Friday, June 13, 2014

The Lunch Break Chat

I had a voicemail.
had a voicemail?
Who'd be trying to call me?
Nobody ever calls me.

Who could it be?

Welcome news!
I had a voicemail from one of my missionary friends!
And the news was great!
She was in town with my other missionary friend to check out one of the schools in College Town and wanted to see if we could hang out afterwards.

And I was like: YES!!!

Only...Big. Problem.

>.< Work.

I had work during that time. :( One of my later shifts. Which is sad, as most of the time my shifts would have ended at a reasonable hour to go hang out. :(

So I called her up.
"I'm sooo excited you're down here!!! But.....I have work until this time." Y_Y
*cue gasps of disappointment*
'Will you be still here? I can hang out for a lil bit after work."
Bad news. Y_Y Deadline. They had to get back up to HomeTown by a certain time....
So I had the brilliant idea.
"Well, if you're getting done about this time....I need to take my lunch break about that point, so once you come to my work, I can take my lunch and we can chat for a little bit!"

Brilliant idea really. ^^
And it worked out!!
They were able to come. We were able to talk and it was great!!
I just wish my lunch break lasted longer... lol.

It was great to see them,
and gave me a much needed energy boost of happiness. ^^

I can't wait to see them again soon....hopefully for longer than a lunch break. lol :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was on a crumbling cliff face, with a bunch of other gold miners, searching for gold. But our search was cut short because the rocks around us, began falling into the ocean below so we had to scramble to get to safety. But while doing so, I was still desperately trying to figure out how I could get my hands on at least one piece of gold. It didn't have to be big, I just wanted one piece of it. We paused at a 'safe zone' (for now) where there had been things carved into the rocks. It took another person pointing it out for me to realize it was a sign post of sorts. As travelers from all over had traveled here, and it was easy to get lost in the twists and turns of the rock. People would carve their home town into the rock and have an arrow pointing back the way they came so they and others, would know which direction a particular city lay. We ended up escaping from the rocks, and I was with a handsome young man, who was anxious to convince me that he was the 'one and only' only he kept telling me I was beautiful, and I took that as offense. (because I didn't believe I was, after some past event had happened, leaving me scarred from it.) and so I wasn't trusting of him or his flattery...but I was slowly being convinced.....

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


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