Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Here Comes The Headache

I hate headaches.
I mean, half the time, I think they come to me out of spite.
"Oh, you're planning to do something fun today?"
WHAM! Headache.
"Oh, this is stressing you out?"
WHAM! Headache.

Basically, I think headache is lonely.
As it's been dropping by basically everyday this week.
Who knows why.
Stress? Probably.
Lack of Sleep? Probably.
Being Sick? Probably.

I'm sure there's a million reasons why I got a headache.

Though really,
I'm pretty sure it's because I did something that was out of my comfort zone today.
And it had been hanging over my head the entire day really.
Because I had to get through work first.
And there it was.
This thing.
Hanging over my head.
Wiggling about in the back of mind.
Its no surprise that it would cause stress to wiggle its way back there.

Usually the unknown causes that sort of problem.
And encourages Headache to come near.

So, what was the possible headache inducing thing that I did today?
I went to the Bank.
To check out what I would need to do to get a home loan.
For you know...a Home.

Because my current plan for rooming with a coworker fell through.
I'm just checking out other options.
As I really don't want to have to deal with student housing apts again for another year.

So I want to see if I can afford to buy a house/townhouse.
Obviously, I more than likely can....but really I just need a price range to look in. Of a feasible plan to possibly buy a house, one that I can live in.
It's one of many options I'm looking into.
I mean, I can always go find an apt to rent again.
But really, I'm looking into something different.
And buying something is definitely different than renting.

Still is going to be a work in progress this thing.
I still don't know what I can afford to go for yet.
But at least I'll have a better idea of where I stand when I do find out. To see if I can go for this buying thing....or if I need to rent for another year and save more money.
Guess we'll see. :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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