Tuesday, June 21, 2011


One of my favorite series to read over and over again,
is the Joust series by Mercedes Lackey.
There is something about those books.
Where I can pick them up again and again
excited to immerse myself into the story and
read again the adventure of my favorite characters.

Joust has been a series where I turn to it when I need something 'good' to read.
Whether its because I've gone through a bunch of...less then stellar books
that left me more frustrated with the writing then excited about the story line.
Or whether I've had a hard day.
I find the Joust series particularly the first book.
A way to sooth my troubled reader-self
and remind me that there are good books out there. :) lol.

Lately the Joust series has had another effect.
I started the first book: Joust yesterday...day before yesterday..I forget.
And it got me excited :)
To write.
I had ideas coming out of my head, and finally today after starting the second book: Alta
I finally got past a block I'd been having with Chapter 1. ^^

Perhaps that will be my solution from now on.
If I have a block. I'll start reading a book I know is good already.
And that will get my creative juices on a roll again.
Therefore making it possible for me to get through my writers block!

Its perfect! haha :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

My neighbor Mandie was getting ready for a show.
I and another person were helping her to get ready
by braiding her hair. She'd dyed it three different colors
Black, white and pink.
But..I was finding it difficult to braid her hair.
Because I wanted it to be just right, and look perfect
and it wasn't working. I kept having to redo the braid I was working on
Just to try and make it look right.
Finally we got both sides braided into 'pigtail' braids...but
my partner and I noticed that we'd missed the layer of hair on the back of the head.
-which looked brown.
So we had to undo the braids and figure out how to get that part of the hair evenly divided between the two braids.
But the division in the hair wasn't working.
Because my sister (Mandie became my sister at some point)
had cracked open her skull earlier and it had been 'stapled' back together to work.
-I remembered this event happening earlier where her skull was split down the middle cutting her head in half. (Like a cadaver head cut in half) and that we'd fixed it, but not so well..it seemed like a temporary fix.
Yet when we pulled the hair apart...I could see through the 'fix' and into her head.
And it looked like the 'fix' was becoming undone.
Then it got terrifying. Because the 'fix' did become undone. And Her head split again sending one side towards me and the otherside towards the other guy.
So I was in a panic trying to keep my sister's head together as we rushed to sew her head back together.

Needless to say...I jerked awake at that point.
And fell back asleep and dreamt different dreams. :)

And that is why
The fox never came home. :)


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