- God knows you individually. He sends messages of encouragement, correction, and direction fitted to you and to your needs.
- "I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them."
- God does not rule in nations, but He is mindful of them. He can and does place people in positions of influence who want what is best for the people and who trust in the Lord.
Boyd K. Packer -Cleansing the Inner Vessel
- "The Lord is voting for me, and Lucifer is voting against me, but it is my vote that counts."
- Agency is precious. We can foolishly, blindly give it away, but it cannot be forcibly taken from us.
- There is something very liberating when an individual determines of his or her own free will to be obedient to our Father and our God and express that willingness to Him in prayer.
- We raise an alarm and warn members of the Church to wake up and understand what is going on. Parents, be alert, ever watchful that this wickedness might threaten your family circle.
- We teach a standard of moral conduct that will protect us from Satan's many substitutes or counterfeits for marriage. We must understand that any persuasion to enter into any relationship that is not in harmony with the principles.
- Some suppose that they were preset and cannot overcome what they feel are inborn temptations toward the impure and unnatural. Not so! Remember, God is our Heavenly Father.
- "God ... will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it." You can, if you will, break the habits and conquer an addiction and come away from that which is not worthy of any member of the Church.
- To legalize that which is basically wrong or evil will not prevent the pain and penalties that will follow as surely as night follows day.
- Regardless of the opposition, we are determined to stay on course. We will hold to the principles and laws and ordinances of the gospel. If they are misunderstood either innocently or willfully, so be it. We cannot change; we will not change the moral standard. We quickly lose our way when we disobey the laws of God. If we do not protect and foster the family, civilization and our liberties must needs perish.
Jay E. Jensen -The Holy Ghost and Revelation
- I have come to find solace and direction from the Comforter, another role of the Holy Ghost.
Mary N. Cook -Be an Example of the Believers
- "We should never permit ourselves to do anything that we are not willing to see our children do. We should set them an example that we wish them to imitate."
Dallin H. Oaks -Two Lines of Communication
- Our Heavenly Father has given His children two lines of communication with Him--what we may call the personal line and the priesthood line. All should understand and be guided by both of these essential lines of communication.
- The personal line is of paramount importance in personal decisions and in the governance of the family. Unfortunately, some members of our church underestimate the need for this direct, personal line. Responding to the undoubted importance of prophetic leadership--the priesthood line, which operates principally to govern heavenly communications on Church matters- some seek to have their priesthood leaders make personal decisions for them, decisions they should make for themselves by inspiration through their personal line. Personal decisions and family governance are principally a matter for the personal line.
- Some members or former members of our church fail to recognize the importance of the priesthood line. They underestimate the importance of the Church and its leaders and its programs. Relying entirely on the personal line, they go their own way, purporting to define doctrine and to direct competing organizations contrary to the teachings of prophet-leaders. In this they mirror the modern hostility to what is disparagingly called "organized religion." Those who reject the need for organized religion reject the work of the Master, who established His Church and its officers in the meridian of time and who reestablished them in modern times.
Thomas S. Monson -The Divine Gift of Gratitude
- "When you walk with gratitude, you do not walk with arrogance and conceit and egotism, you walk with a spirit of thanksgiving that is becoming to you and will bless your lives."
- 'He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those who he has."
- "Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parents of all others."
- "The grateful man sees so much in the world to be thankful for, and with him the good outweighs the evil. Love overpowers jealousy, and light drives darkness out of his life."
- "Pride destroys our gratitude and set up selfishness in its place. How much happier we are in the presence of a grateful and loving soul, and how careful we should be to cultivate, through the medium of a prayerful life, a thankful attitude toward God and man!"
- The English author Aldous Huxley wrote, "Most human beings have an almost infinite capacity for taking things for granted."
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
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