Sunday Morning
D. Todd Christofferson
- Let us resolve to never forget what Christ did to redeem us.
- Where God prevails in hearts and mind, His people will be considered one with Him.
- If you have a spirit of contention, you are not of Christ.
- Becoming One in Christ happens One by One. We must begin with ourselves.
- If individually we each put on Christ, then together we can hope to become One in Christ.
- Unity does not mean simply agreeing that everyone should do their own thing and go their own way. We must submit to the Authority of God to bring to pass his work.
- Unity does not require sameness, but it does require harmony.
- None of us can control nations, the actions of others, or our own families, but we can control ourselves. End the conflicts in your heart, your home, your life.
Camille N. Johnson
- Jesus Christ is relief. Through his atonement we may be relieved from the burdens and consequences of our sins and be succorred in our infirmities.
- Overcome the world and find rest.
- What burdens are you carrying in your backpack? 1. Rocks of our own doing 2. Rocks because of others. 3. Rocks of being mortal.
- Our mortal burdens need not feel heavy. Christ can lighten our load and lift our burdens. He provides a way for us to be relieved of the weight of sin. He is our relief.
- Why are we stingy with giving away our rocks? Let them go. Let the Savior take them away from you.
- You don't have to go at it alone. You don't need to. Don't.
- We are a conduit through which God provides relief to His Children.
Ulisses Soares
- Blesses is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.
- Those who practice works/words of righteousness and strive in the spirit of the Lord will have strength to overcome the commotion of today.
- Contention violates everything the Savior stood for and taught.
- Clothe yourself with the bond of Charity, for without Charity we are Nothing.
- How we treat each other reflects on how well we follow the Savior's teachings.
- Do not let yourself be stirred up to anger against that which is Good.
- It is critical to point out that when we have a bad attitude in our lives we allow the Adversary to plant seeds of discord in our hearts and we may end up entagled in the Enemy's tricks and destroy the relationships of those around us.
- We need to transform ourselves into uplifting and supporting others. Those with understanding in our hearts and look for the best in others.
- Resist the Urge to take Offense or Hurt those who Offend us.
Kazuhiko Yamashita
- Partriarchal blessings aren't only for those planning on serving a mission, worthy members can receive their Blessings whenever the time is right for them.
- Your Patriarchal Blessing can give you comfort in times of need.
- A Patriarchal Blessing isn't going to map out your life or answer all your questions. If it doesn't mention an important event don't take it to mean it won't happen. There's no guarantee that everything in your blessing will come to pass in this life. Some blessings are for the eternities.
- The same Lord who provided a Liahona for Lehi provides for you and me today direction in our lives as well.
- Seek the Lord's Direction.
- Our Patriarchal blessing will have different meanings to us throughout different times of our lives. The words don't change. We just see them in a different way.
Neil L. Andersen
- Are you catching hold upon the truths and gospel of Jesus Christ?
- We should more consciously shape, strengthen, and secure in order to feel and have the sweet joy of the Savior's love.
- All our thoughts should be circumscribed in God's love. It doesn't have to be our only thought, but should influence all our thoughts.
- Our love for Christ doesn't shield us from the challenges of our life, but gives us the strength to walk through them.
- Speak the Lord's name more earnestly.
- There is nothing easy or automatic about becoming a disciple of the Savior. It is mentally rigorous to strive to look unto him in every thought.
Kevin R. Duncan
- Men are that they might have joy.
- Families are united and sealed to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ for eternity.
- What is common and routine for us can be seen as splendid or majestic to those experiencing those things for the first time.
- As each temple is dedicated, the saving power of Christ expands throughout the world to counteract the efforts of the adversary and redeem us.
- We may never overcome the war, but we do have the power to survive it.
- The Lord will bring the miracles he knows you need as you make sacrifices to help Him, his people, and his work.
Russell M. Nelson
- Whatever happened in our lives, never lose control of our emotions.
- Never throw anything in anger. Whether it be physical objects or words.
- Is an infected tool any worse than dealing with infected words that bring contention.
- Civility and decency seem to have disappeared during this era of polarization.
- It is not acceptable to condemn, malign, or villify anyone who does not agree with you.
- Do not be eager to damage another's reputation.
- Anger never persuades. Hostility builds no one. Contention never leads to inspired solutions.
- As disciples of Christ we are to be examples of how to interact with others, especially when we have differences of opinion.
- One of the easiest ways to find a true follower of Christ is by seeing how compassionately they treat others.
- True disciples of Christ are peacemakers.
- Be not mistaken. Contention is Evil.
- Those who foster contention take a page out of Satan's playbook whether they realize it or not.
- We cannot support Satan with our verbal assaults and then think that we can still serve God.
- How we treat each other Really matters.
- People don't need your judgement when they falter or go through trials, they need your understanding, love, and compassion.
- Build bridges of understanding.
- Contention drives away the Spirit Every Time.
- Contention is Never the way to solve differences.
- Contention is a Choice. Peacemaking is a Choice.
- You can choose Contention or Reconciliation. You have the Choice.
- Differences of opinions are part of life.
- Charity is the antidote to Contention.
- Charity defines a peacemaker.
- Help to lift others burdens rather than heap more burdens upon them.
- Look deeply into your heart to see if there are shards of pride or jealousy that prevent you from becoming a peacemaker.
- Now is the time to bury your weapons of war. If your verbal arsenal is filled with insults and accusations, now is the time to put them away. You will arise as a spiritually strong Man or Woman of Christ.
- Peacemakers thwart the adversary. Let us become a true light on a hill. One that can't be hid. Let us show that there is a peaceful respectful way to resolve conflicts and disagreements.
Sunday Afternoon
Dallin H. Oaks
- We are given the scriptures to direct our lives.
- Seek not the things of this world, but seek first to build up the kingdom of God.
- Every good tree bringeth forth good fruit.
- If any man shall do His will he shall know of the Doctrine whether it be of God or Christ.
- Ask and it shall be given, seek and ye shall find, knock and it will be open unto you.
- Peace I leave unto you. My Peace I give unto you.
- Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
- Watch and Pray Always least you be tempted away by the Devil.
- We Believe in Christ.
M. Russell Ballard
- Most Important Relationships: 1. Relationship with our Heavenly Father and Christ. 2. Family Relationships.
- Some may not have the blessing of a close family. Extended family, close friends, and ward family can also be considered as Family Relationships.
- These relationships can offer love, joy, happiness, and a sense of belonging.
- Follow the promptings of the Spirit in our most important relationships.
- Don't miss opportunities by reasoning strong promptings of the Spirit.
- Following the promptings of the Spirit is one of the things that matters most in all of our relationships.
- Having a testimony alone is not enough.
Ronald A. Rasband
- Mortality is hard.
- 1. Prophecy 2. Companionship of the Holy Ghost. Discipleship 4. Atonement of Christ
- Christ will not leave you comfortless. You are not alone.
- We may have lamps, but do we have enough oil? Or are we just getting by.
- Oil comes from believing and acting upon prophecy and the words of our prophets.
Vern P. Stanfill
- Remember that perfectionism isn't the same as being perfect in Christ.
- We are measured by our personal devotion to God that are measured in our efforts to follow Him and His teachings.
- Fear not and worry not. If you could see yourself as Christ can see you, you would not doubt.
- Christ will always be there to lift you from the depths.
- Your potential is limitless.
- Whatever our best but imperfect offering is, Christ can make it perfect in him no matter how meager our offering may be.
- Self-comparison isn't the same as emulation. When we compare ourselves there's only 2 results. We'll see ourselves as better and feel entitlement or see ourselves as worse off and become discouraged.
- The Lord loves effort.
W. Mark Bassett
- Seek the Savior during our greatest worries.
- During our own trials we may feel that Christ is too late. But he's never too late. He will always come to our aid to raise our hopes back to life.
- We learn and grow and become stronger as we face and survive the trials through which we must pass.
- Christ's divine power won't be used when his disciples have their own hands that can also be used to help out.
- God will provide needed help in all things as we trust in him.
- We can do this.
Ahmad S. Corbitt
- Focus more on what matters for Eternal Life.
- The pure doctrine of Christ is powerful. It changes the life of everyone who understands it and seeks to implement it.
- Sometimes the way to be healed is more simple than we think it should be. Still. We should look up. Don't doubt.
- Love. Share. Invite.
David A. Bednar
- Learn to abide in and walk with the son of God.
- Abide -remain fixed, stable, enduring, without yielding. It means to stay. Stay forever.
- Praying sincerely to the Father in the name of the Son will deepen our connection with the both of them.
- Abide in Him by serving God as we minister to his Children.
- Make Christ the Center of our Lives in All that we Do.
- If we Abide in Him, He will Abide in Us.
- Plant this Word in your Hearts. Nourish it by your Faith. It will become a Tree unto Everlasting Life that your Burdens will be Light.
- Is the Word in Us? Are the Truths of the Savior's Gospel written in our Hearts? Are we becoming more like Him?
- Important Aspects of Discipleship 1. Obeying God's Commandments. 2. Remembering and Honoring Covenants.
- Christ beckons to each of us. Come follow me. Walk with me.
- By the power of the Holy Ghost you can Know that the Gospel Truths are For You Individually and Personally.
Russell M. Nelson
- The main reason why we celebrate Christmas is because of Easter.
- Christ's arm of mercy is extended to you.
- Turn to Him. Follow Him.
To read/listen/watch these talks in their entirety, please visit:
Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi