Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Full Moon Rising

 You know...it's pretty common knowledge that the full moon brings out the crazy people.

But I'm pretty sure it also tends to bring out the anti-maskers too. 

Like...I know the full moon was a couple of days ago.....

But today has just been...well beastly because of the anti-maskers.

Like we always have at least two or three that feel that they don't have to wear a mask.

And a good three or four dozen people that just 'forgot' to put one on but are willing to go grab one.

But today?

We had a good...I don't know...dozen people in the store who wanted nothing to do with wearing masks.

Like it was dramatic increase.

Especially because at least half of them decided to cause scenes about it.

One guy 'danced' his way out of the store after saying that wearing a mask was 'silly'

While another lady ended up calling our store to complain that one of our workers had "chased after her screaming at her to wear a mask"

-We heard no screaming btw. *rolls eyes* customers love to lie and be overly dramatic. 

And this evening we had a good dozen people come into the store right before close not wearing masks.

Like...I get it that our state mask mandate is ending in less than two weeks.

But our STORE POLICY is still in effect. And that Policy states that in order to be in the store you have to be wearing a mask.

It's been this way since JULY.

And it's crazy how people act like it's something that we 'just started doing' or else "should stop doing"

I'm pretty sure it's gonna get worse because people who have been vaccinated are now under the impression that they don't need to wear the masks.

And like...having the vaccine doesn't mean you'll never get it again. You could still catch the virus and experience a more mild case of it.  You could be a carrier of it and not show symptoms but pass it onto others who haven't yet been vaccinated. 

There's a lot we still don't know.

But like. You should at least respect a store's policy to require a mask be worn indoors. 

Like I don't expect us to get rid of the policy until the summer at the earliest.

Which in a way sucks because all of us are already mentally drained over having to constantly play babysitter over people who can't read signs and follow directions.


Yah....full moon brings out the crazies.

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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