You ever have those people that just kinda...stick to your mind and you find yourself thinking about them every now and then?
Well, I may have a new person that this would apply to.
As on Monday I ended up helping a customer at the fish wall, an older customer, one that you can pretty much tell is pretty set in their ways and once they have an idea in their head it's hard to get them to stray from said idea.
The idea this customer had was that they wanted to put a goldfish in a bowl -originally it was like two or three goldfish but I managed to convince them that only one would be recommended in a bowl. Though I did do my best to be like "You don't want to put a goldfish in a bowl that's a lot of work."
As goldfish tend to get tanks dirty really quickly. And evenmore so in a bowl. I was like "You're gonna have to change the water like every day to keep it alive."
And the customer seemed...unconcerned about this.
Which is annoying. Like yes...there's a belief that goldfish don't live long but that's because the care they get most of the time is not good care.
In any case. The customer insisted that they wanted a goldfish for a bowl.
But not any goldfish.
No, they wanted the 'goldest' goldfish.
Which in this customer's opinion 'goldest' meant 'orangest' goldfish that they could see.
Why did they need the 'goldest' goldfish?
Because the customer wanted to have said goldfish in a bowl and when people came over the customer could then tell their visitors "I have a pot of gold." and point to the goldfish in a bowl.
*shakes head* Like...clever. It's a cool idea.
Just...not the best in execution. If I had any 'gold' bettas I would have been like "Hey how about a betta instead." but nope. The customer insisted. "The goldest of the goldfish."
Which unfortunately for me, because most of the goldfish were like...all the same shade of orange...meant that the customer spent an unreasonable amount of time staring into the tank of fish trying to find the 'goldest' one.
Not the best when I started to get people lining up waiting to get help with their own fish and crickets and such.
And I was like "I can come back later."
But nope. The customer was like "No! No! I know which one I want!"
And then would continue staring into the tank. *exhales*
I hate standing there doing nothing when I can feel that other people are waiting for me.
The customer ended up finally picking a fish...but when I fished out this 'goldest' goldfish the customer wasn't sure 'it' was the 'goldest' and so had me fish out two other 'goldest goldfish' so that they could compare the three together before picking one.
....yah. They were all literally the exact same shade. The only difference really was that one was smaller, one had a longer tail and the last was larger. *shakes head*
But I ended up getting the customer their 'goldest' goldfish and sent them on their merry way so they could go have their 'pot of gold'
Today the customer came back in.
Like I wasn't sure it was the same person when I first saw them.
But the vibe they were giving off was similiar, the haircut was similar, but the hair wasn't quite the same shade as I remembered.
But this customer today pointed to a different tank of fish and was like "I want the goldest goldfish from here."
Sooo unless there's currently a trend among old people to have a 'pot of gold' in their was the same customer.
Though thankfully this morning they weren't as picky. No they let me pick the 'goldest' one for them.
But instead of just buying it and leaving...the customer also ended up getting a 5 gallon tank with a filter as well.
Which I was happy --though it did take a bit of effort to convince the customer that they wanted the 5 gallon tank as the 3 gallon tank that they had their heart set on upon entering the store...was out of stock in our location. But a 5 gallon tank would do the goldfish a lot better than a dinky little fish bowl.
It would take less work too.
So I was happy that the customer had come and got the tank though still kinda worried about their 'goldest goldfish' because if they'd already come in for one....that had to mean that, as expected, the other one had died.
This was confirmed when the customer came back a second time today to get some decor and two more goldest goldfish to put in their five gallon tank.
As they mentioned that they had done a water change for the goldfish that they'd gotten on Monday, yesterday and the fish had died yesterday.
....Which...I am now wondering if the customer had used too hot or too cold of water for the water change and killed the fish....
Who knows.
But it is kinda depressing to know that the first goldfish hadn't made it.
Does make me wonder if the second goldfish they bought is doing okay since the customer came back to buy two more goldfish...
Which if the one from this morning is still alive...that would mean 3 goldfish in a 5 gallon tank.
:S Not the best situation....but at their current size should be alright....though again I wouldn't be surprised if one of them does end up dying within the week....usually a 5 gallon I would only recommend 2 goldfish and those ones would need to be smaller ones....
Who knows.
Like I'm glad the customer upgraded their pot of gold.
But I'm not gonna be surprised if I see them again this week.
Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi