Sunday Morning
M. Russell Ballard
- We know God is. We know who the Savior is. Becuase we have Joseph Smith. Who went into a Grove of Trees. Seeking relief and forgiveness for his Sins.
- We are abundantly blessed. To know all that we know. Because we have Joseph Smith.
- Jesus Christ is the Savior and Redeemer of the World.
- How blessed we are, to know what we know, about our purpose in life.
- Be a little better, be a little kinder, be a little more prepared.
Pres Emily Belle Freeman
- We must remember that Christ will allow mortality to do its work within us, but won't allow us to face those challenges alone.
- Christ invites us to walk with him.
- The Lord will answer us in the day of our distress if we will tether ourselves to Him.
- The Covenant Path is all about our Relationship with God.
- Christ Will meet us Where we are As we are.
- Staying where we are won't give us the dilverance we seek. We must move forward, upward.
- Christ came to lift us. He wants us to Become more.
- What degree of relationship do you want to have with Christ?
- Begin where you are. Don't let your condition hinder your progress.
- Place or Pace on the Path doesn't matter so long as you progress.
- We walk this path together, calling out encouragement along the way.
Adilson de Paula Parrella
- Our Conduct is our Living Testimony.
- Is our Meeting centered on Jesus Christ so we can feel the Spirit?
- Live what you Believe.
Quintein L. Cook
- We live in a time where peaceful followers of Christ experience unique challenges.
- Choose the role of a Peacemaker. Now. and Always.
- Our Heavenly Destiny isn't altered when we suffer diversity.
- Trials are a part of mortality. They occur in everyone's life throughout the world.
- Fear not what man can do, for God shall be with you forever and ever.
- Those who faithfully keep the commandments are blessed in all things.
- Give heed to the words of the Prophets.
- Earth has no Sorrow that Heaven cannot Heal.
Dieter F. Uchtdorf
- Giving into worldly morals may give you happiness for a moment, but it is fleeting and hard to keep, unlike the teachings of Christ.
- It's not about comparing rewards and celebrations. This is about healing.
- Our Heavenly Father will run to us, heart overrun with compassion when he sees us returning to Him.
- Heaven will rejoice in our return.
- It is not possible for you to sink lower than the light of Christ's infinite atonement shines.
- Though choices may have taken you away from Him and the Church, there's always a road leading back home and God is there to welcome us home.
- What is given to one does not at all diminish the birthright given to others.
- Jesus Christ is our Strength.
W. Christopher Waddell
- Events which impact our lives and even the course of history, are frequently the results of individual men and women.
- Do not allow hero worship to become idol worship.
- Whatever questions or problems you have, the answer is always found in the teachings and life of Jesus Christ.
- Choosing the right hero has eternal consequences.
- If you have not chosen the kingdom of God first, it will in the end make no difference what you've chosen instead.
- There be many gods and heroes we're invited to worship and embrace, but there is only One who is guaranteed to deliver his promises to us.
Henry B. Eyring
- The Lord speaks to us personally through the Holy Ghost.
- You can be taught and learn from the Spirit through a series of experiences.
- I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded.
- We need the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost.
- God does hear us. God does see us. God does love us.
- Daily repentance is the pathway to purity. And purity brings power.
- If you want to receive the companionship of the Holy Ghost you must want that companionship for the right reasons.
Sunday Afternoon
Dale G. Renlund
- Are you searching for things far off that can be found underneath your feet?
- We need to guard against the tendency to look beyond the mark and fail to recognize Christ in our lives.
- Jesus Christ is our Treasure.
- Our spiritual foundation is strengthened through repentance.
- Only with a robust spiritual foundation can we handle the metaphorical rain, wind, and floods that come into our lives.
- Our commitment to attend the temple should be as strong when the temple is nearby as when it is far away.
- When we trust God's prophet and act on his counsel, we will find happiness and we too can be healed. We need to look no further.
- Treasure the opportunity to repent.
John C. Pingree Jr.
- Our need to recognize truth has never been more important.
- Truth is eternal.
- Truth helps us avoid deception and know good from evil.
- God is the source of Eternal Truth.
- The Holy Ghost testifies of All Truth.
- Prophets receive Truth from God and share that Truth with Us.
- God expects us to seek, recognize, and act on Truth.
- When seeking Truth it's helpful to know the difference between Doctrine and Policy.
- While Doctrine never changes, Policies can adjust from time to time.
- Communicate Clearly to avoid Misunderstanding.
- Truth needs to be taught with Love.
- Love without Truth is hollow and lacks the promise of Growth.
Valeri V. Cordon
- Parenting is one of life's most extraordinary experiences.
- We must climb to higher ground of gospel culture in our families.
- Jesus Christ is the center of Gospel Culture.
- The Home should be the center of Gospel Learning.
- Teach Freely. Model Discipleship. Invite to Act
- Faith in Jesus Christ should be the core of each child's testimony.
- God will do everything he can, short of violating your agency, to help you attain every blessing of eternity.
- We cannot wait for conversion to simply happen to our children. Accidental conversion is not a principle of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
J. Kimo Esplin
- Temple covenants are gifts from our Heavenly Father to us.
- The reward for keeping covenants with God is Heavenly Power.
Gerrit W. Gong
- We speak love in many languages.
- 3. Ways to speak the Language of Love: 1. The Language of Warmth and Reverence. 2. The Language of Service and Sacrifice. 3. Covenant Belonging
- Your daily sacrifices matter.
- Sometimes we need to know that Love spoken here is heard and appreciated here.
- Let us be understanding and kind as we learn new languages of love together.
- The words we use can draw us closer or distance us from others.
- If I had, I would give, and offer all I can.
- We serve where called.
- Love is spoken Here. There. And Everywhere as we answer yes to callings to serve the Lord.
- Sociality and Service often Go Together.
- When we covenant all we are we can become more than we are.
Christopher G. Giraud-Carrier
- Man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh upon the heart.
- See the individual for who they are and administer accordingly to each one.
- See with your heart. See the child of God within everyone.
- The adversary rejoices in labels because they divide us and restrict how we think about ourselves.
- There are no ordinary people. You have never talked to a mere mortal. We are all Divine in Nature.
- How we treat each other really matters. How we speak to each other really matters.
- The way we treat each other is a reflection of our understanding of the sacrifice and atonement of Christ.
Russell M. Nelson
- Heavenly Father's plan for us is Fabulous. What we do in our life really matters. The Savior's Atonement is what makes our Father's plan possible.
- An understanding of God's plan takes the mystery out of life and gives a firm understanding of our future.
- Think Celestial
- To be Spiritually Minded is Life Eternal (S.M.I.L.E.)
- Your choices today will determine 3 things. Where you will live in eternity, the body you'll be resurrected with, and those with whom you will live forever.
- Begin with the End in Mind.
- How and Whom and With Who do you want to Live forever?
- Obedience paves the way for a joyful life today and a grand eternal reward tomorrow.
- When you are confronted with a dilemma think celestial. When tested by temptation. Think celestial. When life or loved ones let you down. Think celestial.
- Do you have 'too much temple' in you?
- Thinking Celestial can enhance your Career.
- Our prayers can be and should be living discussions with our Heavenly Father.
- Any addiction be it gaming, gambling, drug, alcohol. sex, or even food, offends God because your Obessions becomes your God. You look to it rather than to Him for solace.
- Your obsessions become your God.
- Please don't allow your obsession to rob you of your freedom.
- Public opinion is not the arbitrator of Truth.
- Don't question your testimony when others are doubting.
- Never take counsel from those who do not believe. Seek guidance from those you can trust.
- As you think Celestial. Your Faith will Increase.
- Was the Church any different because you pay your tithing? No. However, becoming a full tithe payer can change you.
- Paying tithing is all about faith, not money.
- Build your Faith.
- 20 New Temples!!
To read/watch/see/listen to the talks given today in their entirety please visit:
Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
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