Monday, June 27, 2011

Roundabout Biker

A conversation between me and Kikay while driving on the roundabout.
Kikay: Watch out! Don't hit that biker
Sarnic: No worries, I sawed him.
A moment later after passing through the roundabout.
Sarnic:....sawed him in half.

Yah. Kikay and I have our moments.
:) :) :)

No bikers were harmed in the making of this blog post.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.

Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was jumping along a row of trampolines.
To a pattern of syllables. Trying to get one bounce on one trampoline per syllable.
It wasn't the Do-Re-Me etc. syllables, but they had their own pattern.
I did this a few times. Sometimes making it all the way down the line of tramps and back on once bounce.
Sometimes not.
I got to the end of the line of trampolines.
And looked down, way down over the edge to the city below. was needed.
And I could help.
It was like the trampolines was a training exercise for heroes.
Because suddenly the others were wearing blue 'green lantern' types of suits.
I could wear my own supersuit.
But I had to do a backhandspring on the trampoline in order to have my suit appear.
Yet, I couldn't. People kept getting in my way. So I couldn't do the trick to make my suit appear.

I snuck onto a train.
It was to get us to the place of superheroes.
I was in a train car with two other people trying to hide.
The car was filled with a bunch, dishes and such.
And we were hiding from people who were searching the train.
Because we weren't 'real' you could say we were robots..but we were human.
Perhaps its easier to say "we were human, they were supers." or something.
But there was a girl and guy hiding and I found them, but then I had to hide too in order to not get caught.
They were in the third section of the 'train car' where it hadn't been searched yet.
Well it was about to be.
I hide..not too well. I was on the floor trying to sneak under a table when the guy -in an cowboy styled hat.
walked in and started using his flashlight to search.
Amazingly...he didn't see me. I managed to keep out of his line of sight and get away.

There was a gathering of superheroes.
And my partner and I were late.
But we were also the newest of freshly told we were superheroes new.
To get to the meeting ground the people would 'zap' to a room with lots of dots on the floor.
When a person appeared a 'shower curtain' of some sort would spring up hiding the people from view as they arrived. But when it came down the people were dressed in their costumes.
Well when I and my partner arrived....
that didn't happen. We just stayed the same. In our street clothes.

Which was bad, in the sense that it showed how unused to having powers we were.
But our base came under attack.
And we had to hide.
Or at least I ran to hide, because I held the key of knowing every secret passageway in the superhero base.
And the evil queen (snow white queen) was desperate to have it.
I ended up in a secret room, with a spiral staircase leading to nothing.
Only it was a trick. If you step on the third step from the bottom a certain way then you could unlock the door from the ceiling and head up into the room above. (I knew this trick because I've had this part of the dream before involving the staircase and what follows after this point.)
I shut the door and locked it with a...handle lock. Where you had to twist the handle so it would basically 'screw shut' but you only had to flip it around once and lock it into place with a loop.
I was just in time, a rather...scaly man tall, beefy, muscular but greenish in color came into the room I'd been hiding in with a bunch of other henchmen. (he looked like that green dude from the recent star trek movie.)
Unfortunately...he decided to search the top of the staircase this time.
Which meant. I had to move.
Above the top stair with about enough space to fit my head in between the ceiling and the stair was another trap door. Like a ventilation shaft.
In order to unlock that one you had to unscrew the...bowtye shaped 'nut'  in a certain way. or you had to undo two of them.
I didn't have alot of time.
But I was able to burst through the vent shaft before the guy got there.
But not before I could shut the door hiding me.
He spotted me. Saying that he didn't want to fight, but wanted to join on my side.
That was a lie, as he was talking he tossed a device.
Like a button. it was round on the bottom but rounded into a bullet like shape with a red blinking light.
And it flew passed me and landed by the cabinet. Where it turned green.
That wasn't good. Because it told of my location, and also of where a secret room/passage way was.
I scrambled to it and tossed it away. and tried to shut the bottom half of a doorway...
But a girl spotted me, spotted the device and picked it up.
-the room I was in was a kitchen that had a 'two' door thing where you could open up the top half and the bottom half separately.
I remember thinking. "That's a stupid way to hide a secret room."
Then I realized I wasn't in a 'secret' room. it could be accessed quite normally.
I had another problem though. The girl...she was running around twisting the device and unlocking different secret passageways.
Now that the device knew what to look for it would flash when there was a secret passageway nearby.
So the girl was exposing all of my 'secret passageways' that were keeping me away from the evil woman.
I ended up taking it away from her and sneaking under a table. Used the device to quickly open the door and hide just as the evil woman walked in. The little blonde girl....well she was a bit of a tattle tale.
Telling the woman where I'd disappeared to. (it was under a table/piano type of furniture through the wall)
I started sneaking away...because I realized that it was just a short passage that took me from that room to the living room on the other side of the wall.
The girl hopped up and stuck her head into my grandparents...'dinning' room  from the wall leading to where their kitchen would be in real life.
I ducked down, but the girl saw me. "I saw a person!" she said as I scrambled to an inclove..outclove? a niche in the wall.
I remembered my grandma telling me that Uncle Blake had found a passage in that niche but we couldn't find it.
This time however instead of going straight into the niche. I turned to the left wall of the niche and twisted the device at it. Surprisingly it opened and I made my way inside shutting it behind me. but I feared they would find this hidden spot just as easily as the others.
I was heading down the narrow passageway on hands and knees. Heading for a distant room with sunlight coming into it.

when the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again.


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