Thursday, July 31, 2014

Just Two Pictures

The story is told of an event that happened in New York when President David O. Mckay returned from a trip to Europe.
"Arrangements had been made for pictures to be taken, but the regular photographer was unable to go, so in desperation the United Press picked their crime photographer--a man accustomed to the toughest type of work in New York.
He went to the airport, stayed there two hours, and returned later from [the] dark room with a tremendous sheaf of pictures.
He was supposed to take only two.
His boss immediately chided him, 'What in the world are you wasting time and all those photographic supplies for?'

"The photographer replied very curtly, saying he would gladly pay for the extra materials, and they could even dock him for the extra time he took.
... Several hours later the vice-president called him to his office, wanting to learn what happened.
The crime photographer said, 'When I was a little boy, my mother used to read to me out of the Old Testament, and all my life I have wondered what a prophet of God must really look like.
Well, today I found one.'"

-Virginia U. Jensen -"Come, Listen to a Prophet's Voice"  -October 1998 General Conference

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Without H2O

You gotta love installation projects.
Because they never go totally right.
Something happens that makes it take longer.
Something goes wrong.

Well. Something went wrong.

My apt complex is installing a new internet service into the building. 
And last month (it's taking them forever to install it. O.o dunno why...okay I do now.)
While the internet guys were working on the guys side of the complex, and hit a water line, effectively shutting down the guy's water for around 24 hours.

Well, today, it was the girl's turn.
The guys hit another water main, effectively shutting down the water in the girl's side of the complex.
O.o How do you manage to make the same mistake twice? Different people on the job or something?

In any case.
I'm without water. :(
Which isn't the funnest.
Especially when I was planning on using water once I got home tonight.
Isn't that always the case?
Plans don't go to plan?
Dishes will remain unwashed for another day.
My fishtanks will have to keep their low water levels.
No fresh water to drink.
No shower to take.
And of course, a long walk down to the first floor to the kindly provided porta potties.

Lol totally crazy.
I feel like I'm almost back at Rendezvous where I too had everything I needed at my finger tips....except water. lol.

Good thing I've been gone from the apartment for most of this. :)
Otherwise, it would be more annoying. :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, July 29, 2014


So there I was, in the living room, perched on a table (because I like to sit on things that shouldn't really be sat upon....but I do so anyway.)
Chatting with Mother Dearest and two of the neighbor ladies that had come over.
And to get more comfortable, I took my shoes off, and sat cross legged on the table.
Only to have my Mom exclaim "Sarnic!"
Startled I look up to see her giving me that look.
You know the look.
Where you've done something wrong.
And I frantically racked my brain to think what I had done wrong.
Was I being impolite to take my shoes off in front of visitors?
It couldn't be me sitting on the table cus I'd been doing that for a while,
Had a gotten dirt on the table? Scratched up the wood?
No...I was wearing socks, I'd taken off my shoes to prevent that from happening.
So, completely clueless I was like: "What?"

And then I got the answer.
"Your socks don't match!"

lol out of all the things I had been expecting....
That wasn't one of them. lol ^^;;
I had actually forgotten that they didn't match.
Socks were just socks to me.

But in reality.
They were do different socks.
Not meant to be paired up.
But through the extremely tense circumstances of laziness.
Had ended up on my feet without their matching mates.
I mean, I was in a hurry to pack to come home,
and so I basically just grabbed the first two socks that were about the same length that were at hand and stuck them in my bag.
Yes, I knowingly did this, knowing that they didn't match. Even thought about it.
But decided it wasn't important. I just needed socks.
(They probably would be easier to pair up my socks if I took the time to actually put them together.... ^^;; lol.)

lol. so I was like: "Yah, they don't." ^^;; "I figured it wasn't a big deal because for the most part....people don't look at socks."

And everyone agreed with me. lol
"I wouldn't have noticed if you hadn't taken your shoes off."

Ah. The need to be comfortable has betrayed me again. ;) lol

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was at work, when this customer -a guy- came up to me with an animal related question concerning getting an animal, and I had to unfortunately inform him that I couldn't go through with his request because it was against policy....and he of course, freaked out about it. Going off how about how he was the customer and I was supposed to be making him happy. I kinda muted him as I didn't want to hear it. And had a manager talk to him, expecting him to be told the same thing, but to my surprise, Dot sided with him, and so I was forced to get the fish he wanted to get even though it didn't follow our policy. So I was trying to get him...her....their fish, and the girl was like "And I had a bunch of parakeets die, and I want to get some new ones." And talking with her I was like O.o I don't think that's a great idea....but there I was wading into a pool full of goldfish black moor, comet, ryukin, orandas trying to get the right set of 10 fish that she wanted (the fish kept looking weird, or kept catching dead ones.) , all the while trying to distract her from the fact that she wanted to get some birds as well....

When the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


Monday, July 28, 2014

October 2000 General Conference Priesthood Session

Jeffrey R. Holland -"Sanctify Yourselves"
  • Did you know that the original Latin meaning of the word amusement is "a diversion of the mind intended to deceive?"
  • In the moral realm the only real control you have is self-control.
  • "To every man there comes ... that special moment when he is figuratively tapped on the shoulder and offered the chance to do a special thing unique to him and fitted to his talent. What a tragedy if that moment finds him unprepared or unqualified for the work which would be his finest hour."
Dennis B. Neuenschwander -Living Prophets, Seers, and Revelators
  • Ancient as well as modern Apostles bear witness of the name of Jesus Christ because "there shall be no other name given nor any other way nor means whereby salvation can come unto the children of men, only in and through the name of Christ, the Lord Omnipotent."
  • "Thank you, brothers and sisters, for your sustaining vote. We feel that you have sustained us not only with your hands but also with your hearts and your faith and prayers, which we so urgently need, and pray that you will continue to do so."
  • To have living prophets, seers, and revelators among us and not listen to them is no better than not having them at all.
Richard C. Edgley -Satan's Bag of Snipes
  •  Satan is the great deceiver, liar, and enemy to all that is good, including our happiness and our well-being.
  • When such justifications are given either outright by others or subtly by the whisperings of the tempter, you are warned. Don't listen. Don't experiment. Just don't do it.
  • There is no adequate substitute for virtue. God's standards may be challenged everywhere throughout the world, but God has not abrogated his commandments."
  • We are royalty.
James E. Faust -The Enemy Within
  • Satan is still the captain of the hosts of evil. He is still tempting us.
  • "Our first enemy we will find within ourselves. It is a good thing to overcome that enemy first."
  • We need to strengthen the good within us.
  • Never, never experiment with any addictive substance. Do not ever use tobacco in any form or take any other enslaving substances. Stay away from intoxicating liquor. Addictions bring tragic consequences that are hard to overcome.
  • "If you cross the devil's side of the line one inch, you are in the tempter's power, and if he is successful, you will not be able to think or even reason properly, because you will have lost the spirit of the Lord."
  • Some people wear masks of decency and outward righteousness but live lives of deception, believing that, they can live a double life and never be found out. James said, "A double minded man is unstable in all his ways."
  • Hypocrites are those who outwardly wear masks that portray goodness but inwardly practice evil and deceit.
Thomas S. Monson -The Call to Serve
  • Noble leaders of young men, you stand at the crossroads in the lives of those whom you teach.
  • We can strengthen one another; we have the capacity to notice the unnoticed.
  • "Ponder the path of thy feet."
  • Look to the lighthouse of the Lord. There is no fog so dense, no night so dark, no gale so strong, no mariner so lost but what its beacon light can rescue. It beckons through the storms of life. The lighthouse of the Lord sends forth signals readily recognized and never failing.
  • First: Prayer provides peace.
  • Second: Faith precedes the miracle.
  • And third: Honesty is the best policy.
  • Remember that faith and doubt cannot exist in the same mind at the same time, for one will dispel the other. Cast out doubt. Cultivate faith.
Gordon B. Hinckley -"Great Shall Be the Peace of Thy Children"
  • In terms of your happiness, in terms of the matters that make you proud or sad, nothing--I repeat, nothing--will have so profound an effect on you as the way your children turn out.
  • What a glorious and beautiful thing it is to see the child of your dreams walk with head up, standing tall, unafraid, and with confidence, taking advantage of the tremendous opportunities that open around him or her.
  • The first is to encourage them to develop good friendships.
  • Every boy or girl longs for friends. No one wishes to walk alone. The warmth, the comfort, the camaraderie of a friend mean everything to a boy or girl.
  • Open your homes to the friends of your children. If you find they have big appetites, close your eyes and let them at. Make your children's friends your friends.
  • Teach them to importance of education.
  • Teach your children self-respect.
  • Now comes the craze of tattooing one's body. I cannot understand why any young man--or young woman, for the matter--would wish to undergo the painful process of disfiguring the skin with various multicolored representations of people, animals, and various symbols. With tattoos, the process is permanent, unless there is another painful and costly undertaking to remove it. Fathers, caution your sons against having their bodies tattooed. They may resist your talk now, but the time will come when they will thank you. A tattoo is graffiti ton the temple of the body.
  • Likewise the piercing of the body for multiple rings in the ears, in the nose, even in the tongue. Can they possibly think that is beautiful? It is a passing fancy, but its effects can be permanent. Some have gone to such extremes that the ring had to be removed by surgery. The First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve have declared that we discourage tattoos and also "the piercing of the body for other than medical purposes." We do not, however, take any position "on the minimal piercing of the ears b y women for one pair of earrings" --one pair.
  • Teach them to stay away from drugs.
  • Teach them the virtue of honesty.
  • Teach them to be virtuous.
  • Teach them to look forward to the time when they may be married in the house of the Lord.
  • "When people are married, instead of trying to get of each other, reflect that you have made your choice, and strive to honor and keep it, do not manifest that you have acted unwisely and say that you have made a bad choice, nor let any body know that you think you have. You made your choice, stick to it, and strive to comfort and assist each other."
  • Teach your children to pray.
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was getting ready for school, it was a snowy day and I was having trouble driving through the snowy roads, but somehow managed to get to school on time, only I wasn't sure what classes to go to as it was my 'first' day of school, which was weird because I knew I'd graduated and I couldn't figure out why I'd decided to go back to school. As the classes I'd chosen were rather....useless. Techno stuff, my first class of the day I walked out of because it was like two other people and they were just going to be talking about one guy's kids the entire time which was a waste of my money. So I planned to withdraw from that class, I ended up in a different computery sort of class that was much more likeable but not by much, and I was trying to climb stairs to get to my locker and remember my locker com.....

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


Sunday, July 27, 2014

Eatin' The Real Stuff

I hate dishes.
It's no secret that I do.
Slimy....oh wait. I already said that one.

In any case. I tend to avoid dishes whenever possible.
Which....I'm pretty sure is well known, I'm pretty sure I did a blog or two about the fact.

So, why bring it up again?
Because this week, I tried something different.
I tried eating real dinners.
Have real meals.
And not just fast food meals. (okay it happened once this week.)
But like, actually cooking things in my apartment real meals.

Which, I've discovered may be a reason why I don't like making meals at home.
Because I don't like dishes.
And guess what?
Making food, with stove, microwave, and oven......
creates dishes.
Lots and lots of dishes.

And that means....having to clean them.

While I'm loving the nice warm hot real food.

The dishes....are a rather unpleasant drawback.

Time to start looking into cookable dishes that can just be thrown away when I'm done using them.
But then....that would mean the trash would fill up quicker....

Problems all around when it comes to making real food....maybe I should just stay with the 'easy' snacky stuff. ;)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, July 26, 2014

What's Today?

So there I was.
Work had dragged on
for some odd reason. And I really, really just wanted food.
Like "Get it right now and then go home and sleep." wanted food.
Which meant that my mind went rather single minded.
As soon as the clock told me I could leave, I was nearly almost gone out the door. (chose to help a long line at the registers first.)
In the car.
Ignition On.
Seat belt.
Car in drive.
I screeched into the fast food place,
Went inside to order.
And was back out the door in hardly much time at all.
Food with me! Now to snack on it as I drive home to sleep!
Same process as before.
Car in Reverse.
Backing out.
And then a thought hit me.
The day.
It was a specific day.
Where I had...
and then I remembered.
We were doing a movie night this day!
And so, ensured a quick tug of war.
Go home...
or go to the movie night with friends in work clothes... (as I'd forgotten about it so didn't pack a change.)
Plus...eating in front of friends.... as I already had food....

In the end, the movie and friends won over my desire to sleep. :)
And so I drove over to the site, and walla!
Fun night!
And oh so much exhaustion afterwards. lol.

But it just goes to show how much I've been working recently to have that nearly totally skip my mind. :S

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was in my living room, with Ke and Be Mil and my Mom and we were working on some sort of art project that involved glass figurines and meshing them into a collage of sorts on a piece of paper. I really was struggling to figure out how this process actually worked as I gathered the clear glass figures from in between the seat cushions of our old grey flower couch, But then my dad pulled me outside to look up on our roof, where there was a huge 'nest' that had been made by one of the wandering NAW (Ninja American Warriors??) In reality it was a bed with a bunch of clothes and odds and ends on it. The NAW were a mysterious nomadic group that camped out on people's rooftops (or other high places that are difficult to reach) before moving on, and my Dad was obsessed with them. He'd been trying to track them for years, and had manuals, books, guides, etc on how to catch them, where to find them, etc. And to have one come onto our red tiled roof? Totally awesome in his book! But, it wasn't that easy to get up there to see this 'nest' Dad had to climb up onto the hood of his truck, then he used the basketball hoop to do gymnastics that I actually thought he couldn't do because I thought he was more out of shape than he apparently was. (He'd been training for this moment apparently.) I wanted to come up and help, but he told me to go inside and print off one of his 'how to' diagrams. I think a 'how to take the nest off the roof.' So I went inside and found the books/computer, but the 'page' (first webpage, but then page of a book.) that he'd left it on was a 'how to make a paper ninja' from an origami thing. I heard a noise in front of me and looked up to see that the NAW who'd camped out on our house was right in front of me in the kitchen. Discreetly I turned his attention away from Dad's obsessiveness, and we got to talking, and he told me that soon a ton of NAWs would be camped out all over these rooftops because there was a big event being held nearby for them all. (Kinda like Comic Con perhaps? not sure.) and we actually hit it off really well. He was cute, talkative, and I was having fun....and then, my Dad and his party of fellow NAW hunters came into the door triumphantly with the nest in hand. It was rather disheartening and I laid a hand on his shoulder whispering. "I'm sorry for this." Because in reality I had been the distraction to keep him from getting back to his nest. He took it well enough...he was disappointed for sure, as that was his life that my dad had just taken away. Everything he owned was in that nest. He bent down to scoop up an old stuffed animal, that had been shaved except for the head. Leaving it looking like a lion...but a dog. Remarkably it looked like my own stuffed animal Dalmatian Jasper. And we bonded a bit on how close they looked to each other and that we still had this 'treasure' of ours. There were lots of things we had in common actually, though one big difference was that he didn't like the cooler weather, and I loved the cool. It was probably like 60ish degrees, and it was too cold for him, but I loved it. It was like we'd moved past the Nest incident and were still friends getting to know each other when....

The unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


Friday, July 25, 2014

Off The Shelves

It's happened again.
One of my favorite foods has disappeared off the store shelves.
There's no mistake.
I looked.
I moved other food stuff around.
Looked at all the price stickers.
It's not there. :(
Soo depressing.
Because really, this happens waaaaaaay too much.

Really, the stores should give a warning of sorts.
"Notice: We will no longer be carrying this product as of :datehere:"
And give this warning like a month in advance.
So people who actually like the food.
Can buy the food.
And stock up on the said favorite food.

And maybe increase sales to the point where the sign would be switched to "Nevermind."

Yes. That would be handy.
Instead of just showing up to grab your favorite snack one day...
To randomly find its not there.
It's like being cut adrift really.
Desperately searching the shelves. "It's here! It's gotta be here! Where is it?! Where is IT?!!?"
And then coming to the sad realization.
It's not there. :(
And may never be there again.

This happens waaaay too much.
But for now I'm holding out hope.

That maybe it's a seasonal thing....
And I'll be able to get year......maybe....hopefully.......

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was at a rendezvous, and my Daddoo, brother, and family friend Nox, were also there, selling stuff. My daddoo had the big tent going on while Nox and Brother were on blankets to the side selling smaller items. I wanted to join in as well, so Daddoo gave me a few items to try and sell, only I kept getting pulled away, or distracted, trying to grab soda from a machine, trying to cross traffic when the lights were weird, etc, and by the time I made it back, Daddoo told me that I'd had customers come, but Meralto had taken over, but since it was my business, I could go over to him and split the money. So I did, apparently the people had paid with some sort of card where you take it to the bank and get the money out that way. Which had amounted to a lot. Way more than my little trinkets should have been able to sell. There were $100 in there, multiples. Though one had had the 100 crossed out and 90 written on it. So we were working on dividing the money, but after helping another customer I realized that this wasn't fair, so I was going to give back a lot of the money like the other $100 bill to Meralto because he'd been doing the work and had sold way more than me meaning he had more money and that it shouldn't all be split my way. But when I went to do that, the money had disappeared, only to have my brother pull it out of a hole in the ground where he'd stuffed it, or the hole was part of a turtle and he'd stuffed it into the shell....

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away.....
and I became myself again. :)


Thursday, July 24, 2014

Pioneer Courage

Here I recall a pioneer example of faith, commitment, and courage by some young men just about the age of our missionaries.
A few months before the Prophet Joseph Smith was murdered at Carthage, some of his enemies plotted to kill him.
As part of their plan, they sought to enlist others in their conspiracy.
Among those they invited to a meeting in Nauvoo were two young men still in their teens, Robert Scott and Dennison L. Harris.
Dennison's father, Emer, was the older brother of Martin Harris, one of the Three Witnesses to the Book of Mormon.
Being loyal to the Prophet, these young men immediately reported the invitation to Dennison's father, who advised the Prophet Joseph and sought his advice.
Joseph asked Emer Harris to request that the young men attend the meeting, pay strict attention to what was said, make no commitments, and report the entire matter to the Prophet.

As events proceeded, there were three meetings.
They began by denouncing Joseph as a fallen prophet, proceeded to considering how Joseph could be overthrown, and concluded with specific planning to kill him.
All of this the two young men reported to the Prophet Joseph after each meeting.

Before the third meeting, the Prophet foresaw what would happen and told the young men this would be the last meeting.
He warned them that the conspirators might kill them when they refused the required oath to participate in the murderous scheme.
He said he did not think the conspirators would shed their blood because they were so young, but he called upon their loyalty and courage in these words: "Don't flinch.
If you have to die, die like men, you will be martyrs to the cause, and your crowns can be no greater."
He renewed his original caution that they should not make any promises or enter into any covenants with the conspirators.
Then he blessed them and expressed his love for their willingness to risk their lives for him.

As Joseph had foreseen, the third and final meeting required all present to unite in a solemn oath to destroy Joseph Smith.
When the two boys refused, explaining that Joseph had never harmed them and they were unwilling to participate in his destruction, the leaders declared that since the boys knew the group's plans, they must agree to join them or they must die on the spot.
Knives were drawn.

Some protested killing the boys, especially since their parents knew of their presence, so their failure to return would cast suspicion on some of the conspirators.
By the barest margin, the cautious course was chosen, and those who opposed killing prevailed.
The boys were threatened with certain death if they ever revealed what had transpired in the meetings or who had participated, and they were then allowed to leave unharmed.

As the boys passed beyond the view of the guards, they were met by the Prophet, who was anxiously watching and praying for their safe return.
They reported everything to him.
He thanked and praised them, and then, for their safety, counseled them not to speak of this to anyone for 20 years or more.

The faith, commitment, and courage of these young men is an example to all of us.

-Dallin H. Oaks -Following the Pioneers -October 1997 General Conference

Happy 24th of July!!

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I had gone into work on my day off, (who knows why I chose to do that.) And noticed that the cupboard holding the supplies to clean the cat cages was open, I glanced inside, and saw that the water had been left running, so I went to fix it....only to have trouble turning it off, I ended up soaking myself, but managed to shut the water off, as I'd assumed one of our new guys forgot to do so. I went to check in on everyone, and found a bunch of my coworkers, out of uniform, working. Why? They were helping a different department fill some sort of order. Which involved a bunch of towels being folded...maybe shirts. It was a huge 1,000 order, and my coworkers had come in before or after their shifts to help out. But I was worried that my own department was being ignored because of this. I went and found Dot, who was happy to have me show up, since I had a student ID. He took me to the back of the library, to a computer there, He had me put in my id and password (which surprisingly still worked considering I'm graduated) so that he could do some sort of work with books. One of which had something along the lines of a title called "Erasing the Echo" Which he highly recommended....

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Where To Get Water?

So there I was,
In the back of the store.
And I happened to walk past our drinking fountains.
Which, really isn't worth much notice most days unless I'm thirsty.
But there was this guy there,
With his giant mop of a dog.
Since it was basically big enough for a little kid to rid comfortably...
I naturally took notice of it.
And what it was doing.

The dog, was drinking water.
Not in a bowl.
It was drinking from the shorter drinking fountain. (we had two.)
Like tongue was lapping at the part where the water squirts out of the hole, lapping it up.



Did the guy not realize that PEOPLE drink from that same fountain?
That same fountain where the dog had just placed it's tongue all over the place?!?!

Sure. It was convenient for you to have your dog drink straight from the fountain.
You didn't have to hunt for a bowl.
Didn't have to fill said bowl up with water.
Or empty it again.
Just turn on the fountain and whoop there it goes.

But really?
Couldn't you have thought that out a bit more before taking action?
Those shorter fountains usually have kids drinking from them.
And you just put doggie germs all over the place.
That could be bad.

And what if I hadn't walked by and noticed that?
Who knows how many people would have drunk from that fountain that the dog drank from?

Sure. You may let your dog drink from your cup all the time at home.
But in a public place?
No. No.

In any case. Out came the cleaning supplies. >.< Yah. Just what every worker in a store wants. More work for them.

Next time.....
Please, Keep doggie water bowls, and people water bowls separate okay? Thanks.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi 

The Dream

I was at dinner with my parents in an old restaurant type of place that wouldn't have been out of place beside a body of water, we were eating dinner and as I'd made my way over to their table, I took a couple of white pieces of bread from a different table and munched on it, before showing up at theirs to eat more bread. Afterwards I walked by the table again and saw an older greying man with a beard sitting at the table. He looked up at me and was like "Did you take the white bread?" I answered in the affirmative, feeling a bit guilty over that. He nodded and then gave me three tasks to fulfill. One: to find him in my dreams and wake him up. Two: to heal a fracture in his leg, and Three....idr. They were all tasks that seemed rather impossible. But I attempted this.
(Before or after this sequence.)
I'd tried to take out one of the presidential candidates. The VP to be exact, because he wasn't who he said he was and was conspiring with our enemies. So me, as a marine, tried to take him out, taking down different people in the process with a little bit of superpower of some sort of manipulation. But, I got caught, I couldn't take down the VP and ended up in a jail my arms wrapped up in one of those crazy person jackets. And there was this woman, where I had hurt her in a way where she couldn't lift her arms higher than like a 90degree angle. And she mourned that fact because now she couldn't hold her baby up high like she used to, it had to be down lower and that just depressed her. I wanted to escape to fix her, because I knew I could fix her....
(before or after this sequence.)
I fell asleep in my cell, and allowed my body to shadow itself (become a shadow/ghostlikeperson) so I could slip out of my cell to go find that gentleman and get him to see me. I tried everything I could think of in his bedroom, Trying to shake the bedframe etc. But nothing happened. I didn't have the 'presence' to influence anything, but suddenly as I was staring at the man, he opened his eyes and looked right at me, which freaked me out a bit as I hadn't ever had that happen to me before so I dashed back down to my cell like a guilty kid caught stealing a cookie from the cookie jar. But he'd told me that I'd done task one, and that I could work on task two.
I ended up along some sort of parade/political rally, where Mitt Romney (it looked like him, but the guy's last name was actually Carter) had shown up at the CollegeTown Hill where I would walk up to go to church, and he was trying to convince us to vote for him/ raise money for his campaign. I was with my mom -as a little kid- resting on her shoulder watching him. And he took notice of me for a bit. -It's possible he was the guy I'd tried to stop from running earlier, though now I had no desire to do so, so we both had changed.- and that his main focus was to raise money, and he'd said that one of the local animal shelters had called to say they couldn't make it because officially he hadn't been planning to come today (Tuesday) but only on Thursday, and that they wished they could find support, and Carter said "How does $94,000" sound? As in, he would be giving them that amount of money for supporting him in order to help them improve their animal rescue site. Which was a ton of money and I didn't know where he'd gotten it from.....

When the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


Tuesday, July 22, 2014

New Device In the House!

I've been needing to get one for a while.
At least, not needing, but wanting....
A new Ipod Touch. may have recalled, earlier this year. In what? January?
I dropped my old Itouch that I'd had for like 3 years...
And totally cracked the screen to smithereens.
But, I got the glass replaced,
Only to have the Home button stop working,
However, a handy dandy app button created a virtual Home button.
and so. There was my old Itouch.
Looking all nice and brand new.
Though with some problems.
At least it's protected in a nice super-duper case that won't let it break!

....However, I think that drop gave it other problems.
Like....the battery draining within a day. (it's not supposed to do that.)
And Apps spazzing out/freezing up....

Which basically made it rather useless.
Unless you know...I had patience.
And it constantly plugged in.
No Bueno.

So, I thought I could solve the problem in a different way.
by getting a Smart Phone! wasn't the same.

Which meant, that I still wanted to get another Ipod.
But what would I want it for?

Well...what did I use my old one for?
Music, Games, Scriptures, Camera, helpful writing apps, Internet
So what does my smart phone have?
Everything but my music playlist really.
Sooo why not just get a smaller ipod for just my music?

But recently, I realized.
That some of my apps...hadn't transferred over too well to my phone.
Like the Scripture App.
It wasn't to my liking.

Which had me thinking longingly about my old scripture app on my old Itouch.
Which meant....that if I wanted that again....I would have to get another Itouch.
Which I hadn't really been considering. But now was.
Because those were more expensive.
:S And I didn't want to spend that much money.

Yet....My Scripture App....I wants it.
Soo I figured, hey, why not just go for one of the less expensive Itouches. One with less memory.
Not the 8gb that was too small.
But the 16 gb. Surely that would be fine. :) Plus, I found it when it was on sale! :D So why not go for that?
Really...Why not?
I called Mother Dearest to find out the why nots....
and she was like "Why not go for a 32gb? It's only like $50 more."
and I was like. O.o "But it's $50 more"
"But you'd have more room for music, books, more apps!" true. Oh so true. Since that is what my Old Itouch has. Is 32gbs.
Yet I didn't feel like I needed that much space....
I mean I was just going to put music on it.

And like two apps.
"But what about getting books on your Itouch?"
O.O Booookkkssss....

In the end, I ended up getting the 16gb. :) As I figured I'd have plenty of room. Since I didn't have 'that many songs' and wasn't going to use 'that many apps.'

>.< Only to encounter difficulties after purchase.
For one, it took forever to Activate the thing (shows what I know after 3 years....) Finally managed it because I went to a different internet source.
Only to discover that my device wasn't being recognized on my ITunes....
That was BAD.
Because the whole reason why I got the new Itouch was so that I could hook it up to my new computer, and if it didn't hook up to my new computer...what was the point of having it!!
So I tried everything me, and my computer knowledgeable friends could think of.
To no avail.
No recognition.
No syncing.

I waited impatiently for after work,
and took it to the store I'd bought it from, and the techno guys there who could fix it.
It took nearly an hour,
With a lot of fiddling, scratching of heads, confusion, and "Huh...that's strange."
Before it finally got fixed!! :D
Turns out, we had to update the drivers. (whatever that means, but that was what one of my computer friends had suggested the night before....and I still didn't know what it meant.)
My laptop now recognizes my new toy. ^^

And boy. ()_()
It's sooo new and awesome and wow, they updated stuff!
Really, it's a good thing I was basically by myself while I discovered the new features to my new Itouch.
Because I've been grinning like a kid at Christmas for most of it.
Soo much cool stuff!
I had no idea so much had changed in the Itouch world since I got my old one.

Frankly, I think my favorite thing is.... THERE IS A FLASH LIGHT ON MY ITOUCH!
I have no idea why this excites me so. But it does. :D With a click of a button an actual light turns on! O.o crazy! It's not just the screen, it's a light. So cooool!

^^ Yes. I'm definitely going to like having a new Itouch around. One that doesn't die in a day. ^^;;


Mother Dearest may have been right.
I only have about 1500 songs on my Ipod...but already, I'm down to like 1gb of data left on my 16gb Itouch. O.o It's crazy. I thought I could fit at least twice as many songs on here. Maybe I should have gone for a 32gb......

However, at the moment, I'm not thinking I will.
^^ I'm loving my new little Itouch. :D

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was at school, in a class room where one of my teachers who kinda looked like my third grade teacher Mrs Williams, assigned us some work to do that involved creating a graph/columns, multiple choice, etc, all on one document, and then use a story and our own experiences to answer questions and mark them in various ways. What's the question, do you do this?, does the boy do this? How often does he do this? Etc. She showed us how to do everything really quickly, almost too quick to catch on before leaving the room with the announcement that she would be back around 9 to check our progress. Actually, that she would meet us at the computer lab where we were supposed to be doing the assignment and she'd check in on us at 9. So me and my sister got ready for school, at home, rather slowly, and I checked at the clock constantly to see what time it was watching it get closer to 9, and just as we were about to leave, my Aunt G and her son J pulled up in their van. Apparently they'd come to root us on, after dropping of her daughters at a competition. J also had a competition that he needed to get to where we were at, and so they drove all the way down from Odgen to CollegeTown which for them ended up being an all night drive so G hadn't had any sleep at all. I glanced at the clock and saw that it was almost 9 and began freaking out, but my sister said to relax because the teacher had given us til 9 to get there, we didn't have to be done by 9, though I was sure it was the other way around. We arrived at the lab with our paper and booklet in hand that had the notes to do the assignment and I started to try and do it, but couldn't quite remember what I was supposed to do, I didn't see any comparison between me and the boy in the story that I could use besides two options, so instead I watched another girl putting together her graph. But then I glanced back at the last page that had a picture of a sandwich and I was like I eat those. I can do this, but Suddenly there was a huge stack of sandwiches, at least 10 or so high, that when I looked at the full tower closely ended up being every sandwich combination from a certain fast food place. In my mind it was Burger King. And our goal was to eat the sandwich. I went to take a bite, but wasn't sure where to start, So I set the food down next to a cliff that overlooked a waterfall/river below and divided it into piles, as the one big pile was hard to manage and keep under control. I then took a spoon and scooped at the redrock, easily scooping large slices of it away like icecream and eating it. Each time the rock ledge looking slightly different but still natural. But at a certain point I realized, I shouldn't eat the ice cream, I had to save room for all the different sandwiches, but really I was only in the mood to eat a chicken sandwich and all they had were fish patties and different styles of hamburgers in that pile. So I left the two piles and took the hike back to the other side of the waterfall where my brother and the rest of my family were, But while I was over there, I looked over and realized that my tower of sandwiches had lost some of the sandwiches and that they'd fallen down to the river embakement and since that was my project...I needed to hurry and go rescue everything. So I ran back down the trail passing dozens of people, some who'd noticed the sandwiches, and tried to take my shortcut back to that side....but the short cut had disappeared, it had just become a loop of open boxed bridges on the water by a redrock tower, so I ran on taking the longer route, confused as to where the short route had gone. I was following these other people, slightly obese, when I came to this tunnel. I started walking through it having just seen other people come down it, and had the thought, what if a bear comes along? I dismissed the thought, because (I had had this part of the dream before) I knew that there were possibilities, but no bears had come while me and my family had been there. I looked ahead and saw this black shadow, and took it to be just that a shadow, because bears wouldn't be here....but then it moved. There was this big black bear, built a bit like a bus. Huge, muscular, coming slowly down the tunnel, it's eyes furious and white, as if it were blind, but really because it was crazed. I screamed and turned to run back out to the opening, but I couldn't run fast, I was doing that slow run that doesn't get me anywhere fast at all. But this other girl, an old coworker who now works at Walmart, came between me and the bear and distracted the bear so that I could get out of the rock tunnel and climb the nearby red rocks out of the way. The bear then came out of the tunnel, and targeted a young man who was also nearby -there were a group of people just waiting/hiding along the edges to see the bear, and as the man tried to run, the bear turned and slashed him with a giant clawed hand (the claws were nearly as long from knee to ankle) down puncturing the man's calf, and dragged him back. When the bear lifted it's paw, he still tried to run, and the bear smacked him across the back/ribs, throwing him out of the way. I grabbed my phone so I could take a picture of the bear, when it turned it's attention on me. Easily it began to scale the rocks I had climbed, and so I held out my hands and tried to snap a quick photo before I jumped down the rocks, it chased after me, but I gave a quick prayer to heavenly father, and the bear with the crazed whit eyes....stopped coming after me, and so I ran down the tunnel as fast as I could (which was actually fast this time.) Leaving the bear behind without giving me any injuries. I ran until I reached the spot I'd been at originally, and there was my family there waiting for me because they needed to go and I had last been seen heading this way. I ran straight into my dad's arms and huddled against his chest, seeking comfort and crying because the experience of near death had terrified me. He did a little comforting and told me that I was in better shape than the young man who'd had both his lungs punctured and may form knots in them as a complication. I didn't quite believe that it had been that bad, as I had seen the bear's claw pierce his calf, not the lungs. He'd just been hit across the back. And as I was in my dad's embrace I saw that there indeed was a shortcut to my side of the waterfall, but I had to have taken the first route to a different lookout point first in order to get there. Which I'd apparently done the first time without realizing it. So I went down the connecting trail to that trail and met up with my sister.....

Before the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


Monday, July 21, 2014

October 2000 General Conference Saturday Afternoon

James E. Faust -The Sustaining of Church Officers

Joseph B. Wirthlin -Pure Testimony
  • The Holy Ghost will confirm the truths of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • Be sincere. Study. Ponder. Pray sincerely, having faith.
  • "If any man will do [God's] will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself."
  • Don't you be discouraged if the answer to your prayer does not come immediately.
  • "A testimony is to be found  in the bearing of it. Somewhere in your quest for spiritual knowledge, there is that 'leap of faith,' as the philosophers call it. It is the moment when you have gone to the edge of the light and step into the darkness to discover that the way is lighted ahead for just a footstep or two."
Richard G. Scott -The Path to Peace and Joy
  • Feelings of turmoil and despondency often signal a need for repentance.
  • Pace is the precious fruit of a righteous life.
  • To you who have sincerely repented yet continue to feel the burden of guilt, realize that to continue to suffer for sins when there has been proper repentance and forgiveness of the Lord is prompted by the master of deceit. Lucifer will encourage you to continue to relive the details of past mistakes, knowing that such thoughts can hamper your progress. Thus he attempts to tie strings to the mind and body so that he can manipulate you like a puppet to discourage personal achievement.
  • When memory of past mistakes encroaches upon your mind, turn your thoughts to the Redeemer and to the miracle of forgiveness with the renewal that comes through Him. Your depression and suffering will be replaced by peace, joy, and gratitude for His love.
  • Have you wandered from the path of joy and now find yourself where you do not want to be, with feelings you do not want to have? Is there a yearning to return to the peace and joy of a worthy life? I invite you with all the love of my heart to repent and come back. Decide to do it now. That journey is not as difficult as it seems. You can cast out guilt, overcome depression, receive the blessing of peace of mind, and find enduring joy. Pray for help and guidance, and you will be led to find it. Go to where you know the light of truth shines--to a worthy friend, a loving bishop or stake president, an understanding parent. Please come back. We love you. We need you. Follow the path to peace and joy through complete repentance. The Savior will help you obtain forgiveness as you sincerely follow all of the steps to repentance. He is the Redeemer. He loves you. He wants you to have peace and joy in your life.
Donald L. Hallstrom -Cultivate Righteous Traditions
  • Our culture and its related traditions help establish our sense of identity and fill the vital human need to belong.
  • The power of tradition, however, poses a significant danger. It can cause us to forget our heavenly heritage. To achieve eternal goals, we must reconcile our earthly culture with the doctrine of the everlasting gospel. This process involves embracing all that is spiritually elevating in our family and societal traditions and discarding that which is a barrier to our eternal view and achievement. We must transform ourselves from being "natural" men and women as defined by King Benjamin, and "becometh a saint" by yielding "to the enticings of the Holy Spirit."
  • Please be not dismissive and think this principle applies only to others and their culture; know that it is valid for you and for me, wherever on earth we may live or whatever our family circumstances may be.  
  • Traditions which devalue marriage and family, abase women or do not recognize the majesty of their God-given roles, honor temporal success more than spiritual, or teach that reliance upon God is a weakness of character, all lead us away from eternal truths.
Ronald A Rasband -One by One
  • Jesus Christ ministers to, and loves us all, one by one.
Douglas L. Callister -Seeking the Spirit of God
  • "The Spirit of God speaking to the spirit of man has power to impart truth. ... Through the Holy Ghost the truth is woven into the very fibre and sinews of the body so that it cannot be forgotten."
  • "Earth's crammed with heaven, And every common brush afire with God; And only he who sees takes off his shoes."
  • "All I have to do is ... keep my spirit, feelings and conscience like a sheet of blank paper, and let the spirit and power of God write upon it what he pleases. When he writes, I will read; but if I read before he writes, I am very likely to be wrong."
  • Never read anything that is not worth remembering.
  • "Spirituality is the consciousness of victory over self." It is the sure knowledge that we are winning the struggle for the soul. Sensuality is the realm of self-indulgence. Spirituality is the realm of self victory.
Dallin H. Oaks -The Challenge to Become
  • The Final Judgment is not just an evaluation of a sum total of good and evil acts--what we have done. It is an acknowledgement of the final effect of our acts and thoughts--what we have become. It is not enough for anyone just to go through the motions. The commandments, ordinances, and covenants of the gospel are not a list of deposits required to be made in some heavenly account. The gospel of Jesus Christ is a plan that shows us how to become what our Heavenly Father desires us to become.
  • The gospel of Jesus Christ is the plan by which we can become what children of God are supposed to become. This spotless and perfected state will result from a steady succession of covenants, ordinances, and actions, an accumulation of right choices, and from continuing repentance. "This life is the time for men to prepare to meet God."
  • The Master's reward in the Final Judgment will not be based on how long we have labored in the vineyard. We do not obtain our heavenly reward by punching a time clock. What is essential is that our labors in the workplace of the Lord have caused us to become something. For some of us, this requires a longer time than for others. What is important in the end is what we have become by our labors. Many who come in the eleventh hour have been refined and prepared by the Lord in ways other than formal employment in the vineyard. These workers are like the prepared dry mix to which it is only necessary to "add water" --the perfecting ordinance of baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost. With that addition--even in the eleventh hour--these workers are in the same state of development and qualified to receive the same reward as those who have labored long in the vineyard.
  • Never give up hope and loving associations with family members and friends whose fine qualities evidence their progress toward what a loving Father would have them become. Similarly, the power of the Atonement and the principle of repentance show that we should never give up on loved ones who now seem to be making many wrong choices.
  • If we are losing our desire to do evil, we are progressing toward our heavenly goal.
Neal A. Maxwell -The Tugs and Pulls of the World
  • The tugs and pulls of the world are powerful. Worldly lifestyles are cleverly reinforced by the rationalization, "Everybody is doing it," thus fanning or feigning a majority.
  • Granted, some sincerely wish for more power in order to do good, but only a few individuals are good enough to be powerful. But craving power and the spotlight sucks out the spiritual oxygen, leaving some "past feeling."
  • Those who bestow the transitory things of the world are, themselves, transients. They cannot confer that which is lasting because they do not possess it! Some, so sensing and seeing so little, want to have it all now!
  • To begin with, no remedy is more powerful than accessing--more than we do--the gifts of the Holy Ghost!
  • The distance to "a far country" is not to be measured by miles but by how far our hearts and minds are from Jesus!
  • People too caught up in themselves will inevitably let other people down!
  • By paying more attention to what we are rather than exclusively to what we do, our public and our private persons will be the same--the man or the woman of Christ. Our intrinsic value is not dependent, upon mortal acclaim anyway; in fact, the world may actually see us as weak and foolish. Countering, however, are divine affirmations, including this one: "The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God."
  • Isn't it marvelous, brothers and sisters, that God, who knows everything, still spends time listening to our prayers? Compared to that cosmic fact, what does the world really have to offer us? One round of applause, one fleeting moment of adulation, or an approving glance from a phantom Caesar?
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

It was my wedding day. I was getting married to this Asian like guy, cute face, black hair...we'd been dating for a while, and finally the wedding day was here. But the ceremony wasn't all as I had expected it to be. We held it outside in front of a small Chinese home, where the 'priest' proceeded to use a small blade to cut by my left eye, and then used small scissors to cut all the eyelashes off from my right eye. He then prompted me to put mascara back on, which when I first looked at it, seemed rather pointless, there were no eyelashes there, but running the brush over the area some faint short eyelashes were shown. Then we were married! But, it wasn't the ending I had expected, my husband basically ignored me after that point, as if I had become just another statue in his home. We kissed for the first time, and there was no spark between us, though I tried hard to make it feel that way, nothing. Which seemed to make the distance between us more obvious. And then I realized, this wasn't how I wanted to be married. I'd wanted to be married in the temple. But I wasn't even sure my husband was a member. I don't think he was. Because we had a civil marriage, and I was distraught because now we couldn't get married in the temple for another year, and I was trying to figure out how my life had gotten so off tract when....

The unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


Sunday, July 20, 2014

The Other Hand

When I was younger,
I had this question.

What would I do, if I broke my left arm? And I couldn't write with it?
I mean, I was left handed, but if I couldn't use my left hand....would I be unable to do my homework? Would I have to still try and write left handed, causing me pain??

And then I had this thought...
What if I learned how to write with my right hand?
That way, if something happens to my left....I can still write stuff down!

So, I learned.
And in some cases my right handed hand writing, is a lot more clear than my left handed hand if only in the fact that I write slower right handed than I do left handed.

I think, that this way of thinking,
the "What ifs" at a young age,
Has led me to figure out other stuff as well,
Or at least be more willing to try other things out.

Like work for example.
It's been on my mind off and on for the last little while of a "What would I do if I suddenly lost a hand?"
Working at's a very hands on sort of job.
And so, off and on, I attempt to do things with one hand.
lol Usually because I'm holding things in one hand and have the other hand free. -And I don't want to have to set everything down to pick it all back up two seconds later.....
So I see what I can and can't do just using one hand....and my feet. :)
Lots of things really. :)
Which means, I'm pretty sure that I would be able to cope pretty well with one hand, though some tasks would definitely take longer, and others would take a lot of creativity.

But at least I know, if anything happens, I can do it.
:) At least...with my other hand full of stuff. lol
Who knows what would happen if I only had one hand and it was full of stuff. :S

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Soup Soup Soup

There is something about soup,
That can make everything seem alright.
Whether you're sick, or just stressing,
Soup, can bring a bit of comfort.

Today, was one of those soup days.
I wasn't feeling well.
Call it stress,
Call it too much fun last night playing laser tag,
Call it slept deprivation,
Whatever the case,
I woke up, feeling sore.
With a headache.
And a slightly upset tummy.

To make it all the more 'better.'
I had work tonight.
A nice long evening shift.
Where it was customer service focused, and hardly any tasking at all,
Which means very little distraction from the pounding in my head,
And all the more energy drained out of me.
Plus the more unsettling feeling 'I really shouldn't be standing up.'

Really, I just needed a distraction.
Meds can only do so much to take away the soreness, to take away the headache.

But with hardly any distractions available,
I turned to.
You guessed it.
;) My sister.

Who then kindly brought me Zupas Soup. ^^
Ah, Chicken Enchilada Chili.
Soo tasty.
And just the balm I needed to sooth everything.
So that I could concentrate on work and getting everything done that needed to be done.

Yes, there is something about soup,
That can soothe both the soul, body, and mind.
Warmth in your hands, warmth going down your throat, a nice tasty hug all around. ^^

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was with some others, kinda in a home, but it also felt like I was at work too, which wasn't quite right because I was dressed up in a fancy prom like dress -burgundy in color- along with a couple of other girls in other colors. We were getting ready for some party, though I wasn't sure I belonged with this group. I actually left to go change, because I was sure I had to get ready for work....but then a boy ended up getting in the way and distracting me, he was apparently on the run from his father. Who looked a bit like Elder Holland. Holland was a businessman, who wasn't at all impressed with his son. The son, in his opinion was a slacker and a failure -though actually the son was just going a different path than what his father wanted him to go on. We ended up racing all up and down and around these brown valley, sandy mountain areas. Finally ending with a dinner, where there was a confrontation between the son and the dad where it was revealed that the dad was actually a bad guy, making other people miserable for his gain....

When the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


Friday, July 18, 2014

2:20 AM

I haven't been sleeping well recently.

It's not totally surprising, I go through phases every now and then where I find it difficult to stay asleep at night.
For the most part, I think I get too hot, and so that wakes me up.
But others....

Currently, I think I'm stressing.
Over what? Who knows, my life is pretty normal at the moment, but there are probably little things that are under the skin bugging me/ worrying me.
To the point where I find it difficult to stay asleep.
So for the past couple weeks or so,
Almost every night,
I've woken up at least once.

Which means, that I haven't been totally sleeping 'restfully.'
Which probably is making me tense, making me sore, making it difficult to go to sleep again....
A vicious cycle.

Last night....
I didn't sleep through the night.
Through no fault of my own. I actually hadn't woken myself up this time.
But someone, decided that it was a 'great' idea to text me like a four text long 2:20am.
TWO TWENTY! IN THE MORNING! And I had to get up like three hours later......

Obviously, my first thought was "AH! EMERGENCY! SOMETHING HAPPENED!" I mean, why else would I get a text that early in the morning?
>.< So stress levels rise.
Because I'm worrying someone is hurt.
And guess what.
....No emergency.
It was a text, that really could have waited for a more reasonable hour to be sent. Sure it gave me pertinent information, but nothing that was a 'need to know right now' info.
Which, in return, raised my 'ire'
In the
Not a happy Sarnic for sure.
So this unhappy feeling, made it difficult to go back to sleep, as I spent a good span of time 'responding' back mentally to the text in a variety of different ways.
-I responded back when I actually got up, in a polite way. But I had no compunction against texting 'early' in the morning. (Hope I woke them up.... >.>)
(yay for levelheadedness. Positivity goes a lot further than negativity.)

I'm sure, they figured that I'd be asleep, and I wouldn't hear my phone go off. (you'd think right?)
But, unfortunately,
They caught me just as I was on the edge of a REM cycle. I'd already been on the verge of either waking up or drifting into deeper sleep, when I heard my phone vibrate.

And yah.... Not happy.
Though, in a way it might have helped me.
As I had been having a dream that was well, not quite a major nightmare, but definitely unsettling in nature (it's written at the end of this post.)
And the vibrating phone pulled me out of that unhappy dream.
Yet, it left me in an unhappy mood. Which probably carried on into the morning.
But...I'm left to wonder.
Would the dream have gone darker had I not been woken up?
Or would it have transferred into a happier dream?
Who knows.

There was a reason for waking up at that moment....

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was in this trailer home -like the kind you find in a trailer park, out in the middle of the woods, I had a young child, and my husband with me....but all wasn't happy. Our relationship wasn't the best, and I was looking for a way to escape and get me and my child to safety. The result came in an unexpected way, where the house, kinda exploded on us. There was an instigator of sorts, but I'm not sure what it was, I just barely had enough time to grab my baby and rush out the door before it was engulfed in flames. It was only afterwards, after everyone was safe, that I realized....I had left my phone in the house. This was rather....bad because my phone also had my money in it, and I couldn't really go anywhere without phone or money, so I was left rather adrift without a house as well....

When the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


Thursday, July 17, 2014

Leading In The Dark

Many years ago, while attending a stake conference, I noticed that a counselor in the stake presidency was blind.
He functioned beautifully, performing his duties as though he had sight.
It was a stormy night as we met in the stake office situated on the second floor of the building.
Suddenly there was a loud clap of thunder.
The lights in the building almost immediately went out.
Instinctively I reached out for our sightless leader, and I said, "Here, take my arm and I will help you down the stairway."

I'm certain he must have had a smile on his face as he responded, "No, Brother Monson, give me your arm, that I might help you."
And he added, "You are now in my territory."

The storm abated, the lights returned, but I shall never forget the trek down those stairs, guided by the man who was sightless yet filled with light.

-Thomas S. Monson -For I Was Blind, but Now I See -April 1999 General Conference

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

Involved trying to control a couple of kids -boy and girl- who had schizophrenic like problems and trying to keep them happy and well controlled so that nobody would come take them away....
