So almost hyper.
But extremely happy! :D
Well.... you know how yesterday I ventured out the meet the TMtP bloggers?
And they gave me something? was 12,700 TMtP points.
But like Whose Line is it Anyway.
The points don't matter. :D
But it is extremely fun to get them!
So I went to bed last night.
Thinking...Half wondering if I would be mentioned on their blog
I dismissed it as a prideful thought, and didn't think much more about it.
But guess what?!
You totally guessed it!
When I woke up this morning I was mentioned on their blog post! :D
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wasn't by name. But it was me they were referring to! :D
What did they say?
"We also had an awesome reader who didn’t get a chance to go to the concert, and yet still stopped by the meeting point to say hi to us. Yay for commitment we don’t deserve! We really should have given you more blog point stickers. So… 15,000 more points to you!"
I got 15,000 more blog points! :D YAY!!
So my totall is now 27,700 TMtP points! :D
Oh. So giddy! :) I was mentioned on someone elses blog! :D -Here's the link for proof ;) lol. It's near the bottom of this long post.
Even though they said that I would get 15k points...
They weren't mine yet.
Because TMtP has a policy where you need to comment on the blog and claim your order to get those points.
:S Dun Dun Dun
That meant...I would have to comment. :S
I've never commented on a blog.
I'm quite content to keep my presence in the shadows.
That way the bloggers don't know how often or how quickly I go to their site to see if there is a new post or read the post.
The most I will do is 'Publicly Follow' your blog....and I don't do that for every blog either...friends/family yes. More...famous people? No. I tend to be Anonymous. :S
-That reminds me. You know why last night was exciting? Because I basically came out of the shadows. :D lol. It reminded me alot of when I go to book signings for my favorite authors. Only this time I went to see fellow bloggers.
Ah...that's why it wasn't as awkward as it could have been. :) I was basically saying hi to favorite authors of mine. Stepping out of the shadows to say "hey! You're an awesome writer! I love to read what you write!"
Anyway...back to the concept of commenting...
I had the general rule not to do that.
But...this was the perfect excuse to comment and not seem weird commenting.
I was just claiming my points after all. :D
So after like 3 hours of debate...because this was my first comment...and I wanted it to be somewhat interesting...I wrote this:
< .<
Do you know how weird it is to step out of the readership shadows to actually make a comment?
(It's extremely weird. But thrilling!)
Yay for my first blog comment ever! ^^;;
I had a fantabularly awesome time venturing into BYU territory to meet you guys! Thanks for being willing to meet with your readers….and for the extra 15K points!
After debating about the wording and such...I finally hit send!
Yes! Points claimed! my embarrassment...I realized I'd commented on the wrong blog post.
oops. ^^;; haha...ah excitement...
They had written a newer post..and I'd refreshed the it went to that newer post...and I hadn't realized...
oh well... I still claimed my points...just not on the page I wanted to claim them on.
But...there was a double bonus to posting on the wrong blogpost...
because by commenting on that blog post....since it was their 100th blog post...I got 100 more TMtP points!
So now I'm up to 27,800 points! :D
I actually commented twice on that blog post...
The second time I said this:
Oops…I meant to comment on the post before this… Oh well. ^^; Congrats on the 100th post!
And the meeting spot last night wasn’t that bad.
Yah..I'm not claiming another 100 TMpT points for commenting twice.
That's...totally unfair. :)
Besides I got 15k points today! :D an extra 100 were good, but I'm content with that, i don't need another hundred.
Haha...yah...I feel kinda like the fool...but it was my first post...Something usually goes wrong if its a first and you're really excited :D lol
But an added moment of giddiness!
One of the commenters mentioned me as well! :D
(I'd run into them while meeting the bloggers...they'd come to meet the bloggers as well! )
They said this:
....(words before this point not dealing with me)...."And to the cute reader who was having a lovely conversation outside with T&C until we brought our noisy McCircus out, I’m so sorry for barging in…" .....(more words after this point not dealing with me.)
-Why is it...that when I meet people they refer to me as 'cute?' It's happened way more then I think it may be that I look younger then my age...therefore...cute. Such a sweetheart and such. :) lol.
I responded to like so:
"O.o lol. You barge in? Never! It was a pleasure to meet you three as well!
T&C -Looks like we got out of there in the nick of time!
-Ha! Gave the cuteness right on back! :P hehe
(my last comment was commenting on the other poster's comment part that came after the part that didn't deal with me)
Ah such an exciting day! And it wasn't even noon by this point! :D lol
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
Editor's Note: I may or may not be posting this next week as I will be on vaca since it's Spring Break! Soo if you don't hear from me before Friday...that's why! :)
The Dream
...oddly dream dealt with vocal point...but in the excitement of my TMtP points this morning...I've completely spaced it. :)
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