Sometimes Men say the darnedest things.
I was heading for a class in my Institute, when I spotted a couple of guys from Institute Council. (one was my Co Chair)
So of course I went over and said Hi.
And somehow at some point, one of them...I think it was my Co Chair had this thought that went along the lines of:
"What if instead of buying a ring for your fiancee you just get a ring tattooed on her ring finger? That would make it harder to get a divorce for sure, plus you could never lose the ring."
It was said in a joking manner and the other guy proceeded to go into a whole dramatic scene of "We're through! *tries to take of ring* Dang it!"
Still, it was an interesting thought. What if rings were tattooed onto the ring finger upon getting married?
Well first would be painful. So that would mean that the person would have to be really committed to the marriage.
A physical ring can be slipped off and on in a split second.
But a tattoo stays with you forever and its costly to get removed....
It was a thought. If we did start a tradition like that....would the rate of divorces go down?
Would the ring becoming part of your skin be a more meaningful symbol of staying true to your spouse? Sure, it wouldn't be a sparkly (unless they have sparkly ink?) but you could never forget that you were married.
A ring can be taken on or off whenever you wish.
But a tattoo...
Meh...there are other ways to hide a tattoo I suppose. Lots and lots of makeup.
Still it was a thought, would the results in marriage be different if we had a culture of getting a ring tattoo instead of a diamond ring?
Somehow, I doubt that it would change. If people want to get divorced...they'll get divorced.
Still I'd like to think that somehow there would be a strong symbol of becoming united with a spouse that would make people never consider getting divorced.
Marriage isn't a thing to do.
Its a way to live.
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
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