It's taken a while.
But I think, my parents have once again caught the bug.
The fish tank bug.
You see, growing up we went through three or four cycles of owning fish tanks.
Where we'd start with one....then get another, and another, and another.
Until we basically had fishtanks in every room of the house....
And then we'd tire of them,
Slowly get rid of them.
Get down to just one or two or none.
And catch the bug again, and we'd be up to multiple fish tanks once more in hardly any time at all.
We've had a long lull in fish tanks at my parents place.
I feel like sometime while I was away at college, we got rid of the last of the tanks.
And hadn't had any since that point.
I mean, in college I've almost always had a small fish tank.
Most of the time just enough room for a single betta.
But at home?
Until like...last year? For mother's day.
When my MotherDearest requested a betta as a gift. :)
Which I happily obliged in getting her. :)
That was the start. In a way.
Though no by means the catalyst I suppose. lol.
In any case, a couple of weeks ago,
My Daddoo set up a small tank of his that he'd found at the D.I. Basically only big enough for a betta.
Yet, it wasn't even a week later, maybe like two or three days? lol. That I heard the news he'd gotten a much bigger fish tank. One that my Aunt was selling. A 35 gallon tank.
Which is a big jump from the little one gallons my parents now both have on either side of their bed.
But oh.
I'm oh so jealous of them.
Its no secret that for like the past two years I've been wanting to get myself a big fish tank.
A 125 gallon to be specific.
But due to living in an apartment, specifically student housing, I'm lucky to be able to get away with two small betta tanks.
Having more than that....
Yah. I don't think it would go over so well.
But to have a tank, any tank that could hold more than just one fish. Like a dozen or so fish, I think at this point in time I would be content with.
Which is why I'm a bit enamored with my Daddoo's tank. As it's BIGGER! :)
It's really too bad that I don't get the opportunity to go home much anymore. :( As I really want to just curl up in a chair by that fishtank and watch the fish swimming about for a while. :)
lol, in any case.
The fish bug didn't end there. ;)
As today, my parents made the drive down to get one more fish tank. :)
A 10 gallon, as my Daddoo wanted to upgrade his little tank by his bed.
:) So he's fully recaught the fish bug now. lol :)
And I believe Mother Dearest is catching it too.
She took over my Daddoo's little tank, putting a few of her favorite fish in it.
But I can only wonder if its a matter of time before she too will upgrade her little tanks into a bigger tank. lol. :)
I wouldn't mind it if she did.
I'm totally jealous of both of them for being able to have bigger fish tanks.
Soon. Though.
Hopefully Soon, once my contract with my current place is up, I'll be able to move into a place that won't be soo.....disapproving of larger tanks, that I'll finally be able to get a larger one of my own.
I dunno if I'll be able to get my dream 125 gallon tank until I settle down into a place that is a bit more....permanent.... but I could get a larger tank like a 35 or 45 maybe even a 60 gallon.
Until that point.
I'm going to be quietly wishing I had access to a webcam directed to my parents fish tanks. So I too could enjoy them. lol.
I guess I'll just have to find a good reason to head home again soon. ;)
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
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