Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Blog's Inspiration

Today my Great Grandma Maren passed away.

Its only now starting to hit me, that she's gone.
I will no longer get her random newsletters, or forwards of random topics from her via email.
It just seems so....strange. I mean I just got an email from her last Friday.
And I'm sad that I didn't pay much attention to it. It was just another email...
but now looking back and reading it over...it now seems more obvious
that she knew her time was short.

Her last few lines of that email read:

I am not getting on the computer for a LONG time. So, I will not be reading anymore emails.
please pray for me and all my problems! Thank you.
I love you all, I love the Father and His Son, Jesus. I want to be with Him again, soon!  God bless you, one and all,. May you have growing Testimonues, Love of the Gospel, and strive toward Perfection, getting ready to live with our Heavenly Parents. It will be glorious!!!!!!
Much Love,   Maren

I'm glad that she's now in a better place, where her physical problems are no longer bothering her.
Still though....I can't help but miss her.
And remember her.

For she was the one who inspired me to start this blog.
A while ago I had sent out my Gratitude Talk to family members in a newsletter
(This talk can be found under "Gratitude, Nothing to Gobble At" post -Nov. 25, 2010) 

And on September 7th, 2010 I received an email from her.

The contents of the email read as follows:

Dear Sarnic,
      Your talk was quite great! I mean so nice! I mean wonderful! I made a copy of it and plan to send it to my sister. I think she could benefit because she does, as we al do, have many blessings in her life, as well as hard to bear, trials. 
   I do think (yes, I do think) that you could have newspaper or magazine column, and make money. You have a talent that is intriguing and cute! I do not know how you would go about getting a column or whatever, but do you do have a talent. It is a loss for the others in the world not to be able to enjoy it. I imagine, with your knowledge, you are keepinga copy of all in your PC.  God gave you this talent! Do not wait untill old, like me,
( am officially 85 now)when life takes away the physical abilities that are so nice to have.
eg: Today, Arlene came and showed me how to getinto the newest Program to fine out if all,the templ;e ordinances have been done for our ancesters. (I had a rearcherdo much in the 1960 to 1970's) Some names were cleared. I was too busy working, and commuting to work to do this. Perhaps I had  to wait until now whenthis program is available.  But this is an indication of how life slips by, and health problems, etc, slip in.  
    HO  HO  HO  YEAH!!!  What I am saying is that is too much for me to do now. Perhaps I should have had oxygen as I do now as I am writing this. Excuses, eh?
ANYHOO, YOU DO A GREAT, AMUSING, INTERESTING WRITEUP OF YOUR LIFE EXPERIENCES. The school newspaper might be interested. How about a Journalism teacher for advice? Print one out and show them!!!!!!  The Church tells us not to hide our talents under a bushel! I think you have your Mom's genes for this. She is good , too.
I will not ask. I know that you are enjoying school. How about (sibling name)? I have  another greatgranddaughter, (with the same name as mine) , who was just released from a mission on Temple Square,and is now going to BYU Idaho. Afriend, Megan. is starting her second year there.
I love you both. Enjoy!!!!   Maren

And with that email...I started thinking....
Could I actually use my 'talent' for writing for the benefit of others?
I didn't really think I was/am cut out for journalism...newspapers hold no interest for me.
But I did start to wonder....could I get my thoughts out to more people then just family?
And my only solution....having been told by a few people around the same time to do this....
was to start a blog, and just start posting little things of this and that.

So because of my Great Grandma Maren.
:) I'm writing these words now. :)
Though it saddens me that she will no longer be reading my posts. :( (She was the reason why I made my font the size it is...)
I will still continue to write, and hope that someone else will gain something useful from what I post.

Thank you so much for inspiring me Grandma Maren.
I will miss you.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream:

....I didn't dream.....at least I don't think I did....I don't remember dreaming....it was a busy day yesterday and I slept long and hard. :)


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