Sunday, February 10, 2019

The Orange Light

So earlier this week, while trying to be a charitable soul and going out of my way to grab food for the "Service Engine Soon" light suddenly came on. 

Come on! I was doing a GOOD thing. Shouldn't I be getting a nice reward from being good?! Why hit me with another potential problem??

Especially because I had no idea why that light would come on.
I mean...last time it did it was because the gas cap hadn't been screwed on tightly enough. But I checked that when I got home....and the light stayed on. So who knew. 

Okay so I'm quite overdue for an oil change.
But again....not sure that would be the cause of the light to come on. 

In any case.
Because my car is older -19 years old this year- I figured it's better to take the car in sooner rather than later to get the light checked out.


Life worked against me.
As I was heading home with food when the light came on...I couldn't really just stop and get it all checked out.
So I made a mental note to do it after work the next day....
Only that was the day I got sick.
And spent like the next two days afterwards basically in bed because I was not feeling well at all.
So definitely no trip to check out my car in the cards for me.

Which ended up being quite the stressor to all my other minor stressors stressing me out.

To the point where I was like "And when I finally go in there's going to be something majorly wrong and AHHHH!!!"

But Friday/Saturday, I was given a few spiritual messages basically saying that "Your car is fine. If there's an issue it's minor." 
So I tried to put the worry from my plate.
And since Saturday and Sunday ended up being not good for going to get my car looked at either....
I decided to hold off until next week. Maybe Monday...maybe Tuesday if its still snowing like crazy tomorrow. 

But. All the while. Everytime I got in my car that "Service Engine Soon" light would come on. 
Which is stressful because I just want the light to go away you know? 

Especially because like how soon is 'soon'??? Who knows? No one I'm pretty sure.

Especially when today I'd be driving a bit further than work to see family.
So I was like "Would something go wrong now!!" 

Only it didn't.

It was weird.
On the way up to my family's home, pretty soon after we got off the exit and such...I looked down and realized that the orange glow that had been lighting up my dashboard....was gone.
The Service Engine Soon light had vanished.


So like Yay!! It's gone!! :D :D 

Which I wonder if something happened similar to whenever we go to Oregon as the family's car 'check engine' light almost always comes on there.
So did the change in elevation cause it as I was going up a hill?
But when the light came on I hadn't gone anywhere out of the ordinary....

*shakes head*
So maybe it was the gas cap and it took it a few days to decide to turn the light off.

In either case.
I'm grateful that that orange light is off.
Because I really didn't need that stress in my life.
Though I do still plan -once the weather is not stormy plan to take the car in anyways for a check up....

Since I really still need to do that oil change. ;) lol.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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