Thursday, August 17, 2017

Small Connections, Big Impact

I recently learned firsthand of a young man who attended the temple with a heart pleading for help.
Many months earlier he had received his call to serve in a mission in South America.
However, his visa was delayed for such a lengthy period that he was reassigned to a mission in the United States.
Although disappointed that he could not serve in the area of his original call, he nonetheless worked hard in his new assignment, determined to serve to the best of his ability.
He became discouraged, however, because of negative experiences he had with missionaries who seemed to him to be more interested in having a good time than in sharing the gospel.

A few short months later this young man suffered a very serious health challenge that left him partially paralyzed, and so he was sent home on medical leave.

Some months later the young man had healed completely, and his paralysis had disappeared.
He was informed that he would once again be able to serve as a missionary, a blessing for which he had prayed daily.
The only disappointing news was that he would return to the same mission which he had left, where he felt the behaviors and attitudes of some missionaries were less than they should be.

He had come to the temple to seek comfort and a confirmation that he could have a good experience as a missionary.
His parents also prayed that this temple visit would provide the help their son needed.

As the young man entered the celestial room following the session, he sat in a chair and began to pray for guidance from his Heavenly Father.

Another who entered the celestial room shortly afterward was a young man whose name is Landon.
As he walked into the room, his gaze was immediately drawn to the young man sitting on the chair, eyes closed and obviously praying.
Landon received an unmistakable prompting that he should speak with the young man.
Hesitant to interrupt, however, he decided to wait.
After several minutes had gone by, the young man was still praying.
Landon knew he could no longer postpone the prompting.
He approached the young man and gently touched his shoulder.
The young man opened his eyes, startled that he had been disturbed.
Landon said quietly, "I have felt impressed that I need to talk with you, although I am not certain why."

As they began to converse, the young man poured out his heart to Landon, explaining his circumstances and ending with his desire to receive some comfort and encouragement concerning his mission.

Landon, who had returned from a successful mission just a year earlier, told of his own mission experiences, the challenges and concerns he had faced, the manner in which he had turned to the Lord for help, and the blessings he had received.
His words were comforting and reassuring, and his enthusiasm for his mission was contagious.
Eventually, as the young man's fears subsided, a feeling of peace came to him.
He felt deep gratitude as he realized his prayer had been answered.

The two young man prayed together, and then Landon prepared to leave, happy that he had listened to the inspiration which had come to him.
As he stood to go, the young man asked Landon, "Where did you serve your mission?"
To this point, neither of them had mentioned to the other the name of the mission in which he had served.
When Landon replied with the name of his mission, tears welled up in the eyes of the young man.
Landon had served in the very mission to which the young man would be returning!

In a recent letter to me, Landon shared with me the young man's parting words to him: "I had faith Heavenly Father would bless me, but I never could have imagined that He would send someone to help me who had served in my own mission.
I know now that all will be well."
The humble prayer of a sincere heart had been heard and answered.

-Thomas S. Monson -Blessings of the Temple -April 2015 General Conference

(Author Note: Fun Fact: I actually had an institute class with Landon and he shared this story with the class before it was shared at General Conference. :) )

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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