So, I've been recovering from somehow getting sick.
As this past weekend I ended up with a sore throat that turned into a stuffy/runny nose and has now progressed into a cough every now and then that's trying to clear out my lungs apparently.
In any case.
Got sick.
Which is miserable because I got sick right on the weekend. The ONE WEEKEND that I had FULLY OFF.
Like BOTH Saturday AND Sunday off.
Do you know how rare that is for me? SO RARE.
And I was so excited to spend that time DOING THINGS.
And instead I spent like the entire time in bed sleeping because I did not feel great.
It also made Monday and Tuesday difficult. Because like a weekend of rest did wonders for me.
But having to work??
Such an energy drain.
I've basically spent the last three days in bed again as well. Coming straight home from work to crash and try and regain that energy back for the next day.
Which yesterday....I had a closing shift.
And thankfully, I was feeling better. To the point where I wasn't constantly needing mints to keep my throat from burning nor constantly blowing my nose (though that part got worse the later in the day it went)
My body decided to throw another whammy at me.
And gave me the typical Nuclear Migraine I tend to get twice a month.
I'd been hoping to avoid it this time know on account of the head cold. I was hoping that could be the 'head pain' of the month and just skip the nuclear migraine.
No dice.
No. I'm pretty sure I could have avoided it because I was actually feeling pretty good yesterday.
Until the Stress set in.
As you see.
Usually when I close, I have a midday manager who's in the store until 7pm.
Which means I usually only have to be on my own for a couple of hours after that point until we close. Which I'm fine being on my own for a couple of hours. I've done this manager stuff long enough to be okay with being the one in charge.
But yesterday I discovered that my mid manager....was off at 530 instead.
Not ideal. As I would need to get my cashier, my petcare, and my own lunch out of the way before they left for the day.
And usually 530 is like the middle of us running lunches. Not the end.
And it's not ideal at all when your closing cashier and petcare are in at 2 and 3pm. It's too soon for them to take a lunch 1-2 hours later.
To make matters worse.
My mid manager got back from their lunch a little bit after I came in for work....and were immediately complaining that they weren't feeling good. That they had a migraine. That they wanted to leave early.
Like as soon as I took a lunch early.
Which normally I take a lunch around 430pm when I come in at 2 because I try and get my lunch out of the way to give time for my closing crew to have later lunches.
But my mid manager was fading fast.
So I ended up taking my lunch around 4 instead and they ended up leaving just after 430.
Which the only reason why this worked at all was because one of my coworkers in petcare...accidentally came in when they weren't scheduled and convinced my Head Manager to let them stay and work for a couple of hours. So I used them in order to give my other closing petcare and cashier their lunches a little later in the day.
In any case.
The unexpectedness of my mid manager leaving me at 430 and their just....bad energy in general...and the stress of being in charge on my own for 5 hours instead of 2 hours.....
Triggered a migraine of my own. *exhales*
I tried to avoid it. Tried to take meds and drink caffeine and do all the things to keep it at bay.
But by the end of the night....I was in agony. Barely functioning.
And at the end of the tunnel.
Just as we were getting ready to set the alarms and leave for the night....
I ended up misjudging the distance of the desk with my soda and dropped it on the floor....spilling it everywhere.
So that was a fun quick clean up to attempt while your head is pounding.
I warned the managers that the floors would probably be sticky.
And they were by the time they came in this morning.
But it was an easy enough fix with a mop.
I just didn't have the energy to fix it last night.
And it's just....been a miserable day. The migraine kept me up all night. I barely got a couple of hours of sleep in a row before being woken up due to the pain. *exhales*
Thankfully the migraine has faded as the day has progressed.....
But it's soooo irritating that my last 3 days I've had off of work....I've spent basically sick in bed.
I'd actually like to go and do things without feeling miserable and ENJOY may day off.
It doesn't help that I exploded another bottle of soda at home today either. Didn't drop it. Just opened it too quickly and SPLOOSH it sprayed everywhere because it was apparently shaken up a bit. *exhales*
It's been a rough week.
Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
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