Friday, October 31, 2014

Spooky Song

I've had the same song stuck in my head for the past three or four days.
Not quite sure why it decided to become lodged there.
Perhaps my life has felt a bit like Halloween at work -where the song likes to play in my head-
Which is kinda crazy, because it doesn't feel like Halloween should be here already.
Yet here it is.
Halloween night....
and I got to 'celebrate' it by working through all the fun and crazy.
Seriously....there should be a law passed where stores close early on every holiday, so that people can go out and have some fun. >.<

In any case.
It's rare for me to get a Halloween song stuck in my head. I mean, there aren't that many of them. Very few if any song writers do a 'Halloween' album (they should, they'd be popular.)
But I suppose it's the only way I can really celebrate this year around. :) lol Halloween song in my head.

What song is it?
A familiar one if you've been following the blog, as I posted a video on it last October...or the October before that....
Even more familiar if you've seen The Nightmare Before Christmas.
The song?
"This is Halloween."

Hope you guys had a spooktacular night!

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, October 30, 2014

The Novice and Master

Now, some of you older sisters may ask, "Haven't I heard every Relief Society lesson?
What point is there for me to go to Relief Society each week?"
The answer to those questions may best be given by relating the story of a young piano student.
His mother, wishing to encourage him, "brought tickets for a performance of the great Polish pianist, Paderewski.
The night of the concert arrived and the mother and son found their seats near the front of the concert hall.
While the mother visited with friends, the boy slipped quietly away.

"Suddenly, it was time for the performance to begin and a single spotlight cut through the darkness of the concert hall to illuminate the grand piano on stage.
Only then did the audience notice the little boy on the bench innocently picking out 'Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.'

"His mother gasped, but before she could move, Paderewski appeared on the stage and quickly moved to the keyboard.
He whispered to the boy, 'Don't quit.
Keep playing.'
And then, leaning over, the master reached down with his left hand and began filling in the bass part.
Soon his right arm reached around the other side, encircling the child, to add a running obbligato.
Together, the old master and the young novice held the crowd mesmerized.

"In our lives, unpolished though we may be, it is the Master who surrounds us and whispers in our ear, time and time again, 'Don't quit.
Keep playing.'
And as we do, He augments and supplements until a work of amazing beauty is created.
He is right there with all of us, telling us over and over, 'Keep playing.'"

-James E. Faust -What It Means to Be a Daughter of God -October 1999 General Conference

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Rediscovered Food

I didn't mean this to be another food related post right after a food related post.
But, guys. I made this amazing rediscovery last night!


Yes. How is it amazing? Good question. But it is!
It's like one of those foods where I'm sure I liked to eat them as a kid.
I remember liking them at some point....I'm pretty sure....Or maybe it was my brother and/or sister who were all around obsessed with this food. As in Elementary we always seemed to have a box of them in the downstairs freezer.

But thinking back....I really don't think I've had a corn dog since Elementary school....before last night.
It's one of those foods where something just triggered my "You don't want to eat that it's disgusting!' mode, and I hardly ventured near them after that point. Hot dogs shouldn't be covered in fried bread or the taste was off or something weird.

In any case.
I had one last night.
Well, I was at institute.
I'd just gotten off work.
Hadn't had dinner yet.
Because I needed to get to the class.
And luckily, evening institute classes serve food!
And the food guessed it. Corndogs.
And me, being hungry as I was...
decided to take it and eat it.

It was delicious!
Seriously, I had to stop myself from going to get another one.
I'm totally craving one right now as of writing this.
I'm probably going to go find a place that sells them tomorrow so I can taste the warm deliciousness again.

*fingers crossed* that when I do....the corn dog will still be just as delicious and that it wasn't a one time thing. :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

 -Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was with a girl, we were flying through the air, and I was going to follow an airplane, but she convinced me to fly a different route, a safer route, as I knew if I had followed the airplane that we would have crashed, but knowing that I could have prevented the crash, I left canyon we were flying through and tried desperately to go save the plane as I saw it go spiraling towards the ground, but once I got up out of the buildings, it had disappeared from view. And I couldn't see it anymore, but I knew I could have helped out had she not convinced me it was safer to go the safe route....

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Tootsie Rolls

I don't like Tootsie Rolls.

Seriously I don't.
It's a mixture of badly tasting chocolate, chewiness, and all around not good tastyness.
It was the treat the teachers could buy a plenty though. >.< Which means I wasn't often anxious to get 'rewarded' in school when that was the 'reward'
Talk about a punishment.
I don't know when I last had a Tootsie Roll actually, It's been a loooooong while.
Many many many Halloweens ago most likely.

But. Not all hope is lost for me with the Tootsie Roll family.
....well, unless you consider this treat not to be a Tootsie Roll....then yes all hope is lost for those treats ever being found in my home.

You see, there's a....sister candy....I don't even know if they're in the same 'family' or not.
Oh it is! Yay. -Helps to check to the wrapper.
Called Frooties.
Similar concept.
But with fruit flavored chewy treats instead of 'chocolate' tasting treats.

And I LOVE them to pieces. (most of the flavors)
This is my sort of chewy candy that I can eat by the handfuls.
^^ Soo tasty.

And I'd spaced that they had existed until I went to an event my apt complex was throwing, and THERE THEY WERE!


My pockets may or may not have been stuffed full with the deliciousness before I headed home.... lol

Really, I need to find where to get these treats. I want to taste all the flavors again. :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, October 27, 2014

April 2002 General Conference Saturday Morning

Gordon B. Hinckley -The Church Goes Forward
  • "How on earth could a largely Mormon state do something so daring as hosting an international celebrity meeting? Would the world come gladly to a state whose dominate religion asks members to abstain from alcohol, tobacco and even caffeine, three-staples of international conferences?"
  • "It is simply the mix of a serious and upright religion, of families who foster and insist upon providing the highest levels of culture right along with the highest modern technology, and of generally sensible organizing and governing. In short, it is a modern mix of the old America."
  • We believe that culture is worth preserving.
Boyd K. Packer -Children
  • Children are the past, the present, and the future all blended into one. They are consummately precious. Every time a child is born, the world is renewed in innocence.
  • There is in the scriptures, there is in what we publish, there is in what we believe, there is in what we teach, counsel, commandments, even warnings that we are to protect, to love, to care for, and to "teach [children] to walk in the ways of truth." To betray them is utterly unthinkable.
  • Among the strongest warnings and the severest penalties in the revelations are those relating to little children. Jesus said, "But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea."
  • Children should not be ignored or neglected. They absolutely must not be abused or molested. Children must not be abandoned or estranged by divorce. Parents are responsible to provide for their children.
  • "All children have claim upon their parents for their maintenance until they are of age."
  • For either parent to deliberately abandon their children is a very grievous mistake.
  • Those who come into the Church come as children spiritually. They need someone--some friend--to lift them up.
Earl C. Tingey -The Law of Tithing
  • The amount of tithing we pay is the most perfect and equitable arrangement of which I know. It is one-tenth of our increase. All, from the poorest to the richest, pay the same percentage.
  • I pay my tithing, not only because it is a law of God, but because I expect a blessing by doing it.
  • A special peace that will surpass all understanding will come to you and your family as you pay a full tithing. You will find that all fears concerning finances and care of family will diminish.
Ellen W. Smoot -Developing Inner Strength
  • It does not take much living to find out that life almost never turns out the way you planned it. Adversity and affliction come to everyone.
  • When we are truly converted, our focus shifts from self to others. We can find inner strength through service. Nothing would please the adversary more than for us to be distracted by selfish concerns and appetites. But we know better. Service will help us to stay on course.
  • Unity of purpose, thought, and feeling are exalting qualities. When we can put aside our differences and value each others' strengths, great things happen.
  • "Don't be limited in your views with regard to your neighbor's virtue. ... You must enlarge your souls towards each other."
  • No matter our circumstances, who of us can afford to waste our life in front of the mirrors of self-pity and discouragement?
Joseph B. Wirthlin -"Follow Me"
  • Nets are generally defined as devices for capturing something. In a more narrow but more important sense, we might define a net as anything that entices or prevents us from following the call of Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God.
  • Nets in this context can be our work, our hobbies, our pleasures, and, above all else, our temptations and sins. In short, a net can be anything that pulls us away from our relationship with our Heavenly Father or from His restored Church.
  • A computer can be a useful and indispensable tool. But if we allow it to devour our time with vain, unproductive, and sometimes destructive pursuits, it becomes an entangling net.
  • Many of us enjoy watching athletic contests, but if we can recite the statistics of our favorite players and at the same time forget birthdays or anniversaries, neglect our families, or ignore the opportunity to render acts of Christlike service, then athletics may also be an entangling net.
  • Since the days of Adam, mankind has, by the sweat of his brow, earned his daily bread. But when our work consumes us to the point where the spiritual dimensions of life are neglected, work can also be an entangling net.
  • Some have been ensnared in the net of excessive debt. The net of interests holds them fast, requiring them to sell their time and energies to meet the demands of creditors. They surrender their freedom, becoming slaves to their own extravagance.
  • I do not know of another period in the history of the world that has been so filled with such a variety of entangling nets. Our lives are so easily filled with appointments, meetings, and tasks. It is so easy to get caught in a multitude of nets that sometimes even a suggestion of breaking free of them can be threatening and even frightening to us.
  • Sometimes we feel that the busier we are, the more important we are--as though our busyness defines our worth. Brothers and sisters, we can spend a lifetime whirling about at a feverish pace, checking off list after lists of things that in the end really don't matter.
  • That we do a lot may not be so important. That we focus the energy of our minds, our hearts, and our souls on those things of eternal significance--that is essential.
  • We can easily get our lives out of balance.
  • The Lord was merciful and helped me to find the energy and time to do all I had committed to do. Although it was difficult, I have never regretted making the choice to heed the Savior's call and follow Him.
  • How do we follow the Savior? By obeying Him. He and our Heavenly Father have given us commandments--not to punish or torment us, but to help us come to a fullness of joy, both in this life and for the eternities to come, worlds without end.
  • In contrast, when we cling to our sins, our pleasures, and sometimes even our perceived obligations; resist the influence of the  Holy Ghost; and put aside the words of the prophets; we then stand at the shore of our own Galilee, nets tightly entangling us. We find ourselves unable to leave them behind and follow the living Christ.
  • May I extend a word of caution? There are those who feel that if we follow the Savior, our lives will be free from worry, pain, and fear. This is not so! The Savior Himself was described as a man of sorrows. Those early disciples who followed the Christ experienced great persecution and trials. The Prophet Joseph Smith was no exception. Nor were the other early Saints of this last dispensation. And it is no different today.
Thomas S. Monson -Hidden Wedges
  • My dear brothers and sisters, there are hidden wedges in the lives of many whom we know--yes perhaps in our own families.
  • The spirit must be freed from tethers so strong and feelings never put to rest, so that the lift of life may give buoyancy to the soul.
  • Blame keeps wounds open. Only forgiveness heals.
  • "Let's not pass to future generations the grievances, the anger of our time." Let's remove any hidden wedges that can do nothing but destroy. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Happy Moments

More often then not it's the simple things that can bring a measure of happiness back into a dour day.
Especially if one chooses to try and look and find them.
Instead of focusing on the bad that had happened that day or even earlier in the week.

So. The simple things I found today that brought happiness.
Wearing Tennis Shoes instead of Heels when driving.
Coming home to your favorite dinner waiting to be eaten.
Spending time with the parentals, watching crime shows together.
Having a cat curled up by my side.
The fall leaves falling to the ground.
The slight chill to the air.
Having people smile at you.....

Yes, the day turns out ending on a bright note when one remembers those things. The things that may have only been in your mind for a split second, but they brought a smile, either internal or external to you. Brightened the day just a tad.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

My family and some others...neighbors maybe? People I knew were on a trip, we were going into this huge arena for a sporting event, maybe basketball. When we heard gunshots inside. I didn't want to go in, but everyone insisted because they said something along the lines of "The First Presidency sat in this arena for 50 hours straight and the only time the guns went off is when they left for lunch." But I heard more gunshots, people began to run, so my family ran for cover and we ended up at a table, set with food, and we were trying to decide if we should sit down when Christ showed up. I ended up falling to my knees at his feet, holding a receipt in my hands that needed to be redeemed, but seeing him there, I knew...that I didn't have to worry about it. He looked down with a smile and embraced me in a hug before turning to the rest of my family and speaking to them each about his gospel. It was taken well....but my brother turned from him, choosing to not accept what was being said and he left. This was heartbreaking for me, though I had hope he would come back, I ended up playing a game with a bunch of my friends, but the rules kept changing, I couldn't set up the game board correctly, the pieces kept getting mixed up or changing on me.....

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


Saturday, October 25, 2014

Holidays? Those Exist?

I'm kind at that point...
Where I don't think Holidays actually exist anymore.
At least....not beyond the holiday items I see in the store that we sell to customers for their holiday enjoyment.

Really. It's true.
It used to be that excitement would build. Decorations would be hung. There would be a build up to the actual holiday.

But now. It's like I blink, and it's already passed.
What do you mean Halloween is in a week?
Surely....surely it's still three weeks away.
Isn't it still the first week of October?
No it isn't.

And in reality.
I think work is to blame.
After all, work isn't school, where they give you a week off to travel, to go visit family, to have time to do holiday shopping and attend parties.
No. Work doesn't want you to have breaks of any sort during the high holiday season. It's not a time for togetherness, fun, and enjoyment.
It's about making the big bucks, helping customers in their quests for the holidays.....

Really, I don't think it would be so bad. Work actually isn't that bad, not as bad is it could be. It's not like other crazy places....

But work does have a rather bad habit...
of scheduling me to work whenever anything 'fun' is happening.
"Oh there's a party Friday night? Guess you'll have to work during that."
"Oh, there's a breakfast thing? Guess you'll have to work during that too."
A super really bad annoying habit of it.
Doesn't matter the time or the day.
Odds are against me that I'll be able to make it.

Which means...I miss out on basically all the Holiday get togethers.
Halloween is next week and I've yet to go to a Halloween themed anything....
Which is probably why....the holidays are becoming abstract concepts in my head.
A dream of a dream really.

Because who can celebrate a holiday...when there isn't time to celebrate it?

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, October 24, 2014

And the Good Day's Gone

Sometimes I wonder if people wake up and go: "I think I'm going to ride my high horse today while shopping."
Sure....they probably mean well in their quests to make all things right.
But in the end.
It just really really really irritates me. >.< Especially when the encounter leaves me feeling worse about myself afterwards when I was already struggling emotionally the past week from multiple stress sources.

So what happened?
There I was, having an actually pretty good day at work after having a crappy ones the previous days. I only had like an hour left in my shift and I was gearing up to do some tasking. Making a plan of what to do should it not get busy.
When... a woman came up to me, older gal with grey hair. "Hi, I have a complaint."
Was basically how she started our conversation.
I wasn't too worried about it at first. Complaints are usually something that can be fixed. Or I can pass off to a manager to have them fix it.
"Oh? What is it?"
And then she let loose.
It was our betas. They were sickly looking, their water was disgusting, she couldn't believe we would try and sell fish when they look like that. How the rival store's betas never look like this. On and on and on and on.
Out of're concerned about the health of our fish?
Really. Brava to her. For being so concerned about fish health.
But really, they were fine.
Yes the water hadn't been changed yet but I had been planning to do it today.
*cue look of disbelief on her part*
*cue me getting more and more annoyed.*
I tried to explain further. But she kept throwing everything back in my face. "This water is filthy!" "These fish shouldn't be sold! I can't believe you guys have your fish like this!"

And really. It was frustrating dealing with her, because in the heat of the moment I couldn't explain to her the situation. That I couldn't flippantly respond back to her. "Well, you can always apply here, if you get hired, then you can see how easy it is to take the time to do the beta water!"

She had NO IDEA how crazy my week had been. How I was by myself for practically every shift of this week. That I was short staffed because people had quit, that I didn't have TIME to do multiple things that needed to be done, that had needed to be done for a week!

She didn't know that today was the first day of the week where I actually had CoWorkers in my department WITH ME for more than an hour so that I could actually work on said tasks.
She probably didn't realize how busy our store had been. How I'd been jumping back and forth between my department and the cash register for the past couple of hours to help with the random rushes of people that would suddenly be in a line 12 long at register one. How I hadn't had time yet to do the stupid beta water changes because Hey. It was a FRIDAY. Guess what? I had to help customers with their purchases. It was a BUSY Friday. Which meant. Hey. I didn't have time for betas yet. But seriously. I WAS planning on doing it today, right after I got done cleaning up cages in the back that had been sitting there for a week and a half because I didn't have TIME or the COVERAGE to do so beforehand.

All she saw was the dirty fish water.
All she saw were the betas that weren't healthy.

And all I could do at that point was say in frustration that I'm sure she could hear. "I'm going to do them right now alright?" And turn and walk away to prepare the stupid beta water.
Of course 5 minutes later, I heard the call for another cashier to come up to the front. So I went up front. Saw the woman standing there in line.
SEE LADY? ITS BUSY!!!! I'm HELPING PEOPLE! Get over your Beta Fish Soap Box! >.<
I'm so glad that she didn't get into my line. I might have actually yelled at her.....

But yah, it really bothered me.
>.> I hate it when people nitpick things. How they point out the ONE thing that I hadn't YET gotten around to. How they look at you in a condescending manner of "Your excuses are not acceptable."

To make it even worse. I knew this lady. I'd seen her in the store multiple times before. And yet she decided today to nitpick on how the betas looked? Was it like she'd never seen them before? Could she not remember how NICE the USUALLY look? Did she not stop and consider "Oh hey. These look disgusting, I bet the coworkers here are really busy with other things?"

No. >.< She did not.
She decided to make my good day a bad day.
>.< Which made the rest of work less than great as I got another person mad at me like 10 minutes later because of how crazy it got right then.... grrrrrrrrr.

Seriously. It's great that you care, but try to understand that in the retail world...there is NEVER enough TIME to get things done once the store opens to customers. They come first. (sadly) Everything else must come second. And things will not get done when there is not enough people to do them!


Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Looking on the Positive

Zion's Camp was formed to reestablish the Saints in Jackson County, Missouri.
In this "effort to redeem Zion," some 200 men traveled more than a thousand miles in the most trying circumstances under the personal leadership of the Prophet Joseph Smith.

George A. Smith, age 16, was selected to go on the camp and recorded some of the suffering, trials, and hardships the brethren endured.
He stated that on May 26, 1834, "The day was exceedingly hot and we suffered much from thirst and were compelled to drink the water from sloughs which were filled with living creatures.
Here I learned to strain wigglers with my teeth."
The next day, an exhausted Solomon Humphrey lay down on the ground and fell asleep.
"When he awoke he saw a rattlesnake coiled up within one foot of his head ... [lying] between him and his hat, which he had in his hand when he fell asleep.
The brethren gathered around him, saying, 'It is a rattlesnake, let us kill it.'
Brother Humphrey said, 'No! I'll protect him, you shant hurt him for he and I have had a good nap together.'"
I have no desire to have a nap with a rattlesnake!

James E. Faust - "By What Power ... Have Ye Done This?" -October 1998 General Conference

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Soda Disaster

It's too bad that day dreams are just that....daydreams.

So there I was, getting my food at the food court.
Watching the cute guys walking by.
Thinking about how maybe...just maybe if I pretended to note see one...
I could run into him, drop my drink, he'd offer to help...we'd get to talking....
Of course, I didn't actually do that.
He might be busy.
He might get angry.
I might ruin his nice shirt.
Or get myself really sticky...

No, but crazily enough....
soon after thinking those sort of day dreamy thoughts.
I picked up my drink from the table.
Only to have the lid not be fully placed upon it.
And Whoosh.
There was my drink, all over the floor.
:S Oops.
And not even a cute guy in sight!
I glanced around, seeing if anyone had noticed my plight.
I mean, sticky liquid all over the floor, girl staring down at it in dismay.
In any book that would be a cue for the cute guy to show up and save the day really.
But...if anyone had wasn't apparent.
If anyone had noticed, they didn't care.
None of the guys all around me got up off their chairs to help me as I made multiple trips back and forth from the napkin dispenser to try and clean up the sticky mess.
Back and forth.
Back and forth.
Did anyone offer to help?
Where are the super helpful guys when you need them?

It seems like they only exist in books around here....

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Heat to Cool?

I thought it was because my roomies didn't know how to use the thermostat.
I mean, I too had fallen into the 'fan on 'on' means its on.' ploy.
Where instead the auto option was the one wanted, to make things turn on and off and not just...well stay constantly on.
And apparently with the heat and the fan on at the same time....the fan over powers the heat and just makes the apartment colder.
As I woke up more than once to that set up, and to it being 'freezing.'
As in like 65 degrees when the apt had been 75 when I went to bed.
Talk about not doing its job properly.

So I left a note to the roomies.
Explaining the Auto/On Fan thing that I had discovered last year in my last apartment.
Thinking that that would solve the problem.
It didn't.
No, the heater would turn on, the fan would be on auto.
The apartment would only get colder.

A fluke?
I tried it a couple of days in a row.
The heater would turn 'on' the fan would run....but no warmth.
And then...the heater wouldn't turn off. >.< Because it wasn't 'warm' yet by the thermostats standards. So there the poor thing went, blowing all night long, without rest, because it couldn't 'warm' up the apartment.

So, I put in a work order.
Something had to be wrong if our device was on heat and we weren't getting warmer.
Surprisingly, a person came to check it out quickly enough.
and found out that the pilot light (the thing that turns the heat on?) wasn't on.
But it was a newer model that the guy wasn't familiar with, so we had to wait until the next day for it to be fixed by a guy who knew the newer heaters.
....I don't know if they came in the morning like they said they would. I thought they had, because I came in to the heater blowing....but it seemed to not have changed much...maybe give it a chance?

Well. Somebody came to fix it later in the evening.
As it obviously wasn't working.
And the problem after 15 or so minutes of head scratching?

Turns out our Thermostat, not the heater, was faulty.
So, out went the old Thermostat.
In went the new.
and walla! Everything is hunky far. lol.

And apparently, our apt was actually at 79 degrees, instead of the 75 degrees our old thermostat thought it was at.
Tooo HOT!! :S Yikes!

But now, we now have the options of being hot or cold again.
Frankly....I'm glad to have the cold. ^^;;
lol But I'm glad that we figured out the heat issue for when the nights actually get 'cold.'

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was wandering around college, taking hallways I hadn't seen before, going up and around staircases and pipes, until I encountered a room full of students. They were all special needs of different sorts, gathered together to have a party, and I had accidentally crashed it, though they didn't seem to mind, they were rather welcoming, though I ended up getting into an apple juice fight, and encountered a coworker...that I'd rather not have encountered for he was kinda creepy. I knew he'd been trying to go on a date with me for a while now, but I didn't want to, so I tried what I could to avoid him, to tell him no, but I couldn't shake him, until I passed through a hallway and spotted Kikay, Mirleki and Shelas dressed up in Halloween costumes, and I went to join them....

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


Monday, October 20, 2014

October 2001 General Conference Sunday Afternoon

L. Tom Perry -The Returned Missionary
  • Our minds were sharpened as we followed the daily practice of individual and companion study.
  • When we leave the mission field, we no longer have companions to help us discipline our study habits, but that does not mean that the practice should be discontinued. As we return home, how great it would be to hold daily family scripture study. If we leave home, couldn't we invite roommates and friends to study with us?
  • Opportunities to teach the gospel and baptize are not exclusive to those who wear the badge of a full-time missionary. I wonder why we allow the fire of missionary service to diminish when we return to the activities of our life in the world.
  • I call on you to look the part, to be the part, and to act the part of a servant of our Father in Heaven.
Neal A. Maxwell -The Seventh Commandment: A Shield
  • Strange, in a time otherwise obsessed with entitlements, how little concern there is over our becoming entitled to the blessings of heaven.
  • "Nature cares nothing [for] chastity, ... human nature ... cares about it a great deal."
  • Divine nature cares infinitely more!
  • One of the best ways we can put "off the natural man" is to starve him. Weakened, he is more easily dislodged. Otherwise, he insists on getting his ticket punched at every stop on the temptation train. Sadly, corrective words do not usually help the natural man either, because lust chokes the word.
  • God does not have two sets of Ten Commandments, one indoor and another outdoor! Nor are there two approved roads to repentance.
  • Yes, we mortals are still free to choose. Yes, a war was even fought in heaven to preserve our moral agency. Yet down here, the great fight of agency is often surrendered without so much as a mild whimper!
  • True, strident souls may even fake laughter amid bondage and sin, but another proverb applies: "Even in laughter the heart is sorrowful; and the end of that mirth is heaviness."
  • Ever wonder why the sensual scene so often features flashing but fading lights? Or why all the reinforcing glitz? Or why all the loudness masquerading as music? Because, fearful of the dawn, evil cannot stand the steady scrutiny of bright truth, nor can it endure the quiet reflections of soul-searching!
  • Thus the drumbeat of desensitization deadens the tastebuds of the soul by responding illegitimately to the legitimate need for belonging and for love, as predators and victims sadly become "past feeling."
  • Lust dies at the next dawn, and when it returns in the evening, to search where it may, it is with its own past erased.
  • As we take our stand, the faithful will not be alone--not that alone, however. Of necessity, the angel who stood by Christ in Gethsemane to strengthen Him left Him. If we hold aloft the shield of faith in God and faith in His commandments, His angels will be "round about [us], to bear [us] up" and "have charge over [us]."
Robert F. Orton -"The First and Great Commandment"
  • Hatred is the antithesis of love.
  • I thought for many years that love was an attribute. But it is more. It is a commandment.
  • "Love is like the Polar Star. In a changing world, it is a constant. It is the very essence of the gospel."
  • "Without love ... there is little else to commend the gospel to us as a way of life."
  • Love is the driving force behind faith.
  • The symbol of life is to give.
  • I conclude that, given the purpose of our existence, if we do not love God and neighbor, whatever else we do will be of little eternal consequence.
Wayne S. Peterson -Our Actions Determine Our Character
  • In most encounters we can determine the kind of experience we are going to have by how we respond.
  • In today's fast-pace world there seems to be a greater tendency for people to act aggressively toward each other. Some are quick to take offense and respond angrily to real or imagined affronts.
  • It may seem natural to react to a situation by giving back what is given to us. But it doesn't have to be that way.
  • Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms--to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way."
  • "We sow our thoughts, and we reap our actions; we sow our actions, and we reap our habits; we sow our habits, and we reap our characters; we sow our characters, and we reap our destiny."
  • "A soft answer turneth away wrath."
H. Ross Workman -Beware of Murmuring
  • I invite you to focus on the commandment fro living prophets that bothers you the most. Do you question whether the commandment is applicable to you? Do you find ready excuses why you cannot now comply with the commandment? Do you feel frustrated or irritated with those who remind you of the commandment? Are you slothful in keeping it? Beware of the deception of the adversary. Beware of murmuring.
Richard G. Scott -The Power of a Strong Testimony
  • A powerful testimony is grounded in the personal assurance that the Holy Ghost can guide and inspire our daily acts for good.
  • A testimony is fortified by spiritual impressions that confirm the validity of a teaching, of a righteous act, or of a warning of pending danger. Often such guidance is accompanied by powerful emotions that make it difficult to speak and bring tears to the eyes. But a testimony is not emotion. It is the very essence of character woven from threads born of countless correct decisions. These choices are made with trusting faith in things that are believed and, at least initially, are not seen. A strong testimony gives peace. comfort, and assurance. It generates the conviction that as the teachings of the Savior are consistently obeyed, life will be beautiful, the future secure, and there will be capacity to overcome the challenges that cross our path. A testimony grows from understanding truth, distilled from prayer and the pondering of scriptural doctrine. It is nurtured by living those truths in faith and the secure confidence that the promised results will be obtained.
  • Your personal security and happiness depend upon the strength of your testimony, for it will guide your actions in times of trial or uncertainty.
  • A powerful testimony distills from quiet moments of prayer and pondering as you recognize the impressions that will accompany such effort. Humble, trusting prayer brings consolation, solace, comfort, direction, and peace the unworthy can never know.
  • At times the Lord will give you an answer before you ask. This occurs when you are unaware of a danger or may be doing the wrong thing, trusting that it is correct.  
  • As your testimony is fortified, Satan will try harder to tempt you. Resist his efforts. You will become stronger and his influence on you weaker.
  • Even now, he must operate within bounds set by the Lord. He cannot take away any blessing that has been earned. He cannot alter character that has been woven from righteous decisions. He has no power to destroy the eternal bonds forged in a holy temple between a husband, wife, and children. He cannot quench true faith. He cannot take away your testimony. Yes, these things can be lost by succumbing to his temptations. But he has no power in and of himself to destroy them.
  • Hone your spiritual susceptibility by being constantly alert to the guidance that will come through the still, small voice of the Spirit.
Gordon B. Hinckley -"Till We Meet Again"
  • I hope that the noise of our homes will drop a few decibels, that we will subdue our voices and speak to one another with greater appreciation and respect.
  • Our safety lies in the virtue of our lives. Our strength lies in our righteousness. God has made it clear that if we will not forsake Him, He will not forsake us. He, watching over Israel, slumbers not nor sleeps.
General Relief Society Meeting

Ellen W. Smoot -Steadfast and Immovable
  • Remain steadfast and immovable and faithful to the God who made us.
  • "When [we] joined this Church [we] enlisted to serve God. When [we] did that [we] left ... neutral ground, and [we] never can get back on to it. Should [we] forsake the Master [we] enlisted to serve it will be by the instigation of the evil one, an d[we] will follow his dictation and be his servant."
  • We go to Relief Society each week not only to be fed, nurtured, and loved, but also to report for duty. Sometimes the most important duty is right within the walls of our own homes. Lucifer is doing all that he can to divert us from those things of first importance. One of his most effective tools is to convince us that it is impossible to stay centered on spiritual things when the demands of life are so pressing.
  • We cannot abandon our faith when challenges come our way. We will not turn away; we will not retreat; we will not become discouraged. We will move boldly and clearly forward and be an example for all those around us in modesty, humility, and faith.
  • "I will go forward. ... I will smile at the rage of the tempest, and ride fearlessly and triumphantly across the boisterous ocean of circumstance. ... And the 'testimony of Jesus' will light up a lamp that will guide my vision through the portals of immortality, and communicate to my understanding the glories of the Celestial kingdom."
Virginia U. Jensen -Stand Firm
  • "Stand firm!"
  • To maintain a firm stance for ourselves and help others stand firm, the message of the restored gospel must be firmly planted in our hearts and taught in our homes.
  • Seek God's approval, not man's.
  • Let us arm ourselves with faith and stand firm in our convictions. Let us never forget that we are building a foundation for and with our family upon the rock of our Redeemer. Let us put our hand into God's hand. With the Lord's help we can build homes that are a righteous fortress.
Sheri L. Dew -Are We Not All Mothers?
  • Loving and leading--these words summarize not only the all-consuming work of the Father and the Son, but the essence of our labor, for our work is to help the Lord with His work.
  • Stan has declared war on motherhood. He knows that those who rock the cradle can rock his earthly empire. And he knows that without righteous mothers loving and leading the next generation, the kingdom of God will fail.
  • "Men have to have something given to them [in mortality] to make them saviors of men, but not mothers, not women. [They] are born with an inherent right, an inherent authority, to be the saviors of human souls ... and the regenerating force in the lives of God's children."
  • Mothers heal the souls of men.
Thomas S. Monson -"Be Thou an Example"
  • First, fill your mind with truth.
  • We do not find truth groveling through error. Truth is found by searching, studying, and living the revealed word of God. We adopt error when we mingle with error. We learn truth when we associate with truth.
  • Though we may not necessarily be called upon to forfeit our lives, let us remember that He hears our silent prayers. He who observes our unheralded acts will reward us openly when the need comes.
  • Second, fill your heart with love.
  • Third, fill your life with service.
  • "The highest tribute to the dead is not grief but gratitude." 
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi 

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Teasingly Serious

You know those people who have a great comeback for something funny you say to keep the laughter and teasing going?
I don't think I'm one of those types.

It's not that I can't be that type.
It's just that...I don't think it's my go to reaction.
At least not in a way that people see as the usual 'comeback.'

I'm a solution finder really. A problem solver.
So when people say something sarcastic.
My go to thing is to say something that would 'solve' this problem.

And.... in many cases, I think it goes over peoples heads as me trying to continue the teasing and such.
Instead they think I took them seriously.
As I often get the "I was just kidding." after I give my comeback.
And then I have to go *blinkblink* "I know?"

Really, I don't really realize that I gave a 'solution' answer until after they say that though.
I was just talking.

But I guess my mind is a bit wired that way. Into 'helping' mode.
It is true though...that I don't always catch onto when the 'problem' isn't actually a 'problem'

Who knows if this even makes sense lol.
But it was something I was thinking about today.
How I tend to go more serious than nonserious....even if I'm not seriously being serious....

Hmmm....I need to pay more attention to this process of mine.... lol

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Overwhelmed Again

So begins another stressful cycle at work.
We seem to go through those every four months or so. Where everything is going well enough, and then suddenly, it spirals out of control. To the point where everyone is either threatening to quit, have quit, or are frankly overwhelmed.

For me, it's the battle to not be overwhelmed.
Because once again, I'm being shortened people in my department.
They're leaving, for various reasons.
And they're leaving us rather suddenly.
Leaving us scrambling to figure out how to work out schedules so that my department is covered and nobody is working overtime.
It's crazy.

And because of how everything is working out so far.
It's looking like I'll be going back to being on morning shifts instead of midday/evening shifts.
Which is both good and bad. Good in that my work days finish earlier in the day. Bad in that I can't enjoy my night owl tendencies as much....

But yah. Things are going to go crazy for a while. I expect they'll stay crazy at Starsmet. With us heading into the holiday season...things won't go back to normal until the New Year.
And if we don't get more people into our department's going to be a crazy couple of months.....

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirch

Friday, October 17, 2014

Chicken Chicken Chicken

There are certain places I go.
When I'm craving a particular thing.

Steaks? Texas Roadhouse.
Soups? Zupas.
Sandwiches? Subway.
Smoothies? Jamba Juice
French Fries? McDonalds

Whatever I crave, there are certain places I can go to satisfy that craving.
But, there was one....that had left me hanging.
For the longest time if I was craving Chicken, I would go to Arctic Circle for a Country Chicken Sandwich.
But then....the Country Chicken changed on me. To a rather bland non appetizing one.
It wasn't my chicken.
Which left me without a place to go when I craved it.

Well. I may have found an almost replacement for my precious Country Chicken.

Chicken Strips from KFC.

Flavorful, crunchy. Oh so tasty.

Plus, as a benefit. They're good both hot and cold.
So I can order a bunch of them, and then have leftovers if I so choose.

Yes...this could possibly work. But time will see.

I'm still hoping that the old Country Chicken will come back.......

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, October 16, 2014

You'll Come For Me

In 1989 there was a terrible earthquake in Armenia that killed over 30,000 people in four minutes.
A distraught father went in frantic search of his son.
He reached his son's school only to find that it had been reduced to a pile of rubble.
But he was driven by his promise to his son, "No matter what, I'll always be there for you!"
He visualized the corner where his son's classroom would be, rushed there, and started to dig through the debris brick by brick.

Others came on the scene--the fire chief, then the police--warning him of fires and explosions, and urging him to leave the search to the emergency crews.
But he tenaciously carried on digging.
Night came and went, and then, in the 38th hour of digging, he thought he heard his son's voice.
he called out.
Then he heard, "Dad?!?
It's me, Dad!
I told the other kids not to worry.
I told 'em that if you were alive, you'd save me and when you saved me, they'd be saved. ...

"There are 14 of us left out of 33.
... When the building collapsed, it made a wedge, like a triangle, and it saved us."

"Come on out, boy!"

"No, Dad!
Let the other kids out first, 'cause I know you'll get me!
No matter what, I know you'll be there for me!"

-James E. Faust -"Them That Honour Me I Will Honour" -April 2001 General Conference

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was with a group of rebel runaways. We'd set up camp in the middle of a red rocks area, off a main road, off a main camping area where none of the officials of the government could find us and try and control our powers. But, all of a sudden our phones started acting weird. The cameras on them would swivel to face us, and our hands would seize up, our picture showing in the phones. The gov had hacked our phones to try and find us. I managed to force my phone face down, releasing me before it got a good picture of me. The head guy in charge a cute guy we referred to as Leader told us to take the cameras out of our phones. It was an easy thing to do they just popped out. But it depressed me as I'd been taking a lot of pictures on our trip and I wanted to be able to take more. Still. We were safe again....until we ended up throwing a party and a bunch of people who weren't part of our cause showed up...and nothing was done with their phones to keep the gov from hacking them...and so..we were under threat. I was trying to quickly pack the essentials I would need and wanted for our cross country journey we were going to undertake when....

The unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Not Working Anymore

I'm hitting my threshold for tolerating roommates.
Really, I am.
It was fun the first few years,
but's just become more and more annoying.
What's the point of moving in with strangers....
if they remain strangers, if you don't bond, share memories, spend time together?
What's the point of moving in with strangers....
if you feel like you're constantly surrounded by Mom wannabes?
Always telling you what to do, how clean to keep places.
Really, I tolerate their quirks. They should tolerate mine.

I really....just need a change.
Either I need to move in with people I already know....
or I need to find an apartment where it's just me.

Because dealing with these strangers,
is wearing. it's tiring, it's draining.
It doesn't feel livable. It's just...being there.

.....I need different roommates....

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

Involved work. Not fun really.


Tuesday, October 14, 2014

8 Am Runaround

The 8 am shift is my least favorite work shift.
Not for the starting time.
Not for the ending time.
Not for the bedtime before it.
Really. It's a good shift to have. Able to sleep in a little, able to stay up later...

With one huge exception.
The Morning.

You see, my roommate also has work that starts at 8am.
And...we share a bathroom.
One of those annoying bathrooms where the sink, the toilet, the shower, everything, is all in one room. (Yep, old apt building.)
Which means, getting ready in the morning is a bit of a juggling act.
We're in each other's way.
Though I try to avoid it.
It's hard to do though if I'm trying to not be late for work and still look presentable.
It doesn't help that my schedule constantly changes, so my roomie is never sure when I work that shift.

Sooo hopefully....those 8am shifts are less common... so I don't have to share the bathroom to get ready.
I don't think it's going to happen though. Things are swinging in the 'more early morning shifts' direction. Which means...more 8am shifts are coming my way. *sighs*

Here comes the juggling....

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, October 13, 2014

October 2001 General Conference Sunday Morning

Thomas S. Monson -Now Is the Time
  • How fragile life, how certain death. We do not know when we will be required to leave this mortal existence. And so I ask, "What are we doing with today?" If we live only for tomorrow, we'll have a lot of empty yesterdays today. Have we been guilty of declaring, "I've been thinking about making some course corrections in my life. I plan to take the first step--tomorrow"? With such thinking, tomorrow is forever. Such tomorrows rarely come unless we do something about them today.
  • Our opportunities to give of ourselves are indeed limitless, but they are also perishable. There are hearts to gladden. There are kind words to say. There are gifts to be given. There are deeds to be done. There are souls to be saved.
Boyd K. Packer -The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ
  • "The fairest Impression of the Bible is to have it well printed on the Readers heart."
  • The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ has the nourishing power to heal starving spirits of the world.
H. David Burton -Standing Tall
  • I should be courageous in my decision, not compromising principles, not violating spiritual values, and not shrinking from responsibility.
  • It is said that a fence-sitter eventually has to come down on one side or the other. If we are sitting on the top of life's fences, now is the time to muster the courage to stand tall on the side of righteousness and shun the shackles of sin.
  • Failure to distinguish between needs and wants has muddied men's minds.
  • If you find yourself entrapped in the pursuit of material things, now is the time to courageously stand tall. If you worship the items that money can buy more than you cherish the love of God, now is the time to stand tall. If you have been blessed with abundance beyond your needs, now is the time to stand tall in sharing with those whose needs remain unfulfilled.
  • As a normal part of everyday language, many people take the name of God in vain. Among our youth, vulgar and crude terms seem to come easily as they describe their feelings. My young friends, now is the time to stand tall in eliminating these words from your vocabulary. You know the words to which I refer. Unfortunately, you hear them used over and over again in your schools, music, and sports. Will it take courage to stand tall? Of course it will. Can you muster the courage? Of course you can. Seek strength from your Heavenly Father to overcome it.
  • "You reach the greatest heights while on your knees."
  • Profanity and crudeness do not exalt; they defile.
  • Adults need to stand tall in eliminating crude and profane language.
  • Remember, young people can detect hypocrisy as easily as they can smell the wonderful aroma of freshly baked bread.
Sharon G. Larsen -"Fear Not: For They That Be with Us Are More"
  • Our youth want more than landlords. They want people who will love them and lead them.
  • Love is listening when they are ready to talk--midnight, 6 A.M. on their way to seminary, or when you're busy with your urgencies.
  • Loving may come naturally, but leading is a polished skill that maybe we don't take seriously enough. We lead by example more strongly than any other way. That is a heavy burden for parents and leaders of youth.
  • One of the greatest tests for parents and leaders is to love the one who seems to be unlovable. This is tough duty. It stretches the heartstrings and wrenches the soul. When heartbroken parents pray for help, the help often comes in the form of angel aunts or uncles, grandmas or grandpas, good friends, and leaders surrounding our loved one. They can reinforce our very message that may put our child on the track we've been praying for.
  • Loving wisely and leading purposefully will help stem the tide of wickedness as we prepare the next generation for the exhilarating delights of parenthood.
  • "If God be for us, who can be against us?"
Russell M. Nelson -"Set in Order Thy House"
  • As we go through life, even through very rough waters, a father's instinctive impulse to cling tightly to his wife or to his children may not be the best way to accomplish his objective. Instead, if he will lovingly cling to the Savior and the iron rod of the gospel, his family will want to cling to him and to the Savior.
  • This lesson is surely not limited to fathers. Regardless of gender, marital status, or age, individuals can choose to link themselves directly to the Savior, hold fast to the rod of His truth, and lead by the light of that truth. By so doing, they become examples of righteousness to whom others will want to cling.
  • Each individual wants to make his or her own way. No one wants to be restrained, even by a well-intentioned parent. But all of us can cling to the Lord.
  • Because the work (and glory) of God is to bring to pass our immortality and eternal life as a family, it logically follows that the work of the adversary will strike directly at the heart of the home--the family. Relentlessly Lucifer attacks the sanctity of life and the joy of parenthood.
  • Because the evil one is ever at work, our vigilance cannot be relaxed--not even for a moment. A small and seemingly innocent invitation can turn into a tall temptation which can lead to tragic transgression. Night and day, at home or away, we must shun sin and "hold fast that which is good."
  • No sacrifice is too great to have the blessings of an eternal marriage.
Gordon B. Hinckley -The Time in Which We Live
  • We value our Muslim neighbors across the world and hope that those who live by the tenets of their faith will not suffer. I ask particularly that our own people do not become a party in any way to the persecution of the innocent. Rather, let us be friendly and helpful, protective and supportive. It is the terrorist organizations that must be ferreted out and brought down.
  • We are people of peace.
  • "Religion offers no shield for wickedness, for evil, for those kinds of things. The God in whom I believe does not foster this kind of action. He is a God of mercy. He is a God of love. He is a God of peace and reassurance, and I look to Him in times such as this as a comfort and a source of strength."
  • No one knows how long it will last. No one knows precisely where it will be fought. No one knows what it may entail before it is over. We have launched an undertaking the size and nature of which we cannot see at this time.
  • Occasions of this kind pull us up sharply to a realization that life is fragile, peace is fragile, civilization itself is fragile.
  • I urge you as members of this Church to get free of debt where possible and to have a little laid aside against a rainy day.
  • We cannot provide against every contingency. But we can provide against many contingencies.
  • We will not place the Church in debt. We will tailor what we do to the resources that are available.
  • Now, brothers and sisters, we must do our duty, whatever that duty might be. Peace may be denied for a season. Some of our liberties may be curtailed. We may be inconvenienced. We may even be called on to suffer in one way or another. But God our Eternal Father will watch over this nation and all of the civilized world who look to Him. He has declared, "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord." Our safety lies in repentance. Our strength comes of obedience to the commandments of God.
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Sunday, October 12, 2014


Laughter soothes the soul.
Really it does.
It brightens the day.
Makes you want to smile in return.

You see laughter, and don't know the reason for it.

Then, then I don't like it much at all.
Because there's that little paranoid bit of me that wonders.
Are they laughing at me?
That nitpicky self that immediately tries to find something wrong with you, something that would make them laugh.
Is it my dress? My hair? Do I have something on my face? Oh no, I must just look funny.
It gets even worse when you look up and see them looking at you and smiling/laughing.

All self-confidence I might have had....gone.
That front, trying to be confident. Really. Really it's hard to put on.
Especially when you go in expecting to not have much interaction even though you want it.

Going anywhere by yourself.
You feel vulnerable.
Seeing a group of girls staring in your direction?
Totally every high school nightmare ever really.

Hopefully one day....confidence will stay when I hear laughter and don't know the reason behind it. Be better at convincing myself that they're not laughing at me, that they just happened to be looking in my direction.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was in my parents backyard. And there were these three guys. Teasing me. Picking on me, I tried to run up the hill, but was worried about my purse, all the stuff I had in there. I fished around in it looking for something to defend myself with. I couldn't find anything, and one of the guys was coming straight at me. So...I stood my ground, and earthbended. Taking on the Toph look. I focused mainly on shooting one guy up and down in the air, finally throwing him like a catapult over the grape fence that separated my parent's back yard and my neighbors Schaer's I intended to continue, but he started earthbending back at me. Covering himself in a rock armor. He came at me, the other two came at me....

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
And I became myself again. :)


Saturday, October 11, 2014

Sleep? Think Again

Apparently cleaning and early morning work shifts don't go together.

You see, I'd spent most of my day off of work cleaning up the disaster area that was my bedroom in preparation for a cleaning check that would happen the next day.
The catch was that I had a deadline.
I couldn't clean past a certain time because I had early morning work. Like the wake up before the sun early morning shifts. Shifts that I hadn't had for a while.
In any case, I actually managed to get done cleaning an hour before my set bedtime.
Which was great! It gave me time to relax, to unwind, to go to sleep at the hour I was supposed to.
A much better experience really than my last cleaning check, where I had a night shift and a morning shift, and no time to I stayed up all night.
Really, all in all. It should have gone off without a problem.
But it didn't.
For some reason, it seemed like I was subconsciously paranoid that I was going to oversleep and miss my work shift.
It may be that I was hearing my phone ding a ling in the middle of the night -because I put it on sound in case someone needed me, and emails like to come in the middle of the night. (go figure that out. Silly email senders.) And so hearing those noises without actually hearing them because I was asleep...may have sent my body into waking mode.
May have.
Who knows.
But I know that after 2am I ended up waking up every hour until my alarm went off in various states of paranoia that I was going to be late for work.
Seriously, not restful sleep at all.
Understandable that I would worry about sleeping through work, but not when I went to bed so early...

Who knows. Hopefully I don't have that sort of mixture happen again so I can actually be awake at work...

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

My alarm had woken me up, and I was ready for work, but my parents were watching a little bit of Avatar the Last Airbender in their room, and since I had time, I decided to watch til the end of the episode. But when I glanced at the clock after the show had ended, the time said 10:22. I did a double take. That couldn't be right! But it was. Somehow...I was now FOUR hours late for work!! In a panic I ran out of the house, pulling out my phone to see I had a couple of texts and voice messages, I didn't see who from, but I could only assume it was my managers trying to contact me. I didn't take the time to read/listen to them. I jumped in my car, and took off, but I hit a snag at center street. The whole road was under construction. The Asphalt had been torn up, the road was pitted with gravel, bumps, dips...basically a nearly impassable mess, but I tried. Stuck in traffic I got out of the car to jump down at the Atlantis Burger's parking lot to see if my car could make the same jump down, and the construction guys didn't think it was possible. Though they weren't totally paying me any mind as they were focused on getting their jack hammers to work in the ground, burying it up and having it vibrate the soil away. To make matters worse, it seemed like there was some mechanical problem with my car that needed to be fixed....

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)
