Wednesday, April 25, 2018

It's Cleaning Time

I'll be the first to admit that cleaning isn't my strong point. 

Which is funny considering that like...most of my tasks at work involve cleaning things.... ^^;; 
But because I love my job, I don't always consider it cleaning there. It's just a job that I do that allows me to interact with the animals. So Yay!! :D lol.

But at home....I'm not always proactive in cleaning stuff.
Nor do I enjoy the chore.

Which is why my last apartment I absolutely loathed their cleaning checks.
Because they did them Every. Single. Month. and it got on my nerves. 

In any case. 

I'm not always the most proactive at cleaning.

My bedroom can often look like a natural disaster zone before I finally decide "enough is enough" and go on a cleaning streak. 
-Which I know, if I clean a little each day and put stuff away and such, my room would stay pretty clean in general-

But months can go by before I decide "Okay yah, I need to clean my room." 
Because I have a high threshold for 'messy' lol. 
And I don't always have the energy after work to do 

Today, though, was one of those productive days. ^^;;

Where I got home, and was like "Yah, okay Let's clean some stuff!"

So I spent an hour or so cleaning my room and a couple other areas in the house.

Which wow, you don't realize how different a room feels...until it's clean. 
A different energy. A different feel. 
It's nice really.

And I'm like "How come I don't keep it like this all the time?"

lol because life happens and things pile up apparently. ^^;; 

So let's see how long I can keep my room clean this time around....
And see how long it takes before I decide...yah I need to clean. ^^;;

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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