I have figured it out!
A way to diet!
haha... just kidding actually....
But it's somewhat true.
What is this 'diet' you might ask?
It's the "write down everything you eat diet."
You read that correctly.
How did one come up with this diet?
I didn't.
DaBo did.
For his class we have a homework assignment.
Yes it involves food and writing.
You see, for a school week -Monday thru Friday
You have to write down:
a) Every thing you eat including the secret stash of chocolate under the bed.
If it goes in your mouth and you swallow...you ate it. Write it down.
b) All the water you drink. -Just plain water. Anything non-water is written under the food category.
c) How much sleep you get. -When you go to bed, when you wake up.
d) How much exercise you get. -You get to define what you consider to be exercise.
C and D aren't that hard. Just look at the clock. Time yourself and go. Look at the clock again when you're done.
B is a little challenging in the fact that I drink most water from a drinking fountain...so I have no idea how to calculate how much water I actually drink....I'm going by 'gulps' right now.
But the food thing....
Do you know how annoying it is to have to write down every single thing you eat?
Let me tell you.
It's annoying.
The whole assignment is annoying.
But the A part is most of all.
You see....I'm a muncher.
A grazer.
Eats like a bird.
Basically I tend to snack throughout the day with one bigger meal at some point.
Which is why....I think that having to write down what you eat....
Would be a good diet.
....for the lazy people lol.
I mean....I just kinda stare in the direction of the kitchen.
Vaguely hungry.
But I don't go eat.
Because then I'd have to write it down!
lol I'm dedicated enough to my homework that I would write down everything I eat and not fudge.
Hence....why I'm sitting here typing this post...
and not finding something to eat.
I don't want to write it down.
I'm going to go get a hot pocket now. ;) haha.
(and write it down)
Yah...I'm mostly complaining because I don't want to have to write down "Ate 5 apple slices"
"Ate a hotpocket" is easier. I don't have to count it....though I do have to write what was in it....
Ugh...this IS going to get tedious. :)
So here it goes! The Writing Food Diet! ;) lol
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
Note: Sarnic does not in any way shape or form or wavy line endorse this sort of diet, said 'diet' is just a homework assignment that Sarnic doesn't want to do. Sarnic in no way shape, form, dream, creative smiley face is going on a diet.
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