Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Wayward Path

The Wayward Path

When the Mind goes dark
And the Heart grows cold
Look inside yourself
For what became old.
Where's the Happiness
That you strongly hold?
When came the Darkness
Causing you to mold?

Consider the World
How strong is Its hold?
How deeply have you
Gone into That Fold?
Have you been blinded
Thinking Tin was Gold?
Will you try to Escape
Before your Soul's Sold?

How do you escape
From Satan's black mold?
To find Agency
Anger must be sold.
Leave your Temptations
Forget the Dark Fold.
Go to the Savior
To Him you must Hold.

Grab Testimony
Keep it Bright, not Cold.
Pray to Him Always
It never grows old.
Read from the Scriptures
Made of Brass and Gold.
Go you to The Church
Listen to Truth told.

Enlightenment Found
Shedding Satan's hold.
Choose you the Right Way
To scourgify mold.
Press onward, upward
Don't Stagnate, grow old.
Keep your Spirit young
Like Christ, don't be bold.

He'll embrace you quick
Tender is His hold.
Gently He whispers
To the Heart, now Gold.
"I love you for you." 
You'll always be told.
"Welcome my child
You came to My Fold." 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi 

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Chicken Enchilada Chili

There is a favorite place of mine, where I've only ever bought one thing.

And that one thing is
Chicken Enchilada Chili
 yummy yummy ^^ its sooo GOOD!! lol :)
I only go to the place every now and then.
-Not often enough to get sick of the C.E.C
So I've as of yet haven't had a reason to try something else lol :)

The place?
Its called Zupas.

Its a Sandwich/Salad/Soup place (and has desert too!)
And its servicing style is like a cross between a restaurant and subway.
Where you can pick your food toppings but they bus your tables for you. :)

I first discovered Zupas at basically my first year here via my favorite roommate :)
Me, she, and another friend had crashed at the bishoprics house.
(I think we had been kicked out of the apartments (contracts were up) and were looking for a place to stay, so we crashed at the bishops house when it was only the wife home.)
We'd gone to see a movie and then decided to grab dinner afterwards.
The place chosen by the friend and roomie?
Now having never been there before....
I had no idea what to expect.
So I looked on the vast menu for something sounding good.
And I came across
Chicken Enchilada Chili.
I like chili, I like enchiladas....wasn't so sure about the chicken, but I decided to try it anyway.
^^ oooo!!!
my tastes buds dance happily whenever I eat it lol.
That first time i made the mistake of adding in cornchipstrips to the bowl, but since that time its just the C.E.C with cheese. :) lol.

Its sooooo yummy good I do my best to get every single drop out of the bowl and into my mouth lol.

And i haven't mentioned the cooler parts yet!
With each bowl of soup (always order half a bowl, the full bowl is big enough for two people)
(or each meal you get.....since you can choose a variety of sandwiches, salads, other soups, and combinations of all three)
You also get some bread....

And Chocolate covered Strawberries!!!
^^ Always the sweetest part lol :)
I save it for last to finish a delectable meal. lol
Another one of my friends eats the Strawberry first....that way if he dies before the meal is over....he at least ate the best part lol.
Its understandable logic.
But man, the C.E.C is heaven sooo the Strawberry is like....Glory in Heaven or whatever,
So its all good man, its alll good lol ^^

So I really highly jumping up and down, recommend if you have a Friday night free and you want to go out, to go find the nearest Zupas you can and try it out. (if you don't live near one.....I'm so so so so sorry Y_Y)

-Its not that expensive of a place either. (unless you want a drink) you can get most meals for under $5 at least the half bowl of soup plus drink plus bread plus strawberry is aprox.$6 and change. :)

I don't think anybody I've taken there (or suggested the place to) has been disappointed yet :D

(and don't you be the first!!! ya hear?! Its good!! ;) lol)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


The other day (okay so yesterday night)
I randomly started quoting random mouth warm up exercises to warm up my mouth. ( I do this often, start saying random things, it happens with song lyrics too. Often times its "Barbara Anne" )
I learned these in one of my acting classes last year.
And they were fun enough to say that I remembered them.
I figured I'd tell them to you and see if you enjoy saying them too lol :)

The first one: (the words aren't exact....)

What it to do to die today at a minute or two ta two
A distinctly difficult thing to say but harder still to do
For the drums will beat a rat tat ta to a rat ta ta tat ta tatta to
And the dragon will come when he hears the drum
At a minute or two to two today at a minute or two ta two.

(its hard to remember the exact words....or spell them for the matter lol.)

The second one.

The tip of the tongue
The tip of the tongue the teeth
the tip of the tongue the teeth the lips
the tip of the tongue the teeth the lips the lips the teeth the tip of the tongue

(its fun to say them and go faster each time lol. )

But those were a couple of warm ups for the mouth that I remembered the other day. :)
Otherwise I content myself with babbling in nonsense.

Do you ever do that?
Just string random syllables together?
Its kind of fun lol.
Especially when said in different tones of voice :)

Its even more fun when people think its an actual language haha. :)
(its easier to convince them if you sing it to a known tune, like twinkle twinkle little star)

it seems like my form of nonsense is often taken for a type of Eastern Language.
like Asian, Japanese, But I don't know for sure.
It depends on what syllables i favor that day haha.

But it does seem that if I'm frustrated I tend to use harder syllables lol.

Its fun. :) Just a random mouth exercises. :)
Babbling :)
Meit col fera colore me te  corte con bea lea men to de co.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, September 27, 2010

Ages Come and Pass

ha. Ha. HA!!

It has come!
That time of year again!
For things that have come in the past
And will come in the future.
But right now reside in the present!
Shall be read again!!!

I have started to reread my favorite series. :D

A grand 13 + prequel books long.
With the 14th to come out in November. (and the last book :( to come out next November -2011-)

It is time.

Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time to be exact.

And what is a blog post talking about the WoT without its famous beginning?

The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again. In one Age, called the Third Age by some, an Age yet to come, an Age long past, a wind rose........... The wind was not the beginning. There are neither beginnings nor endings to the turning of the Wheel of Time. But it was a beginning.

lol. Awesome words those.

(and yes I have that part memorized. Though I did grab a book to make sure all the punctuation was complete. Its hard not to memorize it when you read it in every book.)

The Wheel of Time.
It is a favorite series of mine, which is why I constantly reread each book when the next one comes out. So I can keep track of all the different threads being spun.

Most people I talk to aren't as crazy for this series as I am.
In fact most of them had a hard time getting through the heavy use of description that is part of RJ's style. Or else the plot got so long....and kind of dull for them that they stopped halfway through.

Not so for me. :)
If I love a series I constantly reread them. :)

lol I think this is one of many ways that my brain works differently.
Perhaps I feel a connection to the WoT
Its a great series in my opinion.
Giving great advice even while it thrills.
(though perhaps the thrills don't come as often as wanted...but the intrigue...the its exciting!!)

The one problem with the WoT
Besides its size (almost every book is over 500 pages long)
Is trying to tell people about it.

What is the Wheel of Time about?
Well to condense it into a single sentence.
Its about "good fighting evil."
Typical storyline.

Otherwise its hard to say. It has magic, it has battles, it has romance, it has adventure. It has the 'poor, rising up to be great' plot line  Its all things and none it seems like. lol.
But it is descriptive. which is why its hard to be a book for everybody.

Yet, its an awesome series
Even if its indescribable.
There are so many different character arcs.
At least 20, but perhaps twice as many, or even triple as many.

And I get to read it again!
I can't wait for the newest edition lol :)

But for now I will content myself with reading the Prequel: New Spring. ^^;;
(i suggest if you're reading the series for the first time to not read the prequel, start with book one "The Eye of the World" )

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the Day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Tip of the Tongue

There are times when words appear in the mind
Come to the tip of the tongue.
But knowledge often times keeps it in check.
To prevent one from saying
What one will regret

Sometimes physical factors like sleepiness,
or more emotinal ones like anger/dissappointment/annoyance
overide the usual barrier of holding the tongue in the cheek.

Is it good to have these checks in place?
To prevent us from saying things that one might regret.
Or that will hurt others.
Perhaps sometimes these checks are overridden
to test how strong a relationship is.
How truthful one can be.

Life isn't always sunshine and daisys
But do we need to ruin a good day
By pointing out the weeds hiding beneath the leaves?
Or a couple of clouds on the horizion in an otherwise blue sky?
Often times the person we converse with is aware
of these short comings, and it does no good to point them out.
Its like sticking lemon juice on a small paper cut.
Very very painful, but not a solution at all.
Sugar sweetness might be hard to give
continuously time after time
But its a more soothing balm
A band aid for the wound.
Then anything else.

Uplift and encourage.
Tearing into, down, and away from people
Might feel good for a brief minute
But the pain isn't worth it.
Not really.

Sure the gratitude might not be visible.
It may feel at times that nobody will understand.
Yet be careful what you say out of anger, defense, rebuttal
Because it can quickly make an enemy
of a person who wants to be a friend
It may be hard to keep to the sugar and everything nice.
But at least sometimes you can get some spice into your relationship.
Just be careful how much you put.
Too much....and its inedible/unbearable.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Knights of Assistance

James Gordon Jr.: Why is he running, Dad?
Lt. James Gordon: Because we have to chase him.
James Gordon Jr.: He didn't do anything wrong.
Lt. James Gordon: Because he's the hero Gotham deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hunt him because he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a silent guardian, a watchful protector. A dark knight.

Do you ever wonder if there
Are there people out there,
hiding in the shadows,
ever watching us,
keeping us from harm.
Yet, we feel that we don't need the help?
That we can do everything on our own.
That we don't need anyone to look out for ourselves
Because we do just fine on our own?

Are there people out there that you don't appreciate enough?
Where you take their offers of assistance
and brush them aside?
Where you feel that perhaps a person is trying too hard.
And that they need to back off?
just perhaps.
Those people who you find to be annoying.
Have a purpose being in your life.
So, you might feel like you don't need them.
But they'll be there.
Ready to shift their own schedules around
So that they can be immediately knocking on your door.
Willingly wanting to be the 'beast of burden'
If only you show some appreciation in return.
Through a simple smile, a nod of the head.

Who are your dark knights?
The people that you don't feel you need
but they're there for you anyway.
willing to do what is necessary
to help you survive another day?

Perhaps you'll find, if you reach out to those people on the fringes.
You'll find the answers your looking for.
Its up to you.
They are there,
you just need to ask.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, September 24, 2010


Its a pounding
its a throbbing
its a distracting force of not niceness

What is this?

A headache.

And I get them way too often to be normal (every four days basically)

Why they happen I don't know.
Stress of some unknown force is constantly assailing me though.

But I do know that when they strike.....I'm pretty much useless the rest of the day.

And that gets a bit tedious after a while.....

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Handy-Dandy Phrases

Have you ever noticed that some people have a signature:
sign off
favorite word they use all the time?

Sometimes I wonder the reasoning behind them always using that phrase.
Why do they sometimes stop?
Why do they start using it?
Was it something they heard and liked?
Why do they then only use it in certain situations?

Hmmmm again I don't have answers.
But perhaps I can give insight.

A phrase that I have considered using is:

Until we next meet, I"ll watch the leaves.
or something like that.
"Until we next chat, I'll watch the leaves.

Why am I considering using this as a 'sign off?'
I had a dream the other night.
Where there were a people, who could stare into leaves.
-Green, Red, Orange, Brown, Yellow.
And they could see things. See people long distances away.Even chat with them sometimes depending on the color of leaf.
I only remember the green leaves for some reason.
But those leaves can show  you images near bodies of water, or on bodies of water.

Anywho. Everytime somebody said 'goodbye' in that dream.
They'd say something along the lines of.
"Until we next meet, I'll watch the leaves."

Meaning basically. "I'll be watching you." haha.
hmmm that now sounds kind of creepy.
I guess its like any other Facebook/Twitter/Myspace/Blog thing.
You don't talk to the person in...well person....but you can still stay up to date on events happening to that person during the long periods of time where you don't actually speak to them face to face....or at least by phone. lol.
So perhaps it will be a kind of greeting of "Hey I know we don't talk, but I still know whats going on via other means. Good luck!" :P lol

It was just a thought.

Until you next read these words.....I'll be watching the leaves;  
(ah you see, I'm keeping tabs on{most of}you too! haha!)
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

He Answers

I had a down day yesterday,
For a variety of reasons.
I had questions and I was looking for answers.
So I decided to read my patriarticle blessing.
And while reading I came across a phrase
Where as I read it I felt inspired to:
"Read the Ensign."
I kept that thought in mind and finished reading my blessing.
Then on a whim I decided to follow that thought.
I had four Ensigns here with me all lined up in a row.
So I hesitated, closed my eyes for a moment then opening them
Picked the second Ensign to the right.
It happened to be the Conference Ensign of 2009
-Nov 2009 issue, Oct 2009 conference.
I flipped the magazine open to a random page
and found a talk titled:
Father's and Sons: A Remarkable Relationship.
By Elder M. Russell Ballard.
It was a talk that had been given in the priesthood session.

My first reaction was. O.o why should I read this?!
My problem/question didn't seem to apply...since I'm not a guy....and my problem wasn't with my father.
But I decided to go ahead and read.
And to my surprise, as I read, I found myself grabbing a pen and underlining words and sentences that stood out to me.
I found my answers. Advice. That totally helped answer my questions!
You could say that I went on a spiritual high last night from that experience.
I felt so peaceful and comfortable afterwards, alot of my tension just seemed to disappear.

He had answered.
Though the answer required that I put some effort into helping out my problem.
He answered.
I just had to follow through with my impressions and actually take the time to study the words of His prophets and apostles. 
I'm grateful that I went with that thought....because too often I don't.....because it really helped. :)

Modern day revelation exists.
You just need to make the effort to search for the answers.
Most of the time the solution won't drop out of the sky in front of you saying "HERE I AM!!"

:) Ah...peace... a wonderful feeling.

For those of you who want a link to the talk here it is:,5232,23-1-1117-16,00.html 

Until you next see these words;
Enjoy the Day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Spell Chequer

I came into my last class of today;
And saw a paper on my desk.
Obviously I read it ;)
lol It made me laugh
So I decided to share it with you :)

It is called:

Spell Chequer

Eye halve a spelling chequer
It com with my pea sea
It plainly marques for my revue
Miss steaks eye kin not see.

Eye strike a key and type a word,
And weight four it to say,
Weather eye am wrong or write,
It show me strait a weigh.

As soon as a mist ache is maid,
It nose bee fore two long.
And eye can put the error rite
Its rare lea ever wrong.

Eye have run this poem threw it
I am shore your pleased two no
Its letter perfect awl the weigh,
my chequer told me sew.

Until you next read these words;
Enjoy the Day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, September 20, 2010


"We need to be smarter about stuff." -D.S.

Focus on improving yourself, not just sliding by.
Each day is an opportunity to learn something new.
Work to rise above the others.
Then help pull others up to your level.
Too often we focus on the lower denomination of people
But what about the needs of the middle people?
The brianiacs?
Sometimes you need to pull away from trying to find the lowest common denominator.
And make the world smarter through example.
Stop playing dumb. Get smart.
Because if we continue to pander to the dumb....the world will only get dumber.

Until you next see these words;
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Sunday, September 19, 2010

A spinning leaf

You think I'm an ignorant savage
And you've been so many places
I guess it must be so
But still I cannot see
If the savage one is me
How can there be so much that you don't know?
You don't know ...
You think you own whatever land you land on
The Earth is just a dead thing you can claim
But I know every rock and tree and creature
Has a life, has a spirit, has a name
You think the only people who are people
Are the people who look and think like you
But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger
You'll learn things you never knew you never knew
Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon
Or asked the grinning bobcat why he grinned?
Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains?
Can you paint with all the colors of the wind?
Can you paint with all the colors of the wind?
Come run the hidden pine trails of the forest
Come taste the sunsweet berries of the Earth
Come roll in all the riches all around you
And for once, never wonder what they're worth
The rainstorm and the river are my brothers
The heron and the otter are my friends
And we are all connected to each other
In a circle, in a hoop that never ends
How high will the sycamore grow?
If you cut it down, then you'll never know
And you'll never hear the wolf cry to the blue corn moon
For whether we are white or copper skinned
We need to sing with all the voices of the mountains
We need to paint with all the colors of the wind
You can own the Earth and still
All you'll own is Earth until
You can paint with all the colors of the wind

Sometimes I have to wonder
Why do we not appreciate nature more?
Why is it that destroying nature is more common
Instead of moving, flowing, twisting around it?
Do we really need to 'conquer' anything?
Whats the point?
We miss out on so much in our world of concrete and technology.

When can we go out to just enjoy nature?
Take an hour or two stroll in the park?
Wander around the wild tangles of a forest?
A spinning leaf.....drift to the ground. 

A spinning leaf, I gently fell
Not knowing where I’d land to dwell
Until I heard your ringing bell
Then I escaped from my dark cell
Knowing my fears, your voice will quell
I went, trusting all would be well
Once lost, now found, my heart doth swell
Because I love you, that I should tell

Sometimes random images come into my mind.
Most of the time, these images make their way into short stories.
More rarely does it invoke the need to create a poem.

Picture yourself on top of a building, leaning against the edge looking down to the ground below.
In your hand your twirling an object.
A leaf.
What color, type, shape of up to you
But you're holding one.
Now. let it drop, let the leaf be caught by the air currents.
How long does it take to land on the ground?
Does it fall straight down?
Or does the wind catch it? Keeping it up, making it fly out of sight?

A tree can hold hundreds of leaves, thousands, millions, depending on how big the tree is.
And each leaf, when Fall comes, drops slowly down to the earth.
some fall early, others fall really late when the snow is already on the ground.

Compare your life to a leaf.
Its Autumn.  your color has changed and you begin your decent.
You leave the safe perch of your Heavenly Father's arms.
And make your way through earth life.

It depends on the leaf.
Some have a very short time in the air. Only lasting a few minutes before the ground(death) comes to greet us once more.
Others are caught by the wind and born through life's ups and downs.
Sometimes people brush death before changing their path and flying higher.
Some will have more 'downs' (health wise, or otherwise) then ups.
Others will have many ups instead of downs.
Yet at the end of the journey,
wherever the wind takes us.
We eventually meet the packed earth below

Now the question is:
How did we get there?
Did we plummet staying in one area.
Or did we take the time to see the sights, travel far and wide before welcoming the earths embrace?

Its not what others do with their lives that matter, its what you do with yours.
Take time to extract yourself from the concrete jungle
And enjoy the small nuisances of the wild.
A birds chirp, a ripple in the water, the way the wind plays with a leaf.

The destination does not matter.
Enjoy the journey to the destination.
Because it never happens the same way twice.

Until you next read these words;
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Music of the...Book?

Music is part of our culture. We hear it in movies, hear it in our house, in the car, anywhere we wander if we bring devices for playing music.
Yet there is one part of music that I haven't really understood.

When it is found in books.

Why do some books include 'songs' as they call them inside their covers?
I can't hear the song being played in the book. Just read the words.
Its just like a glorified poem on the page.

But its hard to have a 'tune' that goes with it.
After all if your book is set in the time of knights and dragons...its kind of hard to say "And this song goes to the tune of 'row row row your boat."

Yet I wonder what this song is that the author hears when they write the words on a page.
Could you not have as a single page on the last page of the book written.
-song page 21 goes to the tune of "Singing in the rain"
-song page 145 goes to the tune of "Mary had a little lamb"

So why are songs included in books? Is it just because songs are so prevalent in today's culture? Or is there an actual reason for having a silent song......

A good question.....if I could meet an author who did that I would ask them why. lol :)

Until you next see these words;
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, September 17, 2010

A double-edged sword.

Ah. the problems about wanting to go on a that often times you seem pretty petty, selfish, insecure.....Wanting to put your own needs above others, needing something to be recognized....
And what happens after you get that rant off your chest?

.....Basically nothing.
Most of the time a rant will change nothing, your days will continue basically the same as other days...
People just end up knowing something irritates you. rant from here.
It won't do any good.....
but perhaps you can see a glimpse of what I'm getting at by these few words.

"If you want something done right, do it yourself."
"If you want something to be done with other people, plan it yourself."
         (and things will often times fall through, sometimes you end up having a blast anyway.)
"If you want to spend a weekend doing nothing....plan nothing....because nobody else will plan either."
"So if I want you to plan a way to hang out, so I don't need to.....nothing will happen."

:( :( :( :( :( :(


So, how about you do something about it. :) Look for what you can do unto others, not what others should do until you. Even if its just an hour or evening hanging out with people. It would be appreciated. Take the first step.

(double-edged I know, I want you to do something, so I can receive the benefit of company. See...selfishness from me.  Which is why a rant about the whole thing wouldn't have worked. :P )  

Until you next read these words;
Enjoy the Day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Way of Kings

I love to read.
Its kind of weird to think, when I was younger, elementary age that I struggled to read. I had been given goals of reading w/ my parents every night for 15 mins.
But I don't think any of the books really interested me.
Isn't that the way of things? If it doesn't interest us we struggle at it?
Then something changes.
I have no idea what changed my mind about learning to read.....I had actually thought I loved it since I was little, but the grade school papers tell a different story.
Was it establishing the AR program? Having a goal to read a certain amount of books, get a certain amount of points before the term was over?
This might have been the reason why I learned to read fast, but not why I learned to enjoy even love reading.
I think it was a mystery that got me into reading.
Perhaps it was the Boxcar children.
A mystery.
I remember my earliest readings, besides Miss Piggle Wiggle....were of Mysteries.
I finished the boxcar children, and went to find other mysteries. Nancy Drew, and The Hardy boys. You could say I crushed on those Hardy Boys. lol. I would beg my parents to go to the library so I could find more Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys to read that I hadn't read yet.
Once that supply was exhausted I read the Cat Who books...another mystery series about Cats solving crimes.
The redwall series was read somewhere in that time period as well when my mystery genre was getting....thin.
Slowly I moved from Mystery to other stories.....about animals....but those ones fell short too.
But I had by that point established a love of reading.
And thanks to the AR system and wanting to get high goals in that, I learned to read fast.
I would read a book a day, sometimes two in a day in order to get my AR points as fast as possible. Coinciededly my goal rose higher and higher until I needed to get over 100pts each term.
But my source of readings was running thin.
I scoured the Elementary books looking for anything entertaining.
Summers were more fun, I had a bigger option. Starting in the kids sections downstairs I eventually moved my way upwards into the young adult series.
I remember summers where I would check out 30 books at a time and have them read by the end of the two weeks and due again.
I had by this time moved myself further into the 'adventure' field. but not into the 'fantasy' field as of yet.
But I feel one thing changed that.
Harry Potter.
I mentioned before that I was stubborn, unwilling to follow the crowd.
Well in 6th grade....I had a scare, where I thought term was ending sooner then it actually was. (midterms...) but I hadn't reached my AR goal yet! So I looked up the books with the highest points.
Yep. Harry Potter. The fourth book had just recently come out if I remember correctly. The first movie was out in theatres.

My Mom had bought the series already. So I went home....and started reading.....and yah I loved the books lol :)
I finished book 1 the day we went to see the first movie. I finished it on our way to go see the needless to say I was like "THEY SKIPPED THAT PART! THEY DIDN'T SAY THAT!" but it was an awesome read. I read quickly, liking what I read.

I half consider this, reading Harry Potter, that got me fully into fantasy....but I'm not sure....I wish I could go through library records and find out which books I read during what years of my life....but that's not possible.
Yet I got more into 'Fantasy' after that point.

.....perhaps I memory isn't perfect.
I was getting into fantasy.
Like Diana Wynne Jones. (Dogsbody is my favorite single book)
but when I actually did, i don't know.
Perhaps HP was a 'climax' a....'get me further in' point. Who knows. *shrugs*

Yet I must believe by the time I was on my way to Junior High I had read hundreds of books. maybe even a thousand. I had most likely read at least 300 books a year it seemed like.

But I have found what I like, what I don't like.
And I must admit....besides books with dragons...
I love to read books about the underdogs.
The people who start out low in society and rise up to become a star.
( I LOVE <3 <3 books dealing with thiefs, and serfs/slaves/the unthanked for some reason)

If you look at a list of my favorite books you can see that.
The Wheel of Time. -A farm boy becoming the most powerful figure in the world
The Homelander series- a boy waking up tied to a chair, not knowing where he is or how he got there.
The dragon jouster series- a serf who ends up raising and training a dragon.
The Stravaganza series- a boy with a cancer killing him, traveling to a different world where he is strong.
The Ranger Apprentice series- a 'small' boy, being trained to be a Ranger.
The Chronicles of Fiarah- a group of young adults, going out to save the world from tyrants.

The list can go on and on.
But almost every book that makes it to my 'favorites list' has that theme. An underdog...who doesn't do something for the glory, prestige, to rise above his rank, actually rises and becomes successful.

Those types of stories captivate me.
To make me think.... I can be better. I can succeed.

Another factor in me liking how they are written.
Do they captivate you from the first page? Harry Potter, Wheel of Time, Twilight, the Tennis Shoes Series, The Dragon Jouster series.....they all did that.
I was captivated. Drawn in. I wanted to read more.
Does the book give me a complete picture of the world. Do the characters seem real? Is the description just the right amount?

The most important part is; You have to draw me in. Captivate me, want me to read more. You need to make me think. Wonder, huh, what if the world really was like this? Give me something to consider after I've finished. The idea that...I'm done with the book...what does that mean, consider things....
Those books, where I have to keep reading, where i NEED to know what happens next.
*shivers* oh man....its the bets feeling in the world! The excitement. The restlessness at night where you go to sleep wondering "what happens next" the inability to concentrate during school because you want to know if the character survived or not.
I love those books.....
But I've grown tastes....have become more picky. It gets harder and harder to find books that give me that often times I have to resort to rereading favorite books of mine that I know are good, because I need a 'pick me up' after reading 'crappy books.'
Perhaps that is why I've begun to resort to writing. Because it seems more often then not...I think to myself "I can write better then that!"

Oh....but there was a light on the horizon.
Brandon Sanderson.
A man I must say I'm jealous of. His idea, the way his story flows (though more often then not my favorite characters end up kicking the bucket) I wish I had thought of the ideas first.
Brandon Sanderson.
I hadn't really considered reading him....until Robert Jordan died.....
Now this unknown author from my state....he was finishing the WoT series. And like any devoted fan....well almost any....I wanted to find out more about this unknown author.
First I read Elantris, then his Mistborn Trilogy, Alcatraz came next, then Warbreaker.
He's awesome. His way of thinking.....I'm amazed at how good he is at creating worlds. Each story (w/ unrelated books) he writes is different, each world unique, with their different cultures, magic systems, and heroes. 
 Like Robert Jordan. He makes the world believable. That everything makes sense, its possible.
And I must say I'm glad he's finishing the wheel of time series. :D
But we're not talking about those.....(okay so we were but we're changing the subject)
And reading his other books I've come to expect that each new book that he writes and publishes will be good, that is hard to say for most authors....but not so for Brandon Sanderson. You know it will be worth your time reading (if you have tastes similar to mine) when you pick up a book with his name on the cover, Like:

The Way of Kings.
It the over used word "Epic"
I admit it took me longer to get into this book then usual.....mostly because I knew it was the first book of a ten book series. (yikes!) You have to wonder.....why do you need so many books to tell a story?
Most other series I find them in they're relatively 'young' stage where there are only one or two books out...(I think WoT was the longest of the series I started knowing there were alot of books)
Then the first book comes out and its....1,000 pages long.
yes a thousand.
And again I have to wonder.....why do you need 10 books to tell a story?
But I was eager as well. I love reading thick books. And reading them faster then most people, while still being able to tell you details. (I DON'T SKIM!)
(to give you an idea of how fast I read.....I read all 7 HP books in 5 days....I started the 3rd book on the first day. Twilight I read all four books in 3 time I timed myself in High school....I read a 300page book in 5-6hrs. *shrugs* I read fast. ;) basically if i have time I can read 1,000 pages in a day.)

Anyway....back to not bragging....
The Way of Kings.

It took me longer to get into it.
Yet, this story ended up captivating me.
Of course my favorite the underdog. The one who has to watch people die why they themselves survive.
I loved it.
And the best (and most annoying part) is that by switching between points of view, often times the author had me saying 'oh! I need to find out what happens! Just two more chapters to find out!' then...having something happen to another character that gives you the same thrill of "What happens next?!" so I read chapter after chapter....until....i have to stop before I fall behind on what else needed to get done that day. (often times I push things back) (Tennis Shoes did that too me too....ending without an ending >.< grrr)
Now that I've finished the book. :) I must say.....I can understand why he can't tell the story all in one book....perhaps it won't take 10 books to finish the series, perhaps it will....
(Wot was originally meant to be a 13 books later...)
All i can say is that, this book kept me up at night, considering the implications of this and that, imagining my own scenes. Which means. Its AWESOME! :D I only wish that there was more for me to read. :D

Books i love.....they encourage me to create my own worlds, take my own spins on stories already told.
I'm just sad that the awesome 'magic' system used in this book especially dealing with the currency....hadn't been my own idea.

Clever clever author.
I mentally applaud thee
I eagerly await to read the next book that comes out. (Towers of Midnight the 2nd to last book in the Wheel of Time series)

Until you next see these words;
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Circle in the Sand

Sometimes words of songs just get stuck in my head.
Often times I'm not sure why a song suddenly starts playing.
Sometimes its because of a phrase read or heard that is part of a song.

The song that has been in my head today is titled:
Circle in the Sand by Belinda Carlisle.
It goes as follows:

Sundown all around
Walking thru the summer's end
Waves crash, don't look back
I won't walk away again

Oh, anywhere you go,
We are bound together
I begin, where you end
Some things are forever!

Circle in the sand
'Round and 'round
Never ending love is what we've found
And you complete the heart of me
Our love is all we need
Circle in the sand

Cold wind, tide move in
Shiver in the salty air
Day breaks, my heart aches
I will wait for you right here

Oh, when you look for me
Can you see forever ?
I begin, where you end
We belong together

Circle in the sand
'Round and 'round
Rising of the moon as the sun goes down
And you complete the heart of me
Our love is all we need
Circle in the sand
Circle in the sand

Can you hear me ?
Can you hear me calling ?

To those who like to hear the song (since its beat is kind of catchy)
Here's the link:

And like most songs that end up stuck in your head....only a fraction of a verse is repeated over and over again in your head until it becomes rather annoying.

Circle in the sand.
'Round and 'Round

That's what has been stuck in my head for most of the day...or at least I keep consciously bringing it back to the forefront of my mind.

A circle in the sand.
Round and round

It seems oddly symbolic to me.
A circle in the sand.
Sand isn't that stable.
and do the the elements, often times that circle in the sand doesn't last long before its wiped away. As if it had never been.

Perhaps you can think of the circle in the sand like life.
What do we do day after day? Make circles in the sand.
Things never seem to be permanently done.
We get up each day, go to work/school/both, come home, go to bed.
And what do we do the next day? Basically the same thing.
Like chores.
Why are we always cleaning?
Dishes get done....but the next day there's more.
Laundry gets done, but you end up with more clothes before your done with the first batch.
Day follows night follows day.
We're in an endless circle.
But the circle in the sand....can change.
We can choose to variate that circle in the sand.
Sure, there is a beginning that combines with the end.
But the direction, the size, the shape of that 'circle' can change day by day.
Sometimes the changes you make are permanent
Other times you only trod that path a time or two before switching back to something more familiar.

Yet, as I was reading through the rest of the lyrics of the song. (So i could finally figure out what came after 'round and 'round)
I saw a message there.
Now, often times when I hear this song I think of a desert like the Sahara. And a person wandering there in endless circles, lost, under the hot sun. Baking them as they search, wander, look.

but can you see the message of hope in those lyrics?
Sundown all around
Walking thru the summer's end
Waves crash, don't look back
I won't walk away again

This verse could symbolize a promise. A choice. A change of heart.
We won't walk that way again. I won't do this I won't do that anymore. That circle will fade away beneath the pounding of the waves. Never to be seen again because you won't walk that way again.

Oh, anywhere you go,
We are bound together
I begin, where you end
Some things are forever!
Circle in the sand
'Round and 'round
Never ending love is what we've found
And you complete the heart of me
Our love is all we need
Circle in the sand

This could be a love song....yes it could.
I begin where you end....that makes me think of Christ.
And the footprint story. We're endlessly walking in the sand. yet sometimes we need a person to carry us for a while. When we're delirious. Thirsty, hallucinating. And our bodies just basically give up....when things end.
He begins. (not that he ever leaves) but he begins. He helps you out.
He completes your heart. Helps you to become better.
He gives you endless love. He will be with you forever.
As you circle in the sand.
round and round.
Never giving up when the sun goes down.
And you'll believe in that heart of me.
You'll believe forever.
Circle in the sand.  (I went into a random splurge of lyric fabrication. That was fun :D lol) 

Cold wind, tide move in
Shiver in the salty air
Day breaks, my heart aches
I will wait for you right here

Oh, when you look for me
Can you see forever ?
I begin where you end
We belong together

 I think this song might be a duet between two people.

Christ waits in the salty hair. His heart aches seeing us not coming to him.
Yet he waits right there for you. Waiting for you to reach to him so he can reach back and help you out
When he looks for us. he can see forever
When do you look for him? Can you see you can always look for him. In your circle in the sand, on the waves of the sea, on the tips of the peaks, and the valleys deep.
We belong together.
In the faith.
In our circle in the sand...our mortal on earth, a circle in the sand.

What can we do with our circle of sand?
lots of things.  for one thing we can change the pattern.
Make an "8" instead of a "0" perhaps a "B"
what if we combined our circles with other circles to make flowers, patterns.
Each person has their own circle, yet the path deviates.
So while some areas will fade away. other will continue to be part of somebody's circle.
We leave influences. Some fleeting some semi permanent.

Follow your circle in the sand.
And look in the bright side.
;) You have someone there to meet you when you get tired, to lift you up, to help you for stretches in your life when you can't go on.

A circle in the sand.
Round and Round
Never ending love is what we've found
And you'll complete the heart of me
Your love is all I need
Circle in the Sand.

Until you next read these words;
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Small, Medium, or Large in the last post I told you that I was stubborn.
Usually I'm only stubborn if the rebellion only really effects myself.
When it effects others....I may or may not be quite so rebellious.

Especially with this blog, I am open to suggestions on what I can do to improve it.
So against my wishes....I have made the font on this blog bigger, so those of you with the eyes that don't like small things, you can find an easier way to read my words. :)
Since I'm selfish and I want you to read what I'm writing, I'm perfectly willing to make the font bigger.....even if I do vaguely feel like I'm yelling lol.

The suggestion of making this font bigger, so people could have an easier time reading made me think.
In that I also rebel.
It seems like in society that we place value on the big things.
The huge houses up on the hill, the SUVs, the boats, the trailers, in food, etc.
Food. You want a small, medium or large?
Oh medium? Well you can get a large for just 20 cents more. That's not a huge amount of money to spend. So go for that large.
Or in shirts.
Have you noticed that you only ever see XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL, XXXL, XXXXL???
Why do we not have an XXXS? why not have an XM?
We are a society focused on the big I think.
It may not be obvious. But its there. Perhaps it deals with our exercise habits, our food habits, our money habits, or the way we were raised,
But it seems like the motto has been for a long time "Bigger is Better."
Is it really better?
I'm thinking that I must not like that idea.
Since I tend to gravitate towards the small and simple items, instead of the big and gaudy things. Why not appreciate the small?

Maybe its because I'm not "Big" Height wise. *shrugs* who knows, but why do we applaud the 'big accomplishments' and not the small? lol. I like small. Its more maneuverable then big.  Size does play into account of things, Just as shape does. If i wanted to go into judgements.....I'd be here for a long time. Everything we see is taken into account and judged.
So I have a tendency to go for the smaller, the less gaudy, the simple items. (That will make my husband happy I guess haha)

Perhaps its just a random scripture quote that I"m misremembering.
"Through small and simple things will I make things great."

....I'm sure that's not a real 85% sure. lol. But it is an idea that I follow.
Take something simple and make it amazing.
Perhaps that is the point of this blog.
To show you, the reader, small instances in everyday life that will make a great/big/mighty change in how you view things.

Like rectangles and circles.

Have you ever tried to make a rectangle shape move around a circle?
Its very difficult. You see a rectangle is long in shape. While a circle is a specific size.
You can't touch the circle when going around it. So you have to move the front of the rectangle far enough away from the circle that the back of the rectangle won't cross over that line.

It doesn't always work though.
Last two days ago, I saw a Semi successfully make its way around a roundabout near my place.
I say successfully in the fact that it didn't tip over. But it still ended up going on the sidewalk on the roundabout.
That was a scary thing to say. My thoughts were. "Oh man, I'm glad I wasn't walking where that semi's back wheels went."
I've had a couple of close calls before though. With buses, when they're turning corners. Sometimes their back wheels don't have enough room to stay on the road...and end up hoping onto the sidewalk.
How buses and semi-trucks turn corners without tipping over I'll never understand lol.

Perhaps its the grace of god that allows the rectangles to stay upright instead of tipping over when making a turn? Now that's a thought.....
And here's another one that I'm currently working through since writing this post made me think about it.

In life we have to take chances, pick roads, make turns, go in circles perhaps in order to get to our 'end destination' wherever you believe that might be.

Now Imagine that you're a bus, or perhaps a semi-truck.
Its pretty easy to just follow your life path when, say you're driving on the highway, or perhaps on a city street.
On streets you might hit red lights...bumps in the road, even construction. But its usually not anything difficult to navigate. On freeways if you end up taking the wrong exit you can almost always get straight back on.
But then there are times when things could go wrong....
Especially on hills. When you loose your brakes. And you're speeding out of control down a mountain canyon.
You could say that at that particular moment you've found the slippery slide of the devil and he's pulling you quicker and quicker to the molten lava below, and you can only imagine disaster at the end of the road......until you see a sign "Runaway Truck Ramp."
Those usually lead up hill right? They slow your momentum. Give you a safe place to 'crash' without totally destroying your vehicle. Then comes a tow truck to bring you safely to a place where you can fix your brakes before continuing on your journey...hopefully in the right direction, now that you've had a 'brush' with death, knowing that you can run into trouble in life and that you do need help.

When you make a turn, you usually have to move the front of your vehicle further out around the corner so that the back of the vehicle passes by that curb without hitting it.

Now...that could go both ways.
You could say that we 'swing out' so far from curbs because we're following Christ. The road, the ability to turn is the agency of every human being. Sometimes we make the turns too wide and risk hitting other people on their life paths. This could I guess be called pride. You're confident that you can't hit the curb (Satan), but you risk yourself and others when you swing too wide.
Yet...perhaps you're too humble? Or maybe a better way to put it would be that you' I guess I should just say Prideful again. Thinking to yourself "I don't need to swing out too widely." and you end up running your back tires against the curb, or even up over the sidewalk, risking the chance that you could tip your vehicle over, or harm pedestrians nearby.

The problem here would be confidence. "I can make it. I can avoid it." But can you do that  by yourself?
Perhaps yes. at some points you can.
But at others...maybe you need a little nudge to move in a way that won't harm people. At other times when you find yourself on the 'wrong path' and you're making a dangerous turn around a roundabout with your trailer tilting. Perhaps through the help of Christ.....his hands on the side of the trailer pushing it back to an upright position we can find a way with help back onto the right path.

I guess you could compare life to a slippery hill.
If you stop just fall backwards.
If you run too fast you tire yourself out....and end up going backwards as you try to recover.
Perhaps I'm just trying to say that in life....there's a happy medium.
You don't need to be stopped, but you don't have to run full throttle  to get to your destination.
Sliding backwards,Stopped, Slowest, Slower, Slow, Medium, Fast, Faster, Fastest. We each have our own 'happy medium' perhaps my medium is faster then yours, or slower then yours. Each person moves about the world in a different way but we all are still moving in some way.
Yet we all have to make turns, go around in circles. And rely on faith that we won't totally crash/tip over/ and burn for straying slightly off the set path.....

Hopefully that made some sort of sense. Otherwise, it was a fun convoluted ramblings. lol I do that sometimes. ;)

I think the key to this is: We can find help from others size XS or to size XXXL. We just have to look for it. More often then not, its the XS things that go unnoticed. Unthanked. Unappreciated.
Try to avoid the curb, but don't hit oncoming traffic either when you make your turns.

Until you next see these words;
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, September 13, 2010

A Ray of Light

I can be a stubborn person. I admit that. If you tell me to do something everyone else is doing, I resist. I have a hard time most of the time following a crowd.
Yet, the Lord has found my weak spot.
I have been brainwashed into doing school. Especially the homework. I may moan and groan about it, but I get every task accomplished because I want that A. I want to get good grades so I can say to myself "Now, that class wasn't so hard. I got an A!" lol.
Now, before I started my Freshman year. (aka 9th grade aka Jr. High) I hadn't read the scriptures. Meaning I hadn't read OT from cover to cover, NT from cover to cover, BoM from cover to cover or the D&C from cover to cover. I received a quad as a present after my birthday, yet until 9th grade I hadn't seriously attempted to read any of those books from cover to cover. I tried once or twice. Starting with Genesis, but then I'd get bored....I only really attempted to do so on Sunday anyway. So the only time I really opened my scriptures was in church.
Until 9th grade.
When i signed up for Seminary.
I don't know for sure why I signed up. There must have been alot of reasons going through my head. Maybe the main one was that I got to 'get out of school' for 50mins everyday lol. It might have been because I was looking for a new way to be taught. A different way to feel the spirit. *shrugs* I don't know. But I signed up.
And there was my 'downfall' :) lol or maybe I should say "Uplift?" hmmmm.
My first semester of Seminary I had a teacher, Brother...Huffman...I think was his name.
This year the seminary was focusing on teaching the New Testament, and brother Huffman set us the challenge to read the New Testament before the school year was over, and to read at least a chapter every night.
A challenge. I think we only had to get 'to such and such a point or read so many pages' to consider ourselves in the "A" grade range. But I wanted to read the whole thing. (a competition thing i guess.)
So I started to read the Old Testament with the goal in mind to read it every night so i would feel that i deserved that A.
Another challenge Brother Huffman set us was to memorize the scripture mastery's found in the New Testament.
lol, I must admit that he was the only Seminary teacher who diligently encouraged us to memorize those scriptures. Consequently I have a better chance at quoting New Testament Scripture Mastery's to a person just because I worked harder to memorize them.
I don't know by which means I reached this verse that has been a stalwart companion since then. I think it might have been via the SM method, but I could have read it when I was underlining all the SM in my scriptures (hesitantly and very lightly in pencil because i couldn't understand why I should mark up a book...Blasphemy!! lol I've changed my mind since then as I've become more comfortable with the idea.)
But its words for some reason resonated within me and this scripture became my favorite of all. It was the first domino I guess lol. A source of comfort and a way to convince me to keep moving forward no matter what. And because of that first domino I have made changes in my life to allow more dominoes to fall towards the light instead of remaining in, or heading towards, a darker path.

The scripture can be found in:
1 Corinthians 10: 13
There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.

Those words have resonated with me since that time.
Everyone knows that the teenage years are hard. Yet in my 14th year I found my solace. My own 'pick me up' to keep me positive towards life. lol, I guess its almost like Joseph Smith and James 1:5 except I didn't have a vision. Yet I found an answer that I didn't know I was looking for when I was 14.

There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man.
       Basically every temptation I've faced, many others have also faced. I'm not alone in my struggles. Someone (even if its only Christ) has gone through what I've gone through. They might have faltered, they might have succeeded. I probably won't ever know.
God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able;
     God knows what he's doing. If I get a trial in my life, I know that its a trial that I can get through. He wouldn't set me a problem a task, a trial that he didn't have 100% confidence that I can make it through it. He's not unfair. I only get the trials that he knows I can make it through. Trials that can shape me into a better person. To be a stronger me. whatever comes my mind I already know that I can get through it, if I trust in god, read the scriptures, follow the standards of my church. Basically stay true to him. I can get through it.

but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.
     A way to escape. That I can bear it. He leaves an 'escape route' a 'safe passage' where I can find solace and comfort and peace. This part has changed its meaning over time, becoming more complex as time goes by I guess. A way to escape. Through prayer, scripture study, doing church things, going to the temple. At the moment my 'escape route' is the Institute. when the world gets too much I know that I can find peace, solace, happiness while I'm in Institute. whether or not I'm just hanging out there on the scoping couches, or actually learning more about His word in class. Institute is my 'eye of the storm.' If I didn't have institute....I don't know what I'd do. College is stressful, going to church to be uplifted once a week isn't enough. I need a continuing 'buffer' against the world. Institute is my escape route for now, but it wasn't back in 9th grade, it might not be in ten years. I will find a 'way to escape' that He has provided and will remain strong moving forward. This 'escape' might be reading the Ensign everyday. Or perhaps its just finding comfort in the arms of my husband. I don't know. But for now its Institute.

1 Corinthians 10:13.
It started me on my journey to who I am now.
Those four years of seminary I was really diligent in reading.....during the school year.....but during summer, I'd slack off. I had no 'drive' to read the scriptures. No grade to get.

Yet, the Lord knows me well.
At the end of my Senior High School year I had a choice.
The three summers previously I had slacked off because I knew that in Seminary I'd be encouraged to read which ever book we were studying that year.
Yet Senior year, after that, I didn't know if there would be a 'next year.' My mind thinking was "that there wasn't"
Soo I had a choice. To possibly just slack off again....but for an indeterminable amount of time. Or. Continue reading. So I chose.
To continue reading.
lol. Mostly I continued reading because my Senior year we were talking about the Old Testament. The biggest of the four. In the 'reading guide' we were told to skip chapters, skip books in the OT. But stubborn me I wanted to read everything. Go above and beyond soo by the end of my Senior Year...I hadn't finished the Old Testament yet.....or perhaps I did, but I was reading it for a second time....I don't remember.
The key was that I hadn't finished.
The Lord knew me well. lol.
When I pick up a book I pick it up with the intention that no matter how long it takes I will read it all. Even if it is a really crappy book. Soo I had to finish reading the Old Testament. So into the summer I continued reading. And once I finished the OT I continued. Reading the NT, the BoM, the D&C and again the OT. and the cycle continues. lol. Though I change things up a bit. I had a goal a year ago to read all four books in a year. I accomplished that.
Now, my method of reading is to read a chapter from one of the books a night. OT one night, NT the next, BoM the night after that, and D&C after that. One chapter a night. Some are long,some are short. But I continue reading. A habit has been made, and its one I want to keep because it can be "a ray of light" "an escape." If i had multiple routes of escape to choose from I'd want to make sure that all those routes. Prayer, Church, Scriptures, Institute, Journal writing are nice and squeaky clean so I can find my way into Gods arms in an instant through whatever passageway is most convenient for me.

Perhaps that's why I find it hard to come up with a "trial" when I'm asked "What Trial am I going through at the moment?"
*shrugs* I'm not. You could say I'm going through a testing ground. But is it really a trial when I already know that I will win in the end? That I will stay true?
Perhaps I haven't really been truly tested yet. But from what I've experienced so far....I'm confident. Whatever trial I face. God knows I can make it through, so since he knows. I know. So my outlook on life is positive....even if unpositive things happen. Its a trying ground and I'm going to get through it and get back to him again. With this knowledge. How can I be put down by the Deceiver? I may have my moments of weakness true...but overall. There is nothing I can't overcome. I just have to strive for it. Not lay down and say: You do it for me. My own effort needs to come through this. I will receive help along the way, but only if I am trying in the first place.

Basically the gist of what I'm trying to say is:
1) There is no Temptation (trial) in life that you can't get through.
2) The Lord knows you well, and will work to help you become stronger, not weaker.

You can make it. Have confidence in yourself.

Until you next read these words;
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi