Tuesday, June 23, 2015

A Day In Review -June 23rd

Monday, June 23rd 2008

-True to form, I haven't written you. I find it hard to write when I'm at home instead of out of the house where I have less distractions. I had to wake up earlier then I'm used to and headed off to the stake center where we hung out for like an hour before leaving for camp. I always hate that about girls camp. We always waste so much time waiting for others to show up when we could be driving. After a long time waiting we went on a hike that was pretty easy for me compared to where the boys are going. (ah...so not girls camp...Youth Conference maybe?) Arches, I'm so jealous. (Ah. So the boys went on their guy camp to Arches, while the girls went to their girls camp in the mountains.) Mom for the first time will have the house to herself for the week. (Dad and Brother went on camp. Sister and I to girls camp.) The hike was easy though others found it hard to walk 5ish miles. We then had lunch and drove to camp. My ride stopped for Ice cream. Kikay and I were in different cards. We then played "get to know you games", designed banners, and other arts and crafts. Like Engraving Dog Tags and making friendship necklaces. We had dinner with the stake presidency. This year I was over the 2nd years with Kikay. They appear to be okay. They are known as the "Aqua Chicks" Jr. Leaders. While I'm an Alumni and our group is known as  "Lady Lavenders" and I'm going to try really hard to not snap at the more obnoxious cries. Anyway my hand writing is atrocious because my light keeps fading in and out. So I'll talk to you later.

 Tuesday, June 23rd 2009

-Took the bro to work then crashed for a couple of hours, watched dumb shows on T.V. and played on the computer, grabbed brother, came home with a headache again took a 3 hour nap. Headache was still there. Made tortellini for dinner. Oh Kikay went to girls camp this morning. Its kinda weird to think I'm not up there with her. Ended up having Dad help me get rid of my headache which worked til I got up too fast then It came back with painful intensity. Laying down seems to help a little.

Wednesday, June 23rd 2010

-My mind is in a turmoil, my headaches and my soul is weary. There's some family drama going on and I'm not sure what set off the spat, but both sides have said words and each side is hurt deeply. I hope the wounds heal and that the air will clear between the two parties as I hate having my family fight. It hurts me too even if I'm not involved.

Thursday, June 23rd 2011

-Ali woke me up this morning about 9:45am. We-after I took a shower- headed down to the school so that  Ali could fill out some insurance paperwork for her ACL surgery. I came with her as a ride and because Flavia and Will my ASL teachers are leaving teaching at our school. :( They were having a get together at noon. It was a tear jerker moment. Flavia told me that she remembered the first time she saw me with my family -a presentation, I think my dad was there (he was). But she did remember the first time she saw me. Yes it was with my Dad at the school student jumpstart day. It's rather sad that they're leaving. But its for a good reason. She's taken a job to be closer to her family. After saying goodbye to Ali and I grabbed snow cones and dropped by the institute before heading to her house so that she could paint her toenails before physical therapy. I had a fun time encouraging Ali to do better at the therapy and just enjoy myself though I ended up with a headache afterwards. I ended up taking Excedrin when I got home and it actually worked! Yay! :D

Saturday, June 23rd 2012

-I was woken up in the middle of the night by the books I had stacked on a table toppling to the ground. I think somebody in the apartment above us slammed a door and it vibrated enough to knock down a book or two...In any case I've been feeling tired for most of the day, my eyes have been sleepy. I didn't get up til after 11 so I could watch the season finale of Korra at noon. I worked on and turned in a job application to Barnes and Noble. Lets see if they respond in six months (they never did) I dropped by the Neffs to pick up the 3 Musketeers because I intended to watch it this evening. But the parents dropped by because Aunt S and Uncle S invited them to dinner at Red Lobster. But they also wanted to check in and see how Kikay was doing and have Dad talk with her for a bit answering her questions about shingles. (She ended up with them from too much stress in her life.) Mom gave me a quilt that Grandma Dirchi made me for Graduation. ^^ (love that quilt) Its a patchwork quilt that has a purple background. Its awesome and I didn't expect her to give me a quilt for Graduating College. She did it for High School but I didn't think she would for college. Its awesome! Then my roommate Kahla and I went to see the movie Brave. Its a cute movie. I liked it.

Sunday, June 23rd 2013

-Today was pretty easy going. Went to Church this morning. Took a nap.  Watched a broadcast about missionaries being able to now use the internet to help with the work and that our church buildings will be opened to tours. Drove up North with Kikay afterwards and visited with the grandparents before coming to the parents home. Hung out and played with the cats and had delicious tuna casserole.

Monday, June 23rd 2014

-My family made the long drive home from Rush, Colorado. It wasn't that bad of a drive though I ended up with a headache on the drive home. Not quite sure why, but it definitely left me not feeling well. I got home in time to say goodbye to my roommate Ashleigh as she hadn't left for Florida yet. Once she was gone, I took a shower and sprawled out on the couch to try and keep the headache at bay. It didn't really fade....

Tuesday, June 23rd 2015

-I had work this morning, the early shift like usual. I went ahead and worked on cleaning the days' cages, while I had my other opener work on doing the rest of the department. The day was slow enough that I was able to get tasks done before I left, but I had enough customers to keep me busy until I left, so I wasn't left twiddling my thumbs. After work I came home to find that the AC had been 'fixed' once more. (second time I've sent in a request to have it fixed) but once more...it wasn't fixed. >.< The AC runs all day and still doesn't get any cooler in the apt, instead it gets warmer even with the air on. >.< I met up with some HomeTown friends to go check out another apartment to move into in the fall. It's promising. But we'll have to see, going to check out a couple other places as well. Came home, to an apt that isn't getting any cooler. >.< Iz and I ended up going to the Office to complain. We found out the first time they came in they replaced the Freon, the second time the notes said "Came in found the AC off, turned it on." And that was it. I can't believe the Fix-It guy thought that THAT WAS THE PROBLEM! >.< Seriously, just because its an apartment full of girls doesn't mean we're all that air headed. We know how to turn on the AC!! >.< Ugh. Dumb guy. We had it OFF because it WASN'T WORKING! Why have the AC Running if it's only getting the apartment HOTTER? >.< I hate that. Wish we'd been 'here' when he came by. Because then we could have explained that to him! So the office said we were going to have a guy come by to get it fixed in about an hour....an hour came and went, I went back to the office, and they said they were getting 'professionals' to come in tomorrow morning. Hopefully it will actually be fixed this time. >.< Because having to deal with out having AC in my Car and My Home is torture for a girl who likes the cold.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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