Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Writing Circles and Reapplying for No Trouble

There are some days...
like today....
Where I seriously consider breaking my rule of only posting once a day.
I mean...lots of interesting things have happened!
And...It seems rather mean to only focus on one aspect of today.
Then wait until tomorrow to post the next aspect that happened today....
and end up having something interesting happen that day too...
so that the other aspects that happened today...may never be mentioned again...
because I may forget them...or they don't seem as relevant.

Yet...I don't want to do multiple segments in one post...
But I'm going to do that anyway lol. :)
After all...if I post more then one post today...
:S Which post am I supposed to put my "The Dream" on? O.o

;) haha

Today was a rather...tiring day for my left hand.
Since it is my writing hand...
I tend to use it alot in school.
But today it had the unfun situation of being forced to take two written tests. That last up to an hour each.
Within a period of three hours. I had class, then a break, then class again.
*shakes head*
DaBo. DaBo why do you have to do this to your students?
Why does any teacher give out homework or tests the week after spring break? It's cruel.
Because you know we're not going to do the homework or studying...
But anyway.
My left hand got quiet the work out today.
Because I have DaBo twice as a teacher this semester.
And he decided to give tests in both classes...Today.
I'm grateful he didn't due it on Monday like he was planning to.
But still.
Two WRITTEN tests...with like short answer, some matching, essay questions, and a situational solving thing...all to be done within one period.
It was a workout.
My wrist and elbow ached after each class.
But I thought it was rather an ironical hyper critical type of way.
Because in one of his classes. He's told us that in order to protect our hands from being harmed.
We shouldn't overwork them. And avoid doing the same motion for more then 15-20 minutes.
Guess what?
His test.
Yes. Writing.
for 50-60 minutes.
At break neck speed because he asks alot of questions...and most of us weren't sure how long the answers needed to be.
-DaBo pulled me aside later and said that I made the 'short answers' too long. And I was like O.o Well you told us to answer in sentences, and give reasons why, and explain yourself....Not a quick answer! He seemed to think it was possible though....
and it is...I just tend to over explain things. ;) lol
I am a writer after all.
In any hand was exposed to the same continuous motion for like two hours today.
With my hand clenched extra tight to hold the paper down and the pencil in my hand in order to write hand was basically shaking after each class. I could barely hold the papers and staple them together lol.
But at least the tests were over with ^^ YAY! :)
Freedom to cleaning

Those always seem to show up whenever you specifically don't want them to.

But...I always like to show up at the institute ^^

Because then I get randomly complemented randomly.
Today I ran into three of my favorite teachers
(I like all the teachers in the institute so they're all my favorites)
Brother Kett, Spen, and Mon.
And apparently they had just been talking about me lol.
How...I hadn't yet gotten Brother Kett into trouble.
Because he's the teacher advisor for my committee on the council.
Apparently in previous years...the co-chairs had gotten Brother Kett into trouble.
With something they did...
But this year. Brother Kett hasn't gotten in trouble because of me. (and I assume my cochairs)
If he has gotten into's because he's done it himself lol.

It was funny because Brother Kett said: "If I get into trouble I'll just blame Sarnic."
And I responded "I think they will believe me over you" -Meaning Brother Spen and Mon.
They looked at each other.
And agreed! haha!
They would believe me over Brother Kett ^^ haha!!

Also, Brother Spen and Mon are doing interviews to replace this year's LDSSA with a new batch of LDSSA members for next year (we can only be in charge for a year) and as they were leaving and I was leaving they were like:
"Hey Sarnic! How about you change your name, dye your hair, and come apply again?"
lol. And if I just grew a bit taller I could pretend to be Kikay! ;) If I dyed my hair the right color.

But Awww!!! ^^ They want me to apply again! ^^ They like me! They really like me!
I've actually considered the idea. Not the one that Brother Spen and Mon said. like four years if I'm still going to Institute in the area and I'm single lol.
;) I wonder if that would work.. haha.
But then I thought to myself....
Would I want to reapply?
I actually don't think I would.
Because I would constantly be comparing the 2nd LDSSA group with the 1st one I was in. Noting differences. Likes. Dislikes. Etc.
Plus...I would feel...pretty old. In a more mental sense then a physical sense (though I would be among the older people there lol if I reapply in fourish years)
But I would fell like the...'Grandmother" of the group. The one who's done it before and such.

Because the Publicity Committee I'm Cochairing...I was on that committee for all but my first semester of college. So I was already an 'old hand' at publicizing. :) lol I knew what to do, while many of the other LDSSA group...were thrown into the water to see if they could swim lol.

So even if I could reapply...I don't think I would. :) I do enjoy being in charge after all.... ;)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was getting ready with a bunch of other people. Most of them were from Council. We were grandmother's house. In her kitchen. And we were preparing to go somewhere....and I was working to get ready. the middle of shaving my razor stopped working. :( (electric) And it was like I was trying to fur. :S Lots and lots of hair. It was odd. And I basically went 'oh well' and went to go figure out a different way to get dressed without worrying too much about it.

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


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