Saturday, August 11, 2012

When Things Go Wrong, But They Still Are Right

Recently I've been trying to do some fencing parties for my friends in the area.
So far only a handful have shown up.
A handful has been okay so far, lol mostly because the arena I go to has a double handful of regulars that come most nights. So when extras come (like my friends/family) It gets triply chaotic.
Well...last night I had a fencing party.
And no one came.
This would have been a big disappointment for me, since I had more then a handful of people earlier say that they could probably come.
But instead I saw it as a blessing.
Because I wasn't feeling that well, and I didn't know if I would be able to fence well and it's not fun to have friends come down and not be able to participate. (Cricked Neck= No Fencing)
So while it's still disappointing that nobody showed up for various reasons.
It still was fun to be at the Fencing Center with the double handful of regulars who did show up lol.
I don't know even if my friends had come....if we would have been able to outfit them all since we had so many of the others show up.
Here's to next time......

I wonder if interest will still be high after the Olympics are finished lol :)
Speaking of which.

Congrats Olympic Medalists!

Gold: United States, China, Russia, Great Britain, Germany, Japan, Australia, France, South Korea, Italy, Netherlands, Ukraine, Canada, Hungary, Spain, Brazil, New Zealand, Iran, Jamaica, Cuba, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Poland, Czech Republic, Romania, Denmark, Kenya, Azerbaijan, Colombia, Ethiopia, Mexico, Sweden, North Korea, South Africa, Georgia, Turkey, Ireland, Croatia, Norway, Argentina, Lithuania, Slovenia, Trinidad & Tobago, Uzbekistan, Switzerland, Serbia, Tunisia, Dominican Republic, Latvia, Algeria, Bahamas, Grenada, Venezuela

Silver: United States, China, Russia, Great Britain, Germany, Japan, Australia, France, South Korea, Italy, Netherlands, Ukraine, Canada, Hungary, Spain, Brazil, New Zealand, Iran, Jamaica, Cuba, Belarus, Poland, Czech Republic, Romania, Denmark, Kenya, Azerbaijan, Colombia, Ethiopia, Mexico, Sweden, South Africa, Georgia, Turkey, Ireland, India, Croatia, Norway, Argentina, Lithuania, Mongolia, Slovakia, Switzerland, Serbia, Tunisia, Thailand, Armenia, Belgium, Finland, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Bulgaria, Chinese Taipei (Taiwan), Estonia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Puerto Rico, Botswana, Cyprus, Gabon, Guatemala, Montenegro, Portugal

Bronze: United States, China, Russia, Great Britain, Germany, Japan, Australia, France, South Korea, Italy, Netherlands, Ukraine, Canada, Hungary, Spain, Brazil, New Zealand, Iran, Jamaica, Cuba, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Poland, Czech Republic, Romania, Denmark, Kenya, Azerbaijan, Colombia, Ethiopia, Mexico, Sweden, North Korea, South Africa, Georgia, Turkey, Ireland, India, Croatia, Norway, Argentina, Lithuania, Slovenia, Trinidad & Tobago, Uzbekistan, Mongolia, Slovakia, Serbia, Tunisia, Thailand, Armenia, Belgium, Finland, Latvia, Bulgaria, Chinese Taipei (Taiwan), Estonia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Puerto Rico, Greece, Moldova, Qatar, Singapore, Afghanistan, Bahrain, Hong Kong, Kuwait, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Tajikistan

May the competition be just as fierce tomorrow! (as it is the last day :( awwww)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was trying to get ready for an event at my parents home and I was having troubles getting ready in the bathroom, my dad came in, disapproving of the mess I was making and cleaned up the redness with a white towel and tossed it in the trash. I thought it was odd to toss a white towel in the trash and not in the wash, because it could be washed....

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


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