Sunday Morning
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
-Strained and broken relationships are as old as mankind itself.
-Forgive one another. -These words seem reasonable, when applied to someone else.
-Blessed are the merciful.
-We assume we know a person is bad just by looking at them, even though we can't look into their heart.
-The moment we judge someone else, we condemn ourselves.
-The Lord requires us to forgive all men, including ourselves. <-the person in most need of forgiveness.
-"Stop It" <-How to fix judging others.
-Don't judge me because I sin differently then you. <-Bumper sticker.
-Open your heart to the glowing dawn of God's love.
-It is easy to love those who love us.
-Do you exclude others because of what they've done?
-"Let us put down our stones, let us forgive."
-Always focus our efforts on acts of kindness.
-Return good for evil.
-Don't seek revenge or let your wrath overcome you.
-Be not overcome with evil, overcome evil with good. Let go of your grievances.
Elder Russel M. Nelson
-People are just as obvious to their creator as fish in a fish tank are oblivious to the feeder who gives them food.
-Our degree of gratitude is a measure of our love for Him.
-Thanks be to God.
-A perfect body is not required to achieve one's destiny.
-Can an explosion in a printing shop produce a dictionary?
-Life didn't come about by chance in some 'big bang.'
-The body serves as a tabernacle for one's eternal spirit.
-The spirit gives the body animation and personality.
-The development of the spirit is an eternal process.
-The spirit is nurtured by eternal truth.
-The Book of Mormon has been translated into 107 languages.
-It is our responsibility to teach our children, and awake in them an awareness in God.
Elder Ronald A. Rashband
-The gift of a perfect body is priceless. -It doesn't need to be perfect though here on earth.
-God loves your afflicted one and he loves you.
-This life is training for eternal exhalation.
-No one is spared this training.
-Sometimes parents are required to give super human care to their child, but the Lord did strengthen them.
-The worth of souls is great in the sight of God.
-If you come across a person drowning, would you ask if you could help or just jump in?
-Saying "let me know if I can help" is no help at all. Offer your help.
-One can't participate in helping others without experiencing a rich blessing themselves.
-I will come unto you, I will not leave thee comfortless.
-Continue to nobly bear your burdens.
Sister Julie B. Beck.
-The purposes of the relief society are to increase faith, strengthen family, and provide relief.
-It is meant to be a select society, separate from all the evil in the world.
-Relief Society is divinely made and authorized.
-Wherever a sister lives and serves, she will always retain membership in the Relief Society.
-Relief Society is a way of life.
-Become spiritually and temporally self reliant.
-Relief Society provides relief from all that inhibits us.
-Women have a more complete understanding of loving individuals.
-Expect to lead the sisters in the world to what is good.
-Serve to get closer to the Lord in his work.
-Many women have an inner sense of spirituality.
-Our responsibility now is to align ourselves with the purposes of the Relief Society.
D. Todd Christofferson
-There is much that we don't know, but doctrine will continue to come through modern revelation.
-We value scholarship that enhances understanding.
-The Lord gives us revelation either through messengers, his voice, coming in person, through the Holy Ghost, individual or in a counsel.
-Don't call any man common or unclean.
-A prophet is a prophet only when he's acting as such.
President Thomas S. Monson
-Everywhere people are in a hurry. Do we ever pause for meditation?
-Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
-Heaven surrounds us in our infancy.
-We learn from the hard task masker of experience while hear on earth.
-Reach heavenward for assistance.
-The race isn't to the swift, or the battle to the strong, but to those who endure to the end.
-Without a rudder/wheel/a way of steering to guide our boat, we follow the path of least resistance. Downstream.
-Heavenly Father did not launch us without giving us things to help guide us.
-Come back. Come up. Come in. Come home. Come to me.
Sunday Afternoon
Elder L. Tom Perry
-Lift up your hearts and be of good comfort.
-Your bondage under hard task maskers is temporary.
-Deliverance is coming.
-When used together the Bible and the Book of Mormon confound false doctrine.
-The Book of Mormon is a great book.
Elder M. Russell Ballard
-She doesn't need me to stop and ask for directions. I don't need to stop to ask for directions because I know where I am because we have a GPS.
-The Holy Ghost is like a GPS that can prompt us back to the right path and return us home.
-No genuine happiness tears apart the home.
-Those with lower incomes are less likely to marry.
-Prosperity and Education show a higher likelihood of having marriage and a family.
-The breakdown of the family is causing societal and economic ills.
-The most important cause of our lifetime is our family.
-Focus on the family and and other aspects in your life will improve.
-Reach across the widening gap and bring to together God's children.
-No other success can compensate for failure in the home.
-Remove your fear with faith.
-Pay close attention to finding your eternal companion.
-You must not loose sight of the responsibility of the family.
-No career should get in the way of family.
-Husbands and wives should be equal.
-You don't own a spouse or children.
-The church is the scaffolding to build eternal families.
-Rely on the spiritual GPS to get you where you are and where you're going.
Elder O. Vincent Haleck
-I will not leave you comfortless.
-Exercise your faith and act upon council received.
-We are a people who have a history of doing and acting.
-Have enthusiasm with faith and courage to do.
Elder Larry Y. Wilson
-Don't try to control others.
-We loose the right to the Lord's spirit and authority when we try to control others in an unrighteous manner.
-Set limits with love and patience.
-You can't force others to do the right thing.
-Kids will never develop the ability to make wise decisions if they are being constantly controlled.
-Children need to be prepared to live without their parents.
-Keep the pathway of communication open.
-Act only by persuasion, gentleness, meekness, and love unfeigned.
-Let your children feel your confidence.
-All are loved. All are welcome.
Elder David F. Evans
-Labor diligently to teach children about Christ.
-The worth of souls is great.
-Our missionary experiences need to stay current.
-Continue to naturally and continually share the gospel.
-Never delay a prompting.
Elder Paul B. Pieper
-Recognize and remember what is sacred.
-Let the Holy Spirit guide.
-Heavenly Father sends light and knowledge from Heaven.
-Place sacred above the secular.
-Divine encounters serve as spiritual anchors during times of trial to keep us on course.
Elder Neil L. Anderson
-Our day is moving away from that which is spiritual.
-Rejoice in being disciples of Jesus Christ.
-Being a disciple of destiny in this day will be a badge of honor in eternity.
-Discipleship is not a competition at all it is an invitation to all.
-We may not be at our best every day, but if we are trying we're still on the right path.
-Jesus will be on your right and left side to bear you up.
-Don't forget others in favor of just remembering yourself.
-What Would Jesus Do?
-As we trust in the Savior promised miracles will occur.
-By his grace He will do for you what you cannot do for yourself.
President Thomas S. Monson
-Serve in the cause of the Master.
-How blessed are we to have the restored gospel and love in our lives.
-Heavenly Father is mindful of the challenges we face.
And that concludes what I wrote down today :)
To read/watch/listen to the talks in their fullness visit :) :)
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
The Dream
I was Kim Possible. And we were at a retreat type of place. It seemed like a cross between a resort for people and for animals. But anyway, I was in the house with my 'mom figure' an older man, and a couple other figures. And things were looking suspicious...
I had this moment where it was like an outline form: First I would do this, then Kim would find out this, yadda yadda.
And then I did it.
I snuck outside and was hanging out on the roof, beneath a window where the adults were talking.
And they were talking about me.
How they needed me to do something.
Whatever it was, it didn't sound good. My mom was against it.
But the older gentleman insisted.
And then they realized...I'd heard everything, and the man came after me.
I ran for it. getting off the roof and dashing into the forest.
Because I had to escape from this compound place.
I ran along a bank that seemed man made and looked down and saw a man in a row boat.
That was full of a green grey silver hair type material. It reminded me of truffula trees from the Lorax. but the man was pulling the 'hair' out of seaweed that grew in this pond.
I asked for him to help me.
And jumped into the boat to hide among the seaweed hair thing.
But...he took me to the man!
And suddenly everything was explained and became clear.
They wanted me to be on a game show where I could win a bunch of money.
Oh....I'd run around for basically no reason.
Then we were in the attic...and Stark was there...being re suited. Because he'd turned evil. We had this battle....and now we were fixing him so he could be good, but we were limited in technology.
His ironman suit was still basically intact, though silver/black in color. But the technistuff. the visual stuff you can see on your retina display...were limited to an old tv screen and computer that were in a cabinet. I'm not sure how he was going to get anywhere like that.
He also had two rings that we fused together. One to help him control his suit, the other one, was evil, but we made it good by fusing it with the other ring so that it wouldn't fall off.
I had a view of him flexing the hand with the ring its blue and red stones glowing
before the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away...
and I became myself again. :)
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