Friday, September 3, 2021

On Ramps

 So I know that highway on ramps have meters.

Not sure if they're called meters.

But the lights at the end of the on ramp that turn red or green to indicate when cars can go onto the highway, usually to try and allow cars to merge more seamlessly onto the highway in the possible gaps between cars already on the road. 

And usually these only come on during rush hour traffic.

And usually I avoid these.

Because I don't work during rush hour. Usually I get off work right before or right after.

And it was barely 4:30 pm when I got on the on ramp.

To find that the meters were already on and running.

Which meant that I sat on that on ramp for a good five minutes waiting for my turn to enter the highway because it's basically 4 lanes merging into one which means a lot of cars waiting to get on.

And like...I've been getting onto that on ramp between 4:30 and 5pm a lot as my shifts end around that time multiple times a week.

And It's never been metered before.

*shakes head*

I know it's probably a precaution for Labor Day traffic as it is a Friday and lots of people are traveling for the long weekend.

So the meters were probably turned on early to help keep traffic flowing and to try and prevent the usual rush hour traffic jams.

Still was annoying when all I wanted to do was get home. 

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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