So. This past weekend was the gem fair right? Right.
And me being me and my gift giving self....
I asked my roomies and a couple coworkers if they wanted anything from said gem fair.
And surprisingly two of them mentioned that they would like an amethyst.
But like....not the typical amethyst that I think of. The tall pillars or the smooth palm stones, or the circular orbs.
No they both mentioned that they wanted "rough" ameythyst.
Aka. Ameythst in it's natural pointy state.
Which okay.
To each their own. I usually prefer the cut/shaped stones as opposed to their natural state.
But I can see why they would prefer the beauty of a rough cut stone.
My roomie in particular mentioned that she would like one big enough to be more like a knick knack to place on her book shelf. Something hand sized or so.
Which....the bigger the stone...the more expensive it gets.
Especially when she wanted the stone in the 'darkest purple'
As the darker the Amethyst...the more expensive it gets.
She did end up changing her mind though like 15 minutes after she told me this. Deciding to go for a necklace instead. Still Amethyst. Still rough. But a necklace.
Which it's a gem fair. 95% of the tables are bead/necklace/jewlery based. So the odds were good I'd find a stone that fit the criteria.
And I did on Friday.
But I also noticed on Friday that there was a table selling the bigger pieces of rough amethyst for half off. I ended up getting one of those pieces for my brother....but didn't get one for my roomie because in my mind she no longer wanted that. She wanted the necklace and that was my main quest on Friday was to get what she asked for.
But as I was thinking about it after I got back home Friday and Saturday....I realized....that I could go back and get an amethyst for like half the normal price....and just give it to her for Christmas as a Christmas present.
So that's half the reason why I ended up going back to the Gem Fair on Sunday. Was to get her her Christmas present...and also like...get presents for other people that I'd missed in my first mad dash around the gem fair on Friday. Heh.
In any case.
The table that had the stones for half off....had sold quite a few of them between Friday and Sunday. So most of what was left was too light of a purple shade for my roomie. As she was looking for deep purple and most of the stones at the table were like...lilac colored. Very light.
In my less frenzied wanderings around the various stalls....I found multiple tables also selling Rough Amethyst stones. A lot of ranging from decent to stupid expensive lol.
And after dithering between like...4 different stalls....comparing prices and looks and color and size....I ended up at a table with the amethysts set in stands with a little tab labeled "Name your price." next to them.
Which. Double edged sword.
Because I did not want to go up to the vendor and be like $20 and be laughed off because the stone was like a $80 stone and I didn't realize it.
But the stone I chose...after some comparisions and such with other ones from other tables that actually marked their prices.... I ended up naming a price I thought was fair for what I was getting.
And the dude accepted.
So ha!
I got my present for my roomie!
But the middle of all my dithering about which rock to get for my roomie....
I was also considering getting a rough cut amethyst for myself.
Peer pressure am I right? Lol. I mean 2 different people requested the stone.
So there has to be something to it if everyone is requesting it. (not everyone but you get the idea)
My main hesitancy beyond the price....was the fact that I just...can't really see a way to keep it clean? Like all those little nooks and crannies I could see gathering dust and being difficult to keeping shiny.
Plus like....I'd already managed to spend like a paycheck's amount of money getting other stones for myself (blue quartz!! YES!) and for family and friends.
So in the end....I decided against getting a rough amethyst stone for myself.
Most of my color preferences ended up being blue and yellow stone wise....which is interesting since I usually tend to gravitate towards Browns and Purples when getting stones. lol.
In any case.
I got the rough amethyst stones for my brother and my roomie and a smaller piece for a friend and put it all behind me.
Ironically though....there's more to this story.
In the fact that for nearly a year I had subscribed to a "monthly box of rocks" where I would receive a package of 5 pocket stones every month.
Which was fun for a while....but I ended up stopping that subscription as I wasn't as satisifed with the stones I was getting for the price I was getting them at.
But like....I missed receiving a random rock box.
So I ended up signing for a different monthly rock distributor that would send me one larger stone once a month just to check that out.
And today.
Today the first box showed up.
You're right. It's a rough cut amethyst. lol.
Like what are the odds?
It's not a pure amethyst...the little card that came with it says that it's "Amethyst with Geothite Inclusions in it.
Which is a bunch of little black dots in the stone.
But it's still awesome!
lol. It's a lighter shade of purple more towards those lilac shades.
But I love it. And mostly I'm just amused that I ended up getting one after deciding I didn't actually need one. Ha.
I guess I did need it.
As the card gives examples of things the stone can help encourage or discourage in your life.
And one of the things the Amethyst can help discourage is: Headaches
Which I've been suffering from quite a bit this summer. So any relief would be welcome.
But the Goethite inclusions can also help discourage: Writer's Block.
And guess what I've been suffering from like the entire year?
Writer's block.
Soooo I guess I actually did need this stone in my life. XD lol. We'll see if it helps with the headaches or writer's block or if it will be just a pretty stone to admire on my shelf.
Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi