Wednesday, September 22, 2010

He Answers

I had a down day yesterday,
For a variety of reasons.
I had questions and I was looking for answers.
So I decided to read my patriarticle blessing.
And while reading I came across a phrase
Where as I read it I felt inspired to:
"Read the Ensign."
I kept that thought in mind and finished reading my blessing.
Then on a whim I decided to follow that thought.
I had four Ensigns here with me all lined up in a row.
So I hesitated, closed my eyes for a moment then opening them
Picked the second Ensign to the right.
It happened to be the Conference Ensign of 2009
-Nov 2009 issue, Oct 2009 conference.
I flipped the magazine open to a random page
and found a talk titled:
Father's and Sons: A Remarkable Relationship.
By Elder M. Russell Ballard.
It was a talk that had been given in the priesthood session.

My first reaction was. O.o why should I read this?!
My problem/question didn't seem to apply...since I'm not a guy....and my problem wasn't with my father.
But I decided to go ahead and read.
And to my surprise, as I read, I found myself grabbing a pen and underlining words and sentences that stood out to me.
I found my answers. Advice. That totally helped answer my questions!
You could say that I went on a spiritual high last night from that experience.
I felt so peaceful and comfortable afterwards, alot of my tension just seemed to disappear.

He had answered.
Though the answer required that I put some effort into helping out my problem.
He answered.
I just had to follow through with my impressions and actually take the time to study the words of His prophets and apostles. 
I'm grateful that I went with that thought....because too often I don't.....because it really helped. :)

Modern day revelation exists.
You just need to make the effort to search for the answers.
Most of the time the solution won't drop out of the sky in front of you saying "HERE I AM!!"

:) Ah...peace... a wonderful feeling.

For those of you who want a link to the talk here it is:,5232,23-1-1117-16,00.html 

Until you next see these words;
Enjoy the Day!

-Sarnic Dirchi


  1. I love that talk, it is such a great one. I am glad that your prayers were answered, modern day revelation truely is an amazing thing. I am so happy you started a blog! I look forward to hearing more. Hope you are doing well.
