Tuesday, September 28, 2010


The other day (okay so yesterday night)
I randomly started quoting random mouth warm up exercises to warm up my mouth. ( I do this often, start saying random things, it happens with song lyrics too. Often times its "Barbara Anne" )
I learned these in one of my acting classes last year.
And they were fun enough to say that I remembered them.
I figured I'd tell them to you and see if you enjoy saying them too lol :)

The first one: (the words aren't exact....)

What it to do to die today at a minute or two ta two
A distinctly difficult thing to say but harder still to do
For the drums will beat a rat tat ta to a rat ta ta tat ta tatta to
And the dragon will come when he hears the drum
At a minute or two to two today at a minute or two ta two.

(its hard to remember the exact words....or spell them for the matter lol.)

The second one.

The tip of the tongue
The tip of the tongue the teeth
the tip of the tongue the teeth the lips
the tip of the tongue the teeth the lips the lips the teeth the tip of the tongue

(its fun to say them and go faster each time lol. )

But those were a couple of warm ups for the mouth that I remembered the other day. :)
Otherwise I content myself with babbling in nonsense.

Do you ever do that?
Just string random syllables together?
Its kind of fun lol.
Especially when said in different tones of voice :)

Its even more fun when people think its an actual language haha. :)
(its easier to convince them if you sing it to a known tune, like twinkle twinkle little star)

it seems like my form of nonsense is often taken for a type of Eastern Language.
like Asian, Japanese, But I don't know for sure.
It depends on what syllables i favor that day haha.

But it does seem that if I'm frustrated I tend to use harder syllables lol.

Its fun. :) Just a random mouth exercises. :)
Babbling :)
Meit col fera colore me te  corte con bea lea men to de co.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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