Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Crraaack SMASH!

Hmm, I knew it was going to happen eventually.
That moment.
When you drop your Ipod.
And totally destroy the screen.
Apparently even causing some 'frame damage.'

Yah... I did that today.
After two years, and very minor cracks that I could deal with.
All destroyed in a two second "ah crap, that just slipped out of my hand....to the concrete."
Yah. Talk about a shattered screen. Totally major spiderwebby cracks. Everywhere.
No way to use that.
At all.

I could already picture it.
$$ I wasn't planning to spend.
To get a new Ipod.
After two years.
Panic started setting in.
I mean...would I be able to transfer all my apps in their current state?!?!

But before I could go too far down the 'aaaahhhggggghhhh' road.
My mother had a fabulous idea.
Why not just go repair the screen.

Ha. Repair a cracked screen? No way. It wouldn't work.
I would be better off just buying a new one.
It's only going to cost that much?
Compared to buying a new one...
Ohkay...why not try it.

So, I went to this repair ship that was nearby -I had to wait until after work to do so.
And they were able to replace the glass!
Though apparently with the 'frame damage' it might not fit exactly right?
We so discovered when the power button randomly stopped working, but they got it to work again before I left the shop.
Who knows.
All I know is that my screen is clear! No cracks!
Even if I have to press some areas of my screen harder...I think it's just me getting used to the new case.
Yah... I also got one of those cases where apparently you can hit it hard against a desk and it will protect it from cracking -so the dude showed me with his ipod- 

Not a moment to soon right? ;) lol
Hey, at least the good out of spending money I wasn't planning on spending was getting that case.  :D
Yay for saving money and keeping old things in working order! ^^

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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