Sunday, August 19, 2012

The Moving Idea

Ever have one of those random thoughts come into your head where you're like:
I should do this?
Well....I had one of those the other day.
And I told my idea to Kikay.
Funnily enough she had the same idea.

And she wanted to do that idea right away.
I had been content to wait for a bit.
But... we did it right away.

What was idea?

Our Quote Wall

We'd started it a couple of years ago when Tash was our roommate.
And it's been expanding ever since.

The picture doesn't do it justice, but this wall of quotes is longer then I am tall.
What sort of quotes do we put on this wall?
Mostly anything said by us or people around us that we find funny. :)

Anyway. I had been thinking that this wall of color was a bit much for people walking into our apartment and that we should probably move it. (Since its been there for 2 years...a change was good.)
Kikay had the similar thought and wanted to move it right away sooo we moved all those sticky notes.

To here.

This is the wall perpendicular to the previous wall.
(You can see the calender in the first picture. and the lightswitch in the second picture.)
We moved our quotes to this wall, because we wanted something to go around the calendar and its in the hallway on 'our side' of the apartment...and various other reasons that I can make up. :) lol
And this hides our 'craziness' so our visitors aren't overwhelmed by the wall of color right away. :) lol (not that the rest of the apartment isn't as crazy looking. ;) lol )
It was a fun little endeavor.
Many of our stickies are going through shock and falling to the ground, but they'll recover soon enough (with some help with the tape.)
The best part about moving our quote wall.
Is to see how long it takes people to notice that we moved it. ^^ lol
Our roommate Kah noticed we'd moved it a couple of days later.
Wham! Wall of white. :)
lol I think the plan for our now blank wall is to have another 'abstract roommate art night' with our new roommate and hang the pictures there. :)
^^ It should be fun :)
I can't wait! :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was trying to get ready for school, but I couldn't find any of my supplies. I couldn't even really remember what order my classes were in. Which was bad. I knew I had a math class, and an institute class, but I couldn't remember what the others were. So I was searching about trying to find what I needed before I left, but then chaos happened and Kikay and I were driving crazily along the highway trying to get away from the madness of some invasion speeding along the road past things that were blocking it and we were running through the school to hide from this creature again trying to make our way past roadblocks when...

The unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


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