Saturday, October 5, 2024

194th Semiannual General Conference Highlights - Saturday Sessions

 Saturday Sessions

Saturday Morning

Neil L. Andersen

  • The gift of Hope is a priceless endowment from God. 
  • As we strengthen our Faith in Jesus Christ we see beyond our Struggles and instead see the Blessings of Eternity. 
  • Be of Good Cheer. Keep a Brightness of Hope. 
  • The God of Hope will fill you with Joy and Peace that you may Abound in Hope. 
  • Every Righteous person will receive every promised blessing. 
  • The joy we feel has little to do with the circumstances of our lives but everything to do with the focus of our lives. 
  • The peace you seek may not come as quickly as you desire, but I promise you His peace will come. 

Emily Belle Freeman

  • Partaking of the Sacrament helps to increase your companionship with the Lord. 
  • It's not only who officiates in the Ordinance that matters. What the ordinance and the covenant promise unlocks also needs to be the focus of our attention. 
  • The Lord has a place for You in His plan. 
  • Live up to your privileges. 
  • We all have access to the gift of God's power. 

Karl D. Hirst

  • Divine love never runs dry and we're each a cherished favorite. 
  • Whichever parts of us seem different, His love lets us find togetherness. 
  • We can discard brokenness in anyway from disqualifying us from God's love. 
  • Christ chose to be broken for us. Surely He removes all shame from the broken. 
  • You're wrong to think you've put yourself beyond God's love. It's impossible to put yourself that far away.
  • Mountains are evidence to God's love because the mountains will go away long before God stops loving us. Mountains show his love is ever enduring. 
  • Being loved is not the same as feeling loved. 
  • If you're waiting for Christ to come...consider that he might already be near. There within your reach.
  • The Joy of the Gospel is available to all. Not just the Happy. Not just the Downcast. All.  

Dale G. Renlund

  • The Gospel of Christ and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints provides powerful and transformative benefits for us. 
  • The Savior's Church is special Only if it's built on His Gospel.

David P. Homer

  • Are you willing to set aside your personal preferences, trust God, and exercise His will and Trust in Him? 
  • God Trusts us to make many important decisions. 
  • The boundaries between right and wrong are not for us to define but for God to. 
  • Deviations from God's Truth lead to Sorrow. 
  • Believe in God. Believe that He Is. Believe that he has all Wisdom. Believe that Man cannot comprehend all the things that God comprehends.
  • If we Heed God's word, we will receive more. If we ignore God's counsel we will receive less and less until we have none. 
  • The loss of Truth doesn't mean we were wrong, only that we lost the ability to comprehend it. 
  • When we focus on the Savior our Faith will overcome our Concerns. 
  • Choose your Faith. Trust God. Preserve your Blessings. 

Gregorio E. Casillas

  • Your spiritual abilities are unique and personal and God wants to help you develop them.
  • We live in a time of Great Opportunity even though we face many Difficulties. 
  • You can make a positive difference in the World. 
  • Fill your life with Faith. Your Testimony will revitalize you. 

Dallin H. Oaks

  • Christ is our role model. 
  • The Lord's commandments are of two types. Permanent like the Doctrines of Christ or Temporary like those meant for the needs of His people until that need has passed. 
  • It is significant that one of the first principles that Christ taught was to Avoid Contention. 
  • He who hath the Spirit of Contention is not of Christ but is of the Devil. 
  • True disciples of Christ are the peacemakers. 
  • Contention is a Choice. Peacemaking is a Choice. You have your Agency to Choose Contention or Reconciliation. Choose to be a Peacemaker. Now and Always. 
  • Cease harshly attacking others for their beliefs. 
  • Avoid what is harsh and hateful. 

Saturday Afternoon 

D. Todd Christofferson

  • Passive Rebellion is a more insidious influence in our lives compared to Active Rebellion. 
  • When it comes to matters of Salvation and Eternal Life our Theme Song should be "I Did it God's Way"
  • There is no "My Way" if we're to follow Christ's Example. 
  • Are you worshiping God's gift? Or God? 

Jose A Teixeira

  • Our Unity and Strength, grounded in our Faith reassures us that we're never alone in this journey. 
  • Don't let your Faith in Jesus Christ become Casual.
  • Without a Strong Inner Faith we lose our ability to make a difference in the world and bring out the best in those around us. 
  • Our Circumstances may vary but We All can make a Difference. 
  • While serving isn't always convenient, it is always rewarding. 

Juan Pablo Villar

  • Think Celestial.
  • If we Think Celestial, we will understand that our Lives will face challenges that seem greater than our capacity to overcome them.
  • Christ has the power to help us out of every miserable or adverse condition.
  • Christ can reach us where we are as we are. 
  • Christ's hand will always be there for us, even if we cannot see it or feel it at first. 

Patrick Kearon 

  • Welcome to the Church of Joy. 
  • We should be the most joyful people on Earth despite the trails that come upon us. 
  • Joy comes From and Because of Him. 
  • Christ is Joy. 
  • As we grow and learn let us see that Reverence is so much more than folding our arms and being still. 
  • In the Stillness, ponder the many ways we are loved by the Lord. 
  • Joy looks different for different people. 

David L. Buckner

  • Christ has long called his faithful followers his friends. 
  • The Savior numbers each of us and watches over us. This watch is Exhalting, Exhilarating, and Eternal. 
  • There is always much more that unites us than divides us. 
  • We must stop looking for reasons to divide and seek opportunities to be one. 
  • We need to build higher and holier relationships with All of God's Children. 
  • The Gospel Net is the Largest Net in the world. There is room for everyone. 

D. Martin Goury 

  • Seek repentance, make changes in your life, and turn to the Savior for redemption. 
  • Satan delights in your misery. Cut it short. Cast his influence out of your life. 
  • Having the Holy Ghost as a constant companion is crucial for our spiritual growth. 
  • When we are receptive to the guidance of the Still Small Voice we are better equipped to help those in need. 

Aroldo B. Cavalcante

  • We can help others in their journeys and progress to receive God's blessings. 
  • How many faithful brothers and sisters sit forgotten among us? 
  • No one is ever forgotten by Christ. 

Ulisses Soares

  • Do all things that please the Lord. 
  • We each travel an individual discipleship journey on the path to the Savior. 
  • Being sincerely Christlike is an even more important goal than being Authentic. 
  • While your personal circumstances like genetics, geography and physical and mental challenges can influence our journey, in that things that truly matter there is an inner space where we are free to choose how we take that path in our lives. 
  • Be true to every covenant that you've entered into. 
  • It takes a courageous and willing heart to pursue an introspection to look at our weakness and how they could help or hinder our ability to follow Christ. 

Saturday Evening

Gerrit W. Gong

  • All around us are opportunities to laugh and delight and see the bright side of life.
  • Holiness invites us to infuse daily living with Joy.  
  • Religious believers are on average happier, more cheerful and more fulfilled. 
  • Spending time in the House of the Lord can help heal what is broken. 

Kristin M. Yee

  • You won't get back what you had, but do the very best you can with what you've got. 
  • God is not done with you.
  • We CAN try again.  
  • God can give us the power to recognize and overcome our weaknesses. 
  • Don't give up. Be patient with yourself. 
  • You're not necessarily defective, but rather there is more work to be done and more healing that's needed.

Kyle S. McKay

  • Jesus Christ is truly of a forgiving disposition. It's not part of his nature to condemn. He came to save. 

Jorge M. Alvarado

  • To find truth, peace, and forgiveness you may have to find some place to be alone to pray for those things. 
  • Repentance is Joy. 
  • The Light of the Savior can reach us all no matter our circumstances. 
  • There's no need to wait to turn to the Lord. Turn to him now. 

David A. Bednar

  • The Book of Mormon was written for Our Day. The Nephites never had the book. It was meant for us. 
  • We should constantly ask ourselves, why did the Lord inspire Mormon to include this account in the Book of Mormon? 
  • The Book of the Mormon looks to the future. 
  • Prosperity, Possessions and Ease can lead even the most righteous to drink the poison of Pride. 
  • Do not let the blessing of Prosperity twist into a Curse of Pride. 
  • Pride will afflict us with spiritual blindness. 
  • We cannot look to and focus on Christ if we only see ourselves. 
  • Apostasy can occur at 2 basic levels. Institutional or Individual. 
  • The Standard of Truth has been erected. No unhallowed hand can stop its progress. 
  • If you or I do not believe that we could be affected by Pride, then we are vulnerable and in spiritual danger. 
  • Blessed are they who humble themselves without being compelled to be humble. 

To Watch/Read/Listen to the Talks in their entirety please visit:

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves. 
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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