Saturday, March 31, 2012

182nd Saturday Conference Highlights

Saturday Morning

President Thomas S. Monson
     -Should you need changes, may you find the inspiration to do so.
     -Continue to oppose evil wherever it is found.
     -No cause, no force in the entire world can stop God and his work from progressing.
     -Truth of God will go forth nobly, boldly and independent until the purposes of God are accomplished and Christ will say "It is done."
     -Heavenly Father is mindful of each of us and our needs.

President Boyd K. Packer
     -Offer comfort. Be comforters.
     -No pain will last forever.
     -The ultimate end goal is to have a husband wife, and children happy in the home.
     -The most important calling is to be parents. Serve faithfully in that calling.
     -Your circumstances help to provide the way to become who you need to become.
     -Family time should be protected.

Sister Cheryl A. Esplin
     -The responsibility of raising children is more then we can do without the Lord's help.
     -Are you crying because it feels good inside? That's the Spirit.
     -Teach by understanding and inspiration to children.
     -Without an example of action it's difficult to believe the principle.
     -In order for the gospel message to be understood, it needs to be taught.
     -More learning = more action = greater understanding.
     -Children can have the solutions.
     -Live what you learn.

Elder Donald L. Hallstrom
     -The Gospel and the Church are not the same thing.
     -The Church is respected by all who truly seek to understand.
     -Is The Church everything to us?
     -Who's on the Lord's side? Who? Am I?
     -It is impossible to be active in the church and not active in the gospel which is less visible and of greater importance.
     -We need the Gospel and The Church.
     -People leave the Church because they're not committed to the gospel, just to the church.
     -1. We need Deeper understanding of Deity- constantly pondering helps to build unshakable faith in god and the gospel.
     -2. Focus on the ordinances and covenants -be reverent in regularly changing, becoming better.
     -3. Unite the gospel with the church -the only way to be safe is to be fully connected to this gospel and united in the church of Christ.

Elder Paul E. Koelliker
     -Missionary experience can be applied as a template to the rest of your life.
     -Awake and nurse the desire to hear the gospel.
     -Patterns help us not to be deceived, but allows us to follow God's purpose.
     -When we live the gospel, our ability to help others increases.
     -Yield to His will, live His pattern, feel His spirit, be filled with His love.
     -Heavenly Father's arms are constantly extended, ready to wrap around us.

Elder Dallin H. Oaks
     -Sacrifice brings forth the blessings of heaven.
     -Most believers aren't expected to devote their entire lives to the gospel.
     -Sacrificing our own feelings helps to build up the Kingdom of God.
     -Symbols of our Christian faith are the lives of our people.
     -Donate time to train and minster to each other.
     -Always be prepared to serve the Lord.

Elder Henry B. Eyring
     -"Give me this mountain. Give me these challenges."
     -All trials and experiences shall be for thy good.
     -A foundation of faith takes time to build.
     -Embed the foundation of faith in your heart or the power to endure will crumble.
     -Testimony of Truth = Unbreakable Strength.
     -It's never to late to strengthen  the foundation of faith. You can do it whenever and wherever.
     -We are never alone in the Lord's service.
     -He always keeps his word.

Saturday Afternoon

Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf -Sustaining of Church Officers
Elder Robert W. Cantwell -Auditing Report
Elder Brook P. Hales - Statistical Report
     -14,441,346 members

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland
     -The focus of his talk was on story about workers working in the master's field in the first hour to the eleventh hour. (AWESOME! You need to hear this one in his own words. It gave me a new understanding, view of the story.)
     -Remember and love always those who serve faithfully.
     -Why should you be jealous, when I choose to be kind?
     -We are not diminished when someone else gets gain.
     -Those who envy suffer from all the good fortune that others get.
     -Lesson #1- coveting pouting, and  tearing down others doesn't elevate your standing.
     -Formula of faith: Hold on, work on, see it through.
     -Mortals will always struggle against the immortal hopes and standards that they are held up to.
     -You have not traveled beyond the reach of God's love.
     -Brethren. Step up. Join the Ranks.
     -Don't delay, it's getting late.

Elder Robert D. Hales
     -Focused on the story of the prodigal son. :) -A favorite of mine.
     -Strive to come back to ourselves.
     -The sacrament can help us come back to ourselves.
     -When thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren.
     -Find work, Live within your means, Avoid debt.
     -What we do today determines what we will enjoy and do tomorrow.

Elder David S. Baxter
     -Our character is made in the crucible of our affliction.
     -Remain dignified even when you're alone.
     -You can't change the past, but you can shape the future and receive compensatory blessings along the way.
     -You can't come to me now, but I can come to you.
     -Your attitude can change your circumstances.
     -Are you proving that you are a good role model to others?
     -Consider the present with fortitude, look to the future with confidence.

Elder Ulisses Soares
     -Influences with evil can become part of our character if we are not careful.
     -Be not weary in well doing.

     -Stay on the Lord's side of the line and his influence will prevent you from doing bad. Cross even an inch over the line to Satan's side, and you loose the spirit of the Lord.
     -If our attitude is bad, we are being influenced by Satan.
     -Banish influences that might take our focus away from our Heavenly Father.
     -You can't be right by doing wrong. You can't be wrong by doing right.

Elder Quentin L. Cook
     -The talk seemed to go along the lines of the different ways seeds can be planted.
     -Those who are purely Science motivated are deaf to the music of faith. They are only interested in the wisdom of the world.
     -Some are in tune to the music of faith and are in harmony with Christ.
     -Avoid being overly judgemental of conduct that is foolish but not sinful.
     -A testimony of the gospel should be established on faith, not only on the visible/physical evidence in the Church.
     -Persistence is the answer and a sense of humor helps.
     -Do not become discouraged regardless of the challenges you go through.
     -If you are tone deaf to the music of faith, you are out of tune with the spirit.
     -Emphasize faith not fears.

Elder Richard G. Scott
     -It's so sweet that Elder Scott still dearly loves his wife even though she's on the otherside now.
     -The Holy Ghost
          -Revelation- crisp and clear
          -Inspiration- promptings, step by step feelings.
     -Relationships can strengthen through the veil. Separation is only temporary.
     -Loud inappropriate laughter will offend the spirit. A sense of humor will not.
     -Revelation can be given in a dream- write down the info immediately or else it will fade quickly.
     -Carefully recorded revelation shows that we value the Lord's advice. Protect it. Keep it safe.
     -Spiritually you can grow stronger if you plant the seed in righteous ground.
     -Searching for recognition or trying to better ourselves selfishly will mean that you're not powerfully lead by the spirit. Only if you're searching for answers for others will you find answers for yourself.
     -The Lord can piggy back things for us along with inspiration for others.
     -Promptings from God produce peace in your heart.
     -The guidance in your life doesn't take away your agency.
     -Communication with Heavenly Father is not a trivial thing. It's a sacred privilege.

And that concludes what I wrote down today. :)
To read/watch/listen to the talks given today in their fullness;
Visit  :) :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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