But...I do like the Christmas commercials where even if its the same place advertising, they switch up their commercials so something different happens.
A good example is AllState and their Mayhem commercials. It basically says the same thing, but its switched up and is entertaining. lol I love to watch this Christmas vid of theirs:
But my all time favorite Christmas commercial showed up last year involving Target. And...it makes me laugh every time. :) lol
I just love how serious she is...and how funny she thinks she is at the end lol. :)
Its a great commercial one of my favorites. :)
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
The Dream
I was with a bunch of my friends from High School and we had decided to go have a party where we would wear some college shirts (from my college) to go for it. So we went over to the store...I think one of the girls lead us to the store and everyone went wild picking out their shirts. The shirt had a pink disco like theme to it...okay more like a neon theme in its design. It looked like a chick place. Not really meant for the guys even though they just sold T-shirts which meant....anyone could buy them. I didn't buy one though. I had $21 I was going to use to pay as my fee for the party, so when the girl asked me where my shirt was I said, "I have some at home, I'll go grab one and come back because this is all the money I have and I can't come to the party unless I pay it." something like that. They were rather understanding and let me return home....
I hadn't really wanted to go to the party...so needless to say, I ended up not returning because I got distracted.
I think I ended up getting onto this blog. And I was checking the comments...because suddenly people were commenting on my posts...or else something had happened so that I could finally see the posts people commented....but I saw one post from a guy friend that said "Wow, its been forever since I've commented on your blog" or something like that.
About then a couple of guy friends from the party showed up....one was named Adam, wondering what was had been taking me so long to come back to the party. The party that I didn't want to go to...I think it involved swimming...maybe some ice skating...So I told them that I had gotten distracted.
We ended up in the zoo.
At least...I was in the zoo...
I was in a cage too...the lion's cage because I was trying to get better photos of the Male Lion residing there. I was on a natural bench hiding behind a tree trying to take pictures, when the trainer of the lion comes out and starts...wrestling with the lion. You know, playing with it and having fun. They both spot me and invite me over...or perhaps the lion spots me and decides to come play with me, only something wasn't quite right and the lion ended up biting me...nipping me on the side. It was painful and the lion wouldn't let go. Even though the trainer told him to. He kept apologizing, saying that the lion did usually act like this. I reached down at the lions mouth to jerk the lion away from my skin and I encountered a purple...pussy thing attached to the side of the lions top right lip...muzzle...the right of the muzzle on the lip. It was squishy...it looked like an ugly zit that had gotten out of control. So I kinda pulled it of the lion and that somehow got me released because suddenly
the boy that had been bitten by the lion was standing outside the cage with a blanket wrapped around his shoulders drinking something..cocoa? and the man...some sort of scientist was talking near me. Explaining that it was some sort of disease and he had it so he was going to quarantine himself, but he could prove that the other wild cats were getting it as well, and they weren't sure how it was spreading but it was basically causing the animals to go out of control, and the boy was at risk because he'd been bitten and most likely he'd be turned into an animal as well...like a coyote maybe or some other cat.
The boy ended up running off....disappearing...possibly transforming....
And my sister was complaining in this round room that mice were getting in. I asked "Where?" and she dug through the fluff surrounding the windows and pulled a mouse out. She dropped it and it fell to the ground...looking like one of the egg dolls.
But I was in school. Sitting in an elementary style desk in the 4-6 desks forming a big table set up. I was sitting there, acting rather shy. Not really interacting with others, just sitting there waiting for class to begin, when my teacher....I think it might have been a young version of Mrs. Lewis...idk "Sarnic has graduated from Sunday School in two years." (we were younger kids....age...8...10...something like that. Younger. Everyone around me started to whisper. (but I felt older...and sometimes the others looked older...if I saw faces directly they looked like my friends faces as they were in high school/college age. Dirk looked like he did in high school...anyway...everyone was whispering because usually people only graduated in four years, but I had graduated in two years. I could only mentally shake my head at them, because it was possible to graduate in two years. they were just taking the 'slower' route which takes four years.
Anyway, I was being transferred from Sunday School and the Bishop gave me a new calling even though I was young. I was going to be...I guess a teacher for the relief society. Another thing that was rather unheard of here. So I was suddenly in the relief society room. I was on a small stage...like a step heighth above the ground at a table with other people while the rest of the women were eating at tables below us. We were having Spaghetti....some sort of Italian noodly food. I had been standing, but I sat down with my back to the audience to eat my own dinner as someone else spoke...I think the woman was introducing me. -The relief society was filled with girls/women of all ages from Beehives to the old ladies. On my left was my neighbor's middle child. She was complaining about something and the neighbor was on my other side, along with the only daughter of the bishop who was also complaining....I just sat there eating my dinner trying to be a good example because I figured it wouldn't do any good to complain.
We finally figured out that our guy superhero friend had gone missing...I almost think that it was Green Lantern who had disappeared, but we discovered that there was some malignant thing in control and taking over people and the only way to take control away would be to cut the arms...tubular things into triangles. Where the triangles are still connected and if you straightened the arm it looked whole, but by cutting triangles the arm was allowed to be more flexible and therefore not able to control our friend. We'd be able to turn him human. I was in a 'viewing' view so I watched as a woman superhero...maybe...she had something to do with Green Arrow...the Huntsman? she had blonde hair that was pulled back into a pony tail, she was gathering a few superheroes to go search for their friend. Flash wanted to come help, but the girl wouldn't let him. She said that he couldn't.
That didn't stop Flash though. He ended up switching costumes with another superhero wearing a red costume...he had little antenna's on the side of his head...I think he was supposed to be "the pulse..." some sort of electromagnetic battery type of superhero. Needless to say he had a costume that covered the face, so Flash switched places with him. However, I could tell that it was flash in the suit...because their facial features are different, and the material was thin enough that I could still see that it was Flash in the costume and not the other guy. Nobody seemed to notice as they piled into the car though. When they referred to the red suit guy Flash would talk in a higher voice..it almost reminded me of Mickey Mouse's voice. But nobody seemed to think it weird. It was like they couldn't see that Flash was an impostor. But then Flash began to burp....as my vision faded away. and the other heroes were like "Superheroname!!" (idr the name) and Flash was like "Sorry, *burp* I thought the suit *burp* would prevent you *burp* from hearing that. *burp*" The other heroes were like "eww! stop it!"
and I think they were figuring out that it was Flash in the suit -because Flash always burps...but my vision had faded so the next thing I saw was a group of girls...they were all pretty smart and intelligent, cutting connected triangles into a flexible...hose...type arm. They were trying to get into a locked lab door. Where they thought the evil thing was hiding. Finally they open it and we all went inside to look around. It was like a group dorm room. There were beds everywhere. At first I only saw a couple of girls, but then they turned to me and they were.....mutantfied...some had slime, others had stringy hair, others had four chicken leg like arms instead of two, everywhere I looked, more girls were appearing out from under the covers all of them looking mutant, zombiefied, rather creepy and I recognized them as the girls from my ward. The ones I was supposed to teach, and I felt...well mortified because I had basically failed the girls. They were supposed to be safe and here they were surrounding me and my friends mutantenfied. I knew help was coming though, the supers would be here soon I just had to keep everyone safe until that point....
Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)
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