Sunday, August 3, 2014


How soon is too soon to start packing?
Really, it's a question that's been on my mind for a bit.
As my contract at my current apt will be up before the end of the month.
And I will be moving to a different place.
Which means...all my stuff needs to be moving with me.
And that takes time to pack up.
But how much time?
I mean, a suitcase for a vacation I can pack the morning of the trip just fine,
but doing that for a whole apartment?
Definitely not a great idea,
Especially because cleaning is involved.
And I have to move in to the new place the same day.

Yet, trying to pack up right now seems a bit....early.
Like I should wait a bit longer.

A week then? Give myself a week? To pack up an apartment of stuff?
Should work I suppose. A day for the living room kitchen, a day for the odds and ends all over the place, a couple of days for my room, a day for cleaning. Yah....that will work right?

Why does moving have to be so difficult?
How about I blink and everything automatically moves to my new place?
So much more easier, and less headache involved.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was a dog, a golden retriever, stuck in the middle of water, being chased by a giant...eel sort of creature that was spotted orange and white like a cow. I had been running for so long, but land was finally in sight. If only I could swim the distance, but I wasn't confident I had the energy to make the swim, especially with the creature chasing after me, but helped me out and I made it to land....

when the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


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