Hello dear readers.
Guess what?
I'm Alive!! :D
Starving, but alive!
I am now four teeth short of a full set. :( #1, 16, 17, and 36 are now gone from my mouth.
Otherwise known as....the wisdom teeth.
It was really rather emotional. I mean, they are my teeth. and they were a part of me...but no longer.
We have gone our separate ways. :(
And now for the gruesome details!
*cackles evilly*
Those who are faint of heart...
should not read ahead!
Dun dun dun.
Okay...I actually don't know how bad this will be :)
I figured I'd just give you a fair warning.
The morning dawned...rather bright and sunny.
Which was quite a bit opposite of the gloomy forbidding in my heart.
For I had to take a sedative before my 'operation'
And I didn't want to be put to sleep.
-I had to take it the night before...but i didn't feel that different.
Anywho. I took the pill.
And stayed awake!
Woot will power! :)
I got into the dentist and he numbed me all up nice and good.
-My parents came to support me. Awww!! <3 <3 I love them so much for coming
Though they stayed in the waiting room, it was a comfort to know that they were there. :)
Back on topic.
So the dentist numbed me up all nice and good.
And then had me read through a bunch of "In case this happens...." papers.
That I had to sign.
Basically I think if anything went wrong...I couldn't sue them.
>.< I think they numbed me up on purpose FIRST so I would have a harder time refusing this operation ;) lol
Geez, that paper can get the faint of heart totally terrified that death is possible. *shakes head*
Luckily. I am brave. ;) haha.
And I agreed to this operation.
-Mostly because I didn't want to go home, mouth numbed for no reason what so ever.
So the dentist laid me back in my chair.
And started working on the top right Wisdom tooth.
-His goal was basically to use a 'lever' type system and push my tooth up and out of the socket.
His attempt was foiled though.
Because I could still feel what was happening.
So he gave me a good shot of numbing stuff.
and began work on the bottom right.
Guess what?
Not that numb.
So he gave me more.
And gave me alot more on my left side. *rolls eyes* If I could talk I would have told him the left side was numb enough.
We ended up doing the back and forth thing on the right teeth for a bit.
And I ended up getting gagged -total hacking coughing choking fit- with that bitter numbing stuff.
*shudders* UGH!! that tasted nasty! I couldn't get the taste out of my mouth!
But anyway...I basically gave up on him numbing me.
It actually was pretty numb by the time the teeth were pulled out.
Though I had vowed to myself not to make too much of a fuss anymore.
I have a high tolerance of pain. (I've gotten cavities filled without getting numbed first)
So I figured I could deal with it.
Well....after a bunch of wiggling and twisting and pushing and lifting and getting my bottom lip all chaffed up from the random tools rubbing against it... the top right tooth finally pulled free! YAY!
But with a slight complication. They didn't know for sure if a sliver of root was still in my gum or not.
So they did a bit of work on the gum washing it and such. Hoping to wash the sliver away.
Before moving down to the right bottom tooth. And beginning the process of wiggling and twisting and pushing and lifting and getting my bottom lip all chaffed up from the random tools rubbing against it...again. With the addition that the doctor used something...one of those mirror things. To push my tongue out of the way...Yah..whatever he did. IT HURT! my poor tongue is still sore from being pushed so hard.
-I think the major casualties of this tug of teeth were my tongue and the corner of my mouth. Yeesh. Those hurt more then the gums! *shakes head*
Anywho, the stubborn right bottom tooth came out without the drama of having a piece possibly still in the gum.
-I think this whole thing hurt my jaw alot as well. I was half paranoid the dentist was going to dislocate it from how hard he was wiggling and pushing and such.
Then...we moved onto the left side.
-By the by...lots of blood. Whenever they suctioned me the tube went red...it was kinda disgusting but fascinating at the same time. :S
The bottom left tooth was next on the bucket list.
And surprisingly. It came out the easiest of the four.
-All my teeth had already broke through by the by -in case you're wondering why I wasn't unconscious for the procedure...that might be why :) None were impacted, all were broken through the gum.
It seemed like the dentist only had to struggle for 5 mins before it came popping out.
lol it came out so quickly that it slipped from the dentists tweezers/pliers like device and into my mouth.
Yes. the bottom left tooth tried to commit suicide and go down my throat.
Dun dun dun!
Key word there was 'tried' :) lol.
I managed to catch it and sit up quick enough that I could spit out the tooth.
So sorry Lower left wisdom tooth. Your plan was denied.
-Imagine what would have happened if I had been unconscious! I could have swallowed it and never known :S
And finally. we moved to the top right wisdom tooth.
It was just as stubborn as the right teeth.
But as slippery as its partner in crime, the bottom right.
For it suddenly popped out of my gum after fighting with the dentist tools forever.
And not wanting the dentist to have the ultimate victory, it too tried to go down my throat!
Again. I was on the ball. And caught that one too. Haha!
No teeth inside me today! No sir! It came spitting out like the other one.
And tada! I was done...
They washed out my mouth pretty good, then made me sit pretty for an x-ray.
To make sure they had gotten all of the top right tooth out of my gum.
Luckily it was all good.
And I got stitches -one each- for each tooth missing from my gums now.
Then they stuffed me full of gauze...and let me go.
But I had one more mission to complete!
What was it?
I wanted my wisdom teeth.
So I asked the dentist. Carefully, through a mouth of gauze. "Where are my teeth?"
He looked surprised "You want them?"
I nodded firmly. Yes i wanted them.
So he had his assistant was them of and disinfect them as best as she could. And put them in these nice tooth shaped holders that could be a necklace for me.
I had my wisdom teeth! Haha!
;) How else will I be able to clone myself in the future? ;) lol kidding kidding.
I actually had the idea of putting the teeth under my pillow for the tooth fairy....
but that is a story for another day. :) (perhaps tomorrow since this post is already very long)
So me and my wisdom teeth, along w/ the parents.
Went back home. (The parents had to drive me because of the 'sedative') -with a side trip to the drug store.
And I got to relax in bed. -except when the gauze made me gag. ick ick ick.
The parentals were expecting me to crash afterwards. -The new set of prescription drugs were supposed to make me relax and feel all warm and fuzzy.
Nope. ;) lol I think I hate the idea of drugs making me sleep.
I ended up having ice cream instead :)
And here is where the 'starving' bit waaaay back in the beginning of this post ties in.
I never realized how much food I like to eat...
I can't eat right now!
I mean...ice cream is good....but having it all day long...leaves me wanting something else.
Unfortunately those things...I can't have for FIVE days after surgery.
;) I'm surprised I'm not dead yet lol.
I'm at a total loss at what to eat.
Okay, there are things I can eat.
But I have to nibble at them. Make sure they're all good and mush before I allow this bits of food to go past the place where my wisdom teeth made their last stand.
At least I have patience for this...hopefully it lasts til the end of the week.
I just need to continue searching for those bits of food that can be 'creamy' 'not so chewy' and the like.
Store trip tomorrow! :D lol..
I'm doing fine from the wisdom teeth extraction. -besides me complaining about food I can't eat. :(
My mouth is a little sore by the gums, but its more from where I got stuck with the needles then pain from the teeth getting pulled. Can't open my mouth that wide without pain...but that's from stiffness of having my mouth open for a couple of hours really wide. and then clenched closed around gauze afterwards to stop the bleeding. But compared to the horror stories I've heard about the 'afterwards' with wisdom teeth extraction. I'm pretty normal. :)
And I'm grateful for it :) lol Its fun to surprise people with how normal I can act so 'soon' after the extraction. :) Lets not do it again though.....
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
I had a dream..but this post is soo long already. And I've missed out on the past three days worth on telling you guys.... :(
Basically the gist of last nights dream was:
a) My family were playing a game. -real life version.
And each time family members gave up their life for me, in order to help me find matching pieces. they would 'give me three objects' to try and match with the objects i had.
-Like pioneerville I guess. My brother left me a cowboy spur and a whip of some sort.
It was very emotional for me and I cried a whole lot. Especially when my sister was the last to leave me.
Alone, to fight the bad guys.
b) I went to find a team of super heroes. -some were recognizable like Superman and Batman, others had aquatic powers, or fire powers. But they weren't good guys anymore.
I realized that they had been taken over like zombies and were after me as well.
Though they were good at hiding it. I got suspicious though and broke free.
C) hid in a mountain network of tunnels. Along with the 'resistance' The 'queen' of the bad guys ordered all known entrances sealed. I had friends tell me to hide wherever. To go in narrow spaces. I went where I could but they had an insect like dog after me. it was like a triangle shaped with its little head to the ground and its end sticking up into the air. (it glowed too) Kinda like a reverse t-rex way of walking.. I was in clear sight but in the shadows. and actually made friends with their hound bug thing so that it didn't report me. though two guys -insect/alien looking- came up one more muscular the other skinny to look. They didn't see me either.
I moved elsewhere and found a way out...but some other dude found it and with a big dump truck full of rocks started filling in the hole. Luckily Ben Miller told me there were other places that were still open. So I ran for one of those and took shelter at another opening...but the evil queen spotted me. :S Scary!!
And then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away as I ran down the narrow passage way for shelter
and I became myself again.
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