Saturday, October 11, 2014

Sleep? Think Again

Apparently cleaning and early morning work shifts don't go together.

You see, I'd spent most of my day off of work cleaning up the disaster area that was my bedroom in preparation for a cleaning check that would happen the next day.
The catch was that I had a deadline.
I couldn't clean past a certain time because I had early morning work. Like the wake up before the sun early morning shifts. Shifts that I hadn't had for a while.
In any case, I actually managed to get done cleaning an hour before my set bedtime.
Which was great! It gave me time to relax, to unwind, to go to sleep at the hour I was supposed to.
A much better experience really than my last cleaning check, where I had a night shift and a morning shift, and no time to I stayed up all night.
Really, all in all. It should have gone off without a problem.
But it didn't.
For some reason, it seemed like I was subconsciously paranoid that I was going to oversleep and miss my work shift.
It may be that I was hearing my phone ding a ling in the middle of the night -because I put it on sound in case someone needed me, and emails like to come in the middle of the night. (go figure that out. Silly email senders.) And so hearing those noises without actually hearing them because I was asleep...may have sent my body into waking mode.
May have.
Who knows.
But I know that after 2am I ended up waking up every hour until my alarm went off in various states of paranoia that I was going to be late for work.
Seriously, not restful sleep at all.
Understandable that I would worry about sleeping through work, but not when I went to bed so early...

Who knows. Hopefully I don't have that sort of mixture happen again so I can actually be awake at work...

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

My alarm had woken me up, and I was ready for work, but my parents were watching a little bit of Avatar the Last Airbender in their room, and since I had time, I decided to watch til the end of the episode. But when I glanced at the clock after the show had ended, the time said 10:22. I did a double take. That couldn't be right! But it was. Somehow...I was now FOUR hours late for work!! In a panic I ran out of the house, pulling out my phone to see I had a couple of texts and voice messages, I didn't see who from, but I could only assume it was my managers trying to contact me. I didn't take the time to read/listen to them. I jumped in my car, and took off, but I hit a snag at center street. The whole road was under construction. The Asphalt had been torn up, the road was pitted with gravel, bumps, dips...basically a nearly impassable mess, but I tried. Stuck in traffic I got out of the car to jump down at the Atlantis Burger's parking lot to see if my car could make the same jump down, and the construction guys didn't think it was possible. Though they weren't totally paying me any mind as they were focused on getting their jack hammers to work in the ground, burying it up and having it vibrate the soil away. To make matters worse, it seemed like there was some mechanical problem with my car that needed to be fixed....

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


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