It's the little things that get you.
Quite literally.
It's the little things.
So there I was,
being a good little coworker.
Helping out my fellow cashier by backing them up since they were swamped with customers and I had no one in my dept that needed immediate help.
Which is a good thing, because cashiering is a black hole that can suck you in and refuse to spit you out.
This was one of those occasions.
Where I got stuck at the register as people kept coming.
One set of customers came up to my register that I'd known.
As I'd spoken to them a bit earlier, helping them to buy things they would need for their new puppy that they were going to get.
And as I was grabbing things from their cart, to scan and then place in a bag.
I suddenly felt this jabbing pain in my thumb.
Which was weird.
Because I was handling a plastic stocking full of dog toys.
There should have been nothing about said item to jab me.
Stab me.
Yet it had.
And what had stabbed me?
A Staple!!!
There were staples holding the cardboard to the stocking and one of the little metal prongs had been pulled up, and I somehow managed to get my thumb in just the right position to stab myself with it.
Talk about.
I stabbed myself deep enough to cause it to bleed.
And to make it rather difficult to use said thumb afterwards as now its aching like crazy. *exhales*
Tomorrow at work is going to be interesting with a thumb that's pain sensitive....
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
A way that will hopefully give you a glimpse inside the mind of the author, and help you see the world in a slightly different light.
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
The Need to Feed
Have you ever watched those TV shows or read those books.
Where there's this side character complaining to the main character that they "Need to eat something" "Need to get to sleep." yadda yadda?
Pretty sure I'm that main character.
Not with the sleep thing.
I'm pretty good at getting sleep. After all I do have to function at work. lol.
But the eating thing?
....Not so much.
It's not like it's a new thing really.
I haven't ever been into the "EAT EAT EAT!" mood.
I tend to snack.
To munch.
To eat a little here and there.
Actual meals.
Not so much.
After all cooking real food usually involves dishes and dishes involves cleaning said dishes and I'm horrible at cleaning said dishes because I hate doing dishes in general.
So I usually have a bunch of quick to eat sort of things around.
And usually only end up cooking when I've run out of all my snacks and haven't had the chance to get to the grocery store yet. lol.
But I halfway wonder...
If I've made it worse, the past couple of months.
In that I've become obsessed with reading again.
It's online fanfic stuff. Because I'm way over my head obsessed with a certain Detective Series, but it is reading in any case.
And when I read.
I tend to forget to do things.
Like eat.
Because I'm caught up in the story.
I need to see how it ends.
I can't stop until I get it done!
I forget that I'm human and that one should eat when one is human. lol.
I mean.
I do remember at some point.
Usually just before Midnight.
When I have to remember that I'm a semi-responsible adult and that I need to get some sleep for work in the morning.
But usually close to midnight means close to sleep which means eating something before sleep isn't a good idea because then one gets energy and can't sleep.
Why I really need to work on eating real food before it gets too late. lol.
As obviously I have no self control when it comes to reading something that has caught my interest.
Totally singleminded in that case I suppose haha.
So I guess I need to find a work around.
Like. "Oh here's a good stopping point. Go eat something Sarnic!"
"Go make something Sarnic!"
*shakes head*
Where's my side character in my life that can come remind me to eat.....
It would make things so much easier. ;) haha
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
Monday, November 28, 2016
October 2012 General Conference -Priesthood Session
D. Todd Christofferson -Brethren, We Have Work to Do
- It's been an almost universal rule of civilization that whereas girls became women simply by reaching physical maturity, boys had to pass a test. They need to demonstrate courage, physical prowess, or mastery of the necessary skills. The goal was to prove their competence as protectors of women and children; this was always their primary social role. Today, however, with women moving ahead in an advanced economy, provider husbands and fathers are now optional, and the character qualities men had needed to play their role--fortitude, stoicism, courage, fidelity--are obsolete and even a little embarrassing.
- In their zeal to promote opportunity for women, something we applaud, there are those who denigrate men and their contributions. They seem to think of life as a competition between male and female-that one must dominate the other, and now it's the women's turn. Some argue that a career is everything and marriage and children should be entirely optional--therefore, why do we need men? In too many Hollywood films, TV and cable shows, and even commercials, men are portrayed as incompetent, immature, or self-absorbed. This cultural emasculation of males is having a damaging effect.
- Some men and young men have taken the negative signals as an excuse to avoid responsibility and never really grow up.
- We must be men that women can trust, that children can trust, and that God can trust. In the Church and kingdom of God in these latter days, we cannot afford to have boys and men who are drifting. We cannot afford young men who lack self-discipline and live only to be entertained. We cannot afford young adult men who are going nowhere in life, who are not serious about forming families and making a real contribution in this world. We cannot afford husbands and fathers who fail to provide spiritual leadership in the home. We cannot afford to have those who exercise the Holy Priesthood, after the Order of the Son of God, waste their strength in pornography or spend their lives in cyberspace (ironically being of the world while not being in the world.)
- In whatever you choose, it is essential that you become proficient so that you can support a family and make a contribution for good in your community and your country.
- "Be strong and of a good courage." Take heart and prepare the best you can, whatever your circumstances.
- The Church cannot hope to save a man on Sunday if during the week it is a complacent witness to the crucifixion of his soul.
Gary E. Stevenson -Be Valiant in Courage, Strength, and Activity
- "And they were all young men, and they were exceedingly valiant for courage, and also for strength and activity; but behold, this was not all--they were men who were true at all times. "
- Digital peer pressure moves beyond a child's friends and the kids they hang out with. It invades the home and a child's bedroom via the Internet. The demonstration of righteous courage will often be as subtle as to click or not to click.
- "What you choose to think and do when you are alone and you believe no one is watching is a strong measure of your virtue."
- "One young boy on the school ground can wield a mighty influence for good. One young man on the football team, or the campus, or among his fellow workers can, by living the gospel, honoring his priesthood, and take a stand for the right, do untold good. Often you will experience much criticism and ridicule even by those who believe as you do, even though they may respect you for doing right. But remember that the Savior himself was tormented, ridiculed, spat upon, and finally crucified because he would not waver in his conviction. Have you ever stopped to think what would have happened had he weakened and said, 'Oh, what's the use?' and abandoned his mission? Do we want to be quitters, or do we want to be valiant servants in spite of all the opposition and evil in the world? Let us have the courage to stand up and be counted as true, devoted followers of Christ.
- Remember, what you do, where you go, and what you see will shape who you become.
- "To make [decisions] wisely, courage is needed--the courage to say no, the courage to say yes.
- "Brethren, shall we not go on in so great a cause? Go forward and not backward. Courage, brethren; and on, on to victory!"
Anthony D. Perkins -Beware Concerning Yourselves
- While ascending the priesthood path, any boy or man can be dragged down if he fails to beware.
- Family members should hear blessings from our mouths, not cursing's.
- If our soul is drifting to the edge of a spiritual cliff, stop now before you fall and steer back on course. If you feel your soul is wrecked at the bottom of a canyon rather than high on the priesthood path because you neglected "beware" signs and sinned, I testify that through sincere repentance and the power of Jesus Christ's atoning sacrifice, you can be lifted up and restored to God's heavenly highway.
Dieter F. Uchtdorf -The Joy of the Priesthood
- Yes, there is always something imperfect in any situation. Yes, it is easy to find things to complain about.
- The priesthood, or any responsibility within it, cannot be purchased or commanded. The use of priesthood power cannot be influenced, swayed, or compelled by position, by wealth, or by influence. It is a spiritual power that operates on heavenly law. It originates in the great Heavenly Father of us all. Its power can be controlled and directed only through principles of righteousness, not self-righteousness.
- The priesthood of Almighty God is available to worthy men wherever they may be--no matter their ancestry, no matter how humble their circumstances, in the nearest or farthest reaches of the globe. It is available without money or any worldly price. To paraphrase the ancient prophet Isaiah, everyone who is thirsty can come to the waters, and no money is required to come and eat!
Henry B. Eyring- Help Them Aim High
- Each was an individual, and therefore, the Lord would have given them specific gifts for each to use in His service.
- every person is different and has a different contribution to make. No one is destined to fail.
- That can happen for the young man you are leading. You need to build his faith that the Lord can transform him into a servant braver than the timid boy you now see.
- Those you lead may not have a family in the Church, but I challenge you to help them feel and want the love of family on both sides of the veil.
- God knows our gifts. My challenge to you and to me is to pray to know the gifts we have been given, to know how to develop them, and to recognize the opportunities to serve others that God provides us. But most of all, I pray that you will be inspired to help others discover their special gifts from God to serve.
Thomas S. Monson -See Others as They May Become
- There is absolutely nothing in this world that will provide more comfort and happiness than a testimony of the truth.
- A woman needs to be told she is beautiful. She needs to be told she is valued. She needs to be told she is worthwhile.
- Brethren, I know that men are very much like women in this regard. WE need to be told that we amount to something, that we are capable and worthwhile. We need to be given a chance to serve.
- Sometimes letting our brethren know they are needed and valued can help them take that step into commitment and full activity. This can be true of priesthood holders regardless of age. It is our responsibility to give them opportunities to live as they should. We can help them to overcome their shortcomings. We must develop the capacity to see men not as they are at present but as they may become when they receive testimonies of the gospel of Christ.
- Again, we have the responsibility to see individuals not as they are but rather as they can become. I would plead with you to think of them in this way.
- Courage is the word we need to hear and hold near our hearts--courage to turn our backs on temptation, courage to lift up our voices in testimony to all whom we meet, remembering that everyone must have an opportunity to hear the message. It is not an easy thing for most to do this. But we can come to believe in the words of Paul to Timothy: "For God hat not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord."
- "The kind of men we want as bearers of this gospel message are men who have faith in God; men who have faith in their religion; men who honor their priesthood; ... men full of the Holy Ghost and the power of God ... men of honor, integrity, virtue and purity."
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
Sunday, November 27, 2016
Where's the Book?
It's so weird.
So very weird.
You see.
Me and my Family went and saw Fantastic Beasts on Thanksgiving.
You know...the new Harry Potter movie?
It was really fun to watch.
But there was one thing that bugged me.
What was that thing?
The fact that....before seeing this movie.
I hadn't read a book about it. O.o
I mean, all the other Harry Potter movies had books they were based off of.
Books that I had read before seeing said harry potter movies.
So the fact that I was seeing a movie based in the Harry Potter world.
Should mean that I should have read a book that the movie was based off of.
It meant that I should have been able to be like. "Oh they skipped this scene." "Oh that didn't happen in the book!" "What?! Who's this character that's not in the book?" you know...things like that.
It was like any other movie.
Where you discover the story as you go.
Which is so weird.
When it involves the Harry Potter world.
So very weird.
I'm still trying to wrap my head around it. lol
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
So very weird.
You see.
Me and my Family went and saw Fantastic Beasts on Thanksgiving.
You know...the new Harry Potter movie?
It was really fun to watch.
But there was one thing that bugged me.
What was that thing?
The fact that....before seeing this movie.
I hadn't read a book about it. O.o
I mean, all the other Harry Potter movies had books they were based off of.
Books that I had read before seeing said harry potter movies.
So the fact that I was seeing a movie based in the Harry Potter world.
Should mean that I should have read a book that the movie was based off of.
It meant that I should have been able to be like. "Oh they skipped this scene." "Oh that didn't happen in the book!" "What?! Who's this character that's not in the book?" you know...things like that.
It was like any other movie.
Where you discover the story as you go.
Which is so weird.
When it involves the Harry Potter world.
So very weird.
I'm still trying to wrap my head around it. lol
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
The world will never know how close I came to ending up in Red Rock country this night.
And it all started because of a game night.
You see, a friend of mine invited me to a game night. And they happen to live like half an hour further south from me.
*shakes head*
Silly friend. Why live so far away from everything??
In any case.
On my way to the game night, I had to take the freeway.
And on the freeway.
There happened to be this exit.
An exit I know very well.
Because said exit would take me to my beloved Red Rock country.
Sure it would be a three hour drive.
But in three hours. I would be surrounded by my favorite red rocks!
It was just me and my car.
No one there to stop me.
No one there to keep me from moving over into the exit lane.
I could have gone on a sojourn down south.
I didn't though.
Because I'm too responsible for my own good. lol.
;) Plus it helped that I was on a quarter tank of gas.
And would obviously not make it to Red Rock country with so little fuel haha.
Still though.
It was such a tantalizing possibility.
To just 'accidentally' take the wrong exit.
To go on a midnight adventure.
To go back to my favorite place on earth.
But I didn't.
Still. I could have.
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
Friday, November 25, 2016
Dreams Come True
It started back over a year ago.
Possibly even close to two years ago.
When my work was chosen to start carrying larger tanks in the store.
Before that point our largest tank we carried was a 75 gallon.
But now, then. We were able to start carrying 150, 125, and within the last couple of months 120 gallon tanks.
So they're nice.
They're big.
And upon seeing the 125 gallon tank (18inches wide by 72 inches long)
I knew that there was no other tank that I wanted.
The 125 gallon.
That was a tank I wanted to get whenever I managed to get out of apartment living.
A year ago, that dream was impossible.
I'd tried to get into a place that would allow me to get a bigger tank, but didn't swing it.
So I'd started looking into smaller tanks. You know like the 45 gallon or the 60 gallon tanks that could possibly be a good 'starter' size for me.
But I still had my heart set on the tank.
I would go through phases at work, where I would really want the tank and would have wistful fun decorating said tank with décor just to see how it would look.
Getting said 125 gallon tank?
I'd nearly chalked it up to a 'when I'm married and own a house' sort of dream.
Until I moved in with my current set of roomies, one of whom bought the place we're currently living in.
Until I told them I'd love to have a large fish tank and they said yes.
Until I showed them the tank I wanted, asked them if they'd be fine with one so large.
....And they said Yes!
I could hardly believe it.
My roommates would let me get a 125 gallon tank??
Yes, yes they would.
lol. I think it helped that I waited a few months before bringing up the subject.
Just to get used to the new place and the roomies and all before I did something as crazy as getting a large fish tank.
But brought up the subject I did.
As Black Friday drew closer.
I could have bought the tank at any time really.
I knew.
I knew my work did killer deals on Black Friday for our FishTank/Stand combos. -Which the 125g was.
The last three or four years I'd worked Black Friday, the Tank/Stands had gone half off.
Considering that it had happened multiple years in a row.
I figured that the sale would happen once again.
I was right. :)
Word spread that the tanks/stands were going half off.
Like they do every Black Friday.
Which meant.
I would purchase it for half the price!!
Which when it's nearly a $700 tank...half off is a really really good deal.
I'd been talking about it at work for weeks.
The fact that I would be buying a 125 gallon tank.
I talked about it.
But I didn't yet dare to put actual faith in the fact that I could get it.
I was confident I could.
But if I've had things go wrong in the past.
And I could just picture me arriving to work to find all the tanks gone and me without the tank or my roomies changing their minds.
So I talked about it.
Wanted it.
But didn't quiet believe I'd get it.
Then Wednesday Happened.
It had been a long day of pre holiday craziness.
I'd already been delayed clocking out on time by half an hour due to helping a needy customer decide on a carrier that suited their most random requirements. *shakes head* I failed to get her what she needed. *exhales*
In any case, I'd been basically heading out the door. When my manager called me back in.
To tell me in no uncertain terms that I had to order my tank online at 12:01am Friday Morning.
Because apparently we had to grab all the online orders First before we opened our doors at 7am for Black Friday for the customers who actually came out to the store.
So he wanted me to order my tank online as soon as the Black Friday sale started.
Which I was like. o.O But....I wouldn't get my discount if I did that.
-As we get discounts off things at work.
Nor would I get it for the flat $300 rate.
As if I bought the tank before noon on Black Friday in the store. It would be $300 instead of half off.
Basically the plan was for me to buy the tank so that I'd have it reserved for me.
Then we'd return the tank, and I'd immediately buy it again, but this time at the less than $300 price due to my work discount.
So I made a mental note to be sure to stay up until 12:01 to order my tank.
Went home and got online so I could figure out how to order said tank before I needed to order said tank.
And thought nothing more of it.
Until I woke up Thursday Morning and checked my mail and saw that I'd gotten an email saying that our Black Friday sales had already started online. ()_()
Which meant.... AGH! All our 125 gallon tanks could have already been sold!!!
If the Black Friday sales were happening already, there was no way I was waiting until midnight to buy my tank.
I was buying it then and there.
Which I did.
After the deed was done, I sent my Manager a text saying that our online site had already started Black Friday sales so I had gone ahead and ordered the tank.
The manager replied back with a 'thanks for the heads up' sort of message.
I thought nothing more of it after that point.
Until, later in the day.
I got a message from a different manager.
Showing a picture of my order.
They'd gotten my order and set aside a tank for me!!
Which was great!!
And then I realized.
....How was that possible?
We were closed on Thanksgiving.
No one should have been in the store!
But a couple of my managers Had come into the store.
Mostly to take care of the animals -Check food and water and such -they were only there for an hour.
Yet, I'm pretty sure that once my manager heard that I'd ordered a tank, they were like. "WE NEED TO GET TO THE STORE NOW! Sarnic MUST have her TANK!!" lol.
;) As everyone desperately wanted me to be able to have my 125 gallon tank. So since I'd given them the headsup that I'd ordered it.
They wanted to make sure they confirmed my tank as being ordered.
So I would definitely get it Friday after work. :D
Ah... My managers love me. XD Lol.
Which meant today.
After a long shift at work where I again stayed late by half an hour due to customers, I was finally able to load up the tank in my Daddoo's truck (that he was sweet and let me borrow for just this purpose) And yes, I managed to get both tank and stand in the truck together haha.
My managers hadn't believed it was wide enough.
But it was just barely. ^^
So one careful drive later.
One nerve wracking trip down the stairs to the basement later and I can now say.
My dream of owning a 125 gallon tank has officially come true!!
^^ Yes, my roommates are amazing for allowing me this opportunity.
So very much amazing. :D lol.
Ah. I'm sure it will feel that much sweeter once I actually set up the tank. lol.
With decorations and fish ....oh yes the fish. ^^
But for now I have to wait.
As my roomie has ordered some special mats to place underneath the fish tank stand to ensure that if the tank happens to leak (which would be sad for a brand new tank) it wouldn't ruin the carpet underneath. :)
So yes, for now, I can just admire my nice big empty tank on the wall.
Because soon enough, I'll be able to fill it with decorations and gravel and water and fish.
But for now. The less weight in the tank, the more easy it is to move it once those matts show up. :D haha.
Soooo EXCITED!!!
I have my Tank!
I have my TANK!!
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
Possibly even close to two years ago.
When my work was chosen to start carrying larger tanks in the store.
Before that point our largest tank we carried was a 75 gallon.
But now, then. We were able to start carrying 150, 125, and within the last couple of months 120 gallon tanks.
So they're nice.
They're big.
And upon seeing the 125 gallon tank (18inches wide by 72 inches long)
I knew that there was no other tank that I wanted.
The 125 gallon.
That was a tank I wanted to get whenever I managed to get out of apartment living.
A year ago, that dream was impossible.
I'd tried to get into a place that would allow me to get a bigger tank, but didn't swing it.
So I'd started looking into smaller tanks. You know like the 45 gallon or the 60 gallon tanks that could possibly be a good 'starter' size for me.
But I still had my heart set on the tank.
I would go through phases at work, where I would really want the tank and would have wistful fun decorating said tank with décor just to see how it would look.
Getting said 125 gallon tank?
I'd nearly chalked it up to a 'when I'm married and own a house' sort of dream.
Until I moved in with my current set of roomies, one of whom bought the place we're currently living in.
Until I told them I'd love to have a large fish tank and they said yes.
Until I showed them the tank I wanted, asked them if they'd be fine with one so large.
....And they said Yes!
I could hardly believe it.
My roommates would let me get a 125 gallon tank??
Yes, yes they would.
lol. I think it helped that I waited a few months before bringing up the subject.
Just to get used to the new place and the roomies and all before I did something as crazy as getting a large fish tank.
But brought up the subject I did.
As Black Friday drew closer.
I could have bought the tank at any time really.
I knew.
I knew my work did killer deals on Black Friday for our FishTank/Stand combos. -Which the 125g was.
The last three or four years I'd worked Black Friday, the Tank/Stands had gone half off.
Considering that it had happened multiple years in a row.
I figured that the sale would happen once again.
I was right. :)
Word spread that the tanks/stands were going half off.
Like they do every Black Friday.
Which meant.
I would purchase it for half the price!!
Which when it's nearly a $700 tank...half off is a really really good deal.
I'd been talking about it at work for weeks.
The fact that I would be buying a 125 gallon tank.
I talked about it.
But I didn't yet dare to put actual faith in the fact that I could get it.
I was confident I could.
But if I've had things go wrong in the past.
And I could just picture me arriving to work to find all the tanks gone and me without the tank or my roomies changing their minds.
So I talked about it.
Wanted it.
But didn't quiet believe I'd get it.
Then Wednesday Happened.
It had been a long day of pre holiday craziness.
I'd already been delayed clocking out on time by half an hour due to helping a needy customer decide on a carrier that suited their most random requirements. *shakes head* I failed to get her what she needed. *exhales*
In any case, I'd been basically heading out the door. When my manager called me back in.
To tell me in no uncertain terms that I had to order my tank online at 12:01am Friday Morning.
Because apparently we had to grab all the online orders First before we opened our doors at 7am for Black Friday for the customers who actually came out to the store.
So he wanted me to order my tank online as soon as the Black Friday sale started.
Which I was like. o.O But....I wouldn't get my discount if I did that.
-As we get discounts off things at work.
Nor would I get it for the flat $300 rate.
As if I bought the tank before noon on Black Friday in the store. It would be $300 instead of half off.
Basically the plan was for me to buy the tank so that I'd have it reserved for me.
Then we'd return the tank, and I'd immediately buy it again, but this time at the less than $300 price due to my work discount.
So I made a mental note to be sure to stay up until 12:01 to order my tank.
Went home and got online so I could figure out how to order said tank before I needed to order said tank.
And thought nothing more of it.
Until I woke up Thursday Morning and checked my mail and saw that I'd gotten an email saying that our Black Friday sales had already started online. ()_()
Which meant.... AGH! All our 125 gallon tanks could have already been sold!!!
If the Black Friday sales were happening already, there was no way I was waiting until midnight to buy my tank.
I was buying it then and there.
Which I did.
After the deed was done, I sent my Manager a text saying that our online site had already started Black Friday sales so I had gone ahead and ordered the tank.
The manager replied back with a 'thanks for the heads up' sort of message.
I thought nothing more of it after that point.
Until, later in the day.
I got a message from a different manager.
Showing a picture of my order.
They'd gotten my order and set aside a tank for me!!
Which was great!!
And then I realized.
....How was that possible?
We were closed on Thanksgiving.
No one should have been in the store!
But a couple of my managers Had come into the store.
Mostly to take care of the animals -Check food and water and such -they were only there for an hour.
Yet, I'm pretty sure that once my manager heard that I'd ordered a tank, they were like. "WE NEED TO GET TO THE STORE NOW! Sarnic MUST have her TANK!!" lol.
;) As everyone desperately wanted me to be able to have my 125 gallon tank. So since I'd given them the headsup that I'd ordered it.
They wanted to make sure they confirmed my tank as being ordered.
So I would definitely get it Friday after work. :D
Ah... My managers love me. XD Lol.
Which meant today.
After a long shift at work where I again stayed late by half an hour due to customers, I was finally able to load up the tank in my Daddoo's truck (that he was sweet and let me borrow for just this purpose) And yes, I managed to get both tank and stand in the truck together haha.
My managers hadn't believed it was wide enough.
But it was just barely. ^^
So one careful drive later.
One nerve wracking trip down the stairs to the basement later and I can now say.
My dream of owning a 125 gallon tank has officially come true!!
^^ Yes, my roommates are amazing for allowing me this opportunity.
So very much amazing. :D lol.
Ah. I'm sure it will feel that much sweeter once I actually set up the tank. lol.
With decorations and fish ....oh yes the fish. ^^
But for now I have to wait.
As my roomie has ordered some special mats to place underneath the fish tank stand to ensure that if the tank happens to leak (which would be sad for a brand new tank) it wouldn't ruin the carpet underneath. :)
So yes, for now, I can just admire my nice big empty tank on the wall.
Because soon enough, I'll be able to fill it with decorations and gravel and water and fish.
But for now. The less weight in the tank, the more easy it is to move it once those matts show up. :D haha.
Soooo EXCITED!!!
I have my Tank!
I have my TANK!!
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
Thursday, November 24, 2016
Standing Tall
I volunteered for service in the United State Marine Corps during the Vietnam War.
Soon after my arrival in Quantico, Virginia, for basic training, I found myself standing at attention in front of my barrack's bunk along with 54 other Marine Corps recruits.
I met my drill instructor, a battle-hardened veteran, when he kicked open the door to the barracks and entered while screaming words laced with profanity.
After this terrifying introduction, he started at one end of the barracks and confronted each recruit with questions.
Without exception, the drill instructor methodically found something about each recruit to ridicule with loud, vulgar language.
Down the row he came, with each marine shouting back his answer as commanded: "Yes" or "No, Sergeant Instructor."
I could not see exactly what he was doing, because our eyes looking straight ahead.
When it was my turn, I could tell he grabbed my duffel bag and emptied the contents onto mattress behind me.
He looked through my belongings, then walked back to face me.
I braced myself for his attack.
In his hands was my Book of Mormon.
I expected that he would yell at me; instead, he moved close to me and whispered, "Are you a Mormon?"
As commanded, I yelled, "Yes, Sergeant Instructor."
Again I expected the worst.
Instead, he paused and raised his hand that held my Book of Mormon and in a very quiet voice said, "Do you believe in this book?"
Again I shouted, "Yes, Sergeant Instructor."
At this point I was sure he would scream disparaging words about Mormons and the Book of Mormon, but he just stood there in silence.
After a moment he walked back to my bunk and carefully laid down my Book of Mormon.
He then proceeded to walk by me without stopping and went on to ridicule and disparage with profane language all remaining recruits.
I have often wondered why that tough Marine Corps sergeant spared me that day.
But I am grateful I was able to say without hesitation, "Yes, I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints" and "Yes, I know the Book of Mormon is true."
This testimony is a precious gift given to me through the Holy Ghost with the help of two missionaries and a priests quorum adviser.
-Larry Echo Hawk -"Come unto Me, O Ye House of Israel" -October 2012 General Conference
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
Soon after my arrival in Quantico, Virginia, for basic training, I found myself standing at attention in front of my barrack's bunk along with 54 other Marine Corps recruits.
I met my drill instructor, a battle-hardened veteran, when he kicked open the door to the barracks and entered while screaming words laced with profanity.
After this terrifying introduction, he started at one end of the barracks and confronted each recruit with questions.
Without exception, the drill instructor methodically found something about each recruit to ridicule with loud, vulgar language.
Down the row he came, with each marine shouting back his answer as commanded: "Yes" or "No, Sergeant Instructor."
I could not see exactly what he was doing, because our eyes looking straight ahead.
When it was my turn, I could tell he grabbed my duffel bag and emptied the contents onto mattress behind me.
He looked through my belongings, then walked back to face me.
I braced myself for his attack.
In his hands was my Book of Mormon.
I expected that he would yell at me; instead, he moved close to me and whispered, "Are you a Mormon?"
As commanded, I yelled, "Yes, Sergeant Instructor."
Again I expected the worst.
Instead, he paused and raised his hand that held my Book of Mormon and in a very quiet voice said, "Do you believe in this book?"
Again I shouted, "Yes, Sergeant Instructor."
At this point I was sure he would scream disparaging words about Mormons and the Book of Mormon, but he just stood there in silence.
After a moment he walked back to my bunk and carefully laid down my Book of Mormon.
He then proceeded to walk by me without stopping and went on to ridicule and disparage with profane language all remaining recruits.
I have often wondered why that tough Marine Corps sergeant spared me that day.
But I am grateful I was able to say without hesitation, "Yes, I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints" and "Yes, I know the Book of Mormon is true."
This testimony is a precious gift given to me through the Holy Ghost with the help of two missionaries and a priests quorum adviser.
-Larry Echo Hawk -"Come unto Me, O Ye House of Israel" -October 2012 General Conference
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
I Don't Know
It's really not my fault when customers come in regularly but don't regularly see me.
I say this, because I encountered a customer that I hadn't seen in months.
It may have been as little as six months, but possibly up to eight months or so....honestly it's hard to keep track.
But in any case.
I came up to them and asked them if they needed help and they were like "You're STILL HERE!! I THOUGHT YOU HAD QUIT!"
No. I haven't quit. lol.
The customer just has been coming in at the wrong days or the wrong times or has come in while I was elsewhere in the store....
Really the possibilities are endless on why I haven't encountered said customer. Haha.
In any case.
It's always interesting to deal with this particular customer.
Because in reality, I do only see them like....every fourth month or so.
And every. single. time.
The customer brings up the exact same reason as to why they are in the store.
They're looking for a better way to contain their dog while they're in the car so that the doggie doesn't injure itself, or jump into the customer's lap while driving, etc.
Basically the customer comes in looking for a booster seat for their dog, that can also double as a portable carrier for when the dog isn't in the car.
But said carrier has to have a leash in it so the dog can't get away, but the leash also needs to be able to work in such a fashion that the dog can't twist itself up in said leash and injure itself.
Really, it's nearly the same conversation almost every time.
We chat, I try and find a solution, I show the customer all the same products I basically showed them last time. (Occasionally new things if we got something new in)
And basically spend a lot of time saying. "I don't know." "Well maybe" "It's possible that could work."
Haha, it really doesn't help that I'm not often in the Dog section of the store.
I'm over the Fish, the Reptiles, the Birds, the Small Pets....
The cat and dog sections are just....grey matter to me really.
They exist, but I don't know everything about it.
Like...I don't know what a kind of dog food you're buying if you just show me the food itself as I never see the food unless a bag splits. I only see bags haha.
Back on topic.
I have to do a lot of "I don't knows" with this customer because in reality I really don't know and I don't want to say something and tell them to buy a product that they're just going to return and say it doesn't work.
I do my best....
But when said customer's current concern is that they want their dog to stay safe and not run away if said dog gets into a car accident....
I really can't recommend anything for a situation that specific.
Most people just want the dog contained in the car.
Most people just want to be able to tote their dog around portably.
Hardly any of them consider if the dog can jump out, if the dog can get loose, if the carrier would squish down or not, or how the seat belt would hold if the car rolled.
I mean...if the cars's rather difficult for anyone to remain uninjured in that sort of situation....
*shakes head*
So that was a fun 40 minute conversation of "I don't knows" as I tried to help the customer as best as I could.
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
I say this, because I encountered a customer that I hadn't seen in months.
It may have been as little as six months, but possibly up to eight months or so....honestly it's hard to keep track.
But in any case.
I came up to them and asked them if they needed help and they were like "You're STILL HERE!! I THOUGHT YOU HAD QUIT!"
No. I haven't quit. lol.
The customer just has been coming in at the wrong days or the wrong times or has come in while I was elsewhere in the store....
Really the possibilities are endless on why I haven't encountered said customer. Haha.
In any case.
It's always interesting to deal with this particular customer.
Because in reality, I do only see them like....every fourth month or so.
And every. single. time.
The customer brings up the exact same reason as to why they are in the store.
They're looking for a better way to contain their dog while they're in the car so that the doggie doesn't injure itself, or jump into the customer's lap while driving, etc.
Basically the customer comes in looking for a booster seat for their dog, that can also double as a portable carrier for when the dog isn't in the car.
But said carrier has to have a leash in it so the dog can't get away, but the leash also needs to be able to work in such a fashion that the dog can't twist itself up in said leash and injure itself.
Really, it's nearly the same conversation almost every time.
We chat, I try and find a solution, I show the customer all the same products I basically showed them last time. (Occasionally new things if we got something new in)
And basically spend a lot of time saying. "I don't know." "Well maybe" "It's possible that could work."
Haha, it really doesn't help that I'm not often in the Dog section of the store.
I'm over the Fish, the Reptiles, the Birds, the Small Pets....
The cat and dog sections are just....grey matter to me really.
They exist, but I don't know everything about it.
Like...I don't know what a kind of dog food you're buying if you just show me the food itself as I never see the food unless a bag splits. I only see bags haha.
Back on topic.
I have to do a lot of "I don't knows" with this customer because in reality I really don't know and I don't want to say something and tell them to buy a product that they're just going to return and say it doesn't work.
I do my best....
But when said customer's current concern is that they want their dog to stay safe and not run away if said dog gets into a car accident....
I really can't recommend anything for a situation that specific.
Most people just want the dog contained in the car.
Most people just want to be able to tote their dog around portably.
Hardly any of them consider if the dog can jump out, if the dog can get loose, if the carrier would squish down or not, or how the seat belt would hold if the car rolled.
I mean...if the cars's rather difficult for anyone to remain uninjured in that sort of situation....
*shakes head*
So that was a fun 40 minute conversation of "I don't knows" as I tried to help the customer as best as I could.
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
Upbeat and Hyper
The best of intentions are often waylaid by a good story.
So. Very true of me.
So. very. True.
I hadn't slept much last night.
Again, because I got caught up in a fanfiction story online and wanted to finish it.
Which happens more often than not recently lol.
But hey, reading is reading right?
In any case.
Going home and taking a nap was strongly on my mind the entire day at work.
Oh glorious sleep.
Only, I was still wakeful enough when I got off work I figured I'd drop by my Favorite Wendy's and get linner first and maybe write a bit while I was there so I could be 'out' and 'social' outside of work for a bit.
Ha. say that those plans were waylaid is probably a bit of an understatement.
As you see, on the website where I'm reading Fanfics currently, you have the opportunity to 'follow' your favorite stories and authors.
So that when the stories are updated, or the authors post a new story.
You know immediately.
As I was getting of work, I checked my emails and noticed I'd received a notification that an author I'd followed had posted in a story that I hadn't read yet.
-As the premise in the little 'blurb' hadn't caught my interest.
Truthfully, I thought it was an update from a different author and so I went straight to the recently updated chapter only to be confused by what I was reading as it hadn't matched up with anything I'd read recently.
It had caught my interest.
So I jumped back to the first chapter.....
and wouldn't you know it an Hour had passed, I'd read nine chapters, and I was still sitting at the table at Wendy's totally engrossed in the story. Heh.
I decided I should probably leave and head home,
Only now a nap was the furthest thing from my mind.
Because this story had totally captured my interest.
It was fun, lighthearted, fast paced.
It literally had me laughing out loud.
So therefore, obviously, I couldn't put it down.
Not until a couple of hours later when I finished said story.
Such happiness.
I love it when stories leave you in an upbeat mood, where you have a smile, energy, and just wish that the story would continue on and you could still be reading it.
-Since this particular fanfic is unfinished I hope I get an update soon....-
But yah, I ended up hyper from the story. Energized by how happy it made me.
To the point where only now did I realize that I haven't taken my nap and I'm totally exhausted from the day. *shakes head*
That's how you know a story is good lol. When you forget to eat and sleep in order to find out what happens next. :)
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
So. Very true of me.
So. very. True.
I hadn't slept much last night.
Again, because I got caught up in a fanfiction story online and wanted to finish it.
Which happens more often than not recently lol.
But hey, reading is reading right?
In any case.
Going home and taking a nap was strongly on my mind the entire day at work.
Oh glorious sleep.
Only, I was still wakeful enough when I got off work I figured I'd drop by my Favorite Wendy's and get linner first and maybe write a bit while I was there so I could be 'out' and 'social' outside of work for a bit.
Ha. say that those plans were waylaid is probably a bit of an understatement.
As you see, on the website where I'm reading Fanfics currently, you have the opportunity to 'follow' your favorite stories and authors.
So that when the stories are updated, or the authors post a new story.
You know immediately.
As I was getting of work, I checked my emails and noticed I'd received a notification that an author I'd followed had posted in a story that I hadn't read yet.
-As the premise in the little 'blurb' hadn't caught my interest.
Truthfully, I thought it was an update from a different author and so I went straight to the recently updated chapter only to be confused by what I was reading as it hadn't matched up with anything I'd read recently.
It had caught my interest.
So I jumped back to the first chapter.....
and wouldn't you know it an Hour had passed, I'd read nine chapters, and I was still sitting at the table at Wendy's totally engrossed in the story. Heh.
I decided I should probably leave and head home,
Only now a nap was the furthest thing from my mind.
Because this story had totally captured my interest.
It was fun, lighthearted, fast paced.
It literally had me laughing out loud.
So therefore, obviously, I couldn't put it down.
Not until a couple of hours later when I finished said story.
Such happiness.
I love it when stories leave you in an upbeat mood, where you have a smile, energy, and just wish that the story would continue on and you could still be reading it.
-Since this particular fanfic is unfinished I hope I get an update soon....-
But yah, I ended up hyper from the story. Energized by how happy it made me.
To the point where only now did I realize that I haven't taken my nap and I'm totally exhausted from the day. *shakes head*
That's how you know a story is good lol. When you forget to eat and sleep in order to find out what happens next. :)
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
Monday, November 21, 2016
October 2012 General Conference -Saturday Afternoon
Henry B. Eyring -The Sustaining of Church Officers
L. Tom Perry -Becoming Goodly Parents
L. Tom Perry -Becoming Goodly Parents
- Lessons taught in the home by goodly parents are becoming increasingly important in today's world, where the influence of the adversary is so widespread. As we know, he is attempting to erode and destroy the very foundation of our society--the family. In clever and carefully camouflaged ways, he is attacking commitment to family life throughout the world and undermining the culture and covenant of faithful Latter-day Saints. Parent must resolve that teaching in the home is a most sacred and important responsibility. While other institutions such as church and school can assist parents to "train up a child in the way he [or she] should go," this responsibility ultimately rest on the parents. According to the great plan of happiness, it is goodly parents who are entrusted with the care and development of Heavenly Father's children.
- "By divine design, father are to preside over their families in love and righteousness and are responsible to provide the necessities of life and protection for their families. Mother are primarily responsible for the nurture of their children. In these sacred responsibilities, fathers and mothers are obligated to help one another as equal partners."
- I believe it is by divine design that the role of motherhood emphasizes the nurturing and teaching of the next generation. But it is wonderful to see husbands and wives who have worked out real partnerships where they blend together their influence and communicate effectively both about their children and to their children.
M. Russell Ballard -Be Anxiously Engaged
- Great things are brought about and burdens are lightened through the efforts of many hands "anxiously engaged in a good cause."
- There is power in our love for God and for His children, and when that love is tangibly manifest in millions of acts of Christian kindness, it will sweeten and nourish the world with the life-sustaining nectar of faith, hope, and charity.
- "God does notice us, and he watches over us. But it is usually through another person that he meets our needs. Therefore, it is vital that we serve each other."
Larry Echo Hawk -"Come unto Me, O Ye House of Israel"
- "And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost."
Robert C. Gay -What Shall a Man Give in Exchange for His Soul?
- Today it is so easy to get caught up in the noise of the world--despite our good intentions. The world presses us to "[look] beyond the mark."
- This is the exchange the Savior is asking of us: we are to give up all our sins, big or small, for the Father's reward of eternal life.
- We are to forget self-justifying stories, excuses, rationalizations, defense mechanisms, procrastinations, appearances, personal pride, judgmental thoughts, and doing things our way. We are to separate ourselves from all worldliness and take upon us the image of God in our countenances.
- "Satan need not get everyone to be like Cain or Judas ...," said Elder Neal A. Maxwell. "He needs only to get able men ... to see themselves as sophisticated neutrals."
Scott D. Whiting -Temple Standard
- I learned that even though mortal eyes and hands may never see or feel a defect, the Lord knows the level of our efforts and whether we have done our very best. The same is true of our own personal efforts to live a life worthy of the blessings of the temple.
Neil L. Andersen -Trial of Your Faith
- The gift of faith is a priceless spiritual endowment.
- Peter later encouraged others: "Think it not strange," he said, "concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you."
- These fiery trials are designed to make you stronger, but they have the potential to diminish or even destroy your trust in the Son of God and to weaken your resolve to keep your promises to Him. These trials are often camouflaged, making them difficult to identify. They take root in our weaknesses, our vulnerabilities, our sensitivities, or in those things that matter most to us. A real but manageable test for one can be a fiery trial for another.
- When faced with a trial of faith--whatever you do, you don't step away from the Church! Distancing yourself from the kingdom of God during a trial of faith is like leaving the safety of a secure storm cellar just as the tornado comes into view.
- When you are faced with a test of faith, stay within the safety and security of the household of God. There is always a place for you here. No trial is so large we can't overcome it together.
- There is an important principle that governs the doctrine of the Church. The doctrine is taught by all 15 members of the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve. It is not hidden in an obscure paragraph of one talk. True principles are taught frequently and by many. Our doctrine is not difficult to find.
- Joseph Smith said, "I never told you I was perfect; but there is no error in the revelations." The miracle of God's hand in the history and destiny of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is understood only through the lens of spiritual inquiry. President Ezra Taft Benson said, "Every [person] eventually is backed up to the wall of faith, and there ... must make his stand." Don't be surprised when it happens to you!
- By definition trials will be trying. There may be anguish, confusion, sleepless nights, and pillows wet with tears. But our trials need not be spiritually fatal. They need not take us from our covenants or from the household of God.
- Like the intense fire that transforms iron into steel, as we remain faithful during the fiery trial of our faith, we are spiritually refined and strengthened.
- I suffered then, as I look back now, I am grateful that there was not a quick solution to my problem. The fact that I was forced to turn to God for help almost daily over an extended period of years taught me truly how to pray and get answers to prayer and taught me in a very practical way to have faith in God. I came to know my Savior and my Heavenly Father in a way and to a degree that might not have happened otherwise or that might have taken me much longer to achieve. ... I learned to trust in the Lord with all my heart. I learned to walk with Him day by day.
Dallin H. Oaks -Protect the Children
- "Throughout history, marriage has first and foremost been an institution for procreation and raising children. It has provided the cultural tie that seeks to connect the father to his children by binding him to the mother of his children. Yet in recent times, children have increasingly been pushed from center stage."
- "The [current] American story about marriage, as told in the law and in much popular literature, goes something like this: marriage is a relationship that exists primarily for the fulfillment of the individual spouses. If it ceases to perform this function, no one is to blame and either spouse may terminate it at will. ... Children hardly appear in the story; at most they are rather shadowy characters in the background."
- Our Church leaders have taught that looking "upon marriage as a mere contract that may be entered into at pleasure...and severed at the first difficulty .. is an evil meriting severe condemnation," especially where "children are made to suffer." And children are impacted by divorces. Over half of the divorces in a recent year involved couples with minor children.
- The most powerful teaching of children is by the example of their parents. Divorcing parents inevitably teach a negative lesson.
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
Sunday, November 20, 2016
Silent Consideration
It's not always the easiest thing to do, to share your work with others.
Mostly because you never know how other people are going to take your projects.
Are they going to like the thing that you spent hours upon.
Are they going to hate it?
Will they just ignore it?
I'm sure any artist has these sort of concerns.
Which is probably why most of us are rather shy to show our progress to other people.
Because the reaction we want may not be the reaction we get.
Possibly the worst thing is Silence when it comes to showing off your work.
Because then the mind just runs wild with worry.
And like most minds, negative thoughts usually come first.
"Oh no, it's bad." "They don't like it." "Is my work really that horrible?" "They have nothing to say, I really shouldn't have shown them."
Of course, then one tries to rally themselves by saying. "Well maybe It's really good." "They're speechless with awe." "I'm a master and they are struck with awe." "I'm really good and they don't know how to say it to me without sounding jealous."
It can go either way really.
Which is why Silence is bad.
An artist shows their work to get a reaction.
Silence is a reaction. But one that is difficult to read.
Good silence? Bad silence?
In any case.
A Silent reaction makes it difficult to want to continue showing others your projects.
Because an artist doesn't need more doubt weighing on their minds than they already have on their minds from their own doubts.
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
Mostly because you never know how other people are going to take your projects.
Are they going to like the thing that you spent hours upon.
Are they going to hate it?
Will they just ignore it?
I'm sure any artist has these sort of concerns.
Which is probably why most of us are rather shy to show our progress to other people.
Because the reaction we want may not be the reaction we get.
Possibly the worst thing is Silence when it comes to showing off your work.
Because then the mind just runs wild with worry.
And like most minds, negative thoughts usually come first.
"Oh no, it's bad." "They don't like it." "Is my work really that horrible?" "They have nothing to say, I really shouldn't have shown them."
Of course, then one tries to rally themselves by saying. "Well maybe It's really good." "They're speechless with awe." "I'm a master and they are struck with awe." "I'm really good and they don't know how to say it to me without sounding jealous."
It can go either way really.
Which is why Silence is bad.
An artist shows their work to get a reaction.
Silence is a reaction. But one that is difficult to read.
Good silence? Bad silence?
In any case.
A Silent reaction makes it difficult to want to continue showing others your projects.
Because an artist doesn't need more doubt weighing on their minds than they already have on their minds from their own doubts.
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
Saturday, November 19, 2016
Just Gone
Another one bites the dust.
I heard the news today at work.
A coworker of mine has quit.
And in the trend of this particular generation of people.
The coworker quit and left us hanging.
No two week notice.
No heads up that they had found another job.
A missed shift.
A call saying that they were never coming back.
It's so irritating.
So very irritating.
Is there no respect at all for other people around you? No consideration for the fact that you just forced half a dozen people to stay for longer shifts than they'd been planning on just because you couldn't be considerate enough to give us a heads up that you'd found another job. You couldn't be considerate enough to give us two weeks to find another person before you left?
This coworker, like so many other coworkers before them, just had to leave.
Leave us in a bind.
Just before the busiest season of the year kicks into full swing.
I don't like those people.
At all.
Any respect I have for them usually fades pretty quickly when they just quit on us.
I mean, I can understand in some ways the need to just get out of the place and not hang on. So I do temper my annoyance a bit.
Doesn't mean I like it at all though.
Once again.
I'm one coworker short.
And its unknown if we're going to hire anybody to replace them in the meantime....
So probably we're all going to have to pull a bit longer shifts to cover the gaps...
Oh goodie.
Let the chaos begin.
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
Friday, November 18, 2016
To Stay or To Go?
Doing things on a spur of a moment basis is probably the best way to run into random people you don't know.
I was in one of those spur of the moment moods when I got off of work yesterday.
You know, being sick and tired means that my mind runs along the random paths.
I was hungry.
So I went to my favorite Wendy's to get my favorite meal.
lol. I'm well known there by now as I drop by that place more often than not. Heh...
It's gotten to the point where I can usually walk in the door and they're already prepping my order since I get basically the same thing every time.
What is unknown though.
Is if I decide to stay there to eat, or take it to go.
More often than not I take it to go.
But more recently I've been sticking around, eating there and spending some time writing.
Yesterday, I was undecided.
Did I want to stay or go?
I was still fighting the slight cold that I'd got and really wanted to just head home and sleep once I got some food.
But I was also feeling better too. Had some slight energy. Was actually more wakeful than I'd been just an hour ago. Plus, it was light out. So seeing some sunshine would be great.
Stay or go?
Stay or go?
The cashier asked me. "So are you staying today or taking it to go?"
That's when I had the brilliant Idea.
"You choose for me." I said with a smile.
Ha. Probably not something the cashiers get that often judging by her surprised look.
After a second of hesitation she was like. "Stay?"
"Great!" She'd chosen for me, I wasn't about to say "No, I'll Go instead." That wouldn't be very nice.
So I set out to wait for my food and stick around for a bit, possibly write once I got said food.
and then a guy walked into the store.
Dear readers, a guy walked in. ;) haha.
I gave him a glance -as movement tends to distract me so I check it out.
And thought he looked familiar.
A guy who looks familiar!?!
;) lol
But that's nothing new, it could have been anyone, as CollegeTown has a ton of people who look like each other.
But he looked over and smiled at me.
Which meant recognition.
I glanced again.
And realized, if it was who I thought it was.
I actually knew this guy.
He spoke to the cashier, before greeting me.
Definitely knew him. lol.
I haven't seen him in a while though.
Originally we met back in my first year of college.
Back when my first roommate tore her ACL and had to have surgery and consequently had to go to physical therapy to retrain her muscles on how to move.
He worked at the PT place there.
I tagged along with my roommate to keep her company (and get out of the apt as I was carless at that point)
And we all became friends.
Once PT ended for my roomie, I'd run into the guy on campus on occasion as we were both taking classes there.
But after that point....
Like other people, we lost contact beyond Facebook Friend status.
I don't think I've seen him in a couple of years or so.
Hence why there wasn't any immediate recognition lol.
It was nice to sit and chat for a bit while he was waiting for his food. (he took his to go)
Nice to catch up.
And all because on the spur of the moment, I decided to let the cashier decide for me.
If I'd been a few seconds faster, if I'd chosen to leave, I would probably have missed seeing him totally.
Funny how things work out like that. :)
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
I was in one of those spur of the moment moods when I got off of work yesterday.
You know, being sick and tired means that my mind runs along the random paths.
I was hungry.
So I went to my favorite Wendy's to get my favorite meal.
lol. I'm well known there by now as I drop by that place more often than not. Heh...
It's gotten to the point where I can usually walk in the door and they're already prepping my order since I get basically the same thing every time.
What is unknown though.
Is if I decide to stay there to eat, or take it to go.
More often than not I take it to go.
But more recently I've been sticking around, eating there and spending some time writing.
Yesterday, I was undecided.
Did I want to stay or go?
I was still fighting the slight cold that I'd got and really wanted to just head home and sleep once I got some food.
But I was also feeling better too. Had some slight energy. Was actually more wakeful than I'd been just an hour ago. Plus, it was light out. So seeing some sunshine would be great.
Stay or go?
Stay or go?
The cashier asked me. "So are you staying today or taking it to go?"
That's when I had the brilliant Idea.
"You choose for me." I said with a smile.
Ha. Probably not something the cashiers get that often judging by her surprised look.
After a second of hesitation she was like. "Stay?"
"Great!" She'd chosen for me, I wasn't about to say "No, I'll Go instead." That wouldn't be very nice.
So I set out to wait for my food and stick around for a bit, possibly write once I got said food.
and then a guy walked into the store.
Dear readers, a guy walked in. ;) haha.
I gave him a glance -as movement tends to distract me so I check it out.
And thought he looked familiar.
A guy who looks familiar!?!
;) lol
But that's nothing new, it could have been anyone, as CollegeTown has a ton of people who look like each other.
But he looked over and smiled at me.
Which meant recognition.
I glanced again.
And realized, if it was who I thought it was.
I actually knew this guy.
He spoke to the cashier, before greeting me.
Definitely knew him. lol.
I haven't seen him in a while though.
Originally we met back in my first year of college.
Back when my first roommate tore her ACL and had to have surgery and consequently had to go to physical therapy to retrain her muscles on how to move.
He worked at the PT place there.
I tagged along with my roommate to keep her company (and get out of the apt as I was carless at that point)
And we all became friends.
Once PT ended for my roomie, I'd run into the guy on campus on occasion as we were both taking classes there.
But after that point....
Like other people, we lost contact beyond Facebook Friend status.
I don't think I've seen him in a couple of years or so.
Hence why there wasn't any immediate recognition lol.
It was nice to sit and chat for a bit while he was waiting for his food. (he took his to go)
Nice to catch up.
And all because on the spur of the moment, I decided to let the cashier decide for me.
If I'd been a few seconds faster, if I'd chosen to leave, I would probably have missed seeing him totally.
Funny how things work out like that. :)
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
Thursday, November 17, 2016
Second Chances
Two young missionaries knocked on a door, hoping to find someone to receive their message.
The door opened, and a rather large man greeted them in a less-than-friendly voice: "I thought I told you not to knock on my door again.
I warned you before that if you ever came back, it would not bre a pleasant experience.
Now leave me alone."
He quickly closed the door.
As the elders walked away, the older, more experienced missionary put his arm on the younger missionary's shoulder to comfort and encourage him.
Unknown to them, the man watched them through the window to be sure they understand his message.
He fully expected to see them laugh and make light of his curt response to their attempted visit.
However, as he witnessed the expression of kindness between the two missionaries, his heart was instantly softened.
He reopened the door and asked the missionaries to come back and share their message with him.
-Paul E. Koelliker -He Truly Loves Us -April 2012 General Conference
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
The door opened, and a rather large man greeted them in a less-than-friendly voice: "I thought I told you not to knock on my door again.
I warned you before that if you ever came back, it would not bre a pleasant experience.
Now leave me alone."
He quickly closed the door.
As the elders walked away, the older, more experienced missionary put his arm on the younger missionary's shoulder to comfort and encourage him.
Unknown to them, the man watched them through the window to be sure they understand his message.
He fully expected to see them laugh and make light of his curt response to their attempted visit.
However, as he witnessed the expression of kindness between the two missionaries, his heart was instantly softened.
He reopened the door and asked the missionaries to come back and share their message with him.
-Paul E. Koelliker -He Truly Loves Us -April 2012 General Conference
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
On a Positive Note
Why is it easier to write about negative things than it is to write about positive things?
Is it just the way that we've been conditioned?
Where negative actions always garner more attention while positive actions get a footnote when they're not completely ignored.
For something to be interesting it has to be Negative. It has to be a complaint, something unhappy.
While the good actions are seen as....laudable. But nothing to make a big deal out of.
Who knows why Negative seems to gain more attention.
But in any case.
Positive things when you find them, are rather, heart warming are they not?
A positive thing. :)
I was at work.
Mentally stressing about this and that and the other.
One of those stressors being about the dentist.
Because I had to pay more money than I'd been expecting to with my last visit.
Somewhere there had been a miscommunication I suppose.
The only fact that I didn't need to pay upon leaving...
Was that their system was down.
So they couldn't take cards.
I'd left with the promise to call back the next day in order to pay the $$ I didn't want to pay.
*exhales* Mostly because it seems like money is draining from me in all directions the past couple of weeks. *coughcarcough*
In any case. I made the mental note to call after work...possibly after I took a nap since I was exhausted.
When I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.
Usually I don't get texts at work.
So when I had a moment I pulled out my phone to check.
And got a surprise.
It was a message from Mother Dearest stating that Daddoo -who'd gone to the dentist earlier in the day- had paid my bill that I hadn't been able to pay the day before.
You have no idea how much that meant to me.
A lot.
It meant a lot.
It was one less thing to stress about, one less weight that had to be placed on my shoulders.
It definitely was a highlight to my day.
A moment of happiness.
A positive thing.
So totally grateful for both my Parents.
I wouldn't be where I am without them. :)
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Over The Top
Do you ever have those moments of realization that just kinda...hit you?
Had a bit of a moment of realization when I found myself sick.
That realization?
I've probably been super stressed the past couple of weeks.
In basically every aspect of my life really.
And all that stress has probably culmulated in my body being like "Okay, BREAK!!"
Which aka equals me getting sick. *rolls eyes*
Nice body.
That doesn't help the stress levels at all if you add being sick in on top of them. lol.
*shakes head*
The thing is....
Is that I don't quite feel stressed.
Irritated for sure. But stressed?
I probably won't know what to do with myself if I wasn't at some point not stressed.
To have a totally relaxed body? That would be the day.
In any case.
Super Stressed.
I mean.
I've had two problems with my car in the past couple of weeks. Problem 1. Red Brake light showing up whenever I turn left. Problem 2. Radiator cracking.
Both now fixed.
Me, much poorer.
Stress from less money when I'm trying to save up money.
Problems with the teeth.
Where fillings like to fall out causing irritation and due to Insurance things, having to pay out of pocket. Having the dentist go ahead and do things without telling me causing more money to be paid out of pocket....
Which means, less money, which I'm trying to save....
Problems at work.
Mostly in that they're the same old problems, but the managers are in one of their phases where they're being paranoid about customer service and critiquing me when they shouldn't be. Plus, we're heading into the Holiday season which means stress that way in trying to ensure animals get given to good homes, but also having places in the store to make sure the animals stay healthy, as we get in more animals during the holiday season.
Stress with social life,
Stress with trying to do Church callings.
Stress with having a messy room that I have no energy to clean.
Stress with having a ton of plot ideas for stories in my head but procrastinating writing them down.
Stress with trying to get things together to get a Fish Tank.
Stress with random injuries from animals, cuts, scrapes, bruises, stress from achy muscles, stress from achy jaw from the dentist.
And of course.
Stress from getting sick.... the achy ears, the stuffy/runny nose, sore throat, tight chest....
Oh yah.
I'm stressed.
Hopefully though.
With most of those issues having resolved themselves.
I'll wind down from more stressed to less stressed.
Basically normal stress levels.
The joys of life. :) lol
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
Monday, November 14, 2016
October 2012 General Conference -Saturday Morning
Thomas S. Monson -Welcome to Conference
Quentin L. Cook -Can Ye Feel So Now?
Quentin L. Cook -Can Ye Feel So Now?
- In my view, those of you in the rising generation are better prepared than any previous generation. Your knowledge of the scriptures is particularly impressive. However, the challenges your generation faces as you prepare for service are similar to those faced by all members of the Church. We are all aware the culture in most of the world is not conducive to righteous or spiritual commitment.
- Christianity tells people to repent and promises them forgiveness; but until people know and feel they need forgiveness, Christianity does not speak to them.
- The Prophet Joseph pointed out that before your baptism, you could be on neutral ground between good and evil. But "when you joined this Church you enlisted to serve God. When you did that you left the neutral ground, and you never can [go] back." His counsel was that we must never forsake the Master.
Ann M. Dibb -I Know It. I Live It. I Love It.
- "I'm a Mormon. I know it. I live it. I love it."
- "Knowledge is necessary to life and godliness. ... Hear, all ye brethren, this grand key: knowledge is the power of God unto salvation."
Craig C. Christensen -An Unspeakable Gift from God
- "The Spirit of God speaking to the spirit of man has power to impart truth with greater effect and understanding than the truth can be imparted by personal contact even with heavenly beings."
Shayne M. Bowen -"Because I Live, Ye Shall Live Also"
- Self-pity can also be very debilitating.
- The same feelings of loyalty, love, and family unity don't end as our loved ones pass to the other side; instead, those feelings are intensified.
- I have learned that the bitter, almost unbearable pain can become sweet as you turn to your Father in Heaven and plead for His comfort that comes through His plan; His Son, Jesus Christ; and His Comforter, who is the Holy Ghost.
Russell M. Nelson -Ask the Missionaries! They Can Help You!
- All missionaries, younger and older, serve with the sole hope of making life better for other people.
- You may have previously encountered, or even ignored, our missionaries. My hope is that you will not fear them but learn from them. They can be a heaven-sent resource to you.
- Ask the missionaries! They can help you!
Dieter F. Uchtdorf -Of Regrets and Resolutions
- Isn't it true that we often get so busy? And, sad to say, we even wear our busyness as a badge of honor, as though being busy, by itself, was an accomplishment or sign of a superior life.
- In our day it is easy to merely pretend to spend time with others. With the click of a mouse, we can "connect" with thousands of "friends" without ever having to face a single one of them. Technology can be a wonderful thing, and it is very useful when we cannot be near our loved ones. My wife and I live far away from precious family members; we know how that is. However, I believe that we are not headed in the right direction, individually and as a society, when we connect with family or friends mostly by reposting humorous pictures, forwarding trivial things, or linking our loved ones to sites on the Internet. I suppose there is a place for this kind of activity, but how much time are we willing to spend on it? If we fail to give our best personal self and undivided time to those who are truly important to us, one day we will regret it.
- When it comes to living the gospel, we should not be like the boy who dipped his toe in the water and then claimed he went swimming. As sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father, we are capable of so much more. For that, good intentions are not enough. We must do. Even more important, we must become what Heavenly Father wants us to be.
- Declaring our testimony of the gospel is good, but being a living example of the restored gospel is better. Wishing to be more faithful to our covenants is good; actually being faithful to sacred covenants--including living a virtuous life, paying our tithes and offerings, keeping the Word of Wisdom, and serving those in need--is much better.
- The older we get, the more we look back and realize that external circumstances don't really matter or determine our happiness.
- We do matter. We determine our happiness.
- You and I are ultimately in charge of our own happiness.
- Doesn't it seem foolish to spoil sweet and joyful experiences because we are constantly anticipating the moment when they will end?
- We shouldn't wait to be happy until we reach some future point, only to discover that happiness was already available--all the time! Life is not meant to be appreciated only in retrospect.
- I pray that we will not wait until we are ready to die before we truly learn to live.
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
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