Saturday Morning
Russell M. Nelson
- Every message from Conference from the past and now has been the result of prayer and much spiritual preparation. The focus of many messages today will be on the Savior, his mercy, and his redeeming power.
- Knowledge of our Savior is personally vital and relevant to Every Human Soul.
- This Conference Listen for: 1. Pure Truth 2. Pure Doctrine of Christ and 3. Pure Revelation
- One of the plagues of our day is that too few people know where to turn for Truth.
- Nothing could be worth more than all our Father has.
- Pure Revelation for the questions in your heart will make this conference rewarding and unforgettable. If you have not yet sought for the ministering of the Holy Ghost to help you hear what the Lord would have you hear. I invite you to do so now. Please make this conference a time of feasting on messages of the Lord.
Jeffrey R. Holland
- In the kingdom of God there can be no halfway measures. No stopping or turning. No going back. The work moves forward.
- When difficult things are asked of us, even things that are contrary to our hearts. Remember that the Lord wants what's best for us and we should look to him for guidance.
- There is divine help for every one of us at Any hour that we feel to make a change in our behavior.
- We should All work to be known as only the Children of Christ. Let there be no more "-ites" among us.
- The First Great Truth in the Universe is that God loves us exactly as we are now. He loves us with all his heart, might, mind, and strength.
- If we love God enough to try and be fully faithful unto Him, he will give us the ability, capacity, the will and the way to love our neighbor and ourselves.
Bonnie H. Cordon
- The Lord has a plan for you. He has prepared you for This day. Right now. To be a strength and a force for good in his Mighty work. We need you. It won't be as grand without you.
- What's the most important thing you need to know? You need to know who you are and what your purpose is.
- The Savior's love for us is unfailing even when we fail.
- Read your patriarchal blessing. Read it often.
- We occasionally get distracted from why we are here and divert our energies to somewhere else that may not be as important in the eternal perspective of things.
- Come unto Christ. Come unto him now. But don't come alone. It is essential for all.
- Nothing is too big or too small for Christ to heal.
- Yes, you Are here for Something Grand. The Lord needs you to Change the World. You will find yourself accomplishing the impossible as you do His Will.
Ulisses Soares
- Act compassionately without distinction and to those who most need help.
- Extend a hand and provide relief to those who are overburdened.
- Expressing compassion to others is in fact the essence of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And a mark able evidence of our spiritual closeness to the Savior.
- Many people within our circle of influence are seeking comfort, inclusion, and compassion. Let us act and help them as we are able.
- Extend our sympathy to others even as the Lord extends his empathy to us.
- We should NEVER make harsh and cruel judgement of our neighbor because we ourselves are in need of mercy from our Savior.
- Appearances don't always represent an accurate representation of someone's behavior. Only Christ can see all facets of any given situation.
- Christ always looks on the Heart and not on the Appearance.
D. Todd Christofferson
- As we abide in God's love we depend less and less on others to guide us.
- God's blessings are not unconditional only his love is.
- The commandments of God are strict. Because his kingdom and citizens can only stand if they will choose goodness over evil without exception.
- There is a difference between forgiving sin and condoning it.
- Despite our imperfection we can still hope to find a place in his kingdom.
- Only through Christ can we find redemption.
- Ours is not a religion of rationalization nor a religion of perfectionism, but a religion of redemption.
- The love of the Father and the Son is freely given, but also includes hope and expectations.
- Repentance is a Path to Happiness.
- If God so loves us, we also should love one another.
- Can God rely on my love as I rely on His Love?
Clark G. Gilbert
- Are you systematically involving the Lord in your personal development?
- It's not where we start but where we are headed that matters most.
- Our future is determined less by our starting point and more by the slope in which we travel forward.
- Christs considers what we do with what we are given.
- In the Lord's calculus he will do everything he can to help us turn our slopes towards Heaven.
- First. Focus on Where you are headed. Not where you began. Second. Involve the Lord in the process of lifting your slope.
- Over focusing on a difficult starting point can cause it to define you and constrain your ability to choose.
- The best way to show your love is to never lower your expectations.
- Focus together on your potential and work to elevate your slope.
- Show some humility for the circumstances we may not have created ourselves.
- Focusing on a high starting point may trick us into thinking we are thriving when in fact we are sitting stagnant.
Patricio M. Giuffra
- A prayer should be an expression of the heart not just plain repetitions.
- True repentance begins with Faith that Christ has the power to cleanse, heal, and strengthen us.
Dallin H. Oaks
- If we cease valuing our churches for any reasons. We threaten our personal spiritual life. And it reduces God's blessings to our nations.
- Attendance at church helps us become better people and a better influence in the lives of other people.
- Personal disappointment should never keep us from the doctrine of Christ who taught us to serve not to be served.
- No one can worship for you. You must do your own waiting upon the Lord.
- Church attendance can open our hearts and sanctify our souls.
- We don't just serve alone or at our own choice or convenience. We usually serve as a team.
- We all need socialization.
- Members who forgo church attendance, and only rely on individual learning loose their chance to experience the power and blessings of the priesthood, the fullness of restored doctrine, and the motivations and opportunities to apply that doctrine.
- Going to Church helps us to grow spiritually.
- We cannot wish our way into the presence of God. We are to obey the laws on which that blessing is predicated.
- We do not believe that good can Only be accomplished through a Church. Independent of a Church we see millions of people supporting and carrying out good works. We see these works as a manifestation of an eternal truth: The spirit giveth light to every man who comes into the world.
Saturday Afternoon
David A. Bednar
- Helping individuals to experience the mighty change of heart and bind them to the Lord through covenants is a fundamental part of the Gospel.
- Are we Armed with Righteousness and the Power of God in Glory?
- "I am not sad. And everything will be okay."
- If the price has already been paid for your sins by the Lord, would you really demand that the price be paid twice through him?
- Honoring covenants arms us with righteousness and the power of God in great glory.
Ciro Schmeil
- You are called for what you can become.
- To do anything well, requires effort.
- We need to ask in faith to know the Will of the Lord and to accept that he knows what is best for us.
- Sometimes you need to try multiple times without success before having the right circumstances occur to allow you the success you desire.
- The Lord often directs us in what to do but doesn't tell us HOW to do it. He allows us to figure it out on our own.
- We must seek guidance from the scriptures for our journey through life.
- We must have faith to continue acting righteously as we wait for the answer to our prayers.
- We must keep in mind that this is not a competition but that we should love and help each other.
Susan H. Porter
- The first great truth of all eternity is that God loves all of us with all of his heart, might, mind, and strength.
- We can picture the Love of God as light streaming from the Tree of Light shining across the earth and into the hearts of men.
- How can I show God's love through my service?
- God's love is not found in the circumstances of our lives but in his presence in our lives.
- We know of His love when we receive strength beyond our own and when His Spirit brings peace, comfort and direction.
Erich W. Kopischke
- It is important to remember that the Savior loves each of his Father's children and fully comprehends each and every problem they have and deal with.
- It may take time to accept that you are loved, valued, and needed. And that's okay.
- We must educate ourselves between the difficulties of normal development and actual mental challenges.
- Spiritual Growth is an ongoing process.
- There is no simple cure-all for emotional and mental illness.
- Focusing on Growth is healthier than obsessing over our shortcomings.
- Information precedes Inspiration and Revelation.
- We are Not Alone.
- We must constantly watch over each other and be less judgmental, especially when our needs are not immediately met.
- Sometimes we must Speak Less and Listen Much More.
Ronald A. Rasband
- The word "Things" is used in the scriptures 2,354 times.
- The Things of our Soul are often clarified and deepened by asking questions.
- Study with the Hope to Believe rather than trying to Find a Flaw.
- Stop increasing your doubts. Work instead to increase your Faith.
- 1. Love the Father and the Son. 2. Love thy neighbor. 3. Love Yourself. 4. Keep the Commandments. 5. Always be worthy to Attend the Temple. 6. Be Joyful and Cheerful. 7. Follow God's Living Prophet.
- Frankly. Love. Everyone.
- Isn't it curious that loving ourselves seems to come less easy than loving others?
- God values the divinity within us and so must we.
- As you follow the Prophet's Guidance and Counsel you will NEVER be led Astray.
- Our prophet continually points us to our own River Jordans to be healed.
- The Prophet's clear direction will shield us from all the adversary tries to throw our way.
Christoffel Golden Jr.
- We live in a modern world filled with great knowledge but they are often camouflaging the unsteady foundation upon which they are built and fail to lead to salvation.
- They that are wise and have received the truth and have taken the spirit for their guide, they will abide the day.
- We have a constant invitation to keep changing, keep growing, keep being better. The gospel is a message of hope. A message of joy. That celebrates every step forward that we make.
Moises Villanueva
- The Savior has perfect compassion for us. He doesn't fault us for our short sightedness or the circumstances of our lives.
- When the focus of our lives is on God we can feel joy regardless of what is happening or not happening in our lives.
- We all have our Dark Days but the Lord can help us through them if we let his Light in.
Gary E. Stevenson
- The Gospel is Plain. Precious. And Simple.
- 1. Living the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 2. Caring for Those in Need. 3. Inviting All To receive the Gospel. 4. Uniting Families for Eternity.
- The gospel of Jesus Christ is simply beautiful and beautifully simple.
- We should all strive to keep the gospel simple in our lives.
- The Lord wants to see us in the temple often.
Saturday Evening
M. Russell Ballard
- Have we fished all night without success only to find a miracle in the morning due to someone else's guidance?
- Do we love the Lord more than the things in the world? What do we really value in life? Who we follow? Our relationships with each other? What really brings us joy and happiness?
- In the end, the things of the world matter very little compared to the relationships we build.
- Knowing that Jesus is the Light, the Life, and the Hope of the World can give a greater desire to love Him more every day.
- To Return to God's presence we need to Believe. We need to believe in Jesus. In God's Plan. We need to keep his commandments even in the midst of trials and strife.
- We cannot lose our love for and hope in Jesus even when we face overwhelming challenges. Christ and Heavenly Father will never forget us. They love us.
- Our true happiness depends on our relationship with God, with Christ, and with each other.
- Do things that make this world a better place.
Sharon Eubank
- What was true during Alma's day is certainly still true for us in our day. Help the poor. Help the needy. Look out for each other.
- Small efforts collectively make a big impact and magnify the callings we do as disciples of Christ.
- Statistics never tell the whole story. We learn by example.
- Prayers are answered most of the time by God through other people. May we be the answer to other people's prayers.
- The Essence of the Gospel is contained in how we answer the question asked by the Lord: "Do you Love me?"
Brent H. Nielson
- The Lord can perform miracles and heal anything wrong with us physical, but most importantly he can heal our hearts, cleanse us from sins and lift us up from difficult trials.
- If ye have faith in God ye will have power to do whatever is expedient in God.
- The Savior's healing power is evident in our lives. It may not be a physical healing, but an emotional and spiritual healing that may not be seen or understood at first.
- Sometimes the way we want to be healed may not be the way we need to be healed.
Arnulfo Valenzuela
- To do anything well requires effort.
- Increasing your faith in Him requires time and effort.
- The Lord brings about great things through small means.
- The Scriptures and Knowledge of God are gifts. Gifts we often take for granted. Let us cherish this blessing in our lives.
- When we study the scriptures we're not simply seeking new information but to become a new person from what we learn.
Bradley R. Wilcox
- It isn't amazing how easily a positively and well intentioned message can be misunderstood? This is what often happens with the concept of repentance.
- God loves us despite our shortcomings, but still he wants us to improve and become all that we can become.
- God loves us as we are. But God also loves us too much to leave us as we are.
- Life is like a cross-country road trip. We can't make our destination on one tank of gas. We must refill our gas tank over and over again.
- We promise to press forward in our journey and God promises to always keep our tank filled so long as we fulfill our promises to him.
- Worthiness is NOT flawlessness. Worthiness is continuing trying. Never giving up.
- Never give up just because we slip up.
- Being Worthy requires Patience and Persistence more than it requires Flawlessness.
- The Lord sees weakness differently than he does Rebellion. When God sees weaknesses it's always with the view of mercy.
- Stop looking Down in Shame or Sideways for Excuses but Look Up for Help.
- Start with small reachable goals. Focus on incremental growth. Get rid of the All or Nothing attitude.
- You can prosper by degrees.
- To deal with something really big we may need to chip away with it through small and wholesome bites.
- God will help us AS we repent. He's not waiting to help us AFTER we repent but AS we repent.
- God does not need people who are flawless. He seeks those who offer their heart and a willing mind and in those people he will make them perfect.
- God's grace isn't just a prize for the worthy. It's not just a reward for the righteous. It's the endowment of strength that he gives that helps us become righteous.
- We're not walking just towards God and Christ. We are walking WITH them.
- When you feel you have failed too many times to keep trying remember that the Lord is there. He is real and his arms are always extended out towards you.
Alfred Kyungu
- Let us live in humility because it brings peace. It precedes glory.
- One gift the Saviors offers us is the ability to forgive. Through his Atonement you can forgive those who have hurt you.
- Forgiveness sets us free.
- The degree of our Love for the others is measured by what we are willing to sacrifice for them.
Marcus B. Nash
- Our knowledge of God can come from personal and real experiences.
- Hold up the Gospel light. To love. To share. To invite all in a normal natural way.
- Sharing the Gospel brings Joy and Hope.
- Sharing the Gospel brings God's power into our lives.
- Sharing the Gospel protects us from temptation.
- Choosing to not hold up the Gospel Light moves us to the Shadows and makes us susceptible to temptation.
- The Gathering of Israel is OUR covenant responsibility and This is Our Time.
- Share the Gospel. Be You. And hold up the Light.
Henry B. Eyring
- Pure revelation for the questions in your heart will make this conference unforgettable and heart warming.
- My earnest prayer is that you may receive revelation from God. It has not changed from the days of Adam and Eve. It has been the same for all servants of the Lord from the beginning to the present day. It is the same for you and me It is done by exercising Faith.
- Have enough faith to at least have hope that ye may receive answers from the Lord.
- Answers will come to fit your needs and spiritual preparation.
- If your Faith in Jesus Christ has led to a Heart softened through the effects of the Atonement, you will more often be able to feel/hear the whisperings of the Spirit in answer to your prayers.
- The clearest answers to your questions may come when you decide that you want what the Lord wants and not what you want to want.
- The Savior will not shout commands to you and me.
- The more we have the doctrine of Christ in our lives and our hearts the greater sympathy we have for those who've never had it or struggle to maintain their faith.
- Personal Revelation should be consistent with the teachings of the prophets and the Lord.
- Obedience to the Gospel brings people into a very close and intimate relationship with the Lord. It establishes a close connection between us on earth and our great creator in Heaven. It brings to our minds a feeling of perfect confidence in the Almighty and in his willingness to listen to our prayers.
- The Rock upon which we Stand is our Witness that Jesus is the Christ and that This is His Church that he Leads Personally.
To experience the conference in it's entirety please visit:
Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
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