Sunday, September 28, 2014


It's called a Relaxcation for a reason. Because all you do is relax.
Sleep when you want, eat when you want, do what you want. Relax. wasn't all relaxing. :(
I don't know why it happened.
It seemed like a normal enough day.
I'd spent it with the family watching the BBC Sherlock series in marathon fashion.
I'd been writing, I'd been watching, I'd been reading...
Nothing out of the ordinary.
But something struck wrong with me.
Was it being too hot?
Was it too much tv?
Was it too much sleep?
Who knows for sure.
But I ended up going to bed early, because I was getting one of those "Get some sleep or you'll regret it" headaches.
So I did.
I wasn't able to stay asleep.
I was awakened in the middle of the night.
Intense pain all over.
But more oddly.
My arms were tingling.
I hadn't been sleeping in a weird position or anything.
They were just tingly.
And my nose oddly enough was getting tingly too.
I tried what I could to make it go away. A hot bath, a heat pack, some advil....
Nothing. It seemed to be getting worse.
Which is all the more frightening.
As suddenly going all tingly in your arms is not a fun feeling.

I guessed that I was probably tense.
Again, I have no idea why I was tense, something though was making me tense....
I wasn't in a stressful situation.
I couldn't put my finger on it.
All I could think of was the last time, something similar to this happened....I'd been taken up to a cabin in the middle of nowhere with a bunch of mostly strangers at the beginning of the summer....
Since that point, nothing at all similar had occurred.

But when I went to my parent's room for help.
It turned out, the muscles all the way down my back were tense.
I think my dad massaged my back for ten or fifteen minutes straight to try and get the muscles to relax.
Luckily, that helped.
But my sleep. Not at all restful. *shakes head*
It's so weird.
I don't know why I got all tense that night....but I did.
Thankfully, I recovered just fine.

I just really hope....this doesn't happen again.
>.< I don't like it much.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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