions.

*shakes head*

I'm just glad that right after that woman left the store,
I happened to help...well an angel of happiness.
Really, there was a woman waiting by crickets and when I apologized for not getting to her right away she just smiled and said it was alright. Which of course made me want to help her all the quicker.
She just had that sort of personality and smile that could immediately chase the dark clouds away and bring my cheerful mood back.
I could say she was my favorite person of the day, this woman coming to get crickets. Just because she was so understanding, and NICE. Yes, she helped me out immensely just by smiling. ^^

Yes. People respond better to smiles then to anger. I respond better to smiles. :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Information, Please

Long years ago I was touched by a story which illustrated love of neighbor between a small boy named Paul and a telephone operator he had never met.
These were the days many will remember with nostalgia but which a new generation will never experience.

Paul related the story: "When I was quite young, my father had one of the first telephones in our neighborhood.
I remember that the shiny receiver hung on the side of the box.
I was too little to reach the telephone, but I used to listen with fascination when Mother would talk to it.
Then I discovered that somewhere inside the wonderful device lived an amazing person.
Her name was 'Information, Please," and there was nothing she did not know.
'Information, Please' could supply anybody's number and the correct time.

"I learned that if I stood on a stool, I could reach the telephone.
I called 'Information, Please' for all sorts of things.
I asked her for help with my geography, and she told me where Philadelphia was.
She helped me with my arithmetic, too.

"Then there was a time that Petey, our pet canary, died.
I called 'Information, Please' and told her the sad story.
She listened and then said the usual things grown-ups say to soothe a child.
But I was unconsoled.
'Why is it that birds should sing so beautifully and bring joy to all families, only to end up as a heap of feathers, feet up, on the bottom of the cage?'
I asked.

"She must have sensed my deep concern, for she said quietly, 'Paul, always remember that there are other worlds in which to sing.'
Somehow I felt better.

"All this took place in a small town near Seattle.
Then we moved across the country to Boston.
I missed my friend very much.
'Information, Please' belonged to that old wooden box back home, and I somehow never thought of trying to call her.
The memories of those childhood conversations never really left me; often in moments of doubt and perplexity I would recall the serene sense of security I had then.
I appreciated now how patient, understanding, and kind she was to have spent her time on a little boy.

"Later, when I went west to college, my plane made a stop in Seattle," Paul continued.
"I called 'Information, Please,' and when, miraculously, I heard that familiar voice, I said to her, 'I wonder if you have any idea how much you meant to me during that time?"

"'I wonder,' she said, 'if you know how much your calls meant to me.
I never had any children, and I used to look forward to your calls.'
I told her how often I had thought of her over the years, and I asked if I could call her again when I came back est.

"'Please do,' she said.
'Just ask for Sally.'

"Only three months later I was back in Seattle.
A different voice answered, 'Information,' and I asked for Sally.
'Are you a friend?' the woman asked.

"'Yes, a very old friend,' I replied.

"'Then I'm sorry to have to tell you.
Sally has only been working part-time the last few years because she was ill.
She died five weeks ago.'
But before I could hang up, she said, 'Wait a minute.
Did you say your name was Paul?'

"'Yes,' I responded.

"'Well, Sally left a message for you.
She wrote it down.
Here it is--I'll read it.
Tell him I still say there are other worlds in which to sing.
He'll know what I mean.

"I thanked her and hung up," said Paul.
"I did know what Sally meant."

Sally, the telephone operator, and Paul, the boy--the man--were in reality good Samaritans to each other.

Thomas S. Monson -The Way of the Master -April 1996 General Conference

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

A Meow Surprise

I love surprises. ^^

So it's always fun to come home to one.

The note says:
A black cat has crossed your path. Oh no! That's bad luck! ... Unless you can counter it...
Keep one of these cats, and use the other to serve someone!
Happy Halloween!
Most Sincerely,
I have no idea who did this.
(Though I would love to suspect my roomies >.> <.<)
But it was awesome!
Unfortunately I haven't figured out who to give the second cat to.
(It took me a couple of days to decide which one I wanted to keep.)
Hopefully I'll be able to pass on the cat soon!! :)
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
The Dream

I was at work, cleaning out fish tanks among other tasks, when my manager, Reth, came up to me and told me that there was this BBQ party going on over at the park, (strangely enough the fishtank part of the store was open to the outside...or was actually outside) and that she was making everyone go to it and to take a well deserved break in order to recalibrate as she worked out some problems. She told us to come back at 6 and not a minute before. Otherwise, she would be very unhappy and consequences would be bad. I glanced at my watch and saw that it said 4:45. I was all to happy to oblige. As I didn't want to deal with the fish and I was to happy to let Reth continue the work on our fish problem. So I left, carrying something and walked through the park towards the BBQ in the distance as coworkers passed by me.
Only I felt something was wrong. I glanced at my watch again. 4:45...then I realized. That was when I was supposed to get off of work. I wouldn't be back at 6 anyway because I needed to go clock out. So I returned, though it took way longer to get back to the fish store then leave it. I had to run through sand art and across fields that I didn't remember passing. It was like 5:10 by the time I got back to the store and ran into Reth. She looked furious, but I quickly explained "I was supposed to clock out at 4:45. That soothed her a bit, but I hadn't yet gone to clock out when...

The unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


Tuesday, October 22, 2013

I Do Know You!

So, we've been hiring some new people on at Starsmet.

And one of the girls looked familiar to me.
Like I knew her from somewhere else.

Turns out I do.

And it took me a couple of weeks before I realized how I knew her.

In fact, it was yesterday that I figured it out.

You see, I was checking out the work schedule and I noticed that her last name...

was the same last name as one of my CoChairs from when I served on the LDSSA at the institute.

So I was like ()_() Wait a second. I know that last name, is it coincidence?

"Hey Si, do you know Rie?" I asked her.

"Yah! She's my sister!"

"OH! I was on institute council with her! She's in Hawaii on her mission right?"

"Yah! I thought you looked familiar!"

Haha. :) It was rather exciting for me.
Turns out, I probably met her at Rie's mission farewell.
But today, I've seen the similarities between Si and Rie a lot more.

Lol, and funnily enough, I looked familiar to her to, but we couldn't place each other.

Heh. It's a small world after all. :D

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, October 21, 2013

October 1996 General Conference Sunday Morning Session

James E. Faust - "Woman, Why Weepest Thou?"
  • The complexities of this life at times tend to be very dehumanizing and overwhelming. Some have so much, while other struggle with so very little.
  • Our suffering in this life can be as the refining fire, purifying us for a higher purpose. Heartaches can be healed, and we can come to know a soul-satisfying joy and happiness beyond our dreams and expectations.
  • I believe the kind and merciful God, whose children we are, will judge us a lightly as He can for the wrongs that we have done and give us the maximum blessing for the good that we do.
  • "The principle of repentance--of rising again whenever we fall, brushing ourselves off, and setting off again on that upward trail--is the basis for our hope. It is through repentance that the Lord Jesus Christ can work his healing miracle, infusing us with strength when we are weak, health when we are sick, hope when we are downhearted, love when we feel empty, and understanding when we search for truth."
  • "I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil.
  • The Savior's prayer both commands us to avoid evil and proffers divine help to do so.
  • The members should have the same care one for another.
  • "And whether on member suffer, all the members suffer with it; or one member be honoured, all the members rejoice with it.
Dallin H. Oaks -"Always Have His Spirit"
  • That comforter dwells in us. He teaches us all things and brings all things to our remembrance. He guides us into truth and shows us things to come.
  • "Everybody has the Spirit of God."
  • The Light of Christ is given to all men and women that they may know good from evil; manifestations of the Holy Ghost are given to lead sincere seekers to gospel truths that will persuade them to repentance and baptism.
  • The gift of the Holy Ghost includes the right to constant companionship, that we may "always have his Spirit to be with [us]"
  • The Holy Ghost "comes a little at a time as you merit it. And as your life is in harmony, you gradually receive the Holy Ghost in a great measure."
  • Any who may have thought it a small thing to partake of the sacrament should remember the Lord's declaration that the foundation of a great work is laid by small things, for "out of small things proceedeth that which is great." Out of the seemingly small act of consciously and reverently renewing our baptismal covenants comes a renewal of the blessings of baptism by water and by the Spirit, that we may always have his Spirit to be with us. In this way all of us will be guide, and in this way all of us can be cleansed.
Richard C. Edgley -"We Care Enough to Send Our Very Best"
  • To the many thousands of you not of our faith who have befriended these young people, we give our most sincere thanks and we pray that God's choicest blessings will be with you.
Robert D. Hales -The Eternal Family
  • An eternal bond doesn't just happen as a result of sealing covenants we make in the temple. How we conduct ourselves in this life will determine what we will be in all the eternities to come. To receive the blessings of the sealing that our Heavenly Father has given to us, we have to keep the commandments and conduct ourselves in such a way that our families will want to live with us in the eternities. The family relationships we have here on this earth are important, but they are much more important for their effect on our families for generations in mortality and throughout all eternity.
  • By divine design, husband and wife are equal partners in their marriage and parental responsibilities.
  • While our individual salvation is based on our individual obedience, it is equally important that we understand that we are each an important and integral part of a family and the highest blessings can be received only within an eternal family.
  • The eternal nature of an individual becomes the eternal nature of the family.
  • There is life after death, not only for the individual but also for the family.
  • The fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ brings great comfort in stressing times of mortality. It brings light where there is darkness and a calming influence where there is turmoil. It gives eternal hope where there is mortal despair. It is more than just beautiful doctrine. It is a reality in our lives that if we can be obedient and obtain the eternal rewards that God grants us, if we will draw nigh unto Him and embrace the eternal doctrine, we will be blessed.
Gordon B. Hinckley -Women of the Church
  • First let me say to you sisters that you do not hold a second place in our Father's plan for the eternal happiness and well-being of His children. You are an absolutely essential part of that plan.
  • Each of you is a daughter of God, endowed with a divine birthright. you need no defense of that position.
  • There is strength and great capacity in the women of this Church. There is leadership and direction, a certain spirit of independence, and yet great satisfaction in being a part of this, the Lord's kingdom, and of working hand in hand with the priesthood to move it forward.
  • You sisters are the real builders of the nation wherever you live, for you have created homes of strength and peace and security. These become the very sinew of any nation.
  • I regret that there are some men undeserving of the love of their wives and children. The7re are children who fear their fathers, and wives who fear their husbands. If there be any such men within the hearing of my voice, as a servant of the lord I rebuke you and call you to repentance. Discipline yourselves. Master your temper. Most of the things that make you angry are of very small consequence. And what a terrible price you are paying for your anger.
  • To you single women who wish to be married, I repeat what I recently said in a meeting for singles in this Tabernacle: "Do not give up hope. And do not give up trying. But do give up being obsessed with it. The chances are that if you forget about it and become anxiously engaged in other activities, the prospects will brighten immeasurably.
  • A 'ward family' can make all the difference.
  • "Life has been hard, ... but we put on the whole armor of God as we kneel in family prayer ... , asking for help and guidance and sharing thanks for the blessings we have received. I pray daily for the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost to guide me."
  • For you who are single parents, I say that many hands stand ready to help you. The Lord is not unmindful of you. Neither is His Church. 
  • There is a certain beauty that shines through your countenance. It is the beauty that comes of peace. There may still be struggle, but there is mature wisdom to meet it. There are health problems, but there is a certain composure concerning them. The bad memories of the past have largely been forgotten, while the good memories return and bring sweet and satisfying enrichment to life.
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

There was a new enemy in town. King Henry (based off of the evil king from Robin Hood). He'd taken over a castle nearby Peter Pan's 'playground' where he and all the children played. The war was nearly ended. King Henry had taken over a lot, but Peter was still trying to fight, to get his home back. He had gathered a small group of children still loyal to him, and he was trying to sneak into the castle, only the security on the place had tightened up. Three of the 'little raccoons' were trying to get in through a pipe system connected from the playground toy to the castle. Only, the guards spotted Pan, and he and one other boy had to run away while one single guard in purple chased after them with a sort of laser gun. The fate of the boys in the pipe remained unknown, but Pan had to run through Fluffy's neighborhood and into a bog of water covered in lily pads to escape the fire. He swam on his back underwater to keep an eye on the gunman and make sure that he could stay out of range. Pan ended up at the playground, trying to blend in with all the children there. There were three distinct camps separated into Type A. Type B. and Type C personalities. Each group got a different playground to play on. Pan took shelter in the biggest one reserved for the Type A personalities -or the leaders- it was made of wood, and the back area of it (it was a lot like a fort/playground made of wood) Could lift up for a view on the Type B playground. This little nook was where Pan met up with another friend (Possibly Robin Hood) who regretted that he couldn't get to Pan in time to help out before now. Now Robin, was just basically trying to make sure that everyone had a place to sleep, and discovering this little nook could be used for two or three couples when the weather would get cold. There was also a girl there, blonde (was the girl from the Dog Blog TV show on Disney) was also there trying to help. She apparently was in the Type B group. The Thinkers (geeks). their playground was a series of long strips of trampolines and monkey bars. Those didn't really get used though, because they aren't the active group. They just gather with their noses in the books. The last group type C was the field area. A ton of children were there. The 'active ones' Where there were giant red bouncy balls to avoid and play with, and other life size games. These children were more watched then the other groups with guards everywhere. In any case. Pan...was seriously debating about whether or not he should just turn himself in. Give up. Or actually stay and fight and risk hurting his friends further then they were being hurt under King Henry's rule. He wanted to fight, to show the children there was a better way, but with everything stacked up against him.....

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


Sunday, October 20, 2013

A Lone Bat

My brother and I have a bat connection.

You see, a while ago...maybe like a month, my coworkers told me that there was a bat hanging outside of our doors.
Sure enough, I went outside and there the little critter was. Hanging away up by the ceiling above the entry way doors.
He stuck around for two or three days before flying off to not return.

Well, for a bit while Meralto was in the MTC, he also had a bat companion that would hang out over the door in his mission zone.
Apparently the bat was there for five days straight before disappearing.

Which makes me wonder...why was the bat there in the first place? I mean, they usually travel in swarms don't they?
Yet this guy (maybe the same one?) hung out by himself near people for a few days.

I wonder if he was lost, 
or maybe he was following some errand or something.

In any case, it was fun to see a creature you don't usually see for a little bit.
Hopefully he's eating lots and lots of mosquitoes right now, our little bat friend.
...Or else he followed my bro to Georgia...who knows ;) haha. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was at school when I ran across a few of my signing classmates. They were surprised to see me and wanted to know what I had been up to and if I was at school still. I told them I wasn't there for school, that I had graduated, but I hadn't gotten around to telling them that I wasn't in a signing related work when I ended up going through a bunch of stairways and secret passageways in the school and ended up on this flat at a Rendezvous. My dad was there as were a bunch of other people. When this tall dude in a red feathered neck/chest piece, loin wrap, and feathered crown came in. He attacked the leaders of our clan -it was a ritual attack, no real damage was done.- but I was terrified he was going to kill me, so I ran for my father's tent to try and hide there, only there were people already hiding underneath the tables and in the tall grass of the tent. And if he found them there, he would find me, so I went searching elsewhere, by a river with a bunch of long thick black tubes, like rollers in the water, where a couple of boys were trying to climb over them (and not having much success) I ended up getting distracted though when I looked up at the mountains and saw pictures of Indians carved into the redrock -kinda like Mount Rushmore but with Indian heads) and as I raised my Ipod to get a picture of them, I spotted a couple more murals set into the side of the mountains, these two of gold panners of a sort. So I was taking picture of all these, when I saw a bunch of hikers coming off the mountain, and there was this one old guy -kinda looked like one of the pictures on the mountain- that was chasing a goat around as well.
Then I was suddenly in an office building. I sky scraper, with a bunch of other people of my kind. We were sitting down with a rival group to make negotiations, when we heard these two shots. The woman -a mother figure- pulled out her necklace and took a smashed bullet away from it's magnetic edge. She claimed that the bullet had been meant for the father -leader- of the clan, but he too pulled out a magnetic device and there was a bullet stuck to that emblem as well. So someone had fired two shots at my leaders but had missed because we had magnetic abilities and carried emblems to prevent such a thing from happening. However, when these shots went off, it let loose a shrill sound that caused the hair from our heads to disappear, revealing a network of black lines inked into our heads, with different spots glowing different colors (they had meaning, I just didn't know them) the Leader told us all to get down, and I a way. I ran through the office/library section grabbed some coins as this human looking robot drone came into the room and started searching at any of the bald heads it saw, I broke through the window and used the coins to help slow my fall, and protect me from bullets whizzing about. The drone shot a rocket at me but I shot a rocket back at it, however, it missed. I grabbed the rocket as I was flying through the air and tossed it up to the sky where it exploded. And I even though my rocket hadn't destroyed the other rocket, I let the other rocket fall to the ground because it was actually a signal. When it exploded a bunch of yellow sparks -like fireworks- sprouted high into the air, and from those sparks a fleet of metallic paper airplane looking things appeared to go flying off to the rest of our crew. This would let them know that something had gone wrong. I swung around the corner, and landed at the foot of a woman who had just bought a new camera, because her old one -a coppery color- had gotten smashed in a car accident, and she actually had the whole scenario recorded on this new camera of how a van had collided with another car. I pulled out my own camera phone thing that was like a mini keyboard phone with the sliding screen but it was only about two inches long. Before we were suddenly in the same fashion class together, but we decided to team up so that we could get more fabric between the two of us and we'd share. I wanted Dark Green because that was easier to hide in, but she wanted pink. luckily for her pink and green went together, but I wasn't able to stick around long as the drone was zeroing in on me and I had to go take shelter in a restaurant because if it shot me with silver bullets...I would be done for because my kind couldn't withstand silver bullets.

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


Saturday, October 19, 2013


I must have always been an animal tamer.
;) Because in a lot of my little kid photos, I seem to have cats nearby. lol.

I had the opportunity to go through some of my old stuff this weekend.
And when I mean old stuff...
I mean a ton of papers.

And when I mean a ton of papers try....everything from elementary school to college.
Talk about cra-a-a-zy.
There are things where I'm like "I remember this!!" and others where I was like "AH HA! Proof!" of things I remembered that nobody else remembered.
But most of all, there's a lot of 'I actually did this stuff?!?"

It was crazy.
And I really don't know why I kept like three tubs full of paperwork. *shakes head*
Thinking back, it started out as "I need this for the end of the semester. -> I may need to re use this next year -> I might use this later. -> Aww this is sentimental -> Ugh, I don't want it but there's something there, lets just put it in this pile and I'll go through it later....and it kept piling on and piling on....til now. When I went through it all.

Wow. I'm lucky that I'm pretty sure all my teachers are alive,
Because they would probably be rolling over in their graves right now.
For how much I threw away as 'useless'
Poor teachers, they assign us soo much...only to have it tossed out at some future point...
But hey, I kept a lot of it for a looong time. :)

Still it was fun to see things.
Like how my reading goals went from 24pts all the way up to 190pts during the four term semester.
And how I managed to 500 points at one time as well in Elementary School.
Of course there are all the honor student awards, good citizenship awards, being awesome awards, and even! My only science fair project that one first place!  :D Woot!
Plus there were old pictures, old drawings, old yearbooks.
And tons and tons of mathwork. ()_()
Haha, it's interesting to note that I loved Math when I was younger.
And while I still enjoy it....
Then Reading I disliked, but now love.
How one of my animal science classes actually covered the animals I currently work with at Starsmet. O.o And I thought I was just awesome and knew it all already ;) haha.

I even found some odds and ends amongst all the paper work that I had been looking for for years without success. :)

All in all, when I wasn't tossing out the mile and a half wide field of math problems and power point notes... it was rather enjoyable to see the strides I made through the years.
Of course, I managed to narrow it down to half a tub full of stuff. :)
Which is rather impressive for me.
I totally thought I would end up going "I can't throw this out! But this! I need to keep this!"
Nope. Not at all.
It was mostly. "YEAH! Let's get this weight off my shoulders!" *toss*
So, dear teachers. Hopefully you're not cringing at reading this.
But YAY!!! Less of a fire hazard at my parents house! lol. ^^;;

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.

Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi