Saturday, July 16, 2011

Forever Standing

Last night a couple of friends and I decided to go on a midnight food run
Because....well we were hungry.
Since it was basically 11pm....not much was open.
So we ended up in Mcdonalds.
Since they're open 24 hours.

My friends and I walked in and stood back a little ways from the counter so that we could stare up at the menus without getting in the way.
Not that there was anybody there to get in the way off.
There were three people in front of us getting their order.
A cashier, a couple of cooks.

and the three of us.
We'd all decided what we were going to order.
And we stood there talking.
And I realized.
it had been forever...and the cashier
hadn't finished giving the people in front of us their order yet.
And hadn't even tried to take ours yet.

Perhaps I'm used to Arctic Circle and Taco Bell....but usually
I'm asked pretty quickly if I'm ready to give my order.
Not a peep from the Mcdonalds people.
They didn't even look at us.

And I was like
Not looking at me?!
Not even a friendly hello.

"Guys." I said. "Let's go."

So we left. Because I didn't like their service.
Luckily there was another Mcdonalds down the street.
...Since Mcdonalds are almost everywhere.
And our service was much quicker there :)
The people actually looked humanly awake, and not zombily blanksleepdroolingness.
They interacted and smiled like humans.
And I wasn't forever standing there. :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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