It's been one of those weeks where....idk...I've been wishing that someone would remember me. That I would come home and there would be an unexpected present waiting for me because someone saw something, thought of me, and decided to send it.
I suppose it was triggered earlier this week when an unexpected package did show up for me....but that was because I'd completely forgotten that I'd ordered the free COVID tests.
Man. It was rather disappointing to open this mysterious package and see that. Covid tests. Bleh. Like good to have on hand just in case.
But after being informed by the roomie that I had a package waiting for me that I was 'certain' I hadn't was a major disappointment.
Like...I like giving presents to people. I like sending unexpected things to family to brighten their day.
But there are days....where I wish they would return the favor.
Just...send me something. Something to go "Hey I saw this and thought it would make you smile."
Of family is a bit more concerned about money than I am at the moment since they have families and houses and bills and such to pay for.
So they don't exactly have the cash to just....spend willynilly on something random.
And it's not like the family is aware that I'd like to receive gifts from them.
How could they know I would like something to cheer me up when I tend to have the 'suffer in silence for the greater good' sort of ideology going on. I don't usually speak up when I'm having problems. And even if I do speak's not like people's first thoughts are "Oh let's send her something!"
Nope. That's my go to method. lol. "Oh hey you're not doing too good right now? Here, let me send you a gift to cheer you up!"
In any case.
It's been one of those weeks where I miss the comfort of being...idk....remembered?
And I've been off and on clicking on Amazon looking for things to by myself just so I have something to look forward to before talking myself out of it because money and 'why should I spend this on myself do I actually need it?' sort of thinking.
But last night I kinda just....hit the tipping point?
Probably directly influenced by the fact that I didn't get "alone time" in the house like I'd been expecting.
But yah.
Last night I was kinda like "Screw it." and ordered myself a few things off of Amazon that should be arriving over the next week because I need something to look forward to. A nice "surprise" to get upon getting home from a hard day at work.
Even though it's not really a surprise since I know what I'm getting.
At least I can kinda pretend that it's....a present. idk.
In any case.
Keeping up with the "Screw It" mentality.
I ended up ordering myself some Texas Roadhouse to pick up once I got off work.
As it was confirmed (and actually happened) that my roommates would be out most of the day and that I would get a few hours in the house by myself.
So I figured I'd reward myself with food. As that's an easy reward to give myself since I don't usually have to worry about where to put the more physical things I end up buying myself.
And it was great.
Because I got off work and headed over to Texas Roadhouse --and got confused because the message said for me to park my car and text the number that I was 'here' and then 'wait' in my car but like....there was no curbside pick up signs at all in that parking lot --a really really crowded parking lot because go figure that having the restaurant near the mall would mean that the stalls were all super full and super crowded with cars at the dinner hour-- in any case. No curbside pick up sign had me confused so I parked....but I was so far away I figured they couldn't see my car so I head up to the curbside pickup window that I could see and just I get there I get a message on my phone that my order is ready and that I can come get it from the curbside pick up.
lol *shakes head* So apparently it was supposed to be a "Wait in the car until the order is ready and then come get it." situation. Having not done curbside pick up from Texas since they actually installed the window....I had no idea that that was the case. As last time I had to go into the building to grab my food.
In any case.
I had excellent timing in that I was able to basically go to the window and go "Hey I need my order" and they handed it right to me.
Love the no waiting thing.
I even managed to get out of the crazy full parking lot decently easy because there were cars lined up everywhere waiting to move to other places around the mall. So the fact that I got to the main road with little issue was amazing.
Like five minutes after I got home with my food, one of the packages I'd ordered last night ARRIVED.
XD so I had the wonderful 'surprise' of being able to open up a package and see the little carved Toothless Dragon that I'd ordered.
Dude's adorable and brings a smile to my face when I hold him in my hands.
So yah.
Spoiling myself is awesome.
Especially when things fall into place so that it's all easy and fortuitous and such. Definitely helped to lift my mood a bit. :D
Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi