I knew it was a risk adding new fish into my tank.
Especially 10 at once.
But like....it had been a week and overall the fish had been fine.
Until I saw the ick.
Still. I wasn't too worried. Just do a bit of treatment and hopefully most of the fish would recover. Maybe I'd lose one or two. But that's expected whenever new fish are added to an established tank.
.... It's spiraled a bit out of control now.
Which is just....depressing.
I've lost at least a third of my tank. If not up to half of my fish.
And it's likely I'll lose a few more.
Because treating the ick....well I guess it triggered other illnesses to hit as well? As it looks like I have some fin rot going on. Maybe some body fungal things?
All I know is that there's been a lot of cloudy eyes and a lot of dead fish.
A lot. A lot. of Dead Fish.
Which is.....disheartening really.
I had 4 bala sharks.
Lost them all.
Had 7 or 8 black neon tetras.
Lost them all.
Had 8 angelfish.
I'm down to two.
Had the new tiger barb die.
Lost both of my plecos.
Lost 2 of my 3 silver dollars
I think I've lost both of my feeder goldfish at this point. I know at least one is dead since I fished out the body today. Not sure if the other is still present.
Lost 1 of my red wag platys. the 2nd one will probably follow.
Lost at least 2 of my glo tetras. Possibly more.
I think I added in 6 black skirt tetras....not sure how many remain but I know at least 3 are now experiencing major fin rot after their bout of ick.
Now it's just kinda .... a wait and see game.
To see who makes it through this death spiral.
I finished the ick treatment. But immediately started on a melafix treatement since I had that available to see if it would help with the fin rot a bit....we'll see.
At this point....I have no idea who will make it.
Most of the glofish seem alright. My blue glo shark seems to be fine. My 3 remaining raspboras are okay. The 2 zebra danios are surviving. My red panda barbs....are iffy. They're active and still alive the remaining 4 of them but I saw at least one if not two covered in ick....so we'll see if they'll survive.
It's unfortunate.
I knew it was a risk adding in fish.
But man, I did not think it would end up being this devastating to my tank.
At this point...it's just a wait and see game.
See who survives.
Get my tank health back up to snuff....
And then start over.
Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
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