It is time to tell.
lol you have probably been wondering why whenever you come to this site you see
"Guratenshar Arcis Ankel"
Well, I shall tell you. :P
I am a writer.
I am working on writing a book.
And in this book, I tend to have 'foregin words.'
Since the main character is from a foreign country.
I needed a foreign language. ;)
So What does Guratenshar Arcis Ankel mean?
It means:
I humbly greet thee Protector of the People.
I figured that since it will get tedious to keep saying something along the lines of
"Why hello there! Welcome again to my site!"
I'd just make my greeting my title. Since, chances are more often then not likely that you'll see the title first before you see my latest post.
Guratenshar- I humbly greet thee.
Welcome to my site, Thank you so much for taking the time to come visit.
I humbly greet thee. lol
In a way I'm baring my soul....somewhat in a convoluted way...but you're finding out bits and pieces about me. So thanks again for visiting. :)
Arcis Ankel.
Protector of the People.
Now I bet you're wondering what Arcis Ankel has to do with you.
Well, do you not protect people?
Raising children, defending friends, family, coworkers? Giving advice, coming to a person in need? Doing your job so that other people have one less hassle (in most cases) to worry about?
Everyday you do something somehow to protect a person.
You are defending others. Protecting them.
Even if its just by going the speed limit.
Letting other people cut in front of you.
Saying Hi. Doing the dishes.
Its heartwarming to think that almost every little action you do, in some way you're protecting them.
By saying Hi you protect a person from the dark clouds of misery for a moment.
By doing the dishes you protect a person from grime, germs, potentially cutting themselves.
By going to your job everyday, or perhaps school you prepare to further protect people from harm that would have come about if you hadn't been there.
Hold your head up high Protectors.
You are helping others even if you don't realize it.
But start to realize. That you are Protectors.
You need to look out for the little guys, and the big guys.
Prevent the little guys from being beat up, beat down.
Protect the big guys from themselves. Remind them that they're human.
Remind them that they need to remain strong and not break down into tantrums. ;) lol.
Protect the People.
And if we are all protecting each other.
Then it won't seem as if you're the only one helping others.
Even if it looks like you are.
You aren't. You have help all around.
Guratenshar Arcis Ankel's
Go about your duties with your head held high.
Because at least you know on this blogsite.
You will be humbly greeted, welcomed with open arms.
So take comfort.
You are warriors. But only human. :)
Try your best.
And your best will be rewarded.....eventually :)
Guratenshar Arcis Ankel
Here your worth can be recognized.
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves. <-- A farewell for a different story. Blog post about it came earlier.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
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