Thursday, August 4, 2011

That's Butter?!?

I seem to have a fascination with the Freezer/food recently
Four of the five past blogs have dealt around this area of the apartment.
(I was guesstimating that. I don't know for sure.)
I don't know what tomorrow will bring.
But right now, its another 'food' related blog post.

Mac and Cheese.
Its considered a staple in college rooms everywhere next to the famous Ramen.
Until my sister moved in, I only had this yellow deliciousness a couple of times
since moving out of the house to go to college.
Why? Well...I hate leftovers.
And unfortunately, the mac and cheese that comes in the box...would have ALOT of leftovers
if it was just me eating it.
Even with Kikay here, we often don't finish that either.

But today, after a long long time of not eating it.
(We seem to have it once every fourish months)
We decided to make Mac and Cheese.

Now my family has this quirk w/ Mac and Cheese.
-Though I must say, most families have a quirk with it. :) Its one of those quirky foods that can have weird things added to it and still taste good.
Our quirk is:
-Try it. :) Its good! :)
Yep...still traumatized from the Corn Properties concept by the way.
Why would I talk about corn twice in a row otherwise? ;)

A couple of times ago...I don't remember how far back.
We bought a bag of corn.
It didn't seem that odd.
I think the difference was that it was microwaveable...resealable.
...Oooo if you can microwave corn, and not use it all and reseal it...
then it could be put back in the freezer and still be good.
The corn was resealable, and we opened it for the first time when we were making the Mac
And we noticed these weird yellow things, that looked almost like corncobs, but smoother.
It was really odd. I wondered if the plant that processed the corn had malfunctioned or something.
But the yellow bricks seemed soft. But not Corn.
Soo...I decided to try one.
I took a bite.
Oh...Oh the taste was AWFUL! my mouth puckers up at just the thought of trying it.
What was it?
It was BUTTER!
Apparently the microwavable corn.....includes butter. *shudders*
Not good. Not good at all. By itself.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was outside of my house and I spotted a small kitten, it was black.
And I thought to myself "This must be one of Dove's kittens!"
I was in my front yard on the sidewalk, and as I looked towards the porch.
I noticed that there were more kittens. Some smaller, like newborns, some a bit bigger.
They were all black, and Dove was there as well.
They were all begging for food.
So I gave them some cat food.
The placement differed...sometimes we were on the front porch, sometimes we were on the back porch.
But I went through the screen door of the back porch and inside.
Where the house was similar to my house but different as well.
On the 'main level' where the staircase usually is that leads to the basement,
Was a staircase leading upwards to another level.
It wasn't automatically obvious that there were stairs leading downstairs.
If you were in a hurry climbing the stairs, you'd miss that there was an opening.
That lead downstairs.
Basically you had to straddle the stairs in order to get to the other side.
I remember my foot being three steps down, and I was able to swing over two steps to the other side.
Kinda like if you were straddling a fence.
That led downstairs.
I went down there for a reason....I don't remember now.
But there was another stair case area.
With one leading downstairs and another leading upstairs.
Except this time. the upstairs staircase was hidden.
It was located behind the 'water heater' and had a narrow entrance leading upwards.
I had passed by it a couple of times in my 'hurry'
-why i was hurrying...I think it dealt with the kittens, but I'm not sure.
I did run up those hidden stairs.
But I ended up at a Mcdonalds fast food place.
It had a.....strange feel to it. Its hard to explain.
I went in though, and ordered some French Fries.
And I noticed that there was a 'leveling' system where if you order so much of this, you could get a white dragon. I don't know if it was real or a stuffed animal, or just something for a game, but I decided I wanted it.
an epic adventure started.
Where I basically was going through a 'ritual' to become a white dragon.
It was my destiny.
At one point with a voice in my head. -it was an actual figure behind the voice, a friend that I'd come to trust. Telling me how to do everything right.
I had to go into a bathroom. Having completed preparatory things.
And there was a mirror, but I didn't see my reflection in it.
However on a nail in the wall was a smaller mirror, which i could see my reflection in. But it could also be used as message...a telephone call.
So I called my girlfriend. (In the dream I was a guy by the by.)
To tell her I was sorry, that I was doing this for the 'greater good' and all that romantic nonsense people say when they're not sure of the outcome.
Then...I was transfigured? Into an animal that could fit into a small hole. I wasn't a serpent, it felt more like...i don't know...but I wasn't really human as I was squeezing into this hole.
I was told to accept the "white." So i closed my eyes.
And found a white aura surrounding me. The first signs that I would be able to change into the white dragon.
I managed to get through the hole.
And I was human when I opened my eyes. But I was a long jacket. I looked a bit homeless.
I was getting into line.
When another person came up to the security guard on break. (it was me too..i switched viewpoints) and told her that that guy standing in line (looking homeless) was going to be coming through multiple times in order to complete a task, so she shouldn't arrest him. The guard, was a bigger lady, with darker skin, her black hair pulled back in a bun.
And I think she went along with it.
I ended up in the institute. Waiting for a class.
And one of my teachers. (either Brother Monson or Brother Hues)
Came up to me saying my girlfriend was very worried.
I continued to hear his voice after he wasn't there.
-Apparently my message I'd left in the mirror had convinced people that I was trying to commit suicide.
Which I wasn't, I was trying to become the white dragon.
Anyway I could hear the institute teacher's voice saying
"It doesn't matter if you're part goblin, you don't need to do this. You're better then this you can over come, you don't have to let your heritage drag you down."

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again.


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