They're getting torn up right and left.
But I figured, that today...I should update the state of my ring finger :)
It's...mostly well.
Okay, Now it's pretty much normal looking :)
But over spring break.... :S
I tore the nail. Again.
Doing what you might asked?
Playing Glow in the Dark the dark :) lol
Note to self: Clapping the Frisbee with long nails = Broken nails. Catching the Frisbee with one hand = no broken nails.
What was the result of me clapping?
A nice bit of nail missing.
-My thumbnail on my other hand also got the same result as my ring finger.
-This was the best picture I took.
No bit deal. It didn't go deep into the nail bed.
So I was waiting for it to grow out again.
And what happened today?
Well...I was cleaning out the poster closest with my committee at the Institute today....
Speaking of cleaning....I had a cleaning check last Friday.
(Images about to be seen may be disturbing to those who like clean rooms.)
I had to clean this:
(Yes this is my bedroom) By Friday. :S
lol I stayed up til 3am the night before to clean up everything that the White Gloves wanted to have cleaned.
The results were this:
It's clean!
Wow. Such a difference :D lol.
Well this closet...that we needed to clean up.
Looked alot like my bedroom in the before pictures.
:( Sadly I didn't take a before picture. :( But it was just as messy and disorganized.
But the after picture is this!: couldn't see the right wall or the bottom three or five layers of poster rolls. And we had boxes of stuff stacked up, and metal things and signs and other things all over the place!
So disorganized and chaotic!
But now. So nice and clean and non chaotic, and it only took us hour to do it :D Yay for many hands! lol :)
However...this endeavor didn't come without casualties.Namely.
My fingernails :(
And so the saga continues.
What happened?
Well...we were laying things out, and we decided a table would help us to organize the closet.
-You know to set things on...and sort...or something. We ended up not really using it in the end lol.
So I walked over to where the tables were (since the closet is in a group study common area in the basement)
Took hold of the underneath of the table.
And pulled.
My left foot. (bad left foot!)
Happened to have been positioned right in front of one of the table legs.
So the result was...
I pulled.
The table moved and hit my foot.
And jerked to a stop.
My hands jerked.
And I guess came out from underneath the table because they weren't expecting resistance and the result was....
Not painful. :)
Just not pretty looking lol.
If you don't like looking at...umm wary of the next few pictures.
The major causality?
My left pointer finger.
But my left ring finger remained undamaged!
yay for small mercys lol!
My left pointer finger though looked like this:
Yah...again. It wasn't painful.
But with the top layer of my nail poor pointer finger looks like this now:
Not pretty. :( And there isn't anything I can do about it. *sighs*
Besides wait for the fingernail to grow out...again.
It took like three months for my ring finger to get back to basically normal.
I don't know how long it will take my pointer finger :(
And I need that fingernail more then my ring finger.
The ring finger needs to look pretty.
-Because you know...rings go there.
The pointer finger...well helps me to get my contacts in and out of my eyes lol.
My other fingers didn't receive as much damage though :)
Only two fingers hurt on each side.
But now they're all cut down and even again :D
Well...all but the pointer finger...not much I can do about that one. :(
lol Ironically enough...
I had been planning to cut my fingernails after I got home from school today.
Next time I get the thought before school that I should cut my finger nails.
I should listen. And cut them before going to school.
So the above pictures don't happen again lol :)
And to add to the....dramaness? I don't know.
I have an assignment due at the end of the week.
Where I need to draw my hand front and back and show what it actually looks like.
My dominate hand.
My LEFT hand.
The one that now has an injured pointer finger.
This is going to be fun ;)
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
The Dream
I was in a jail...prison...orphanage? someplace that had a 'jail' type feel to it...
With a bunch of other girls...who were also in jail.
I was just trying to keep my head down and survive.
But the Trunchbill (the woman from Matilda...but..she was shorter...and fatter...with reddish pigtails that stuck straight out horizontally from her head)
seemed to take of dislike? to me.
She liked me...but she disliked me.
I think I was a troublesome resident.
And the other girls...they liked me and disliked depended on the person.
I was just trying to stay out of trouble (maybe escape)
Perhaps I was at a camp? But I couldn't leave...I almost think of a girl's camp atmosphere in that kitchen area when all the girls mingled with each other in the cafeteria.
Well, at some point the Trunch took me into a different room.
And with a conspirical
She stuck it into the ceiling so that you could only see the spiraled half and..hit a button I think.
and skittles came out. She gave some to me.
I think she was trying to buy my loyalty.
Other things happened...
And suddenly I was running in a small corridor.
that was located in the ceiling..on the ceiling? the ceiling was the floor I was running on.
And everything was collapsing around us.
Me and a couple other guys were running.
And as we ran we passed by a orange object sticking up from the floor.
The other half of the ball the Trunch placed in the ceiling!
and I saw the funnel...that held all the skittles.
And I thought to myself. The Trunch won't like me knowing where that is...
as I continued running down the hallway.
Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
And I became myself again. :)
Wow. Your poor fingers!