Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Let Me Work

The time read 6:31 when I went to clock in this morning. 
Which Ugh. I hate being late to work.
Even it's only by like thirty seconds or so. *shakes head*

In any case.
I went to punch in, so I could officially start working.

Only to have my card rejected. 


Maybe I hadn't slid it right? 
So I slid the card again.
Double checked my name on the card to make sure it was my name.
It was.
Double checked the schedule to make sure I was actually scheduled to work today.
I was. 
Tried to clock in again.

So I had to go grab the manager card so I could override the system and clock in.
>.< Now two minutes late. *exhales*

It was weird.
I double checked with the manager to make sure that the clock in and out thing hadn't been updated or something.
It hadn't. 

So I put the matter from my mind.
Maybe the system was just being screwy or something. 

And I went about my day.
Clocked out and in from lunch just fine.

But then I tried to clock out to go home.
12 minutes late this time.
-As coworker came in a little late.

And it was this morning all over again.
I was rejected in my punch. 
I mean, I have a 15 minute window to clock out in. So I shouldn't have needed the manager's card. Again. 

But nope. 
I had to go get it so I could clock out for the day. 

*shakes head*

Which....really that only happens when I'm working past my shift's hours. 
But the schedule in the clock in room had me working today....and I worked only my hours.... *shakes head* 

So later, when I thought about it.
I checked the online app.
Mostly to see if I was remembering correctly that I had a shorter shift later this week.

And saw....that I had no shifts scheduled for today...or tomorrow. 

Which O.o I swear I work tomorrow. I had no reason not to work tomorrow.
Especially when I have my normal days off. 

So I called the store, to double check if I was on the schedule there.

I was. 

So...we'll see tomorrow if work actually lets me clock in or not.
If it doesn't...then obviously something in the electronic system has gone haywire.
Because Monday I had five work shifts scheduled for the week.
So it's weird that today...I'm down to only two more.... 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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