Friday, March 2, 2012

Lines of White a Falling

So it finally seriously snowed last night.
To the point where the snow wasn't melted by 2pm the next day. was gone halfway, just because there was a strong wind blowing the snow away.
But anyway...
I was sitting in my first class of the day.
One that actually had a window.
And noticed something fall from the corner of my eye.
I turned in time to see a line of white snow from the roof fall past the window.
I was like 'oh that was cool to see.'
I figured...hey the snow finally fell off....maybe it was from a tree...I figured it was the roof.
But, I didn't think any more snow would fall.
I was wrong.
periodically throughout the class period.
I would see another line of white snow fall past the window.
Apparently the snow was sliding towards the edge of the roof as it melted...and would fall off in chunks when the edge got to heavy.
I'm still not sure if this is a good explanation.
Because I thought the roof was flat.
Meaning no slant. could the snow be moving to the edge and falling off?
I really don't know.
But I enjoyed the periodic flashes of white past the window.
lol it even scared a girl at one point because the snow hit the window once.
She thought someone was behind her, which isn't possible because we weren't on the first floor.
It made me smile.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

There was a man hunt going on, in an area that reminded me of the Princess Bride, forest, ravines, greenness, a castle. And the castle people were trying to find a man that was trying to rebel against them, and they didn't like that.
There was a scene where there was a woman and her teenage sun walking over a stone bridge, they were...fugitives, hiding from the law, but the 'law' or knights/officers rode right on by them with barely a second look because they weren't really looking for these fugitives.
So the woman and boy made their way to refuge in an underground housing area, where I was sleeping on a bunk bed -which was a piece of wood placed in the wall and shined up to polished niceness that was red brown in color. Cherry wood? something like that.
Then there was a jump back in time to the woman and boy on the bridge, and from underneath the bridge...I can only say Prince Humperdink, because that is what he looked like, slipped out from underneath the bridge because he was trying to escape since he was the main cause for all the dissension in the ranks. It could be that he'd been found out and neither side thought of him as a friend, because he tried to climb down the ravine, and ended up falling most of the way down, though he wasn't seriously injured. Just dazed and covered in dirt. He opened his eyes and saw...Puss in Boots staring down at him. Puss let him into the underground house curling up on the wooden bed on the wall that I'd been sleeping on, though it looked different now while he let Prince Humperdink have the top of a rickety bunk bed that wasn't securely attached to the wall, the top bunk could swing outwards away from the wall if desired. The Prince got onto the top of the bunk bed and a phone started ringing. Puss -who was curled up on his side of the room- opened up one eye and basically said "Don't answer that."
Soo the Prince answered the phone, and it was one of the palace guards asking if Puss had found the Prince yet. The prince put on a different sounding voice, trying to sound like Puss (and sounding nothing like him) and said something along the lines of "No, haven't found him yet." and hung up.
Then I was with my family in our kitchen preparing food. We were trying to be quiet because I got the sense that our house didn't belong to us anymore. We were poor. But I was trying my best to make a dinner for everyone to eat. Though I was having trouble with our fish tank because the lid wasn't sitting right on top of the tank. So I was trying to put the lid back on straight, but the fish were getting in the way -they were gold fish some puny others about typical gold fish size. orange and white most of them, some had black on them as well though. I was trying to get the lid on straight, but the fish kept swimming right up along the edges of the tank were the lid was supposed to go. Some were swimming in the air and I was trying to get the lid hold everyone in, thinking to myself, at least this isn't as difficult as some of my dreams were the fish can swim in the air. That's just odd. As I was trying to get some of the swimming air fish out of the way. I put the lid down but three of the round chubby gold fish got caught between the lid and the side of the fish tank, so I had to fix that and there was this small golden gold fish that kept swimming in the air as well and...well I assume I got the lid on because my mom came into the room asking if we had anything to eat. I looked to my plate of potatoes, rice, and possibly some chicken and said...we can share this. (there was really only enough food for one person to eat) though I told her Kikay

when the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


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